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1、大雨,拥挤的火车,缺乏合适的居住地,所有的加起来导致了施行的不愉快。8.after all 毕竟,终究Rumors, after all, cannot conceal truth. 谣言终究掩盖不了事实。He was worried about the exam, but he passed it after all.他担心考试,但最终及格了。9.all but/except 除了都All but one were present. 除了他一个人以外,其他的都到了。All but he fled.除了他所有的人都逃了。10.appeal to 呼吁,要求,对有吸引力The conferenc

2、e appealed to all the member states for still closer unity. 会议呼吁全体成员国更加紧密地团结起来。The song appeals to Chinese children.这首歌为中国的孩子们所喜爱。11.approve of 赞成,同意I cannot approve of her staying up.我不赞成他熬夜。We do not approve of divorcing theory from practice.我们不赞成理论脱离实际。12.arrive at 到达,达到(想法,结论)We arrived at the s

3、tation at midnight. 我们半夜抵达车站。We arrived at the conclusion that he was a spy. 我们得出结论,他是个间谍。13.asas 像一样I can run as fast as he. 我和他跑的一样快。I am as interested as you in this matter. 我与你一样对此事感兴趣。 a result (of) 结果,由于As a result of traffic jam, he arrived late at the station.由于交通阻塞,他到达车站时已晚了。As a resul

4、t of land reform, the economic base of feudalism was destroyed in China.由于土地改革,中国封建制度的经济基础被摧毁了。15. as a whole 整体来说The climate of Beijing is mild as a whole.北京的气候总体来说是温和的。We must consider those matters as a whole. 我们必须总体考虑那些问题。 far asbe concernedAs far as the weather is concerned, I dont think i

5、t matters.就天气而言,我认为并不要紧。As far as I am concerned, I do not approve of the proposal.就我而言,我不赞成揭议。 if /though 仿佛,好像It looks as if it was going to snow. 看上去好像要下雪。He cleared his throat as if he had something to say. 他清了清嗓子好像有话要说。18. at all costs/at any cost 无论如何,不惜一切代价。This right must be protected a

6、t all costs.要不惜一切代价保障这项权利。The border must be defended at any cost.必须不惜一切代价保卫边疆。 any rate 不管怎样,无论如何We should, at any rate, tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.无论如何我们应该直率地告诉他我们对他的建议的看法。At any rate, I will do nothing without further direction.无论如何,没有进一步指示,我不会做任何事情。 least至少,最少This t

7、rip will at least take a week. 这趟旅行至少要用上一周时间。You should sleep at least 8.hours a day.你应该一天至少睡8小时。 present 目前,眼下At present, I dont want to go aboard. 眼下我不想出国。He is at present serving his life sentence. 他眼下在服终生监禁。22.attribute to 把归因于He attributed his success to good luck.他把成功归因于运气。Air pollution h

8、as been partly attributed to cars.空气污染部分原因是由于汽车的使用。23. aware of 明白,意识到I am not aware of his intentions. 我不明白他的意图。I was not aware of my danger. 我没意识到危险。B24.base on/upon以为基础,基于The novel is based on the historical facts. 这部小说是根据历史题材写成的。The belief is based upon practical experience. 这信仰来源于实践经验。 abl

9、e to 能,会Since his accident, he hasnt been able to leave the house.他自从出了事故以来就没能离开这房子。The frog is able to jump 3 meters at one time.这只青蛙一次能跳三米远。 absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于She was absorbed in the book. 他全神贯注地读书。He was so absorbed in his work that he rarely.他全神贯注地工作,很少注意到周围发生了什么。 composed of 由组成The

10、 class was evenly composed of boys and girls. 这班级由男生与女生平均组成。What is water composed of? 水是由什么组成的? concerned with 关于,与有关This book is concerned with computer technology. 这本书是关于计算机技术的。He is always concerned with state affairs. 他总是关心国家大事。29. be fit for 适合The book is fit for children. 这本书适合孩子。The hou

11、ses are now fit for human habitation. 这些房子适合人类居住。 on a diet 节食I mustnt have chocolate. I am on a diet. 我不能吃巧克力,我在节食。Going on a diet is not the best way to reduce weight. 节食不是减肥的最佳办法。 related to 与有关,涉及This article is related to the international situation. 这篇文章讲的是国际形势。Painting is related

12、 to art. 绘画与艺术有关。 tired of 对感到厌倦I am tired of exams. 我厌倦了考试。I am tired of eating the same food every day. 我厌烦了每天吃同样的食物。33. be/get used to 习惯于We are used to the cold weather here. 我们适应了这里的寒冷天气。We are used to the cold weather here. 我们习惯了一起工作。34.bear/keepin mind牢记在心Bear in mind what I am sayin

13、g. 记住我说的。Please bear in mind the instructions the doctor has given you. 记住医生给你的指示。35.because of 因为Because of his laziness, he failed the exam again. 因为懒惰,他考试再次不及格。Because of his bad leg, he could not walk as fast as others.由于他的残腿,他不能与别人走一样的快。36.begin/start with以开始The first word of a sentence should

14、begin with a capital letter.句子的首字母应大写。Knowledge begins with practice. 理论来源于实践。37.before long不久,很快The storm will be over before long. 风暴很快就会过去。The book will be published before long. 这本书不久之后就出版。38.believe in 信任,相信I dont believe in ghosts. 我不信鬼。Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. 马克思主义相信物质第一性。3

