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本文(政府管理从繁文缛节到结果创造一个少花钱多办事的政府1993国家绩效评估委员之欧阳历创编.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、政府管理从繁文缛节到结果创造一个少花钱多办事的政府1993国家绩效评估委员之欧阳历创编从繁文缛节到结果:创造一个少花钱多办事的政府(1993,国家绩效评估委员会) 时间:2021.02.09创作人:欧阳历From red tape to results: creating a government that works better and costs lessThe national performance reviewOur goal is to make the entire federal government both less expensive and more efficien

2、t, and to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment. We intend to redesign, to reinvent, to reinvigorate the entire national government.President bill Clinton我们的目标是创建一个高效率少花费的政府, 同时改造我们自满的权利倾向的官僚作风。我们要重新设计,重新创造,再次复兴我们整个国民政府

3、。Public confidence in the federal government has never been lower. The average American believes we waste 48 cents of every tax dollar. Five of every six want “fundamental change” in Washington. Only 20 percent of Americans trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time-down fro

4、m 76 30 years ago!公众对政府的信心从来没有这么低过,美国民众认为每一美元的税收有48分是被浪费了。六分之五的人希望在华盛顿进行基础改造。只有百分之二十的人认为政府大部分时候做的决定是正确的远比30年前的76%低的多。We all know why. Washingtons failures are large and obvious. For a decade, the deficit has run out of control. The national debt now exceeds $4 trillion-$16,000for every man, woman, a

5、nd child in America.我们都知道原因,华盛顿这方面的失误很明显。甚至赤字有十多年的时间处于失控状态。国债现在已经超过4万亿美元欠了大概每一个美国公民,无论男人,女人还是小孩$16,000 左右。But the deficit is only the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface, Americansbelieve, lies enormous unseen waste. The Defense Department owns more than $40 billion in unnecessary supplies. The In

6、ternal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions in unpaid bills. A century after industry replaced farming as Americas principal business, the Agriculture Department still operates more than 12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly 4 for every county in the nation-rural, urban, or sub

7、urban. The federal government seems unable to abandon the obsolete. It knows how to add, but not to subtract.但是赤字还只不过是问题冰山露出水面的尖角而已。美国人认为在这个表面下还有着巨大的看不见的浪费。国防部将400多亿美元用于不太必要的供应品上。美国国税局绞尽脑汁为未付的帐单筹款。在工业取代农业成为美国的主要行业的一个世纪以来,农业部仍然通过超过12,000的下属部门运作,大概平均每个县就有4个左右无论是城市、农村还是郊外。联邦政府似乎还不能够轻装上阵,他似乎只知道添加,但不会精简。

8、And yet, waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply broke; it is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us the savings and loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing pro

9、grams undermine our families and cities.但是显然,不仅仅只有浪费这个问题。联邦政府不只是有轻微的毛病,更糟的是它已经千疮百孔了。无效的财政政策带给了我们储蓄和贷款的崩溃。糟糕的教育和培训项目削弱了我们的竞争优势。差劲的福利住房项目破坏了我们的家庭和城市。We spend $25billion a year on welfare, $27 billion on food stamps, and $13 billion on public housing-yet more Americans fall into poverty every year. We

10、spend $12 billion a year waging war on drugs-yet the average American has no idea where to get job training, and skills of our workforce fall further behind those of our competitors.我们每年在福利上花费250亿美元,花270亿在粮票,还有130亿在公共住房上然而越来越多的美国人却陷入了贫困。 每年我们花费120亿来抵制毒品然而美国民众却不知道去哪里得到职业培训,获得工作技能,这导致我们落后于我们的那些竞争者们。It

11、 is almost as if federal programs were designed not to work. In truth, few are “designed” at all; the legislative process simply churns them out, one after another, year after year. Its little wonder that when asked if “government always manages to mess things up,” tow-thirds of Americans say “yes.”

12、似乎联邦计划是专门设计成为不能切实操作的表面文章。事实上,几乎没有计划是故意设计成这样的;立法机关不过年复一年的艰难的重复制定出一个又一个这些无效的计划。毫无疑问,如果我们问“是不是联邦政府运行的一团糟”三分之二的美国人会回答“是”。To borrow the words of a recent Brookings Institution book, we suffer not only a budget deficit but a performance deficit. Indeed, public opinion experts argue that we are suffering t

13、he deepest crisis of faith in government in our lifetimes. In past crisesWatergate or the Vietnam War, for exampleAmericans doubted their leaders on moral or ideological grounds. They felt their government was deceiving them or failing to represent their values.Todays crisis is different: people sim

14、ply fell that government doesnt work.借用布鲁克林协会书刊上的一句话,我们正被痛苦的煎熬着,不仅仅是预算赤字,还有政府绩效的失灵。确实是这样的,民意专家告诉大家我们的政府正在承受着前所未有的信誉危机。以前的危机,像水门事件或是越南战争,美国民众只是对政府的道德观和意识形态产生怀疑, 他们感觉到自己被政府欺骗了,或者说是政府没能成功地代表他们的价值观。今天的危机却是不同的:人们就是认为政府运作失败。In Washington, debate rarely focuses on the performance deficit. Our leaders spend

15、 most of their time debating policy issues. But if the vehicle designed to carry out policy is broken, new policies wont take us anywhere. If the car wont turn, it hardly matters where we point it; we wont get there. Today, the central issue we face is not what government does, but how it works.在华盛顿

16、,政府从不在绩效失灵上讨论。我们的领导者将大部分的时间用来讨论政策问题。但是如果贯彻执行政策的车辆不能运转了,新政策又能带我们驶向何方呢?如果车辆出故障了,那么我们的目的地在哪已经不重要了,因为我们永远无法到达。现今我们最重要的问题不是政府做什么而是怎么做。We have spent too much money for programs that dont work. Its time to make our government work for the people, learn to do more with less, and treat taxpayers like customers.我们在无效的项目上花费了太多。现在是我们的政府学会如何为民众服务,如何多干事少花钱,同时要将我们的纳税人看作我们的顾客来对待的时候了。President Clinton created the Natio

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