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3、有上网。(过去n加油)(go)我对你正在购物很惊讶。他对你不在家n加油很惊讶。所有的老师们都正在锻炼。我喜欢所有的学生。我有三个儿子,我喜欢他们所有人。(2种)桌上有三n加油个苹果。苹果中的所有的都是红色的。我需要另一件裙子。我不喜欢这件裙子,请n加油给我另一件。我喜欢红色的苹果,我不喜欢其他的(苹果)n加油。(other) (2种)桌上有一些水果。我喜欢橘子,我不喜欢其他的。(on加油ther) (2种)我有两本书。第一本n加油是英语书,另一本(书)是数学书。(other)我唱歌只是为了好玩。(n加油just)请回答我。请回答我的问题。n加油你的回答是什么?针对这个问题的答案是什么?虽然我爱

4、你,n加油但是我不能给你我的作业。(although)虽然我不爱你,但是我依然n加油将会帮助你。尽管你很累,但是现在就做作业!(althougn加油h)虽然天气正在下雨,但我依然很开心。上网正n加油变得越来越流行。(popular)对你来说喝水是好n加油的。你可以通过努力学习成为一名老师。我的身体和头脑很累。我会做很n加油多事,比如弹钢琴和踢足球。(such as)我n加油会做很多事。比如,我会打篮球。(for example)n加油运动比如打篮球对你的健康有好处。(suchn加油 as)我会做很多事比如踢足球。n加油我妈妈总是说:“旧习难改。”开始去做你的作业。我16岁。我是一名1n加油6岁

5、的男生。我喜欢你。然而我不喜欢你的爱好。瓶子里有小于50%n加油的水。(than)公园里有超过100个人。(tn加油han)我曾经不喜欢去看牙医。我学习是为了我的母亲。我做作业是为了我的梦想。我学英语是为了和英国人讲话。你需n加油要学习更多关于健康的饮食习惯方面的事。班上有10个女生。我一个都不n加油喜欢。一个女生都不喜欢我。U2翻译句子答案你周末做什么n加油?What do you n加油do on weekends? I alwaysn加油 go to the movies. 他周末通常帮忙做家务n加油。What does he do on weekends? He un加油sually

6、helps with housework.他n加油们有时候阅读。What do theyn加油 do on weekends? They sometimes read.约翰n加油周末做什么?What doen加油s John do on weekends? He oftenn加油 uses the Internet.做出简略肯定回答n加油。Do you read English boon加油ks? Yes, I do.Do youn加油 exercise? Yes, I sometimes exercise. n加油做出简略否定回答。Does n加油he watch TV? No, he do

7、esnt.n加油Do they n加油go shopping? No, they n加油hardly ever go shopping.莎n加油拉购物吗?Does Sarah shon加油p? No, she never shops.I hardly have friends.He isn加油 hardly happy.She can n加油hardly play the piano.你多久锻炼一次?我每天锻炼n加油。How often do you exercisn加油e? I exercise every day.每n加油天。How often do you go shoppin加油ng?

8、 Every day.他通常多久使用一n加油次英特网?Hown加油 often does he use the Internet? Hn加油e often uses the Internet once a dn加油ay. 他们一周去看两n加油次电影。o tHow often do they gon加油 to the movies? Theyn加油 go to the movies twicen加油 a week.How often does Jn加油ohn help with housewon加油rk? Three times a monn加油th.Whats your favorn加油ite

9、 (TV) program/ TV shon加油w? Animal World.Are yon加油u free next week?他下周有空吗?(hn加油ave)Does he have time n加油next week?你可以免费吃桌上的n加油面包。You can eat the bread onn加油 the table for free.玻璃杯里n加油装满了水。The glass is full of water.I am full, mom./怎么n加油会?How come?你正在学哪种舞呢?What n加油kind of dance are you learnn加油ing?He

10、is dancing.n加油I like swing dn加油ance.我一周上三次钢琴课。I take/havn加油e piano lessons three tin加油mes a week.You may be rign加油ht.Maybe you are rightn加油.他也许会做作业。He may do hon加油mework.Maybe he n加油does homework.John may be n加油swimming.也许约翰正在游泳。Mayn加油be John is swimming.至少,我吃n加油了一个冰淇淋。At least, I had/ate an加油n ice-

11、cream.At least,n加油 I am still a student.至少,我会唱歌。At ln加油east, I can sing.我一周至少玩一次电脑游戏n加油。I play computer games atn加油 least once a week.He is n加油at least 15 (years old).他至少吃了5个汉堡包n加油。He ate/had at least 5 hamburgers.我通n加油常熬夜。I usually stay up lan加油te.你应该吃一顿健康的晚餐。You shon加油uld eat a healthy dinner.I sw

