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1、uh TV er i*ilc 4 uvek. (uik?n(v ixiicli T di rec l*t lour 冷 weekt (10) on緒l Mudcn(h vvwh TV enry dpy”匚 1 3. 4. 5. 6l 7. S. 9. 10. ItJ m pretry hcaliliy. 1 cxcruM: every day, usually (I) t wmc luir、dk*ol. My (3l habits arc pmiy gcod, 1 iq (4i & InH ot VEgcmhlc*., al fruit and drink milk every ditv I

2、rwyer (5l t4iflec. (b) uourxe* I love iuik fbod loo. and I rm it two k dtur my health. And m) hculih、hrcsl kL _(*# me pct 嘗cxxl grudeJ CtikkI tkxid nd rxcfVisc tie tit to ludy 110).k 2. 6. 7. 综合提高篇John and Sally are in (I) same school. Their home is far (2) school. They get upearly (3) (he morning a

3、nd (4) (he bus to school after breakfast. Sometimes (hey(5) lunch in the restaurant. John likes hamburgers (6) meal. (7) Sally likesvegetables and fruit. After lunch John goes to (8) volleyball and Sally goes to the classroom.She (9) English songs or listens (10) music.1 2 3 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B.E

4、veryone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise Doctors say it is (I)for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise (2) more alcrt(汶活的).This means (hey do (3) in tests and schoolwork (han (hose who (4) exercise.There are many ways lo exercise You (5) walk.

5、 ron. swim, skate or play ball games.Make sure you (6) in the following ways You have to like (7) you are doing.Exercise enough but not too (8). the best to exercise twice (9) week Thirtyminutes each lime ig enough. Try all kinds (10) things until you find one. two(X even threesports (hat feel right

6、 for you.I 2. 3. 4. 5. 基础篇A.A healthy Lifestyle the ( tiinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we (1) a balance (2) yin and yang to (3)healihy. (4) example, are you often weak and tired? Mayhp you have too (5) yin Youshould cal hot yang food*, like beef. Ealing Dangshcn and Huang屮 herbs is als

7、o good (6) this.Bu( people (7) arc loo stressed untain. How (5) you. Tony? What arc you doingtor vacation ? Pm vi&iting my friend in Hong KongLin llua : Oh yeah? (6)long arc you Maying? Just tor tour ckiys. 1 dont like going away tor (7) long. Well. ake He is leaving the firt week in June and (6) un

8、tilSeptember, lie plans to have a relaxing vacation. Im tuking walks, (7) fishing . andgoing bike riding. Pm planning to (8) time in beautiful countryside I love nature I hope 1can forget all my prohlemK! (9) night. I*m renting videos :in parenu dontthink so. I ler nx)ther is going fishing because i

9、t9s quiet. She ( 5) like walking Her fatheriMft going (u Beijing (6) going fishing lie ( 7 ) going sighbccin日观比).HcSgoing to Taiwan. He wants ( K ) climb(爬)Mt Tai. He thinks there must ( 9) manybeautiful things (10) see.Mokt people enjoy hiking(徒妙旅tr) Hiking ( I ) not only a healthy hut ako relaxing

10、activity. The reusen( why people go hiking is ditTercnt ( 2 ) person to person. Here ( 3 ) souk: of iiKist popular reasons for people to hike;First of all. hiking is very good ( 4 which will improve (改进)peopld body. ICs goodexercise (hat hurt (伤古)your ( 5 ).Secondly, hiking is simple (简 申)and cheap.

11、 All you need to ( 6) is to wear a pair ofhiking boo(s(粧 D and your smile to startFinally, hiking is die l)cst way ( 7 ) get away from)our everyday life. You could hikealone or go ( X your tnends Alter hiking you will have a clear mind ( 9 ) thenreturn to work with confidence 11 信).So why ( 10 ) pla

12、n your hiking route(路钱)rightaway?1. 2. 3 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 一、Lin Feit home is about 1() kilometers (I) school. He gets up (2) six oclock every day.showers and (3) a quick breakfast. Then he (4) for school at around six thirty First,he (5) his bicycle to the bus station That (6) about ten minutes (

13、7) the earlybus takes to xhooL The bus (9 usually takc (10) 25 minutes.6. 7. K. 9. 10. How do students an)und the world get to school ?In North America, most students go to zhool (I) lhe school bus. Some studcnb (2)walk or ride bikes (3) school. In (4) parts of the vorld. (5) are different. InJapan,

14、 most students takes trains to school. (6) others also walk or ride their bikes. InChina it depends (7) where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school ortake buses. And in places (X) there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and kaishanidastudents usually go to school (9) boat

15、. That muM (10) a l(M more fun than taking abus.On Sunday. I get up (I) 7:00. I have breakfast at half ( 2) seven. Then I help mymother ( 3 ) her housework At about 9:00 1 leave home I ( 4 )some shopping bybike. Al about 11 :(MK I ( 5 ) my bike back home. 1 like cooking very much. We have (6)at 11:3

16、0.In the afternoon. I ( 7 ) the train to a movie. It ( 8 ) nie two hours to see it. Wehave supper at 6:00.In lhe evening I do ( 9 ) homework. My parents read newspapers. We go to ( 1()al iiboiH IO;(X).I 2. 3. 4. 5. In Japan from train stations or airports( go to the taxi stand and wait there (1)stre

17、et look (2) a taxi (hat has a red light in front windou Il means lhe ( 3) has nopassengers(乘客).If the light is (4) t the laxi (5i passengersWhen you see an empty(空fj) taxi, wave your (6) and call it.The back door opens automatically( fl 动地). (7) stand back and wait until the dooropens.Get in the tax

18、i and tell the driver (8) you want to goBefore you get ( 9) of lhe taxi, pay it.Wait until the door (10) and get out of the taxi.一、星础总Hi Henry.Thank you (I) your invitation Im sorry I (2) visit you this week. I am reallybusy. This evening fm going to my cousin9s birthday (3). And tomorrow. I (4) tog

19、o to the dentist (4) Wednesday. I h-ave tennis training (5) the school team And Ihave to (6) for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening. Pm (7) to themovies (8 ) some friends. Can you (9) to the movies with (10) on Friday ?Wri te soon .Sonia1. 2. 3 4. 5. 9. 10. Th;inks a (1) for the invita

20、tion. Tm (2) I cant vinit ne( week. (3) Monday, 1 have to go to the doctor. On Tuesday Tm going to the movies (4) my friends. On Wednesday. I have (5) help my dad On Thursday. Pm studying (6) myphy$icN (CM. (7) on Friday. Km going io (8) on vacalion with my friends. Please call (9) after the (10).Tony.二、煤合提髙篇Dear Vince,Tliank you (I) your letter. You asked about if I could vbil you this wexk. Pm ( 2 ) Iam buhy. I huve ( 3 ) EngliMi icM ( 4 ) Munday Im going Cu lhe dentiM onTuesday, (5)1 have a doctor ap(xintiiM:nt(预约)on Wednesday. I ( 6 ) a pianoless

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