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本文(新版PEP小学英语四年级上册第六单元MeetMyFamily表格教案Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Whos this woman? Hes my mother.Look. This is my family. (导入family)4 请学生用This is my family . This is my 简单介绍自己的家人。(用family tree导入新课,并让学生用英语简单介绍自己的家人,在复习旧知的同时,又为新课学习打下基础。)二 Presentation1.教师拿出自己的家庭照片,Hi! Friends! Come and meet my family. .指着自己的爸爸、妈妈问: Whos this man/woman ? This is my father. This is my

2、 mother.(教师把father 和mother用一颗爱心圈起来)教 师边画边说:Look! They are my parents. I love my parents. Do you love your parents?(渗透情感教育)2 用上面的图片导入baby brother的教学。请学生用肢体语言展示表演baby brother3 Guessing games :father/mothers father (grandfather ) father /mothers mother (grandmother) father/mothers brother father/mother

3、s sister 导入uncle , aunt .(注意让仔细观察教师的口型以区分uncle , aunt在发音上的区别。(培养学生用英语思考的习惯)三. Practice1. 1 Whats missing ? 教师使用词卡:让学生认读,然后教师抽出其中的一张词卡,让学生再次认读后,用口型告诉老师少了哪一张。(用口型告诉教师答案是为了让更多的学生参与到游戏中来)2 让学生听教师的指令表演人物。(TPR活动符合学生的身心特点)3 学生自己画家庭照片,并用英语向自己的同伴介绍自己的家庭成员。This is my family. This is my I love my .4 跟父母亲打招呼可以有

4、更加亲切的称呼(介绍英语国家中常见的称呼习惯)。并请学生表演: Hi! Mom/mommy/mamaHi! Dad/daddy/papa.二度设计作业或活动设计1.学生拿着自己的全家福照片,介绍自己的家庭成员。2.抄写本课单词.(family parents baby brother uncle aunt板书设计教学反思2015年 月 日 上课时间: Unit 6 A Lets talk Period 2能听懂、会说、认读目标语句:How many people are there in your family?能简单介绍自己的家庭成员1) 能听懂、会说、认读句子How many people

5、 are there in your family?; Who are they?1) parents, family 的发音。2) 能完整流利的说出长句“How many people are there in your family?”运用主句型介绍自己的家人。三 Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing “Finger family”and teach the new word “family”3. Group-division4. Lead inToday well talk about our family members. Well learn Unit 6 Me

6、et My Family. Part A Lets learn & Lets talk2.Presentation Who is he? He is Amys baby brother.引出Amy,进入对话教学。 Play the video 5. Teach the textT: How many people are there in Amys family? How many people are there in Chen Jies family?6. Teach the word “uncle, aunt”用riddle的方式教授uncle: He is fathers or mot

7、hers brother. Whos he?He is Amys uncle. Who is she?She is Amys aunt3.Practice 1. Lets chant.2. Sharp eyes3. look and say(展示学生熟悉的人物以及其全家福,操练句型 How many。Free- talk: talk about familyPlay the video ( the text)1. Listen, point and repeat the new words and dialogue for 3 times.2. Copy the new words for 4

8、 times.3. Draw a family tree and introduce your family to your friends . Unit 6 Meet My Family baby brotherparentsauntuncleBoysPart A Lets talkFamilyGirls Unit 6 A Lets spell Period 31.掌握归纳辅元辅元结构单词的发音规律听说拼写本学期所学的四会句子辅元辅元结构单词的发音规律,注意不遵循发音规律的单词四 Warming up 1 Sing songs : Father and MotherAlphabet song

9、 2Listen to the tape and read after it. 1利用歌谣创设情境,通过拆音,对比巩固a, e ,i ,o ,u的短音和长音的发音。(1)a/u 呈现图片,播放录音:We like the cat.同时呈现两个选项cat/cut,让学生根据cat 的发音拼出来。全班一起读cat/cut,对比两个词的发音。(2)u/u-e呈现图片cat的图片,并引导学生:Oh, its cute. 同时呈现两个选项cute /cut. 让学生根据cute 的发音拼出来。全班一起读cute/cut,对比两个词的发音。其他单词的教学跟以上一样2.教学Listen and chant(

10、1)呈现歌谣,让学生自由朗读,关注give的发音特殊性。(2)播放录音,学生跟着录音有节奏地读。并分组读。1完成Group and write.教师校对讲评2.Play a game:单词接龙S1:meS2:me sheS3:me she be1. 完成同步2. 抄写四会单词cat/cut/ cute me/she/be Unit 6 B Lets learn Lets do Period 41 能够听说、认读单词:baseball player , driver , doctor , farmer , nurse ,并能介绍人物的职业。2 能听懂会说句型Whats your father ?