15、9.belong to 属于The land belongs to a big family. 这片土地属于一个大家庭。The future belongs to a big family. 未来属于年轻的一代。40.benefit from 从获益I benefited a lot from his advice. 我从他的建议中受益非浅。He will benefit from the new way of doing business.他会从新的生意之道中获益匪浅。41.blamefor为责备,归昝Who is to blame me for that; it wasnt my faul

16、t. 谁为失败负责?You mustnt blame me for that;t my fault. 你不应该指责我,那不是我的错。42.bring about 产生,引起,带来Science has brought about great advances in human civilization.科学给人类文明带来了巨大进步。What has brought about the misunderstanding between them?什么引起了他们之间的误解?43.bring up抚养,养育He was brought up in poverty. 他在贫困中长大。She broug

17、ht up her children to be considerate of others.他教育孩子要体贴他人。 accident/chance偶然,碰巧They met each other by accident. 他们碰巧遇见了。I found these things by chance. 我碰巧发现了这些东西。 means of 借助手段He succeeded by means of investing in insurance. 他通过投资于保险业而获得成功。I translated the lyric poems by means of dictiona

18、ry.我借助字典翻译了这些抒情诗。 mistake弄错I took his book by mistake. 我错拿了他的书。She put salt into her cup of tea by mistake. 她错把盐放入了茶中。C47.catch up with 赶上,跟上She must work hard to catch up with her class. 他必须努力学习才可以赶上她的同学。We must catch up with the latest technology. 我们必须跟上最新技术。48.chargewith指控(犯罪)I shall charge

19、him with forgery. 我指控他犯有伪造罪。The offence with which he is charged carries a heavy penalty. 他所犯的罪责罚很重。49.close down 关闭,倒闭The owner had to close the shop down. 店主不得不关闭商店。Many small plants in that country closed down for lack of fuel.那个国家的许多小厂矿因为缺乏燃料而倒闭了。e/get in (to) contact/touch with接触到I feel at ease

20、 when I come into contact with the well-educated.我与教养好的人打交道游刃有余。We should come into touch with different kinds of books to widen our horizon.我们应该接触不同的书籍来扩大视野。e into effect/operation/practice 生效This treaty will come into effect next year. 该条约明年生效。The revised work schedule comes into effect next week.

21、改过的工作日程表下周开始实施。pareto把比作Books are compared to friends. 书被比作朋友。Poets have compared sleep to death. 诗人把睡眠比作死亡。parwith与相比Compared with many women, she was lucky.与许多女人相比,她算是幸运的。The output of our factory has increased by 30% as compared with last years.与去年的产量相比,我厂的产量增加了30%。pensate for 补偿Money cannot comp

22、ensate for the loss of health.钱不能之补偿失去的健康。Industry and loyalty sometimes compensate for the lack of ability.勤勉与忠诚有时可以弥补能力的不足。pete against与竞争They try to compete against other countries in sports.他们力图在体育上与其他国家竞争。Too much urge to children t compete against the clock may lead to bad consequences.过渡的催促孩子

23、与时间赛跑会导致不好的结果。plain about/of抱怨,埋怨He complained to the manager about the bad food served.他向经理抱怨提供的食物太难吃了。He complained of being short of medicine.他抱怨的缺乏药物。57.concentrate on/upon集中精力于,致力于If you dont concentrate on your work, you will be dismissed.如果你工作精力不集中,会被解雇的。Youll solve the problem if you concent

24、rate on it.如果你全神贯注,你就会解决问题。58.consist of 组成,包括The committee consists of teachers and linguists.这个委员会由教师与语言学家组成。Our team consists of 15 members. 我们的队由15名队员组成。59.contribute to 有助于,贡献His hard work contributed to his success. 他的辛勤工作促成了他的成功。Drink contributed to his ruin. 饮酒促使他毁灭。60.cope with应付,对储,妥善处理The

25、 transport department is taking steps to cope with the holiday rush.运输部门正在采取措施解决假日交通繁忙的问题。Self-confidence is what we need in coping with the difficulties.自信是我们对付困难不可缺少的心理素质。61.count on 指望,期待You can count on me.你可以信赖我。In building our nation, we should first count on ourselves.在建设国家方面,我们首先要自力更生。

26、al in经营,买卖,从事,忙于,参与The shop deals in mens clothes.这家商店经销男式服装。The small store deals in articles of daily use. 这家小商店经营日用品。 with 处理She deals with all the difficult problems alone. 她独自处理一切棘手问题。How shall we deal with the difficulty?我们应该如何克服困难?64.depend/rely on/upon 依赖,信任,视而定Were depending on you t

27、o finish the job on time. 我们相信你能按时完成工作。Where we go for our holiday depends on how much money we have.我们去哪里度假要看我们有多少钱。65.derive form来自,源于Many English words derive form French. 许多英文单词来自法语。His judgment derived form his observation. 他的判断处自于他的观察。66.devoteto把贡献于They have devoted all their time to helping the sick. 他们把时间都奉献来帮助病人。He devoted all his life to the research of plats. 他把毕生精力献给了植物研究。67.differ from不同,有异China differs greatly form other countries in customs. 中国与其他国家在习俗上有很大的差异。My views differ form his. 我的观点与他的不同。68.divide into分开,划分This book can be divided into three pa

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