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1、s really excited to show us his new G-Wagon.“可牛逼了 老哥”Its sick, dude.是啊Yeah.“是哑光黑的 和贾斯丁比伯的一样”s matte black, just like Justin Biebers.“我41岁”Im 41.妈妈 我的书找不到了Mom, I cant find my books.莎拉 去把鞋穿上Sarah, go put your shoes on.乔纳 乔纳Jonah. Jonah.现在不是在玩游戏 好吧Were not playing a game right now, okay?乔纳 把这只脚给我 这只脚 进

2、来Jonah, give me this foot. This foot, right in here.不要香蕉脚 快来Not banana feet. Come on.- 这里 - 我还是找不到- Right here. - I still cant find it!莎拉 去我卧室里找 你落在我床上了Sarah, look in my bedroom! You left it in my bed!我的 别乱动Oh, my. Just hold still.- 别乱动 别乱动 - 疼- Hold still. Hold still! - Ow!这不是我们的停车场This is not our

3、lot.- 什么 - 去那个停车场- What? - Go to the other parking lot.不不不 宝贝 另一个停车场满了No, no, no, honey, the other lot is full.我们今天得停在这里 好吧We have to park here today, okay?- 那个停车场 - 别又来啊- Other lot. - Not again.那个停车场 那个停车场Other lot. Other lot.- 那个停车场 那个停车场 - 乔纳 我要去见贝尔夫人- Other lot. Other lot. - Jonah, I have to mee

4、t with Mrs. Bell.- 那个停车场 那个停车场 - 三分钟前就该到了- Other lot! Other lot! - Like, three minutes ago.- 那个停车场 - 咱们就停在这里 好吗 - Lets just park here, okay?- 那个停车场 - 乔纳 求你了 - Jonah, please?- 那个停车场 那个停车场 - 我得去见贝尔夫人 - I have to meet with Mrs. Bell- 不不不 - 迟到三分钟了- No, no, no! - three minutes ago!- 不不不 不不不 - 咱们就停在这里 No,

5、 no, no!s just park here!- 妈妈 让他闭嘴 - 那个停车场 妈妈- Mom, make him stop! - Other lot, Mama!- 那个停车场 - 你知道他对他的惯例的态度 - You know how he gets with his routine.他不喜欢我们用不同的方式t like it when we do things diff.哦天哪Oh, my God! Jesus Christ!那个停车场满了 咱们就停在这里吧The other lot is full! Lets just park here.- 不 不 - 乔纳- No! No!

6、- Jonah!你高兴了吗You happy now?欢迎圣维特斯小学快点Come on.嗨Hi.嗨 劳丽Hi, Laurie.抱歉我来晚了Sorry Im so late.堵车堵了好几条路Regent was backed up for blocks.- 嗨 马洛 - 嗨- Hi, Marlo. - Hi.你开始休产假了吗Oh. Are you on maternity leave yet?你看起来像是随时都要生了You look like youre about to pop.- 嗯 周五就是最后一天了 - 哇- Yeah, Friday was my last day. - Wow.-

7、真是个福分 - 是啊- Such a blessing. - Yes.我也不想像个复读机一样Well, I hate to sound like a broken record,但我得和你谈谈乔纳but I need to talk to you about Jonah.马维什小姐跟我说他的课Miss Marvish tells me that he is still having还是上得很艰难 然后现在我们开始a really tough time in class, and now were starting担心他情感方面的成长了to get worried about his emoti

8、onal development.进幼儿园也是个艰难的转变Well, kindergarten is a tough transition.但现在都四月了But its April.- 这倒也是 - 嗯- Thats true. - Yeah.况且他生活上也要出现重大的混乱了And hes about to have a really big disruption in his life, too.- 孩子 哦对 是 - 嗯- The. Oh, yes. Yeah. - Yeah.- 嗯 - 这些我都考虑过了- Yeah. - No, I have thought about all of t