12、im n加油every day.我正在做我的每日作业。I an加油m doing my everyday homewn加油ork.Jack is n加油sleeping.I want to n加油go to sleep.我一年去两次乡村野营。n加油I go camping in the country twicn加油e a year.What did you dn加油o in your free time?我上个月问了我的老师一个问题。I n加油asked my teacher a qun加油estion last month.我将会在下个月问n加油我的老师关于她的生日。I will ask

13、mn加油y teacher about her birthday next monthn加油.My mom an加油sks me not to play the gn加油uitar.I getn加油 up at about six.I watn加油ched TV for about 2 houn加油rs yesterday.这部电影是关于你的老师的。Tn加油his movie/film is about your teacn加油her.我可以用你的钢笔吗?Can I use yn加油our pen?Here are some photos.n加油Here is a nen加油w pen.我找到

14、了我的铅笔。I found my pn加油encil.I find that youn加油 are a student.他发现你正在看电视n加油。He finds that you aren加油 watching TV.Eighty-five percent of thn加油e students are doing homewon加油rk.There are 10 students in the classroomn加油. Fifty percent of then加油m cant play basketball. 橙汁中n加油50%是水。Fifty percent of the orange

15、 jn加油uice is water.我只喜欢他n加油们中的53%。I have ten pencils. I only ln加油ike fifty-three percent n加油of them.I n加油have ten pencils. Twenty percent aren加油 red.我根本不是年轻的。I am not youn加油ng at all.n加油He is not helping with housework at n加油all.你根本不会使用英特网。You couldnt use tn加油he Internet at all.I didnt go online yn加

16、油esterday.n加油I am surprised that you are shopping.n加油他你不在家很惊讶。He is surprised that you are nn加油ot at home.All the teachn加油ers are exercising.我喜欢所n加油有的学生。I like all the students.我有n加油三个儿子,我喜欢他们所有人。I have three sons. In加油 like all of them./ I like them alln加油.桌上有三个苹果。Theren加油 are three apples on the t

17、n加油able. All of the apples aren加油 red.I needn加油 another dress.我不喜欢这件裙子,请给我另一件。(2种n加油)I dont like this dress. Pn加油lease give me another (one).n加油我喜欢红色的苹果,我不喜欢其他的(苹果)。(n加油other) (2种)I like red apn加油ples. I dont like others.I n加油like red apples. I dont n加油like other apples. 我喜欢n加油橘子,我不喜欢其他的。There are s

18、on加油me fruits on the table. I like oranges,n加油 I dont like the othersn加油.There are some fruits on the table. In加油 like oranges, I donn加油t like the other fruits.第一本是英语n加油书,另一本(书)是数学书。我唱歌只是为了好玩n加油。(just)I sing just for fun.n加油Please answer me.n加油Please answen加油r my question.你的回答是什么?What is your n加油ans

19、wer?What is your ansn加油wer to the question?虽然我爱你,但是n加油我不能给你我的作业。An加油lthough I love you, I cann加油t give you my homework. 虽然我不爱你n加油,但是我依然将会帮助你。Althn加油ough I dont love you, I will n加油still help you.(an加油lthough)Although you are tired, do homen加油work now!(althoun加油gh)Although the weather is rain加油ning,

20、I am still happy.上网正变得越n加油来越流行。It is getting popular n加油to go online.对你来说喝水是n加油好的。It is good for you to drink n加油water.Yn加油ou can be teacher by studying hard.n加油My body ann加油d my mind are tired.我会做很多事,比如弹钢琴和踢足球。(n加油such as)I can do a lot of things sucn加油h as playing the piano and plan加油ying soccer.我

21、会做很多事。比如,n加油我会打篮球。I can do a lot n加油of things. For example, I can pn加油lay basketball.运动比如打篮球对你的健康n加油有好处。Sports such as playin加油ng basketball are good for your healthn加油. I can n加油do a lot of things, for exampln加油e, playing soccer.我妈妈总是说:“旧习难改n加油。My mom always says, “Old habn加油its die hard.”Start to

22、do yn加油our homework.I am sixteen yearsn加油 old.我是一名16岁的男生。I an加油m a sixteen-year-old bn加油oy.n加油I like you. However, I dont like n加油your hobbies.瓶子里有小于50%的水n加油。There is less than 50 pen加油rcent of water in the bn加油ottle.There are moren加油 than 100 people in the park.n加油我曾经不喜欢去看牙医。I didnt like ton加油 go t

23、o the dentist.I studyn加油 for my mom.我做作业是为了我的梦n加油想。I do homework for my dream.我学英n加油语是为了和英国人讲话。I learn Englishn加油 for talking with Engn加油lish people.你需要学习更多关于健康n加油的饮食习惯方面的事。You need to learn more abon加油ut healthy eating habits.班n加油上有10个女生。我一个都不喜欢。There are 10 girls in tn加油he class. I like none of them.班上有10个n加油女生。There an加油re 10 girls in the class. Nn加油one of the girls likes me.

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