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1、C a prime minister 首相;总理Todays paper reports that the premier has given up the idea of visiting his hometown. 今天的报纸报道说,总理已经放弃了访问其故乡的想法。whereby ad. (fml.) used for saying that sth. is done according to the method, arrangement, rule, etc. that has been referred to 凭那个;借以Officials proposed a system of

2、double-checking on traders whereby they would be obliged to list every item exported and imported. 官员们提出了一个对贸易商进行复核的制度,这样贸易商将被迫列出进出口的每一个项目。civic a. (only before noun)1 relating to the people who live in a town or city or the duties and responsibilities that they have as citizens 公民的;市民的She felt it w

3、as her civic duty to give the police the names of the destroyers. 她觉得向警察提供那些破坏者的名字是她作为一个市民的责任。2 relating to a town or city 城镇的;城市的He takes on a lot of responsibilities, both at work and in civic affairs. 在工作和市政事务方面他承担了许多责任。patriotic feeling a lot of love, respect, and duty toward your country 爱国的;有爱

4、国心的The Chinese people have a glorious patriotic tradition, and they are great peace-loving people. 中国人民具有光荣的爱国传统,是伟大的、热爱和平的人民。clear-cut definite and easy to understand, recognize, or make a decision about 明确的;清楚的You have to be really clear-cut about who you are and what youre trying to achieve. 你必须真

5、正清楚你是谁,你想达到什么目的。inhibit make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way 阻碍;妨碍;抑制This strict supervision of their activities will make them less decisive and may inhibit them from giving orders or taking charge of the situation. 对他们行动的这种严密监控将使他们优柔寡断,还可能会妨碍他们发布命令、掌控局势。scholarly 1

6、sb. who is scholarly knows a lot about a particular subject or studies sth. seriously 博学的;学问精深的This extraordinarily scholarly young man had already advanced far in the study of art. 这位学问极其渊博的年轻人已经在艺术研究领域取得了卓越的成绩。2 connected with scholars or the formal study of a subject 学者的;学术的Recently, scholarly re

7、search is showing that marriage, by and large, makes people happier, healthier, and better off financially. 近来,学术研究大多显示婚姻使人更幸福健康,经济上更富裕。idiot C (infml.) sb. who behaves in an extremely stupid way 笨蛋;傻子bypass 1 avoid dealing with sb. or sth., esp. because you think you can achieve sth. more quickly w

8、ithout using them (做某事时)避开,越过(某人)A flexible plan can allow us to bypass unnecessary tasks and ignore unimportant interruptions. 一个灵活的计划可以让我们避开不必要的任务,忽略不重要的干扰。2 avoid the center of a town or city by using a road that goes round it 绕过;绕走Roadways, bridges, overpasses, and interchanges could run through

9、 or bypass urban areas. 公路、桥梁、天桥和立体交叉道穿过或绕过城区。persecution C, U extremely bad treatment of sb., esp. because of their race, religion, or political beliefs (尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而进行的)迫害,残害Unfortunately, the persecution of religious minorities has been common in the history of the world. 遗憾的是,在世界历史上,对宗教少数派的迫害很

10、常见。misfortune 1 C sth. harmful or unpleasant that happens to sb. 不幸的事;灾难Very often, comedians use the misfortunes in their personal life to create jokes and make other people laugh. 很常见的是,喜剧演员用他们个人生活中的不幸来制造笑料,给其他人带来笑声。2 U bad luck 厄运;不幸I have no doubt that the misfortune of a serious illness in his

11、family caused his financial difficulties. 我可以肯定他家人不幸得了重病导致他经济困难。glamor U a special quality that makes a person, place, or situation seem very exciting, attractive, or fashionable 魅力;吸引力She has the glamor of a movie star as it is rarely seen in office environments. 她具有电影明星的魅力,而这种魅力在职场是很少见的。glamorous

12、attractive and interesting in an exciting and unusual way 极富魅力的;非常吸引人的She became an entertainment journalist because she wanted to spend her working life in the glamorous world of celebrities and top politicians. 她成为了一名娱乐新闻记者,因为她想在风光无限、满是社会名流和著名政治家的圈子里工作。tragic causing or involving great sadness, be

13、cause sb. suffers or dies 可悲的;悲惨的;不幸的;悲剧性的When she heard about her husbands tragic experience, she could hardly choke back her tears. 当她听到自己丈夫的不幸经历时,几乎无法抑制住自己的眼泪。spur C sth. that encourages sb. to do sth. 刺激;激励;鞭策;鼓舞The soccer teams manager said that the teams success on Saturday would be a spur whi

14、ch would lead to even greater effort this season. 这支足球队的经理说球队周六的胜利将会鼓舞球队在本赛季更加努力。1 encourage sb. to do sth. 刺激;The promise of bonuses or gifts can spur workers to higher achievement. 承诺给工人奖金或礼品可以激励他们取得更大的成绩。2 cause sth. to happen 使发生The discovery of diamonds and gold spurred wealth and immigration i

