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1、 study of words and expressions in Text APeriod 2: Discussion of Text APeriod 3: Comprehensive ExercisesPeriod 4: Grammar Tips; Modal VerbsPeriod 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up ComprehensionPeriod 6: Practical WritingPeriod 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Sp

2、eaking Course)Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Methods: (1) Practice speaking and listening(2) Discussion(3) Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching Procedures Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)Ask the students to talk about the j

3、obs and the personal qualities of the Blue-Collar workers.Question 1: Do you like Blue-collar jobs?Hint: I like blue-collar jobs because (1) the demand is huge; (2)we can get professional training and technical knowledge;and (3)the salary is good.Question 2: What will be your favourite blue-collar j

4、ob and why? My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because(1) I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air;and(2) I can keep fit and get good pay.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work m

5、ay involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of

6、payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer int

7、eraction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. Heartland n.the area or region where a particular set of activities or be

8、liefs is most significant 中心地区,心脏地带Jack had a six-day bus tour around the industrial heartland of America.杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴旅游了六天。Even the attack on Pearl Harbour was remote from the countrys heartland.即使是珍珠港事件的发生地也远离美国的心腹地带。2. Resident n. people who live in a place 居民,住户They are going to build more low

9、-cost homes for local residents.他们将为当地居民建造更多低成本的住宅。He has been resident in Brussels since 1997. 他自1997年起就住在布鲁塞尔。Phrases:(1) permanent resident 永久居民 (2) resident physician 住院医生reside v. 居住Margaret resides with her mother in a London suburb. 玛格丽特同她的母亲住在伦敦郊区。residential adj. 居住的,居民的a smart residential

10、area 整洁漂亮的住宅区3. corporation n. company 公司multinational corporations 跨国公司4. workforce n. 劳动力,劳动队伍In the country, half the workforce is unemployed. 该国中有一半劳动力失业。an employer of a very large workforce 雇用了大量员工的雇主5. replacement n. sth. or sb. that takes the place of sth. or sb. else 代替物,代替者Taylor has nomin

11、ated Adams as his replacement. 泰勒提名亚当斯接替他。replace v. 代替,取代Mary replaced Robert as manager of the company. 玛丽取代罗伯特担任公司经理。6. shortage n. without enough of sth. 缺乏,缺少Vietnam is suffering from food shortage. 越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。7. manufacturer n. a business or company which makes goods in large quantities to se

12、ll 生产商the worlds largest doll manufacturer 全球最大的玩偶生产商manufacture v. 生产It also works with companies to manufacture and sell them. 它同样也与一些公司合作生产和销售产品。8. remarkable adj. unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them 令人瞩目的,明显的He was a remarkable man. 他是个非凡卓越的人。remarkably adv. 显著地,非常Herbal re

13、medies are remarkably successful in treating eczema. 草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。9. recovery n. improvement in quality, health, etc. 恢复,复苏Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery. 利率的降低未能带来经济的复苏。recover v. 恢复She has recovered from the operation. 她动完手术现已康复。Phase: recover ones feet (或legs, foo

14、ting)(跌倒后又)站起来10. annual adj. once a year, every year 年度的,每年的annual meeting 年会 annual report 年报,年度报告annual production 年产量 annual sales 年销售额11. earnings n. (pl.) money received in return for ones work (复)收入,工资,挣得的钱net earning净收益 earning rate收益率 earn v. 挣钱Jack earns a lot of money every month. 杰克每个月挣很

15、多钱。12. point to 显示,表明;指向When Japanese people refer to themselves, they point to their nose, not their heart. 当日本人表示自己时,他们会指向自己的鼻子,而不是心口。13. gap n. big difference; space between two things or a hole in the middle of sth. solid 差距;空隙the gap between rich and poor 贫富差距He pulled the thick curtains togeth

16、er, leaving just a narrow gap. 他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。14. high-end 高端This should give high-end enterprise systems sufficient support. 这将给高端的企业系统以足够的支持。15. Decline n./v. decrease 下降Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the first quarter. 工人每小时的产量在第一季度下降了1.3%。Official figures show a sharp decline in

