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1、我很喜欢我的爱好。它提供给我们一个做趣事,做新事的机会,同时它还是我快乐的源泉。7. Beijing has succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games, which shows that China and the Chinese people have confidence and power to host it successfully.北京已成功申办了2008 年的奥运会,这就向世界展示了中国人民有信心也有能力将它举办成功。8. It is necessary to organize a variety of interesting

2、 out-of-class activities, which make our school life colorful.组织各种各样使校园生活丰富多彩的课外活动是非常必要的。9. How important and necessary for us to keep the balance of nature and protect the environment!对于我们来说,维持生态平衡,保护赖以生存的环境是多么重要啊!10. We are living in a big family .We should care for and help each other and think i

3、t a great pleasure to help others when they are in trouble.我们共同生活在一个大家庭中。我们应该学会互相关心,互相帮助,把帮助别人摆脱困扰当成是一种伟大的志趣。11. I think we can relax ourselves after school by playing videogames .But I dont mean we can spend too much time on it when we should study our lessons.我想,在放学后玩一玩电子游戏有益于我们身心的放松,但那样不是说当我们应该学习

4、时还把大量的时间倾注在这上面。12. Time is fair to everyone .Some treasure it while others waste it .Thats why some succeed while others suffer failure .Do remember :Time belongs to ourselves.时间对于每个人都是绝对公平的。有些人会去珍惜时间,然而,有些人却会去浪费时间。那就是在生活中为什么有些人取得了成功,有些人遭受了失败的痛苦,务必要记住:时间是属于我们每一个人的。13. The world seems to have grown s

5、maller as we have fast ways of traveling now.世界似乎变小了,因为我们的交通工具变快了。14. More and more people own their private cars nowadays, which show that the peoples income has been increasing day by day.现在越来越多的人有私人轿车,这表明人们的收入在逐渐增加。15. When people have their own cars, they should pay more attention to the protect

6、ion of the environment and obey the traffic rules.人们拥有私家车后,就应该更注意环保,遵守交通规则。16. The life of the people in my homework has greatly improved these years thanks to the Partys good policy.几年来,在党的好政策的指引下,家乡人民的生活水平稳步提高了。17. The school sports meet was really a success. That was because all of us were in hig

7、h spirits and going all out to act better for our classes.校运动会圆满成功。我们所有的人精神饱满高涨,尽全力为班级赢得荣誉。18. Now I have come to know what labor means .I think what I experienced in this summer vacation is really successful and meaningful.现在我终于懂得了劳动的真谛。这个暑假我所经历的一切都是如此精彩而有意味绵长。19. It is clear from the chart that pe

8、ople can afford to live and eat better day by day as their income increases.从这个表格中不难看出随着收入一天天的增加,人们已有经济实力使吃和住变的更好。20. Everyone has responsibility of saving water. Saving water means saving our earth that is, saving ourselves.我们每个人都有节约用水的责任。节约用水就是拯救地球,也就是拯救我们人类自己。21. The more books we read, the more

9、well learn .Do more reading if we are free.书读的越多,我们了解的就越多,闲暇时做一些阅读是大有裨益的。22. At present, more and more people tend to spend their holidays and weekends doing what they like best. For example, they go for an outing together with their families, and friends, travel in the other countries, and do some

10、reading in the libraries.眼下,越来越多的人趋向于在假期,周末里做人们最喜欢作的事情。比如说,与亲友一起到野外郊游,出国旅游或者在图书馆里读一些书。23. The mobile phones are playing more and more important part in peoples daily life, for it has brought about great convenience when we communicate with each other.手机在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角,因为它为我们的彼此沟通带来了巨大的便利。24. China

11、s succeeded in sending up the first manned spacecraft, which proved that Chinas aerospace technology has reached the leading level. The Chinese people take great pride in it.中国成功地发射了第一艘载人宇宙飞船,这就证明了中国的载人航天技术已跻身于世界领先水平国家的行列。中国人为此倍感骄傲。25. Surfing the internet has become more popular with the people, bo

12、th old and young; men and women. The internet has shortened peoples distance and at the same time benefit the people in different ways.网上冲浪越来越受到人们的欢迎。无论男女老少。因特网缩短了人们之间的距离,同时以不同的方式使人们受益。26. We should not confine ourselves to the classroom. We should go out of the classroom, see the world and talk to

13、others as much as we can.我们不应该满足于课堂教学,我们要走出教室,了解世界,多与别人交谈。27. I always believe in such a saying:”Go straight your own way without caring what others say behind.我只信奉这样一则信条:走自己的路,让别人去说吧28. Now we are not small children any longer .We should spend some of our spare time helping our parents do some hous

14、ework to reduce their burdens, from which we can learn how to care for others. 我们现在已不是小孩子了。我们应该利用一些课余时间来帮帮父母,做些家务,减轻他们的负担,学会怎样关心人。29. The modern world is full of competition and challenge .So from now on we should learn how to catch a chance and hold it in our hands, and how to use it well. 当今世界充满了竞

15、争, 充满了挑战。所以从现在开始,我们要学会抓住遇,运筹帷幄。30. Time is limited but knowledge is boundless .A student should know how to make full use of time and store up as much knowledge as possible. 时光有限但知识的海洋无边。作为一名学生要学会充分利用时间,用知识武装自己。31. Only those who have achieved great success after many failures are really valuable an

