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1、3.The house (着火)at about ten o clock last night but it was soon (扑灭了).4.She came in and (脱下)her coat.5.When did the accident (发生)exactly?6.There are six Atlantic hurricanes each year. (平均)7., he failed the exam. (结果)Module 3 The Violence of NaturePeriod 1 Words and PhrasesLearning aim: to master the

2、 usage of the words and phrases in Module 3Leaning methods: make full use of the textbook, the guidebook and the dictionary.I.New words1.v.经历;n.经验,经历2.纬度 longitude 3. adj.热带的 tropic 4.猛烈的;强烈的adj. n.5.爆发,喷发Vt. n.6.可能n.;adj 一反义词7.幸运地,幸亏adv. ;II.单词释义连线:flooda. large objects that are used in houses, lik

3、e beds, tables,etc.furnitureb. a mountain with a large opening at the top through whichmelting rockseruptc. a great overflow of water on to a place that is usuallydryvolcanod. a storm with a very strong fast windhurricanee. a continuously moving mass of liquid or gascemeteryf. to explode and throw o

4、ut fire, ash, and smokecurrentg. a place where dead people are buried8.disasterh. describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and southof the equator9.featheri. a terrible event10.tropicalj. you can see this on a birdIII.词义辨析occur; happen; take place(1)Leave sb./sth.+(v.-ing/v.-ed/ adj ./adv./介

5、词短语表示“使.处于某种状态” (2)Inside表示“在 里面“形容词作后置定语, 修饰furniture(3)Where it was 是地点状语作 leave 的宾语补足语 3. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.causing about 80 deaths为现在分词短语作状语表结果。分词的逻辑主语与句子的主 语保持一致。e.g. It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in

6、that country.4.By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured.(1 ) by the time意为 引导时间状语从句,主句谓语动词用 时态。(2)过去完成时的被动语态由 构成,表明在过去某个时间或 动作之前已经被完成的动作。5.The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas.6.The cemetery where

7、Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea.end up e.g. If you go on doing that kind of thing , youll end up in the prison.Activity 3 .短文改错A terrible storm took place in a summer night. TheReflection:Period! Reading to know different kind of natural disa

8、stersImportant and difficult points: the language points in the text.Learning methods: reading, geography book, group work , discussing, etc.Activity 1 Read the passage on page 22 and answer these questions.1.What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado?2.How many tornadoes ar

9、e there in the US every year?3.How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?4.What happens during a hurricane?5.When was the worst hurricane of all time?6.What happened to him after the hurricane?Activity 2 Read the passage again and translate the following sentences.1.Tornadoes can pick up

10、 cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street- or even in the next town.2.They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.A scientist said.4.The journalist said, The residents will travel back to the island when the danger is over.The journalist said

11、.5.He said, Half the residents left the island last week.He said.6.He asked, Does this mean that the danger is over,He asked.7.He asked her, “May I go there now.8.He asked me, What were you doing when the earthquake happened.,He asked me.9.He asked the governor, Can we go back to our homes tomorrow?

12、 He asked the governor.10.The tourist asked the local people, Had the fire been put out before firefighterarrived.The tourist asked the local people.III.单项选择wind was so strong that many trees brought down. It 2. was already eleven oclock. Li Ming who had been to 3. night school, was still not back a

13、nd her parents were 4.very anxious. Half an hour later the wind stopped, and it _ 5.was still raining, Li Mings parents were about to looking 6. for him when he returned. Li Ming explained the storm has 7. pushed over many big trees as well telephone lines, blocking 8.the roads and that the bridge h

14、ad been washed away by 9. the floods. So they had been to find another way back.Period3.Grammar to review what we have learnt in Module 3 some language points that the students havent mastered group work; discussing; etc.II.语法专练.把下列直接引语改为间接引语1.The hotel manager said to me , You have to stay in the h

15、otel because this is the start ofa hurricane.,The hotel manager said to me 2.He said , I saw the roof of the house across the road disappear a moment ago.3.A scientist said, Volcanic eruptions dont happened very often on this island.Period4. Words to practice learning skills and revise words and exp

16、ressions in this module group work, discussing, etc.I.单词拼写1,U, hundreds of house caught fire when the lava reached them.2,A tornado is a c of air that turns very quickly in the air.3,A lighting is the flash of light which o during a thunder storm.4,Thousands of people lost their lives during the nat

17、ural d.5,His village was f in the heavy rain, so he had to move to a mountain nearby.6,After he died, he was b with his wife in the country.7,It happened that no one was on the island during the volcanic e.8,Is there any p that well see you this weekend.9,The v earthquake in California in 1906 cause

18、d 500 deaths.10,The tidal wave caused a lot of d to the Southeastern Asian countries.11,单项选择1.We our breakfast when an old man came to the door.A.just have had B. have just hadC. just had D. had just had2.Thirty soldiers were killed and many more were.A. Wounded B. hurt C. injured D. damaged1,By the

19、 time he leaves university , he much work experience so long as he takesa part-time job.A. will have gained B . has gainedC . may have gained D . will gain2.The problem just to be discussed at next meeting .A . referred is B. referred to beC . referring to is D. referred to is3.It suddenly to me tha

20、t the man might be the robber the police had beenhunting for.A. comes B. referred C. happened D. occurred4.He kept looking at her, wondering whether he her somewhere .A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen5.There was a big fire in the building last night., all the people were able to escape.A. Unluc

21、kily B. Fortunately C. To be sure D. Above all6.Children need many things , but they need love.A. above all B. in all C. as well D. after all7.The teacher the exam marks on the wall so that the students could see them.A. put up B. put on C. take down D. take off8.The boss went into the house,the fiv

22、e boys in the rain.A. left; standing B. leaving ; standingC. left; stand D. leaving; stand9.She started with the aim of doing harm to others only ruining herself.A. to end up with B. ending up with1大雨使他们不能去野餐了。(prevent from)2听到孩子的话,他们猛然意识到实际上国王没穿衣服。(wakeup to)3困在了沙漠之中,于成纯只能希望自己能活下来。(be caught in)4他烟

23、瘾很大,因而得了肺癌。(as a result)Period5.ExercisesActivity 1 Read the passage on page 29 and answer these questions1.Where and when was the worst Chinese earthquake?2.Which earthquake caused the worst natural disaster in American history?3.What was the most dangerous thing about the California Earthquake of

24、1906?4.How many people were killed by the earthquake in the whole of California?5.What caused the 1906 earthquake?Activity 2 Read the passage on page81-82 and do exercise 11-12 on page 82.2.Reading comprehension3.A sudden blizzard occurred in Beijing last night,great inconvenience in transport.A.cau

25、sed B. causing C. affecting D. brought4.When they had finished playing, the children were made to all the toys theyhad taken out.A. put off B .put away C. put up D. put out5.一How do you attend the evening classes?一,three times per week.A. long; On the whole B. often; On averageC. soon; Generally spe

26、aking D. much; In all6.When the firemen arrived , the office building for an hour.A. had been on fire B. was on fireC. had caught fire D. caught fire7.When they had finished playing, the children were made to all the toys they8.How do you attend the evening classes?,three times per week.9.-Do you mi

27、nd my taking this seat?A. Yes, sit down B. No, of course notC. Yes, take it D. No, you can5t take it10.When I was walking in the street, I to meet a former friend of mine.A. happened B. broke out C. occurred D. took place11.A sudden blizzard occurred in Beijing last night, great inconvenience in transport.A. caused B. causing C. affecting D. broughtIII.汉译英4.Which

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