9、hat.对 我们知道 乔纳很可爱Right, and look, Jonahs a sweetheart.我们都爱他We love him.但你知道 他是个不寻常的小孩But as you know, hes an. Out-of-the-box kid.他很古怪Hes quirky.而且他班上还有24个孩子And there are 24 other children in the class,乔纳需要占用老师那么多时间 对其他孩子不太公平and its not fair to them that Jonah needs so much of the teachers time.确实 不公平

10、 你也应该知道No. Its not fair. You should know,我们在家也在解决他发脾气的问题weve been working through the meltdowns at home.- 好 - 他现在好多了- Good. - Hes doing much better.现在也在给他实验这个新的治疗方法And doing this new therapy on him that.我们觉得一对一的辅&导&对乔纳更有好处We think that Jonah could benefit from a one-to-one aide.就是一个只为他服务的老师Thats a t

11、eacher thats there just for him,整天都能看着他who shadows him during the day,给他提供他需要的所有额外支持and gives him all the extra support he requires.- 这太好了 - 是啊s amazing. - Yeah.所以这个辅&老师是学校的老师吗And so that aide is here on staff?不是 我们不提供这种辅&老师No, we dont provide aides.所以我还得出去自己找这些辅&So I have to go out and get aides al

12、l by myself?对 你得雇一个这样的人Yes, youd need to hire this person.我还花钱请辅&老师们m paying for aides?一个辅&老师 他只需要一个辅&One aide. He just needs one aide.好吧 我想想办法Okay. Ill figure that out.无论如何 我们对圣维的学生一般Anyway, we dont normally make these kind of accommodations不做这种安排 但是我们很喜欢你们家 所以for students at Saint Vs, but we love

13、your family, so.非常感谢 我真的感激Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.不客气Youre welcome.- 这应该会很好的 - 是啊- This is gonna be great. - Yeah.- 是啊 - 祝你一天顺利- Yeah. - Have a great day, okay?- 谢谢 你也是 - 没事- Thank you. You, too. - You- 好的 再见 - 再见- All right, bye-bye. - Bye.下一个Next.我能Can I, um.好吧 就给我一杯无因脱脂拿铁All rig

14、ht, let me just get a decaf skim latte.你知道即便是无因里面也会有一些咖&啡&因&的吧You know there are trace amounts of caffeine even in decaf, right?哈Huh?哦 这个 是啊Oh, this. Yeah.就跟你说一下Just so you know.你还要吗You still want it?要再要一个玛芬And a muffin.马洛Marlo?小维Vi?哦Oh.Hey.你在这里干什么呢What are you doing out here?我到城里来参加一个朋友办的葬礼Um, Im i

15、n town for a friends memorial.- 嗯 她父亲去世了 - 哦 我很难过- Yeah, her dad passed away. - Oh, Im sorry.别难过 他是个混&No, dont be. Hes a dick.你在这里干什么呢 你住在这里吗What are you doing here? You live here now?俩孩子Two kids.没啥变化Nothings changed.好吧好吧 我该走了 赶紧把咖啡带回家Well, I should go, I should get this coffee home省得它也变得又黑又冷 像我的子&宫

16、&一样before it gets as cold and black as my womb.我的电&话&你还有吧You still got my number?我有个旧号&码I have a old number.对 还是那个Yeah, its the same one.我还在布&什&威克m still in Bushwick.你还住在那个阁楼公&寓&You still live at the loft?对啊 你有时间打给我吧Yeah. You should call me sometime.- 好 - 好吧- Yeah. - Okay?你们期不期待见到表弟表妹呀Hey, are you g

17、uys excited to see your cousins?- 嗯 - 那条狗会出来吗- Yeah. - Is the dog gonna be out?乔纳 小伙 那条狗不会伤害你的 他也就两斤重Jonah, buddy. That dog cant hurt you, hes, like, two pounds.那条狗叫啥来着What is that dogs name again?普罗塞克Prosecco.我想自杀I wanna kill myself.啥What?不 妈妈开玩笑的 宝贝 像小丑一样No, Mommys joking, honey, like a clown.哼哼Ho