17、the number of foreign tourists. 官方数字显示外国游客数量骤降。Phrase: (1) decline and fall 衰亡,衰败 (2) on the decline 在低落中;在衰退中16. craft n. an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things by hand 手工the arts and crafts of the North American Indians 北美印第安人的美术工艺 (1) space craft 宇宙飞船 (2) cra

18、ft brother 同行17. plumb v. put the pipes in buildings for carrying water; examine closely or deeply 装水管;探寻,探究She learned to wire and plumb the house herself. 她学会了自己给房子接电线、装水管。Magda had plumbed her own heart for answers. 玛格达在自己心中搜寻答案。18. masonry n. the job of using bricks or pieces of stone to build a

19、 wall or building 砖石行业masonry structure砌体结构 brick masonry砖砌体mason n. 石匠Potter is a mason by profession. 波特的职业是石匠。19. carpentry n. the activity of making and repairing wooden things 木匠活Their father taught them carpentry when building the house. 父亲会在建房子的时候教他们做木工活。carpenter n. 木匠 Tom used to be a carpe

20、nter. 汤姆过去曾是个木匠。20. expand v. make sth. larger, become larger 扩大They hope to expand their company. 他们希望扩大公司的规模。Heat expands most metals. 大多数金属遇热膨胀。expansion n. 扩大the rapid expansion of private health insurance 私人健康保险的快速发展(1) thermal expansion 热膨胀(2) business expansion 业务扩张,营业扩充(3) market expansion 市

21、场拓展阶段21.machinist n. a person skilled in using or repairing machinery 机械工His father is a machinist in an aerospace plant. 他的父亲是一家航空工厂的机械师。22. certificate n. an official document showing a person has completed a course of study or training; an official document stating that particular facts are true

22、证书;证明certificate of origin 商原产地证书 inspection certificate 检验证明书;检查证明marriage certificate 结婚证书 birth certificates 出生证明Step 4. Vocabulary Check B &C (10 minutes)Ask the students to finish the exercise, vocabulary check (part B and C). Then check the answers.Step 1. Language Points in Text A (30 minutes

23、)Explain the language points to Ss and analyze the structure of the passage. Pay more attention to longer sentences in Text A and try to make Ss understand. 1. To many . offer its residents.: For many people, Americas industrial heartland cant provide enough work to its residents. too little: not to

24、o much, not enough 太少Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。offer: make available or accessible, provide or furnish 提供,给予We have been successful because we are offering a quality service. 我们一直是成功的,原因是我们在提供优质服务。2. But things look . in Ohio.: But in the eyes of Karen

25、 Wright the CEO of Ariel Corporation in Ohio, things are different.look very different to: appear different in sb.s eyes 在某人眼中看上去不一样They dont look different to me whether theyre children or adults.不管他们是儿童或者变成了成年人,在我脑海中都是一样的。3. I dont know where we are going to find replacements.: I dont know where w

26、e are going to find the new and young skilled workforce.replacements: equivalent persons or things in the place of another 替换the replacement of damaged or lost books 受损或遗失书籍的替补We need a replacement for the secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。4.That may sound surprising . for a generation.: Consideri

27、ng that the state has suffered from lack of jobs for a generation, it may sound surprising.Here “given” is a preposition. If you say given something, you mean taking that thing into account.Given the uncertainty over Leighs future I was left with little other choice. 考虑到莉前途未卜,我几乎没有选择余地。5. well above

28、 the average earnings . many other fields: is higher than the average earnings in education, medical care, and many other fields.well above: much higher than 高于,超过But this time round productivity figures have been well above normal. 但是这次所有的生产力数据都高出正常水平。6. The industrial recovery comes with a price:

29、a quickly rising demand for skilled workers.: The industrial recovery suffers from a quickly rising demand for skilled workers.Here, “a quickly rising demand for skilled workers” is an explanation of “a price”.price: sth. you have to do or suffer in order to get sth. else 代价There may be a price to p

30、ay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce. 这样没完没了的活动可能是要付出代价的,也许是健康恶化甚至是离婚。Compare:(1) at any price 不管价格的高低;不惜任何代价(2) at a price 以高于市场(或正常)的价格;做出相当大的牺牲(3) at the price of 以的代价7. For many years . systems design.: For many years, Americans have been told that the future depends on the advanced services, such as law, and “creative” professions such a

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