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1、28. Be quiet! Your little brother _ in the bedroom now. A. slept B. sleeps C. will sleep D. is sleeping29. Which hat do you like_, the blue one or the brown one? The brown one. A. good B. better C. best D. the best30. Would you like to hang out with me this weekend? Id love to, _I have a lot of thin

2、gs to do. A. so B. or C. but D. and31. _ is the bridge over there? Its about 480 meters long. A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How much32. Gina_ a lot since she joined the art club. A. learns B. learned C. will learn D. has learned33. A. party _ in our school next month. Im looking forward to

3、it. A. held B. holds C. is held D. will be held34. Do you know _ now, Steven? In Australia. A. Where Sarah lived B. where did Sarah live C. where Sarah lives D. where does Sarah live五完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)I stood in line to sign up for the middle school track(田径)team.“Track isnt an 35 sport.” the coach sa

4、id. “Are you ready to practice hard every day?”“Oh, yes. I love running.” I replied.“Well, thats good,” the coach said.“ 36 starts tomorrow after school.”I was a little nervous about running with mostly older students, but I decided to face my fear.“Welcome to the first day of practice.” the coach o

5、rdered everyone to the bottom of a sand hill. “Okay.”, he said, “This is the 37_ practice well do all season. You are going to run up and down the sand hill ten times as fast as you can. If you cant 38_ it, move to the side.” We all lined up, legs ready.“Go!”the coach shouted, and 39 we went.I consi

6、dered myself a bit small but strong. Running up that hill, however, was harder than I had imagined it would be. The sand kept falling down under my feet and it was hard to keep balance(平衡). I tried 40 my feet in deeper, but people kept passing me shouting “Look out!” and “Move off to the side!“Dont

7、cry,” I told myself as tears filled my eyes. I had to step aside. I went home from practice feeling like a(an) 41.That night my dad noticed sad face and asked what was wrong. The story came pouring out. Dad listened quietly and then asked, “How 42 do you want to run?“I really want to run,” I whisper

8、ed through my tears.“Then, run,” he said. “Everyone will respect you if you dont stop and give 43 all you have. I know how strong-mined you can be when you set your mind to it.”The next day the hill looked as hard as it had been the day before, but I had a new attitude and something to 44. “Go!” the

9、 coach shouted. Several older students ran by me as we started up the hill. I still fell in the sand, and I still wanted to leave every step of the way; but I kept 45 slowly and progressively. When I reached the top, I gave a silent cheer and headed back down again. My dad was right. I won 46 that d

10、ay and became a part of the team. On my last time down, everyone clapped and cheered.35.A.oldB.easyC.excitingD.unusual36.A. PracticeB.ProgressC.ClassD.Work37.A.funniestB.hardestC.safestD.worst38.A.getB.findC.makeD.follow39.A.awayB.outC.upD.by40.A.fixingB.restingC.shakingD.digging41.A.strangerB.failu

11、reC.honorD.hero42.A.badlyB.quicklyC.hardD.well43.A.themB.youC.usD.it44.A.changeB.realizeC.learnD.prove45.A.climbingB.jumpingC.fallingD.rushing46.A.trustB.praiseC.respectD.support阅读理解(共44分)六阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择最佳选项(共26分,每小题2分)AGrade 9Welcomes You to ParentsNight!Welcome to Parents N

12、ight at Johnson School On Tuesday night. We will share some of our work with you.Please spend some time looking around our classroom. Here are some of the things you will find:A class book, the Bare Facts about Bears, that we just published. Each student wrote one page about a bear of his or her cho

13、ice.Some of the bears you will about polar bears.Maps of the countries we are studying. Through our maps, you will learn about India, Mexico, and France. You will also know about the different countries and languages of these countries.Models of the planets in our solar system. We used small balls a

14、nd colored paper to build a model of planets and the sun.Our classroom store. Here we buy and sell things. We learn about money and also practice math skills.47. When is Parents Night? A. On Tuesday B. On Friday C. On Thursday D. On Monday48. Which country will parents learn about through the map? A

