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1、10.according to 按照,根据The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。11.account n.账目,描述She gave an accurate account of the case.她对事故作了准确的描述。on account of.因为,由于12.accurate adj.准确无误的Her careful description enabled us to form an accurate picture of what had happened.她描述得十分细

2、致,使我们对所发生的事历历如见。13.accuse v.指责,谴责,控告As long as you do what you can,no one will accuse you even if you fail it in the future.只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你。accuse sb.of指责/控告某人14.accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的(=usual)You will soon get accustomed to the climate here.你会很快习惯这里的气候的。be/get accustomed to习惯于15.achieve vt.达到

3、,取得You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。achieve success/ones goal获得成功/达到目标16.achievement n.成就I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。17.acknowledge vt.承认,认为属实;向打招呼It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the m

4、ost successful film series ever.当代电影业公认它是有史以来最成功的电影系列。18.actual adj.实际的,现实的I need the actual marks,not an estimate.我需要确实的分数,不要估计的。19.adapt v.(使)适应,(使)适合She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.她很快就适应了这种新气候。adapt to 适应20.addicted adj.入迷的,上瘾的In fact,some young people spend so much time playing c

5、omputer games and using the Internet that they have become addicted to computer games.事实上,一些年轻人将大量的时间花在玩电脑游戏和网络上,结果越来越沉溺其中。be addicted to 沉迷于,对上瘾21.admire v.钦佩,羡慕You may not like him,but you have got to admire his persistence.你可能不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。22.admit vt.承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)He made a terrible mi

6、stake,but he refused to admit it.他犯了一个严重的错误,可是他拒不承认。admit be 承认某人是admit 准许某人进入23.advantage n.优点,好处We should take advantage of all educational opportunities.我们应该利用一切教育的机会。take advantage of利用24.advance n.前进;进展;预付金 v.前进;预付;增长The most common use of the Internet is to advance knowledge a

7、bout hobbies.因特网最常见的用途是增长有关业余爱好的知识。in advance预先,事先make great advances取得很大进步25.afford vt.负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间),提供Some families cant afford to pay the tuition.有些家庭负担不起这笔学费。can(cant)afford sth.能(不能)承担某事can(cant)afford to do sth.能(不能)负担做某事26.aim n.目的,目标 v.计划,打算,瞄准,针对This anti-drug campaign is mainly aimed a

8、t young teenagers.这场反吸毒运动主要是针对青少年的。27.alternative adj.两者择一的;供选择的;非主流的 n.二者择一;供替代的选择I had no alternative but to accept the offer.我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。have no alternative/choice but to do sth.别无选择,只好做某事28.analyse/analyze v.分析Lets analyze the problem and see what went wrong.让我们分析一下这道题,看什么地方出错了。29.announce

9、vt.宣布,宣告He has announced his goals to the whole class.他已经向全班宣告他的目标。30.annoy vt.(使)烦恼I was annoyed at his rudeness.我对他的粗鲁感到生气。31.anxious adj.忧虑的,焦急的Im very anxious about the speech contest.我对此次演讲比赛十分忧虑。be anxious about对感到焦虑be anxious for渴望32.apart adv.分开,离开;相隔Apart from them,I had no one to talk to.除

10、了他们,没有人和我说话。apart from除外;要不是tell.apart识别,区别take.apart拆开33.apologize vi.道歉;赔罪He apologizes to her for not going to her party.他因未出席她的派对向她表示歉意。apologize to sb.for sth.因为某事向某人道歉34.apology n.道歉,歉意In my judgment,we should accept their apology.依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。make an apology to sb.for sth.因为某事向某人道歉35.appea

11、l v.恳求;申诉;有吸引力;n.上诉;吸引力,魅力How did you like Nicks performance last night?你认为尼克昨晚的表演怎么样?To be honest,his singing didnt appeal to me much.老实说,他的演唱对我没有多大吸引力。appeal to sb.for/to do sth.恳求/呼吁某人(做)某事appeal to sb.吸引某人36.appearance n.出现;外观,外貌We should not judge a person by his appearance.我们不应该以貌取人。in appeara

12、nce看起来;外貌上judging from/by appearance从外表看37.appetite n.食欲;胃口;要求;欲望He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals.他热爱生活,喜欢探索物体和动物的活动方式。have a good(poor)appetite胃口好(差)have an appetite for对的渴望38.apply v.申请We should not only know the theory but also know how to appl

13、y it to practice.我们不仅要知道理论,还要知道怎样把理论应用于实践。把应用到apply to适用于39.appointment n.约会Ive made an appointment for a tour next week.我已经预约了下周去旅游。40.appreciate v.欣赏,感激I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me the application forms as soon as possible.若能尽快寄来申请表格,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if.如

14、果我将不胜感激41.approach v.& n.走近,靠近,临近;方法Our coach,a person easy to approach,has taught us a new approach to defend.我们平易近人的教练,教给了我们一种新的防守方法。approach to.的方法42.approximately adv.接近,近似地Approximately it will have 400 pages when this book is completed.当这本书完成时大约有四百页。43.approve v.赞成,同意;批准,通过I dont really approv

15、e of children wearing makeup.我真的不赞同小孩子化妆。approve of赞同approve of sb.doing sth.赞同某人做某事44.argue v.争辩,争论We argued her into joining in the competition.我们说服她参加了竞赛。45.arise (arose,arisen) vi.起来,升起,出现,呈现,发生Tell the students to keep calm when danger arises.告诉同学们有危险时要冷静。46.arrange v.安排,布置I have arranged one o

