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1、Unit4 Drawing in the park词汇 park draw flower them boat river lakedrawing easy difficult try hill again句型 what can you see? 你能看到什么?I can 我能 Good idea! 好主意!Unit5 Seasons词汇seasons spring warm summer hot autumn cool winter coldfly kite放风筝 go boating 去划船 go swimming 去游泳 picnic go climbing 去爬山 go skating

2、去滑冰 fine whose句型 in spring,it is warm 在春天里,它是暖和的。We go boating. 我们去划船。Unit6 Whose dress is this?词汇 dress party coat shirt sweater handtoo trousers glove so jeans shorts wrong move hurt句型 Whose dress is this/that? 这/那是谁的裙子?Whose gloves are thses/those? 这些/那些是谁的手套?Its/Thry are my fathers. 它是/它们是我父亲的。I

3、 think so . 我想是这样。Whats the matter? 怎么了?Unit7 Whats the matter?词汇 thirsty water ill tired happydear Mrs speak句型 Whats the matter?Im cold. 我感冒了 Can I have some water ? 我能喝些水吗?Here you are. 给你。Come and have? 来吃?I want to 我想Good night. 晚上好。Unit8 How are you?词汇 may here take care保重;小心 at school在学校come t

4、o school 来学校 cold fever cough headache句型 this is YangLing speak. 我是杨玲。May I speak to Miss Li? 我可以和李小姐说话吗?Im sorry to hear that. 我很抱歉听到那个。How are you?你好吗?Im fine,thank you./Not so good. 我很好,谢谢。/不太好。See you tomorrow. 明天见。See you .再见。Review & Check Unit1-Unit4Unit1-Unit4课文重点内容详解:1. What subjects do you

5、 like? I like English and Maths. Me too.1) “What subjects do you like?”意思是:你喜欢什么科目?这个时候,subject后面一般会加上“-s”。如果询问“你喜欢哪门课?”,这时候我们可以用”Which subject do you like?”来表示。2) “Me too”是”我也是“意思。2. Oh! Its time for PE. Lets go to the playground.1) 表示“该是的时候了。/的时候到了。”我们可以用以下两种句型来表达: Its time for sth. = Its time to

6、do sth. eg.: Its time for breakfast. = Its time to have breakfast. 2) Lets = Let us 让我们拓展:在操场上:in the playground 英,on the playground 美3. What lessons do we have this morning?1) lesson的意思是“课、课程”。2) “今天早上、下午和晚上”用“this morning/ afternoon/ evening”来表示,且此时在“this”前不需要加上介词。3) “have”的三单形式是:has 。4. I like PE

7、. Its fun.1) PE是“physics education”的首字母缩写。2) “Its fun.”相当于“Its interesting.”,是“很有趣。”的意思。“fun”是不可数名词,表示“乐趣,有趣的事”。have fun = have a good time 玩得很开心5. What day is it today? Its Wednesday.问“星期几”的英语表达方式: = Whats the day today?英语国家把“星期日”作为一个星期的第一天(“the first day of a week)。一个星期七天的英语表达方式:Monday星期一,Tuesday星

8、期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六,Sunday星期天。表示在具体的“星期几”的时候,要用介词on。介词on通常用在表示具体的某一天之前。如:在周六on Saturday;在周六早晨on Saturday morning。而如果没有说具体某一天的早晨,我们仍然用介词in:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上。6. I have a swimming lesson. 我有一节游泳课。“swim”是以重读闭音节结尾的单词,后面加上“ing”时,要先双写最后一个辅音“m”。类似的动词有

9、:run-running(跑、跑步),shop-shopping(购物、逛街),sit-sitting(坐),jog-jogging(慢跑),chat-chatting(闲聊、聊天),etc.。7. What a pity!(感叹句)真遗憾啊!类似的结构有:What a big egg! 多么大的一个鸡蛋啊! What a beautiful flower! 多么漂亮的一朵花啊!8. What about Saturday? We dont have any lesson on Saturday. All right.1) “What about . ?”= How about . ? 怎么样

