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1、thirteen ? 6? :ti:n3.询问有什么东西。 What do you have? 你有什么?在2B Un it4 中学过 What do you have? I have a doll. 所以对于学生来说,不会很陌生。4.Can I ? ?我可以?吗?表示请求。Can I have a look? 我能看一看吗?答句可以是 Yes,或者Sure。又或者I m sorry,you can 5.询问别人能否做某事,可以说: Can you ?关于can的用法可以到 Unit4结束后,给学生作一个小结。【语音】LI / l /舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌尖轻轻用力弯曲,气流从舌的旁边送出。它有两

2、种发音,出现在元音前的叫清晰 / ?/,出现在辅音前或词的末尾,叫模糊/ ? /。l ballo on, ruler, bla nket, blouse, blue, class, glass, late, lake, colourmilk建议:告知学生该字母音标及其发音,同时让学生总结包含该发音的单词。单兀练习卷班级姓名得分听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍 10分)()1. A.tenB.nin etee nC. eightee n)2. A.toystickerC. robot)3. A.n icebeautifulC. cute)4. A. thirtee

3、nfourtee nC. fifteen)5. A. fourB)6. A. threeC.there)7 A. booklookC. take)8 A. manyanyC. man)9. A.likelovelyC. love)10. A. allfourC. now14,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(每小题读两遍 12分)181319( ) (1615二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍10分)1A. 1 have three.have somecars.C. Yes,)2.A. Yes, I havesix cray ons. B. No, I dont havecray ons.I

4、 have six.)3.A. No, I II have cars.B. Yes, IYes, I can.)4.A. Yes, I do.B. Y es, Ican.C. Sure.)5.A. Yes, I ca n.B. No, Idon t.C. Yes, I can 四、听录音,根据所听到的内容,将短文补充完整。(每小题读三遍 8分)A: Do you like ?B: Yes, I do. Look. I have . Oh! They are ! Would you like to have ? Yes. can I have ?笔试部分(60分)(6分),、判

5、断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“/和“x”表示三、选择题。(10分)( )1. What do you have?A. Yes, I doB. I haveeightee n)2.C. I have some pen cilsbooks do you have?old)3.n ice!you. ()4.I have ten.A. How muchB. Howsome)5.areare, are)6.doam)7.seeC. How many Look at my new stickers.A. HowB. Yes, thankC. It beautiful.Do you haveNo,

6、 I haveA. some,WhereTheyA. is, Do you have any dolls?Yes, I .A.Can I haveI have some stickers.)8.I have some cray ons.A. What)9.Oh, it nice.apples?.pin eapples.B. an y,C. some, some the stickers?in the my dress.C. are, isC. a lookC. Thatabout you?C. haveSeeB. Lookat( )10. What s fifteen and f

7、our?It s .eleve n.四、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。(5分)IC. LookA. eightee n B.C. nin etee nII( )1. How many cray ons do you have ?( )2. Look at my new cap.( )3. What do you have?I have thirtee n.( )4. How many cray ons can you see?( )5. Do you have any books?fifteen crayons.五、连词成句,注意首字母大写。 (10分)1. ani mals, at, t

8、oy, these, look (.)A. It s beautiful.D. Yes, I do.E. I can see2. fruit, make, let s, a, salad(.), balls, box, the, are, thathave, do, what ,you (?5.any, toy, do ,cars, have, you(?六、中英文句子翻译。(14分)1. 你有多少本故事书? 一我有15本。 storybookshave ? I have .2. 你有什么? 一 我有些球。 J = do you have ?I have3.你有一些贴纸吗?是的,我有Y

9、es, I4.你会打乒乓球吗?不,我不会you playNo, I can 七、阅读理解。(5分)阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相 符的用“2”表示,不相符的用“X”表示。Liu Tao: Good morning, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Good morning, Liu Tao. Look at these toy mon keys on the sofa. Wow, how beautiful! Whose are they? They are mi ne( 我的). How many toy mon keys do you have? Thirtee n

10、. Do you have any toy ani mals? No, I don Here s a toy mon key for you. Thank you. That s all right. Goodbye. Goodbye.( )1. It is in the morni ng.( )2. Liu Tao has twelve toy mon keys.( )3. Yang Ling has some toy an imals, too.( )4. Liu Tao gives( 给)some toys to Yang Ling.( )5. The toy mon keys are

11、on the sofa.(制卷人:汾湖实小)听力材料、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (每小题读两遍)1.eightee n2.sticker4. fourtee n5.fiftee ny9.likelO.all】、听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(每小题读两遍)How many pin eapples do you have? Fiftee n2.How many oran ges do you have?Eightee n.How many dolls do you have?Nin etee n.How many stickers do you have?S

12、ixtee n.How many bananas do you have?Thirtee n.How many toy cars do you have?Fourtee n.三*、听录音,选择正确的应答。What do you have?How many cray ons do you have?Do you have any balls?Can 1 have a look?Can you swim?四、听录音,根据所听到的内容,将短文补充完整。(每小题读三遍) Do you like man goes? Look. I have some man goes. They are very ni

13、ce! Would you like to have one? Yes. But can I have two?参考答案 听力部分一、 CBBBC , CBAAA二、 256413三、 BCBCA四、 略笔试部分一、Wxxx二、 1. thirtee n toy cars3. sixtee n stickers5.What do you have?. 看看9.把它们全吃掉三、 CCABB ACABC四、 CABED五、 1. Look at these toy ani mals.2.Let s make a fruit salad.3.The balls are in that box.4.What do you have?5.Do you have any toy cars?六、 1. How, many, do, you, fiftee n stickers, do4. Can , table, tennis七、 VxxxV2. in the box4. many dolls6.多少8.打乒乓10.在图书馆2. What, some, balls3. any,

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