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1、新视野大学英语第三册unit9Work: develop smoothly,There have been enormous problems about the project, but it all works out now.Store away: keep sth away for later useThe electronic equipment is safely stored away in the study. Freezer, Refrigerator 冰箱Collection 收集,收藏品Verify: make certain of sth, prove the trut

2、h of sthThe teachers should be given a competence test to verify that they are competent to be a teacher.Qualification test资格测试Competence test 能力测试Insist on 1. 坚持某事2. 坚持说He insisted on not being there at that time.Groom-to-be 准新郎Postgraduate-to-be Address the problem 解决问题Prospective buyer/employee 潜

3、在的、未来的Gain in: get more of a particular quality Gain in confidence/ powerFinancial asset 财产,资产Finance 金融 v.融资Estate 财产 real estate 房地产Communism 共产主义Community property: property that is belonged to both the man and woman Reasonable distribution: fair division of the property decided by a judgeDivide

4、dividend Make/ hit the headline 成为头条,受到瞩目Beckham hit the headline again scoring 3 points in last nights game.Exposure: 1. the state of being put into a harmful situation 暴露于 Exposure to the wind left my lips dry. Even a brief exposure to the radiation is dangerous.Radiology 放射科 2. the act of making

5、sth publicly known Repeated exposure of governmental corruption have appeared in the newspaper. Negroes black people Shield: to protect sth from being damaged He is anxious to shield his children from the press.Press Conference 记者发布会Be in line for: be likely to do sth. John is in line for the presid

6、ency of the club for next year. Be in line for the promotion 有可能得到晋升Document 文件 documentary 纪录片Misplace 放错Misinformation 错误信息Misunderstand 误解Misleading 误导的 Draw up:起草 prepare a written document, such as a list or contract The two countries drew up a peace treaty after the war ended.Press-PressureA s

7、word hanging over ones head: sth dangerous is around the corner Cite: 引用The examples he cites is misleading and irrelevant. Under ones noseThe thief stole away the famous painting in the museum under the guards nose.Body guard 保镖Awkward:1. making someone feel embarrassed Laugh can help people out of

8、 an awkward situation.2. moving or walking in a way that is not relaxed or comfortableAn awkward girl is no help in a kitchen. forge英f:d美frd, fordn.锻造车间;熔铁炉,锻铁炉;铁匠铺,铁匠工场;vi.锻制,锻造;伪造;犯伪造罪;vt.锻造;伪造;捏造,编造;制订;Itistryingtoforgepost-Americanglobalization.它正尝试打造后美国时代的全球化。Kenyanshopethatafiercelyfoughtelect

9、ionwillforgeatruerdemocracy,notcause morebloodshed.肯尼亚人希望一个历经激战的选举最终能打造一个更真实的民主制度,而不是引发更多的流血事件。SomeforgeSyrianpaperstoslipinandhidewithrelatives.有人伪造叙利亚身身份溜进约旦和亲属藏在一起。Hemayalsofindithardtoforgeadifferentrelationshipbetweenthebankandthenew donors.金墉博士还可能发现,要打造全新的银行与新捐赠人关系也非常困难。.Thisweektheworldcomest

10、ogetheragain,and thistimetoforgeaglobalplanforjobs andgrowth. 这个星期各国再次会合,目的就是要锻造出一个就业和经济增长fd的全球性计划。1. Dispute-disputable 引起纷争的Passport 护照visa签证Circum- 环绕,围绕Circumstance 环境Circumnavigate 环球航行Circumscribe 限制,约束Circumvent 回避Circumscription 接线,限制(script=write)Static静止的,不变的 stable 稳定的,固定的Window-shoppingC

11、ourt-shopping: one may choose a court among several for a legal suit. Enter into1. 签署,sign Making an official agreement on sth They entered into a contract after rounds of negotiations.2. begin doing sthThe government has entered into negotiations with the union. 政府开始和工会谈判European Union 欧盟Reunion 重聚

12、Unilateral 单边的Bilateral 双边的Bilingual 双语的Bicycle 自行车 Multiple adj.1.由多个部分组成的;复合的;多样的We use the hall formultiplepurposes.这个大厅我们派多种用途。He is a person ofmultipleachievements.他是个取得多种成就的人。2.复杂的3.多人享有的multiply乘以;繁衍;成倍增加;adv. 多样地1.The term to be added are the multiplicand multiplied by each of the bits of th

13、e multiplier各相加项等于乘数的各位乘以被乘数。2.These permutationsmultiplytowards infinity. 这些排列可以增加到无穷大。3.To cause (an organism) tomultiplyor breed.增殖使(有机体)数量增多或生育。4.God said, “Be fruitful andmultiply.”上帝说:”要丰收多产。Have a bearing on 与有关系, 对有影响What you have said has no bearing on the subject.Lay bare: 曝光,披露,使某事被知晓The

14、committees report lay bare to the corruption of the government. 披露了政府腐败的真相Shed/throw light on: make sth easy to understand, make sth clear New light has shed on the behaviors of Black Hole as a result of the discovery.1.(用于储存园艺工具等的)简易房,小棚屋,小屋Ashedis a small building that is used for storing things s

15、uch as garden tools.a gardenshed. 园艺工艺棚(车站、港口、工厂等里面的)棚式建筑物,2.厂房,工棚,库房Ashedis a large shelter or building, for example at a railway station, port, or factory.disused railwaysheds. 废弃的铁路工棚3.落(叶);蜕(皮);脱(毛)When a treeshedsits leaves, its leaves fall off in the autumn. When an animalshedshair or skin, some of its hair or skin drops off.Some of the trees were already beginning to

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