10、?此句型用来表示”提议和询问“,后接名词、代词和动名词形式。eg.: What about going to the park? 去公园怎么样? How about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?2) “dont”是一般现在时中,当主语非第三人称单数时,疑问句和否定句中,要用do和dont作助动词,后接动词原形。当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,要用助动词does和doesnt 。3) all right = OkThats all right. 没关系。/不用谢。4) 在一般情况下,some用于肯定句,而any用于否定句和疑问句。但当出现下列句型时,我们仍使用

11、some,而不用any:Would you like some bananas? 您要一些香蕉吗?Do you want some tea? 您要一些茶吗?Can I have something to drink? 我能要一些喝的吗?9. I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.1) get up 起床与get相关的词组拓展:get on 上车 get off 下车usually通常,是表示频度的副词

12、,常用于一般现在时中。在英语中,表示频率的副词还有:always总是,oftern经常,sometimes有时,seldom很少、极少,hardly几乎不,never从不,etc.。2) go to school 去上学come/go home回家,go to bed去睡觉,go to hospital去医院,go to church去做礼拜3) in the morning 在早上表示具体某一天的早晨、中午、晚上,要用介词on,如:on Saturday morning,on a cold evening4) have lunch 吃午饭have breakfast吃早饭,have supp

13、er = have dinner吃晚饭注意:在早、中、晚饭前不加定冠词“the”。at seven/ senven forty/ twelve 都是表示具体的时间点,要用介词at 。5) 具体时间的表达方式:在8点:at eight ( oclock )在8点半:at half past eight = at eight thirty在8点10分:at ten past eight = at eight ten在8点50分:at ten to nine = at eight fifty在8点一刻:at a quarter past eight = at eight fifteen在8点三刻:a

14、t a quarter to nine = at eight forty-five练习:1: 58 的英语表达 _10. I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty.1) “play”的用法:play + 运动名称,注意在运动名称前不能加定冠词“the”,如:play volleyball 打排球play + 棋牌类游戏名称,如:play (Chinese) chess 下(象)棋;play card

15、s 打牌play + the + 乐器类名称,注意在乐器类名称前要加定冠词“the”,如:play the piano 弹钢琴;play the violin 拉小提琴;play the guitar 弹吉他play + with + sb.(某人)/ sth.(某物),如:play with me和我玩;play with ballons(气球)/ lanterns(灯笼)play games 玩游戏2) do ones homework 做(某人的)家(庭)作(业)“work”作为名词,表示“工作”时,是不可数名词;“work”还可作为动词,表示“工作”。do housework 做家务1

16、1. I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.1) 06:15的英语表达方式:six fifteen = a quarter past six2) go to bed 去睡觉3) every day 每天every second/ minute/ hour/ week/ month/ year 每秒/ 分钟/ 小时/ 周/ 月/ 年12. Im hungry, Sam. 山姆,我饿了。 When do you have dinner every day?

17、你每天几点吃晚饭? At six. 六点。1) hungry adj. 饿了的;饥饿的 【反义词】full同类词:thirsty 渴的;口渴的2) “When”,特殊疑问词,表示“什么时候”,相当于“What time”,只不过“What time”表示的时间比“When”更具体,更精确。在英语中,小学阶段学到的特殊疑问词除了“When”之外,还有:What 什么 What + n. ( eg. What colour/ class 什么颜色/ 班级,etc.)Which 哪一个,哪个 Who 谁 Whom 谁(宾格) Whose 谁的When 什么时候 Where 在哪里 Why 为什么Ho

18、w 怎样(表方式) How about . ? = What about + (doing) sth. ? (做) 事怎么样? How many + 可数名词复数 + (are there) ? (有) 多少? How many teachers are there in your school? 你们学校有多少老师? How many ball games can you play? 你能打多少种球? How much 表示“多少钱”? 实际上是“How much money”的缩略问句,“money”意为“钱”,是不可数名词,在口语中一般省略“money”,直接用“How much”表示“