15、n this region. 钻石和黄金的发现使该地区财富激增,并引发了涌往该地区的移民潮。optimism U a tendency to be hopeful and to expect that good things will probably happen 乐观;乐观主义Although they were poor, disabled or ill, they faced life with optimism and vigor. 虽然他们贫穷、残疾或疾病缠身,但他们乐观而充满活力地面对生活。dedication U the large amount of time and eff

16、ort that sb. spends on sth. 奉献;献身The volunteers dedication and support have been invaluable for the Art Associations funds and for managing them effectively. 在艺协基金及其有效管理上,志愿者的奉献和支持是非常宝贵的。commend vt. (fml.) 1 praise sb. or sth. formally or publicly (正式或公开)表扬,称赞,表彰I would like to commend you for the s

17、upport you give with your excellent articles to rural artists and craftspeople. 我十分赞赏你通过精彩的文章而给予农村艺术家和手艺人的支持。2 tell sb. that a person or thing is good, useful, or suitable 推荐I dont usually commend everyone who does a good job; I only commend people who do an excellent job. 对工作干得好的人我不是都推荐,我只推荐工作成绩优异的

18、人。uphold (fml.) show that you support sth. such as an idea by what you say or do 支持;拥护;维护The president swore to uphold the constitution. 总统宣誓维护宪法。endeavor C, U an effort to do sth., esp. sth. new or difficult 努力;尽力Driving is a serious endeavor and all drivers must remain alert, awake, and aware to r

19、educe the number of accidents on the roads. 驾车是一个严肃认真的行为,所有的司机都必须保持警觉,头脑清醒,尽力减少道路事故的发生。(fml.) ( to do sth.) try very hard to do sth. 努力做(某事);尽力做(某事)They endeavor to tell the stories behind each picture, allowing visitors to see paintings of landscapes with a greater understanding. 他们尽力去讲述每幅画背后的故事,让参

20、观者欣赏风景画时有更深层的理解。statesman C an experienced political leader that many people respect 政治家diligent (fml.) sb. who is diligent works very hard and very carefully 勤奋的;用功的Both ants and bees are extremely diligent insects. Therefore, we have a saying for a person who works very carefully and hard: He is a

21、s diligent as a bee. 蚂蚁和蜜蜂都是极其勤劳的昆虫。因此,对那些工作认真努力的人,我们有句俗话说得好:“他像蜜蜂一样勤劳。”diligently 勤奋地He worked diligently and spent long hours in the laboratory. 他工作勤奋,大量的时间都花费在了实验室。pursuit U the process of trying to achieve sth. 追求;寻求The main reason for the changes was the pursuit of profit. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润。ranch

22、 C a very large farm in the western US or Canada, where cows, horses, or sheep are bred (美国或加拿大西部的)大牧场prestige U the high reputation and respect that sb. or sth. has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality, etc. 声望;名望;威信The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of

23、 prestige. 古老的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。circuit n. C 1 a series of places that are regularly visited by sb. involved in a particular activity (与某种活动相关的人)定期前往的一系列场所2 the complete path that an electric current flows around 电路;回路;线路3 a journey all the way around the edge of sth. 环形路线unprecedented 1 never havi

24、ng happened or existed before 前所未有的;史无前例的The vice-president would take the unprecedented step of using federal money to raise the salaries of some teachers. 副总统将采取史无前例的措施,利用联邦基金来提高部分教师的工资。2 the greatest in size, amount, degree, etc. that has ever been known (大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的In the late 1950s, the

25、 slaughter of dolphins began on an unprecedented scale. 20世纪50年代后期,对海豚前所未有的大规模屠杀开始了。nominate officially suggest that sb. should be given a job, or that sb. or sth. should receive a prize 提名;推荐The private schools director nominated Mr. Williams as his official representative at the conference. 在这次会议上

26、,该私立学校的校董提名威廉斯先生为他的官方代表。appoint 1 choose sb. to do a particular job or have a particular position 任命;委派;指派He was hospitalized last week, the next day after he was appointed to the finance ministry. 他上周在被委派到财政部任职后的第二天就住院了。2 (fml.) choose a time or place for sth. to happen 确定,指定,约定(时间或地点)His young ins

27、tructor failed to turn up at the appointed time. 在约定的时间,他的年轻导师没能出现。abortion C a medical operation in which a developing baby is removed from a womans body so that it is not born alive 人工流产;堕胎expend (fml.) use time, energy, money, etc. to do sth. 花费;消耗;支出We will have to expend all our energies on the

28、 development of our communities rather than on political party quarrels. 我们必须把所有的精力放在社会发展上,而不是政党之争上。threat 1 C, U a situation or activity that could cause harm or danger 危害;威胁Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses. 即使是最具有安全意识的计算机用户也常常面临计算机病毒的威胁。

29、2 C an occasion when sb. says that they will cause you harm or problems, esp. if you do not do what they tell you to do 恐吓;Officials say they received a bomb threat at about 9:30 a.m. 官员们说上午9:30左右他们收到了炸弹恐吓。inward 1 (only before noun) felt or experienced in your own mind but not obvious to other people 内心的;精神的The story caters to everyones inward yearning for success. 这个故事迎合了大家内心追求成功的渴望。2 going toward the inside or center of sth. 向内的;向中心的It is useful to consider the external and inward factors of landscaping for the new building. 考虑

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