11、 My father is a doctor . 并能做替换练习,在实际情景中运用句型。3会唱歌曲My father is doctor .五个生词和人物职业的表达法句型“Whats your father ? My father is a doctor”的教学。五 Warming up1Listen (听歌曲my father is doctor 初步感知歌曲)2Listen and act .(father mother )二.Presentation1 教师做出打棒球状:Im a baseball player .2 请学生欣赏baseball player的照片,引导学生描述照片上的人

12、物如:This is a baseball player . He is tall and strong . He likes to play baseball .3 学生描述班中同学。This is_. He is_. He likes_.(竞赛)4. 利用多媒体图片或简笔画,讲故事导入新授单词:baseball player likes to play baseball .One day ,he comes to a farm . 碰到一个farmer . 把farmer 打伤了. baseball player 四处找人帮忙,发现一个driver . 把farmer 送到医院, doct

13、or 看完病,请nurse 打针.(教师设置故事情景导入新课,学生在不知不觉中已自然习得本课重点单词。5. 教师出示本课时所学单词卡,让学生认读单词。Whats he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer. (进一步巩固新授词汇) 并请学生用This is_ . He/she is_. He/she likes_.描述farmer. Driver . nurse .6. 教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令让学生看Lets do的动画课件,边看边学说并模仿做动作。7. 两人一组根据操练Lets do的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师

14、可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。 以小组竞赛的形式开火车朗读单词,比一比哪个小组传单词传得比较快.2 Guessing game (小组竞赛): 教师让一个学生上台抽取一张写有职业的英语卡片,做动作模仿. What is ?G1: He is a .This is my father . My father is a doctor . Whats your father ?(以开小火车的形式操练句型)3.听歌曲进一步巩固句型.请学生歌词略加修改,并表演.My brother is a driver .My sisiter is a nurse.4.通过一则chant 巩固所学内容: What

15、 is he ?1 听录音朗读lets learn和lets do 部分2 课外搜集关于职业的单词. 3. 抄写本课所学新词汇.4. 到小组长处朗读本课词汇.baseball player , driver , doctor , farmer , nurseWhats your father? My father is a doctor. Unit 6 B Lets talk Lets chant Period 51. 能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情景中运用。能够听、说、认、读本课句型Is this your father ?Whats your mother ? He looks st

16、rong . 3.理解、会说Lets chant 部分的内容使学生掌握 Is this your ? Whats your .? He looks .句型。理解、会说They look young . Are they farmers ? 句型。六 Warming up1 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse. 2. Lets do: Act like a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.3. Listen and do : tall s

17、trong thin fat long hair short hair old young .七 Presentation1 欣赏明星照片,拿出一女/男明星照片问: Whos this girl / woman/boy /man ? Is this your brother /sister ?引导学生回答:NO. She/He s_.Guess,what does she /he like ?She/He likes_.教师用肢体语言展示: She/looks_.拿出S.H.E.照片,师生对话:Who are they ?They are S.H.E. They look nice (acti

18、ve young )(利用学生感兴趣的话题导入新课,学生更乐意接受)2.学生描述班中同学:This is _.She/he looks tall/strong/thin/fat.She/he likes _.Guessing games : 听教师对班中某一同学的描述,猜人物.例:He is strong . He has big eyes . He looks smart . Who is this boy ?引导学生运用Is this 句型 .4 教师拿出自己家庭成员的照片. 问: Whos this woman/ man/ girl/ boy?引导学生运用Is this your mot

19、her / father /sister/brother ?Whats my mother / father /sister/brother?Is he/she a .?Whats your mother / father /sister/brother?My mother / father /sister/brother is a .请学生拿出自己准备的家庭照,同桌相互问答,供选择句型: Is this your mother / father /sister/brother ?Is he/she a_?拿出两位老人的照片They look old . Who are they ? Are

20、they your grandpa and grandma ?猜职业: Are they .? 导入farmer .听录音,跟读课文。6. 两人一组用自己的家庭照片模仿本课做对话练习3. 完成同步4. 用英语介绍你的家人Is this your father ? Yes, he is. 中天小学备课表 Unit 6 B Read and write C story time Period 61 掌握四会单词:nurse , doctor , farmer , driver 2 能用本单元所学内容介绍自己的家庭成员并描述人物特征。了解C部分的故事内容。熟练掌握四个单词的拼写,通过学故事培养学英语

21、的兴趣运用所学英语介绍并描述人物。八 Warming upAsk and answer : Who are they ?Whats your father /mother ?Is she/he a teacher/doctor /nurse /?Sing a song : father and mother(替换歌词)1.教师出示表示职业的单词卡让学生认读,并贴在黑板上。2.教师表演Im going to be a . . 请学生补充完整句子.3.教师出示本课四会单词,让学生拼读单词,教师在黑板上板书单词,学生临摹写。4.教师出示Write and say部分的内容,让学生看图独立完成短文。5

22、.谁最默契: 一学生说Im going to be 另一学生演.动作和声音同步的奖励一苹果标志。(学生自由发挥)6.学生表演第四课时导入时的小故事。学生用Im going to be 来自由选择角色表演。7.farmer 治好病以后邀请nurse doctor baseball player 到家里做客。farmer: Welcome to my home .look at these photoes . They are my family photoes .My father is a My mother is a (part c story time 内容。)教师播放C部Story time 录音,帮助学生理解故事内容。学生带上头饰表演故事内容。1.请学生用教师所给的字母排列出指定的单词。2.读单词列队比赛将全班分成两组,教师发给每个学生一张字母卡片,不常用的字母(如Q,Z)可以一人多拿几张,游戏开始,教师说一个单词,如ship,或出示一张轮船的图片,两个组持S,H,I,P字母的学生应立即站到讲台前按顺序站好队,先按正确次序排好队的为优胜5. 完成同步6. 用英语向家人介绍你的朋友 nurse , doctor , farmer , driver

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