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1、How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B. 9.15.C. 9.18.答案是B。1. What will the speakers do together next?A. Celebrate a birthday. B. Study for an exam.C. Get something to eat.2. Where did the man live as a child?A. In Chile.B. In Columbia. C. In Argentina.3. Why is the woman upset?A. The flower shop is closed.

2、B. She received the wrong delivery.C. Her delivery hasnt been ready in time.4. How much tax should the man pay per night?A. $5. B. $10.C.$15.5. What is the man doing now? A. Borrowing a pen.B. Asking about the homework.C. Exchanging phone numbers with his classmate. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

3、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Who is the woman?A. A customer. B. A bookstore clerk.C. A newspaper journalist.7.What is the man unclear about?A. The name of the book.B. The location of the store.

4、C. The article in todays newspaper.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Why does the woman want to go outside? A. She doesnt feel well. B. She wants to see the view.C. She wants to take a walk by the ocean.9. What does the man offer the woman?A. A jacket.B. Something to drink. C. A camera. 10. When does the conversat

5、ion probably take place?A. In the morning.B. In the early afternoon.C. In the late afternoon.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What does the woman want to teach?A. Math.B. Art history.C. Science.12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. New friends.B. Workmates.C. Teacher and student.13. What

6、 does the man imply in the end? A. Hes afraid to graduate. B. Hes going to miss school. C. He longs to begin his social life.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. How does the man feel about living in New York? A. He doesnt want to be there for long. B. Hes eager to stay there his whole life. C. Hes confused about t

7、he recycling rules.15. Why are there three trash cans in New York? A. They are used by different cleaners. B. They are intended for different kinds of trash. C. They help people throw away their trash quicker.16. What can we learn about the mans hometown? A. There were no cleaners at all. B. One tra

8、sh can for each house was enough. C. Local people separated rubbish themselves.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What did Milton do? A. He caught a thief.B. He went to a theme park.C. He travelled across the country.18. What happened on Monday? A. Some cars were stolen. B. A roller coaster stopped working. C. T

9、he Johnson family moved to New York.19. Where is Six Flags located?A. In New York.B. In Union City.C. In Orange County.20. What will viewers see after the news report?A. An interview.B. A weather report.C. Commercial ads.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在

10、答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen I was a child I used to come home crying because of others picking on me. My mom and grandmother were always there offering me a shoulder to cry on. My grandfather (who is a good person), however, made me feel like a whale in a small house.When I grew up, I would get angry and tell h

11、im off, not using rude words but just saying how I felt when he said those things to me. I understand he has meant to help but to me, thats not the case. It has to be my decision not anyone elses. He has laid off such things, but every time I see some Slim-Fast commercials or something, I tense up w

12、hen he is in the room because he reminds me of the word ”You need to lose weight. ”I live with my problem 24/7. I know that I am large. Now, I dont hear him say that anymore. I do tense sometimes when the news talks about overweight children. It is hard for someone else to understand the mental and

13、physical stress from peer(同龄人) pressure. It is just like a huge rock pressing my heart. I sometimes want to scream, I know that there are health problems associated with being overweight, but so is smoking, drinking and the list goes on. Knowing what though, I love me for me. I dont want to change.

14、I like to stick out in a crowd. I will be remembered. I am different. I am a BBB (Big Beautiful Brunette) ,who is successful in whatever 1 do, wherever I go.Here are some useful tips when you are feeling blue : maximize your good points and minimize the bad ones. No one is perfect. Be happy for who

15、you are not what you look like. Beauty fades in time, but what you are inside is there forever. Live life to the fullest and enjoy who you are. There is only one you. No one else can fill those unique shoes.(改编自浙江新高考原创冲刺卷5)21. What made the author always come home crying in her childhood?A. Her seve

16、re learning disabilities.B. Her lack of control of feelings.C. Others being unwilling to play with her.D. Others laughing at her being overweight.22. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicate about the authors grandpa?A. He is dismissed from his post.B. He promises to mind his speech

