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1、My dads watch is on my bedside table now, which is a reminder that anyone or anything can be lost without warning. I begin learning to treasure everything and teach Alexis and Sierra to do the same as me. At the same time, my girls and I keep watching for those who experience loss. It is important f

2、or us to pay back the kindness we received. My family received the care, warmth and help of a community. That feeling was priceless. We will be grateful forever.2I realized the fire gave us more than it took away. On the one hand, we received lots of care and warmth from the community. Community mem

3、bers including friends, neighbors and even strangers, lent us a helping hand. Some sent clothes and money, some provided shelter for us; some helped to find treasures in the ruins, which moved us deeply. On the other hand, the fire made me realize the most important thing-my familyMy dads watch is o

4、n my bedside table now, which is a reminder that anyone or anything can be lost without warning. I know that I should learn to treasure people around me no matter who they are. I also should treasure my community members, who had come to help me when my house was destroyed. They helped me and my dau

5、ghters Alexis and Sierra physically and spiritually. At the same time, I also know I should put what I have learned to all other relationships and areas of my life.试题解析A篇文章大意:原来我们的表情也会影响我们的心情。21. B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句,可知由于注射肉毒杆菌导致皱纹能力减弱的人比起能正常皱眉的人更幸福。22. D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句,可知研究者放了热的东西在参与者的胳膊上。23. A 主旨大

6、意题。从文章第一段,可知我们的表情会影响我们的心情。B篇文章大意:文章选自 空中英语教室(2019年2月)【解析】文章是一篇议论文,说明父亲在孩子教育中的重要性。孩子、学校、老师都会从中受益。详细描述了使孩子受益的几个方面。24.D 细节理解题。 上面一段写的是留级,这一段应该写的是另一种现象。A和C首先排除,这两项是从正面说的。根据后面“are more likely to continue their study”可知选D,基本少一半的几率停学或辍学。25.A 细节推理判断题。根据所列举的几个好处,可以看出A选项提到了,B选项没有提到,C选项与原文half, mostly不符合,D选项是错

7、误选项。26. C 主旨大意题。 文章的中心句是第一段“In fact, the more parents are involved (参与), the better the kids do.”,尤其是强调父亲在孩子的教育上重要作用,所以答案选C。C篇文章大意:茶包里含有大量危害人类健康的微塑料。27.B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句,可知研究者们的结论是用茶包泡茶,意味着摄入了大量的微塑料颗粒。28. C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句,可知茶包比先前报道过的其他食物塑料含量高出数千倍,即暗示其他食物中也含有大量的塑料颗粒。29. A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句和第三句,可知水蚤被

8、置于含有不同浓度的微塑料的水中,他们反应异常,可以证明塑料颗粒可能对他们产生了毒性作用。30. D 推理判断题。本文目的是说明茶包的潜在危险。31. C. 通过句式判断,该空为主句,且句子首字母小写,所以答案可以锁定为C和F,通过句意判断,与人交流很重要而不是浪费时间,所以选C.32E. 通过联系上下文,可知该空与上句的关系是并列关系,其二,通过下句,可以判断该空与下句是同义异构关系,所以选E.33G. 该空与上句的关系是顺接关系,另,G选项的they指代上文的common topics.34D. 通过该空后文for example可知,该空与后文是论点与论据关系。35A. 通过后文连接词可知

9、,该空与后文的逻辑关系为转折关系,谈论的内容都是与陌生人交流问题。完型填空:答案:A B C D A C A D B C A C D B C D B B D A 【语篇解读】本篇是一篇夹叙夹议文。讲述了祖母送的礼物对“我”的影响。作者刚开始不理解祖母的爱意,认为她不理解自己,后来才明白祖母对自己的爱。语篇出处:报刊Teens space (2018年第3辑)(The gift from my grandmother)36. A 根据上文语境得知,祖母与“我”不在一起,根据后文中的 “on the phone”,我们可以得知父亲是每个星期天晚上给她打电话。37. B 根据下文得知,“我”不是一个

10、好学生,而祖母问“我”的问题让“我”感觉terrible, 所以选择B项。38. C “她不理解我这一点在她送礼物的时候表现地淋漓尽致”。否定词与比较级连用表示最高级。39. D dive “ move or jump quickly in a particular direction or into a particular place”40. A 根据上文,我们可以了解作者非常开心。alarm:惊慌;惊恐。41. C 根据上文,祖母总是送“我”不喜欢的东西,所以,这更加使得“我”认为她不关心“我”。belief: 信念;相信;信心。42. A count sb/ sth as.相当于vie

11、w sb/ sth as., count “认为;算作”。43. D 词义辨析题。Enormous: 巨大的;大量的 “very big in size or in amount”“huge”。44. B make up“编造”; get up “起床”;take up “拿起;从事;以.作为兴趣/爱好”。45. C “检测”所学的内容。46. A 根据上文语境得知,“我”不喜欢学习,所以邻居说“我”可以当个老师,所以刚开始,“我”觉得这个想法很荒谬。47. C 根据语境but slowly, 这个转折,可知作者想法发生了改变。 take root “生根;扎根”; take aim “瞄准”