15、. China B. France C. The UK D. The USA49. What do students do at the classroom store? A. They make a bear book. B. They see planet models. C. They draw a lot of maps. D. They buy and sell things.BTom and his best friend Rob were out of school for the summer. They had been swimming, gone to the movie

16、s, played video games, and even built a castle out of some old cardboard boxes. But today they were so bored. “At least we would have something to do.” Tom thought for a while and suggested, “Lets make some popcorn and lemonade and sell it outside.”The boys went to the kitchen and asked Toms mom if

17、she would help them make some lemonade while they popped the popcorn. Toms mom got the lemons from the refrigerator and also a small amount of sugar. She mixed up the lemonade while the boys started popping the popcorn.Tom and Rob got a small table from the garage and set it up near the sidewalk. Th

18、ey made a red sign telling everyone that popcorn and lemonade was for sale. The boys sat for about ten minutes before they got their first sale. Mrs. Jenkins, one of their neighbors, was walking her dog. “Its so hot today.” “I sure can use a drink,” she said. Soon the boys were busy handing out popc

19、orn to Mr. Baker. He was walking down the street sending the mail. “I need a break,” he said. “Walking all over the neighborhood gave me an appetite.”The boys had only three popcorn bags left and enough lemonade for three more cups. “Wow, I didnt think the popcorn and lemonade would sell that fast.

20、We made six dollars,” said Tom. “If we get bored again before school starts, we can try selling more lemonade with cookies(饼干) next time,” laughed Rob.50. What did Tom suggest? A. Swimming with their friends. B. Buying some sugar and cookies. C. Making some popcorn and lemonade. D. Going to the movi

21、es and playing games.51. Where did Tom and Rob set up the table? A. Near the sidewalk. B. In the kitchen. C. At the supermarket. D. Outside the school.52. What did Tom and Rob learn from this experience? A. People might prefer to buy things on sale. B. They could do something new to have fun. C. Mr.

22、 Baker liked sending mails very much. D. Mrs. Jenkins needed help to walk the dog.CMost of the things around you will be replaced or thrown away someday. Where will they go when they are thrown out? What kinds of waste will they create, and how will it affect the environmentMost of our crash goes to

23、 places called landfills. A LANDFILL is a low area of land that is filled with garbage(垃圾).Most modern landfills are lined with a cover of plastic to keep dangerous liquids(液体)from polluting earth and ground water supply. The problem is that more than half of the states in this country are running o

24、ut of places to landfill their garbage. Because of the unhealthy materials, landfills do not make good neighbors,and people dont want to live near them. Many landfills are set in poor neighborhoods.The Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, New York, was the largest garbage landfill in the world. Fo

25、r years, people who live nearby complained about air and water pollution caused by the enormous pile of trash. They say that the smoke have made people sick. The landfill closed inApril 2001.Now can a harmful wastematerial that can pollute air, land, and water be disposed of in a safe way.Another wa

26、y to get rid of trash is to burn it. Trash is burned in an incinerator._ Because incinerators in operation can get rid of almost all of the trash, some communities would rather use incinerators than landfills. There is a problem, though. Leftover ash and smoke from burning trash may have dangerous c

27、hemicals, and even make it hard for some people to breathe. They can harm plants, animals, and people.You can help reduce(减少)waste by reusing bottles, batteries, and paper. You can also recycle newspaper, glass, and plastics t to provide materials for making other products.From recycled materials, m

28、any things are made. For example, from recycled paper we can get newspapers, boxes and so on. From recycled plastic we can get soda bottles, tables, and backpacks.53. Why dont landfills make good neighbors? A. Because there are unhealthy materials in them. B. Because people prefer to live in the cit

29、y center. C. Because landfills are not big enough for trash. D. Because most states are running out of places.54. What does the underlined word “incinerator”_probably mean? A. An area to collect trash. B. A machine to burn trash C. A method that is used to burn trash. D.A station that is run by selling trash.55. What is probably the best title for the passage? A. How Is Trash Burned? B. What Can Be Reused. C. Why Is Waste Dangerous? D. Where Does Garbage Go?DNearly all kids have had the same experience. They are eating in a restaurant with their parents. They f

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