16、f my staff to meet you at the airport.我已经安排好一个职员到机场接你。47.arrest vt.& n.逮捕,扣留They put the suspect under arrest after finding him with incriminating evidence.他们发现嫌疑犯有犯罪证据后将他拘留。under arrest被捕的be put under arrest被捕,在拘留中48.arrival n.到来,到达I am looking forward to his arrival.我期望着他的到来。49.article n.文章;物品(件);

17、条款Have you read the article about the train accident in todays newspaper?你看了今天报纸上有关火车事故的报道了吗?an article of clothing一件衣服50.ashamed adj.惭愧的,害臊的You should be ashamed of yourselftreating your mother like that!那样对待你妈妈,你应该为此而感到羞愧!be ashamed of因感到惭愧51.aspect n.样子,外表,面貌,(问题等的)方面He has made progress in every

18、 aspect.他在各方面都有起色。in every aspect 在各方面52.assume v.假定,假设Assuming that his story is true,what should we do?假定他的话是真的,那我们该怎么办?assuming that.假定assume sb./sth.(to be)认为是53.attach v.附加,隶属,系;依附于;重视To be honest,a great many people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。

19、认为有(重要性等)54.attack vt.&n.攻击,袭击The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers.警方对毒品贩子发动了大规模的攻击。55.attempt vt.试图,尝试He studied hard,attempting to pass the exam.他努力学习试图通过考试。56.attend v.看护,照料,服侍,出席,参加She had to attend on her sick mother,so she didnt attend school and nor did she attend the meeti

20、ng.她得照顾生病的母亲,所以她既没上学,也没参加那次会议。attend to处理;接待attend on照料;服侍57.attention n.注意;专心Pay close attention to what is being said.密切留意现在所讲的。58.attitude n.态度,看法Peters attitude towards women really scares me.彼得对妇女的态度着实吓了我一跳。attitude towards/to对于的态度/看法59.attract v.吸引,引起What do you think attracts people to big ci

21、ties?你认为是什么把人们吸引到大城市的?把吸引到60.authority n.权威,权力;授权He is an authority on French literature.他是法国文学方面的专家。an authority on.方面的泰斗(专家)have the authority for doing/to do有的权力(限)61.available adj.可以利用的,可得到的,可达到的There are only twenty beds available in the hospital.那家医院只有20张床可用。62.average adj.平均的;普通的 n

22、.平均数On average,people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.一般而言,不吸烟的人比吸烟者身体健康。63.avoid v.避免,躲开,逃避They all avoided mentioning that name.他们都避免提及那名字。64.aware adj.意识到的,知道的Are you aware that you have hurt her feelings?你察觉到你已经伤害了她的感情吗?65.bargain n.(经讨价还价之后)成交的商品,廉价货 v.讨价还价I bought a dress for o

23、nly 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real bargain.我花了十美元买了一条裙子,真是便宜。The salesman refused to bargain over the price.推销员拒绝讨价还价。66.basis n.基础,根据What basis do you have for saying that?你那样说有什么根据啊?on the basis of 在的基础上67.behalf n.利益;方面;支持;代表She gave a piano concert on behalf of a charity.她举行了一场慈善钢琴音乐会。in/on

24、behalf of.为了的利益;代表68.behave v.守规矩,举动,表现I do not think its proper for you to behave so.我认为您这样的举止不合体统。69.belong vi.属,附属That dictionary belongs to me.那本字典是我的。belong to 属于70.benefit n.&v.有利,利益;对有利The new hospital will benefit the entire community.新医院将有益于整个社区。71.beyond prep.(表示位置) 在的那边;超过The scenery ther

25、e was beautiful beyond expression.那儿的风景美得无法形容。beyond ones wildest dreams超出想象,做梦也想不到beyond description/words无法表达72.blame n.& v.责备,责怪I think it is he,rather than you,that is to blame for the accident.我认为是他而不是你应该为这次事故负责任。be to blame应受谴责;应负责任73.bother v.烦扰,打扰,烦恼,操心The problem has been bothering me for w

26、eeks.那问题已经困扰了我几个星期。74.bound adj.被束缚住的;必定的,一定的;准备/正在到去的(常与for连用);v.跳跃;n.界限,范围Your plan is bound to succeed.你的计划肯定会成功。be bound to do一定会;有做的义务75.brief adj.短暂的;短期的;简短的;扼要的 n.摘要;案件陈述In the beginning,the teacher gave us a brief introduction about the subject.开始时,老师给我们作了关于这门课程的简短介绍。He drew up a brief for h

27、is speech.他起草了一份讲话的摘要。 vt.&vi.建造,修建;创立(事业);树立(名声);发展(体格、性格);增进(健康、体力)Sports and games build up our bodies.体育运动能增强我们的体质。build up确立(事业、名声),增强(体质),扩大77.burst v.突然发生,突然发作Prices went up and up in recent years,before the housing bubble burst.最近几年价格持续上涨,直到房价泡沫的破裂。burst into laughter/tears突然大笑/大哭burst out laughing/crying突然大笑/大哭78.burden n.负担;义务;烦恼;vt.加负担于,使负重担There will be great sufferings and burdens for the people in the disaster area to bear.灾区的人们将承受巨大的痛苦和沉重的负担。79.cancel vt.取消The match had to be cancelled due to the bad weather.比赛因天气不好只得取消。80.carry v.携带;运送;搬运;带有;传播This is a dange

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