19、多少钱”。 How much + 不可数名词 + ( is there) ? How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水? How much time do we have to do our homework? 我们有多少时间做家庭作业?3) every + day/ week/ month/ year, etc. 是一般现在时的时间标志词,在肯定的缩略问句、疑问句中和否定句中:若主语非第三人称单数,我们要使用助动词do和dont(=do not)。eg. A. Do you go home on foot every day? 你每天都是走

20、路回家吗? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.B. How often do they go swimming? 他们多久游一次泳? Twice a month. 一个月两次。若主语是第三人称单数,我们要使用助动词does和doesnt(=does not)。eg. A. Does he go to school every day? 他每天都去学校上学吗? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt. B. How many subjects does your sister have every term? 你姐姐每学期有多少门课? Ten. 十门课。13. Wh

21、at time is it now? 现在几点了? Its seven oclock. 七点了。1) What time is it now? = Whats the time now?类似的表达时间的句型有:What date is it today? = Whats the date today? 今天几号?2) Its seven oclock. 里的Its 和 oclock 都可以省略。“oclock”表示点(整).14. What can you see over there, Bobby? I can see a cake.1) over there的意思是“在那儿”;2) 要注意

22、含有情态动词“can,may,must”等的各类句型。15. What a big cake!本句是感叹句。感叹句一般由 What和How引导。1) 由What引导的感叹句句式:A. What+a/an+adj.(形容词)+n.(名词) (+it is) ! What a beautiful flower (it is) !What an important subject (it is) !B. What+adj.+可数名词复数 (+they are)! What beautiful flowers (they are)!C. What+adj.+不可数名词 (+it is)!Eg. Wha

23、t good weather(天气) (it is) !2) 由How 引导的感叹句句式”A. How + adj. +(the +主语)+be动词! How beautiful the flower is! How bad the weather is !B. How+adv.+(the)+主语+行为动词! How fast he runs. How fast he can run. How fast he is running. How fast he ran.16. Lets draw some pictures here. Good idea.1) draw pictures画画 2)

24、 Good idea. 好主意。17. What can you see over there? I can see a tree and some flowers. Can you draw them? Sure. Its easy.1) “over there”在那边2) “Sure. ”(当然了。)相当于“Certainly./ Of course.”。3) easy的反义词为different/ hard 。18. This is a tree and these are flowers. Well done.1) 指示代词:this这,这个;these这些 that那,那个;thos

25、e那些2) Well done. 做得好。/ 干得好。19. Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. Can you draw it? Its difficult, but I can try. Is this a boat?1) “see”是“看见”的意思,强调看的“结果”。而“look (at)”强调看的“动作”。2) 表示“船、树叶、鸭子等漂在河面上”,可用“on the river”表示。 表示“鱼、石头”等在河里,用“in the river”表示。3) river河;lake湖;sea海;ocean洋3) “try”,“尝试;努力”的意思ha

26、ve a try 试一试 try to do sth. 努力做某事 try ones best to do sth. 尽某人全力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事Unit5知识点重点词汇单词:spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 warm 温暖的 hot 热的 cool 凉快的 cold 寒冷的词组:in spring /summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天 fly kites 放风筝 go boating 去划船 like spring 喜欢春天 eat ice cream 吃冰激凌 go swimming

27、 去游泳 have picnics野餐 go climbing 去爬山 make snowman 堆雪人 go skating 去溜冰 a fine day 一个好天气 whose bag 谁的包 your jacket 你的夹克衫重点句型:1.It is .in .是.的。(1)这句话是用来描述某个季节的气候情况的。It is warm in spring.春天是温暖的。 It is hot in summer.夏天是炎热的。 It is cool in autumn.秋天是凉爽的。 It is cold in winter.冬天是寒冷的。(2)若要表达在某个季节,要用介词in。in winter 在冬天 in autumn 在秋天 .我们在.。这句话是用来陈述在某个季节的活动。We fly kites in spring.我们在春天放风筝。We make snowman in winter.我们在冬天堆雪人。核心语法:1.本单元涉及到了warm,hot ,cool,co

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