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1、C. costly D. luxurious3. Japanese workers still put in an impressive 42 hours each week, but they are _ by the South Koreans and Singaporeans who spend an average 46 hours atthe grindstone.A. outdone B. outweighedC. outrun D. outrivaled4. This is an alarming realization as natural resources and the

2、environment are beingdegraded and _ at a record pace.A. wasted B. reconstructedC. destructed D. reversed5. The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. Napoleon and Hitler both underestimated the _ of the Russian winter. A. severity B. consequence C. influence D. threat6. T

3、he company, EDS, is smart enough to _its 90,000-person workforce intoindependent microteams that work directly with individual clients on creativebusiness solutions.A. break out B. break offC. break from D. break down17. Most environmental _ from climate changes to freshwater and forest habitat loss

4、 have become markedly worse. A. symptoms B. highlights C. indicators D. symbols8. What we call nature is, _, the sum of the changes made by all the variouscreatures and natural forces in their intricate actions and influences upon each otherand upon their places.A. in common sense B. from a senseC.

5、by the sense D. in a sense9. Although the on line life style has dominated the majority of city youth, mostpeople in the remote countryside still think Internet or something is _ to theirlife.A. unconcerned B. irrelevant C. inseparable D. inaccessible10. _ near-perfect English language skills, the s

6、tudents were keen to exploreevery aspect of Australian culture, from Aussie eating customs to family and studentlife, popular culture, the natural landscape and the ever-popular Australian nativeanimals.A. Possessing B. Acquiring C. Apprehending D. Interpreting11. Telephones save the feet and endles

7、s amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, _ the postal service is less efficient. A. where B. since C. that D. whereas12. The board of directors have already discussed the subject _ in the previousmeetings and they will handle it in all its aspects.

8、A. in place B. at length C. on end D. off and on13. Reflecting on our exploration , we also discovered that people will exploit the newness, vagueness, and breadth of the information Marketplace to support their wishes and predilections, _ they may be. A. whatsoever B. whatever C. whichever D. which

9、14. The World Bank is taking steps to _ its lending to reducing poverty in theThird World Countries.A. orient B. tailorC. adapt D. adjust15. Total investments for this year reached $56 million, and to put this into _2investments this year will double those made in 1997. A. sight B. vision C. perspec

10、tive D. horizon16. The year of 776 B.C. is considered to be the founding date of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. The Games lasted more than 11 centuries _ they werebanned in 393 A.D.A. when B. afterC. as D. until17. As did his _ Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Henry Ford, Thomas Edison prof

11、oundly transformed the Western World. A. contemporaries B. part-owners C. companions D. accomplices18. In a world where information is a flood _ to everyone, and where nothing is secret or proprietary the only organizations and managers who will thrive are those who can quickly wade into the water,

12、harness what they need, and then add value to it through speedy, innovative business decisions. A. acceptable B. availableC. accessible D. attainable19. The car pollutes, but advances in fuel quality and efficiency, and in microprocessed engine technology, have radically cut _. A. releases B. emissi

13、ons C. poisons D. contamination20. If humans use up too much soil - which they have often done and aredoing - then they will starve down to the carrying capacity of their habitat.This is natures indifferent _.A. flexibility B. justiceC. plasticity D. sensibilityII. Reading Comprehension 50% Read the

14、 following passages and choose from the choices marked A, B,C and D that best complete or answer the questions after each passage. Then put a in the corresponding place on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneThroughout the history of life, species of living creatures have made use of chemical energy by the

15、slow combination of certain chemicals with oxygen within their cells. The process is analogous to combustion, but is slower and much more delicately controlled. Sometimes use is made of energy available in the bodies of stronger species as when a remora hitches a ride on a shark or a human being hit

16、chesan ox to a plough.Inanimate sources of energy are sometimes used when species allow themselves to be carried or moved by wind or by water currents. In those cases, though, the inanimate source of energy must be accepted at the place and time that it happens to be and in the amount that happens t

17、o exist.The human use of fire involved an inanimate source of energy that was portable and could be used wherever desired. It could be ignited or extinguished at will and could be used when desired. It could be kept small or fed till it was large, and could be used in the quantities desired.The use

18、of fire made it possible for human beings, evolutionarily equipped for mild weather only, to penetrate the temperate zones. It made it possible for them to survive cold nights and long winters, to achieve security against fire-avoiding predators, and to roast meat and grain, thus broadening their di

19、et and limiting the danger of bacterial and parasitic infestation.Human beings multiplied in number and that meant there were more brains to plan future advances. With fire, life was not quite so hand-to-mouth; and there was more time to put those brains to work on something other than immediate eme

20、rgencies.In short, the use of fire put into motion an accelerating series of technological advances.About 10 000 years ago, in the Middle East, a series of crucial advances were made. These included the development of agriculture, herding, cities, pottery, metallurgy, and writing. The final step, th

21、at of writing, took place in the Middle East about 5 000 yea years ago.This complex of changes stretching over a period of 5 000 years introduced what we call civilization, the name we give to a settled life, to a complex society in which human beings are specialized for various tasks.To be sure oth

22、er animals can build complex societies and can be composed of different types of individuals specialized for different tasks. This is most marked in such social insects as bees, ants, and termites, where individuals are in some cases physiologically specialized to the point where they cannot eat, bu

23、t must be fed by others. Some species of ants practice agriculture and grow small mushroom gardens, while others herd aphids; still others war on and enslave smaller species of ants. And, of course, the beehive and the ant or termite colony have many points of analogy with the human city.The most co

24、mplex nonhuman societies those of the insects, are, however, the result of instinctive behaviour, the guidelines of which are built into the genes and nervous systems of the individuals at birth. Nor does as any nonhuman society make use of fire. With insignificant exceptions, insect societies are r

25、un by the energy produced by the insect body.It is fair, then, to consider human societies as basically different from other societies and to attribute what we call civilization to human societies only.21.Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?4A. The process of species making chemical

26、energy is similar to the process ofcombustion. B. The process of species making chemical energy is less complicated than theprocess of combustion.C. Fire is a portable, inanimate source of energy. D. Man sometimes makes use of energy available in the bodies of stronger species.22. From the passage w

27、e know _.A. fire made human beings free from bacterial and parasitic infestation B. fire enabled human beings to deal with immediate emergencies more efficiently C. fire made some animals frightened D. fire helped human beings change their eating habits completely23. Judging from the context, the ph

28、rase hand-to-mouth (Para 5) most probablymeans_. A. adventurous B. unhappy C. wandering D. unstable24. The point of similarity between a complex, human society and a complex beesociety is _.A. the division of labor B. the use of fireC. the development of industry D. the development of a written lang

29、uage 25 .According to the passage, insect societies _.A. are governed by the instincts of insectsB. are not fundamentally different from human societiesC. are composed of individuals of the same typeD. are as not warlike as human beingsPassage TwoModem technology may not have improved the world all that much, but it certainly has made life noisier. Unmuffled motorcycles, blaring car alarms, and roving boom boxes come first, second, and third on my list of most obnoxious noise offenders, but everyone could come up with his own version of aural hellif he could just find a quiet spot to pond

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