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1、5. He leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。2. sneaksni:kvi 潜行;偷偷溜走;-to go somewhere secretly,trying to avoid being seen1. Sometimes he would sneak out of his house late at night to be with me.有时候,他会在深夜里偷偷溜出家与我相会。2. I sneaked up the stairs.我蹑

2、手蹑脚地上了楼。3. The boy sneaked in without paying.这个男孩没有付钱人偷偷地溜了进来。3. staggerstgvi. 蹒跚;摇摇晃晃地走-to walk with weak unsteady steps,as if you are about to fallhobblehbl 蹒跚;跛行;艰难地走-to walk with difficulty, especiallybecause your feet or legs hurt1. The injured woman staggered to her feet.受伤的女人摇摇晃晃地站起身来。2. He s

3、taggered home, drunk.他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。3. He watched the old woman stagger out with a big bag and disappear.他目送老妇人扛着一大包蹒跚而去。4. He staggered to his feet.他摇摇晃晃地站起来。5. The old man hobbled across the road.老人一瘸一拐地穿过马路。6. He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table.他慢慢地站起来,一瘸一拐地走到咖啡桌旁。4. strollstrlvi

4、散步; 溜达; 闲逛-to walk somewherein a slow relaxed way1. People were strolling along the beach.人们在海滩漫步。2. Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。3. They looked happy and relaxed as they strolled in the sunshine on a shopping trip他们漫步于阳光下购

5、物,看上去悠然惬意。4. I had the chance to stroll around this beautiful city with my wife for a whole day.我有机会和我的夫人用整整一天的时间游览这座美丽的城市。5. meander mindvi. 漫步;闲荡;信步-to walk slowly and changedirection often, especially withouta particular aim1. We meandered through a landscape of mountains, rivers, and vineyards.我

6、们在群山、河流和葡萄园构成的美丽画卷中漫步。2. She liked to meander through familiar streets.她喜欢在熟悉的街道上闲逛。6. wanderwndvi. 游荡,漫游-to walk slowly around or to a place,often without any particular sense ofpurpose or directionvi.roamrm-to walk or travel around an areawithout any definite aim or direction1. She wandered aimles

7、sly around the streets.她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。2. We wandered back towards the car.我们溜达着回到汽车那里。3. The child was found wandering the streets alone.那孩子被发现独自在大街上瞎转。4. In my free time I like to wander with their friends.在我空闲的时候,我喜欢与朋友去闲逛。5. You might get lost if you wander by yourself in the woods.你如果独自在森林里闲逛就很有

8、可能会迷路。6. They roamed through the streets for hours.他们在街上闲逛了很长时间。7. swaggerswvi. 昂首阔步;神气十足-to walk in an extremely proudand confident way1. A man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar.穿晚礼服的男子神气十足地走向吧台。2. After winning the first prize, the player swaggered about proudly.得奖以后,这位选手

9、神气十足地到处走动。3. He walked down the street with a swagger.他沿着街昂首阔步地走着。8. pace pesvi. 踱步,走来走去(由于焦虑或不耐烦而) 在踱步-If you pace a small area, you keepwalking up and down it,because you are anxious or impatient.1. As they waited, Kravis paced the room nervously.他们等的时候,克拉维斯在屋里不安地踱来踱去。2. I couldnt sleep, and paced

10、 about most of the night.我睡不着,夜里大部分时间是在来回踱步。3. He rose from his chair and began to pace.他从椅子上站起身来,开始踱步。4. I found him pacing in his office.我发现他在办公室里踱来踱去。5. He paced up and down the platform, waiting for the train.他在站台走来走去,等着火车。9. slip slp悄悄疾行;溜=slide-to go somewhere quickly and quietly,especially wi

11、thout being noticedslideslaid vi -to move quicklyand quietly,for example,in order not to be noticed;to make sth move in this way1. She slipped out of the house before the others were awake.她趁别人还没醒,溜出了房子。2. Amy slipped downstairs and out of the house.埃米偷偷下楼溜出了房子。3. The ship slipped into the harbour a

12、t night.船在夜间悄然进港。4. He slipped into the driving seat and closed the door.她溜进了驾驶座,关上了门。5. She slid out while no one was looking.他走趁没有人注意,溜了出去。10. dash dvi.猛冲;赶紧离开-同义词有rush; hurryIf you dashs omewhere,you run or go there quickly and suddenly.If people rush to do something,they do it as soon as they ca

13、n,because they are very eager to do it.hurry vi -to move quicklyin a particular direction;to do sth more quickly than usualbecause there is not much time1. Suddenly she dashed down to the basement她突然冲下地下室。2. I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me.我向前门奔去,但他抢在了我的前面。3. He made a wi

14、ld dash for the door.他朝门口猛冲过去。4. A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a mans life.一位女学生冲进起火的公寓里去救一名男子。5. My bus leaves in two minutes. I have to rush to catch it.再两分钟公车就要开了。我得快点赶上它。6. He picked up his bags and hurried across the yard.他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。7. She hurried away without saying goodbye.

15、她连声再见都没说就急忙离开了8. Claire hurried along the road.克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行。9. She hurried home to tell us the news.她匆匆回家告诉我们这一消息。10. They hurried to catch their bus.他们匆忙地去赶公共汽车。11. My wife went home in a hurry only to find the door locked.我妻子急忙回到家,结果却发现门锁着。练一练根据释文,回顾所学单词1. _-to walk using the front parts of your fee

16、t only, so that other people cannot hear you2. _-to go somewhere secretly, trying to avoid being seen3. _-to walk with weak unsteady steps, as if you are about to fall4. _-to walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt5. _-to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way6. _-to walk slowl

17、y and change direction often, especially without a particular aim7. _-to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction8. _-to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction9. _-to walk in an extremely proud and confident way10. _-If

18、 you pace a small area, you keep walking up and down it, because you are anxious or impatient.11. _-If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.12. _-If people rush to do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it.13. _-to do sth more quickly

19、than usual because there is not much time;to move quickly in a particular direction14. _-to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed15. _-to move quickly and quietly, for example in order not to be noticed; to make sth move in this way参考答案!1. tiptoe 2. sneak 3. stagger 4. hobble 5. stroll 6. meander 7. wander 8. roam 9. swagger 10. pace 11. dash 12. rush 13. hurry 14. slip 15. slide

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