16、d praise worthy.只有那些历尽磨难取得巨大成功的人才真的有价值,值得称颂. 32. On the whole, smoking is very harmful and it does no good! For your own health and the health of others, please do not smoke any more!简言之,吸烟有害无益。为了自己和他人的健康请勿吸烟!33. Video games are bad for both physical and mental health of the young .Therefore; video

17、arcades should be banned from cities and towns. 电子游戏对青少年的身体,心理会产生负面影响.34. In my view ,it is reasonable to change the job if you have a better opportunity .But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability ,it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into i

18、t . 在我看来,良禽择木而栖.你如果真的找到了“良木”,就应该安下心尽全力做好35. We need to keep our minds open and question things that we are interested in. Only in this way can we learn more and make our future better than today. 我们要开阔视野,多问问我们感兴趣的东西.这样才能使我们了解更多,让未来比现在更好!36. What is important is not whether we win or not, but whether

19、 we can get up again. 成败不重要,鼓起勇气重新站起来才可贵.37. Animals are good friends of man .Man should try to protect them and let them live in the way they like. 动物是人类的朋友.我们人类要保护我们的朋友,让它们以自己喜欢的方式生活.38. Beijing, the city with a long history, has taken on a new look. The open-door policy of our country has given i

20、t a new life .Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful and lovely .It is on the way of a modern international city. 北京这座历史悠久的城市换了新颜.我国的对外开放政策为这座城市带来生机.北京越来越漂亮,越来越迷人,它即将成为世界性的现代都市.39. The reason why sports are so popular is that sports can keep our body fit. Sports also help us learn to be brave a

21、nd confident when we meet with difficulties. Whats more, we can learn how to get along with our teammates in the games and matches. 大众体育如此受欢迎是因为它能让我们保护身体健康,同时它让我们在遇到困难时可以鼓起勇气,树立信心,还有就是通过运动,我们学会了在比赛中怎样与队友协作.40. Today, fast food is developing very fast and more and more popular with the people, for it

22、 brings people great convenience, especially when they are too busy .But it should be further improved to meet the needs of different people. 眼下,快餐以其给大众带来巨大方便的特点受到了越来越多人的青睐,但快餐还应该进一步的发展来满足不同人的需求.41. Though we were very tired after finishing the work, we all felt happy.尽管完成了工作后我们都筋疲力尽,但我们都觉得充实快乐.42.

23、Lets put stress on the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective actions so that our country could have a brighter future. 我们只有强调计划生育的重要性,号召全民族采取一些有效的措施来调控生育,我们的国家才会拥有一个更美好的未来.43. I do enjoy music .I always listen to music whenever Im free .Music brings me into

24、a different world .The feeling is beyond words .It has become an important part in my life .I can hardly imagine what life would be without music. 我太喜欢听音乐了,只要一有时间我就会听音乐.音乐带我进入了一个不同 的世界.这种感觉无法言喻.音乐以成为我生命中重要的一部分,真的很难想像,如果没有音乐,我的生活会怎样!44. We should show respect for our parents, teachers and the elderly

25、 and at the same time we should also give our love and help to those who are younger than us. Only so can we say that we are excellent Chinese youths, 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼.做到这些我们才能不愧的说我们是合格的中华儿女.45. To be honest will ensure us a happy life. It is better, at all times, to stick to the truth.诚实让你终生受益,永远坚

26、持真理才更可贵.46. Its the responsibility of the whole society to help those children who have dropped out of school .I believe that many children will go back to school with our help. I also believe that the children will certainly repay what they have got from the society. 帮助失学的孩子重回校园是全社会不可推卸的责任.我坚信,有了我们

27、的帮助,更多的孩子可以重返校园.我更坚信这些孩子一定会用他们的一切来回报社会.47. We must work hard at all knowledge of science and technology and at the same time transfer our knowledge to the practical power of producing. 我们应该努力学习每一门科技知识,同时将所学的知识转化成生产实践.48. If everyone presents a bit of love, the world will become a wonderful world. 只要

28、人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。49. Lets be a person of dedication, be a person of getting rid of bad taste, be a person for people and be a noble man. 让我们做一个果断的人,一个脱离低级趣味的人,一个为他人着想的品德高尚的人。50. Everybody in the society should act like Lei Feng, and offer his strength and love to the society and to other people.

29、人人都应学习雷锋,把自己的力量与真爱奉献给社会,奉献给他人51. Diligence and thrift are always considered as a virtue of our nation, which reflects the respect of labor. 勤奋和节俭是中华民族的传统美德,他们影射出我们对劳动成果的尊重.52. It is proved that there is nothing valuable in the life you can get without hard working.不付出艰辛劳动的人将一事无成.53. Only holding gre

30、at ideal one will not lose his direction in the ocean of life and make great achievements. 茫茫人海,只有胸怀大志的人才不会迷失方向,从而取得成功.54. I think it is high time to pass laws giving severe punishment to the tree cutting .In addition; we should educate people not to destroy the surroundings we are living in by developing their environmental awarenes

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