18、nk, honk.你还好吧You all right?那是克雷格叔叔的新车吗Is that Uncle Craigs new car?是的 是辆奔驰越野车Yeah, thats a G-Wagon.- 我们能买&一辆吗 - 不行- Can we get one? - Nope.你不想买&这种车的 它们总是会起火You wouldnt want one. They catch fire all the time.妈妈又在开玩笑了Mommys joking again.对 所以它才是这种黑色s why its all black like that.- 说不定已经着过火了 - 你骗我呢- Prob

19、ably caught fire already. - Youre lying.别靠太近了t get too close.Hey!- 嗨 - 莎拉 我要把这双靴子- Hey! - Sarah, Im gonna steal those boots从你脚上偷走 太可爱了right off your feet, theyre so cute.- 嗨 伊利斯 - 嗨- Hey, Elyse. - Hey.嗨各位 我们在游戏房&间Hi, guys. We made an obstacle course建了一条障碍跑道 你们想不想去看看in the playroom if you want to com

20、e check it out.这是沙斯塔 我们家的保姆This is Shasta, our nanny.- 嗨 - 我们买&了个卡拉OK- Hi. - Weve got karaoke.是的 我们买&了个卡拉OK机Yeah. We got a karaoke machine.- 真酷 - 好吧- Cool! - All right.沙斯塔太棒了Shastas so awesome.她有个早教的硕士学位She has a masters degree in early childhood education.我都觉得应该让她来使唤我I feel like she should be telli

21、ng me what to do.马洛 你都在发光呢Marlo, youre glowing.天哪 真的吗 我感觉自己是个废弃的垃圾船God, really? Cause I feel like an abandoned trash barge.哦 八十年代的时候 有这么个大船Oh. In the 80s, there was this giant boat里面装满了垃圾 就这么filled with garbage that just.在东海岸漂来漂去好几周Drifted up and down the East Coast for weeks.他们搞不清楚扔到哪里去They couldnt

22、 figure out where to dump it,所以最终 他们就把船停靠在了布鲁克林so eventually, they just docked the boat in Brooklyn,把垃圾都烧掉了burned all that trash.第九个月确实很难The ninth month is tough.我记得我当时几乎都去不了健身房&了I remember I could barely make it to the gym.棒Yes!- 给我吧 - 棒 莫罗一家来了- Let me take this. - Yes! The Moreaus have arrived.今晚会

23、很棒的s gonna be a great night.- 德鲁 你还好吗兄弟 - 克雷格 你好- Drew, how are you, buddy? - Craig. Hows it going?真高兴见到你 马洛Great to see you. Marlo.嗯 我现在是个拥抱缓冲器了Yeah, Im a personal hug buffer now.哦对啊 就像你一直想要的Oh, yeah. Just what youve always wanted.这其实说得挺对的s actually kind of true.你什么时候生来着When is your due date again?

24、- 周一 - 老天 别生在这里了- Monday. - Jesus, dont have it here.她可以生在风吕里She could have it in the ofuro.我们有一个日式浴缸We just got this Japanese soaking tub.- 克雷格的老板刚给我们的 - 哇- Craigs boss gave it to us. - Wow.我老板就会传染给我流感My boss once gave me the flu.所以你们怎么想 是男孩还是女孩So, what are we thinking, its a boy or a girl?- 怎么个情况

25、- 我觉得- Whats happening here? - You know, I feel- 绝对是男孩 - 马洛这次- like its definitely a boy. - Marlo didnt want不想提前搞清楚 但我其实希望能知道to find out this time, but I kind of wish we did.四十多岁了 谁还需要这种惊喜 是吧Mid-40s, who needs the surprise, right?你随时都能搞清楚了 所以Well, youre gonna find out any day now, so.激动吧Exciting.嗯Ye

26、p.孩子们坐哪啊Whoa. Where. Where are the kids sitting?他们和沙斯塔在一起Oh, theyre with Shasta.他们有自己的适合小孩的空间They have their own little kid-friendly spread.松露芝士意面 还有点蔬菜Truffle mac and cheese, something green.是啊 幸运的小混&们Yeah, lucky little bastards.哇 那我们真能聊点啥了Wow, we can actually have a conversation.我就说I know, right?对了Siri 播放嘻哈音乐Siri, play hip-hop.

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