12、; take risks “冒险”。48. D 常见搭配。Give it a try=give it a shot “试一下;试试看”。49. B 短语“devote oneself to.”, “专心致志;集中精力”。50. C be armed with “武装有;装备有”,文中指的是 带着教授关于名著的清单复印件。51. D 根据上文语境可以看出“我”很激动也很着急想回家看看那些书。Race “move very quickly to a place”.52. B 根据常识简单推理判断。书一般是放在架子上。swing“秋千”; stove “炉子”, suitcase “行李箱”。53.

13、 B “记忆涌上心头”contents “目录”54. D “其它礼物早就消失在我的成人世界里”。55. A 概况总结句。上文中作者认为祖母not understand, not care, 这时才意识到自己错了。这些年祖母给我的的的确确是爱。听力材料:(Text 1) W: Hello Mr. Smiths office.M: Hi, Susan. Its Mike. Can you tell Mr. Smith that Ill be about thirty minutes late for the meeting? The traffic is terrible. OK.(Text 2

14、) When will the football match start? At 2:30. But we should get there at 1:30. The bus will pick us up at 12:50 as it will take us 40 minutes to drive there.(Text 3) How did you get to school today? I rode a bike to school. However, I left my clothes at home. What did you do then? I had to ask my m

15、um to bring my clothes to school tomorrow morning. Lucky you! (Text 4) Is Dad taking us to the museum this week, Steve? Yeah, Amy. Hes working on Wednesday and Friday, but hes off on Thursday, so were going then.(Text5) Its an awful weekend. If it had rained we wouldnt have come to the beach. No, we

16、 might have gone to the cinema. Now we need to go home and have a good rest.(Text 6) (话题:学校日常生活) By the way, do you know what time it is? Well, its a quarter to two. Oh. Ive got to go. See Linda in the library? No. Actually Im going to meet with Professor Smith at ten past two. You may continue our

17、project discussion with Michael. All right.(Text 7) (话题:旅游) Hello, Id like this guidebook, please. How much is it? All things are free here. Oh, thanks. Ill stay in the city for one week. Could you tell me what places I should visit? Well, there are a lot. Are you interested in islands such as Lanta

18、u? Islands?w: Yes. Therere a lot of interesting things you can see. Old villages and churches, and the scenery is beautiful. Take this booklet. It tells you more. Thank you very much. Thats a great suggestion. You are welcome.(Text 8) (话题:购物) Can I help you? Yes. My daughter bought this camera here

19、for my wifes birthday. But it doesnt work. So Id like to change it for another one. I see. Let me have a look. Well, well be happy to change it for you. But I am afraid we dont have another pink one. Oh? What will I do then?Would you like to choose a different color? We do have this camera in black

20、and orange. My wife doesnt like either of those colors. If you want, we can order another camera just like this one. There wouldnt be any extra charge for it. That sounds fine. Would you please go ahead and do that? Wed be very happy to but itll take at least a week. Maybe ten days. Well call you wh

21、en it comes in. Thank you very much.(Text 9) (话题:语言学习) Good evening, Mr. Hunt. What is your question? Ive been learning French for some years. Ive learned quite a lot of grammar and words. But when I went to France this summer, I couldnt understand the French people at all. Ive lost heart and even w

22、ant to give it up. It is a problem. How long have you been studying French? About four years. How exactly? Going to an evening class, using tapes?ve been going to an evening class and Ive watched quite a lot of BBC television programs. Theyre very good. Did you buy the BBC book? No, we use a differe

23、nt book in the class. But I watched the programs.I see Mr. Hunt. I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive. Now you couldnt learn to drive a car by sitting in a classroom or watching television. I think what you need is a lot of practice in using the language.(Text 10)

24、 (话题:健康)Good morning, today Id like to talk about doing exercise and keeping fit. First, lets deal with the importance of exercise. Many people today live a kind of lazy life, sitting in the office all day and then watching TV the whole evening. I am sure you dont need me to tell you that this way o

25、f life is bad for your health. In fact, it can lead to all kinds of health problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure and some of the problems can result in death. Now let me talk a little about preventing illness. Probably the most important thing to bear in mind is to be active. This does n

26、ot mean that you have to go out and play sports. Of course, sports are an excellent way to stay healthy. But its also important to remember that healthy activities can take many different forms, like gardening and doing housework, for example. Now let me suggest some ways of doing exercise. In the first place, you should choose an activity that you enjoy and one that youll stick with. And then start exercising slowly and try to increase the amount of exercise step by step. Well, thats all I have time for today, so until next time. Goodbye.

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