17、.C. He agrees to make compromises.D. He stops using those “tough” words.23. Which statement may the author agree on?A. Everyone should be pleased to be themselves.B. Everyone should live in the moment.C. Dont judge a book by its cover.D. Beauty is only sin-deep.BA new product from Microsoft Corporat

18、ion can do just that for people who have trouble seeing. They may be blind or visually challenged, The product, an app, is called Seeing AI. AI is short for artificial intelligence, a term for computers with an ability to think and learn like human beings.Seeing AI is currently available for free fo

19、r Apples iPhone and iPad in Canada, Hong Kong, India, 1 New Zealand, Singapore and the USA. It has four channels: Short Text, Document, Product, and Person. After you download it, the app will show video directions for each channel. And the app uses both a camera and artificial intelligence to ident

20、ify places, objects and people ( even the emotions of people).People can use Seeing AI to learn words in English. With the app open, you can point your iPhone or iPad at any object and it will say what the object is. People can also use the app when going to a store or supermarket. It can read produ

21、ct bar codes(条形码) so users will know whether a can is filled with fruit or dog food. In addition, at restaurants, diners can use it to hear a list of drinks and other menu offerings. It can recognize both food choices and prices. And in the near future, it will be able to identify banknotes so peopl

22、e know whether the bill that they are holding is worth $ 100or $ 1.However, as a new app, Seeing AI will not be corret100% of the time. For example, someone is smiling, which does not necessarily mean he is happy. The app recognizes text, but not handwriting yet. That feature may be available in the

23、 future. Also, Seeing AI needs to be connected to the Internet to work.(改编自浙江新高考原创冲刺卷6)24. What does the author say about Seeing AI?A. It is on sale all over the worldB. It can run on all smartphones.C. It is tailored for the visually disabled.D. It asks for a small charge for the service.25. What c

24、an Seeing AI help people do now?A. Make quick decisions.B. Tell the types of food.C. Identify paper money.D. Recommend the best alternatives.26. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The usage of Seeing AL.B. The future of Seeing AL.C. The limitation of Seeing AL D. The significance of Seeing A

25、L.CWe give toys to kids who otherwise wouldnt have them. Load bags with canned foods for thehungry. Make donations to those who need it. This time of year, it seems, we focus more on doing good and being good. Certainly, thats not a bad thing.But, is all that kindness selfish? Researchers at the Uni

26、versity of California, Berkeley say thatkindness, and related qualities like sympathy and compassion are actually a form of self-preservation. Those who give more, get more. The most generous among us have greaterinfluence and are more popular. Whereas, the unkind and unhelpful are more likely to be

27、 castadrift from us. After all, it stands to reason, that if Im paddling your lifeboat, youll keep meafloat a little longer.So, is kindness motivated by our real concern for others or are we do-gooders because itmakes us look good and shores up our position in the ecosystem? Probably both. Most of u

28、s really enjoy helping others. It makes us feel good, connected, happy and that makes for a healthier more satisfying life. But, it doesnt hurt that we also receive other rewards status, cooperation, Influence that will help us survive and become successful.Despite all the benefits, I tend most ofte

29、n toward kindness only when its convenient. Thatdoesnt mean I have bad manners. I say my pleases and thank-yous. I hold the door open forpassengers. But, I could be kinder, more often. Sometimes Im stopped from doing good by justhow to do it. Sometimes, Im just not thinking enough about others to re

30、cognize the need.Sometimes, Im plain, old selfish.Im working to be more aware of those around me. To slow down and move with patience andpurpose on the freeway. To be more kind. My acts of kindness arent complex or flashy Im not the type. They arent expensive Im too cheap. But those things arent required. You dont have to feel guilty that your kind gesture wasnt as big as say, Oprah building a school in Africa. Kindness can be a small, simple act and still make an extrem

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