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1、snowflake 雪花,雪片 spark 火花 trail 足迹,轨迹 拖拉 “一读,二拼,三变形,四拆,五分,六开屏” 一读:就是所谓的谐音,就是根据读音联想到单词的意思 nutrition 营养,营养品-谐音“牛吹神” sentimental 情绪化的,多愁善感的-谐音“三屉馒头” curse 诅咒-谐音“克死” 二拼:就是利用汉语拼音来记单词 schedule 时间表 = s+che(车)+ du(堵)+ le(了) leisure 休息,休闲 = lei(累)+ sure(一定) 三变形:把词汇进行形状上的改变,变成我们能够编故事的单元 garage 修车厂-g想成哥哥+(c)ar小

2、汽车+age 年龄 gloom 忧愁,郁闷-gl(隔离)+(r)oom 四拆:就是把单词拆分成几个有效的记忆单元 discipline 纪律 scream 尖叫 fate 命运 doom 厄运 五分:单词去掉一、两个字母,成为认识的单词,就要用五分的方法 drown 使淹死,使溺死-r 去掉 poise 使平衡-i 去掉 routine 例行的事情-in去掉 六开屏:通过熟悉的长单词来记忆不熟悉的短单词 engine 发动机,引擎-engineer 工程师 rub 摩擦-rubber 橡皮2. 组记 pie 馅饼lie 撒谎tie 领带die 死亡 car 小汽车scar 伤疤scare 惊吓

3、scarf 围巾scarlet 猩红色的 shirt 衬衫skirt 裙子flirt 调戏dirt 脏话 3. 词根词缀 1)辨别单词 1The radio can _ signals. A transmit B emit *“mit”表示 send发射的意思 :submit 提交 ;*transacross 跨越:port-transport 运输;plant-transplant 移植;transition 过渡时期; transmit 跨越式的发射 ;*eout 向外:evaluate 评价;evaporate 蒸发;emit 发散性的散射第二课时2disturb 打扰,perturb

4、烦扰,扰乱*turb = stir 搅动 :turbine 涡轮机 ,turbulent 狂暴的、骚动的、动荡的狂暴的天气 turbulent weather;骚动的人群 turbulent crowd;动荡的时期 turbulent period *dis = away 分开 :discard 丢弃,抛弃 *per = through 从头到尾 :perfect = per + fect(do) 完美的;pervade = per + vade(walk) 弥漫 2)统一单词的很多含义 1compose 作曲,作图,写作,合成,由.组成 *pose = put 摆放 :expose 暴露,揭

5、露 ;dispose 处理(disposable chopsticks一次性的筷子) ;depose 罢免 ;degrade 使降级,使丢脸;be composed of 由组成*com = together 一起:2confess 倾诉,忏悔,坦白 *con = fully 完全的 :condense 浓缩(dense 浓密的);conceal 隐瞒,隐藏(seal 密封,封存)*fess = speak 说 :professor=pro(forward)+fess(speak)+or (人) 教授 progress=pro(forward)+gress(go) 进步 3capital 首都

6、,首写字母,资金,首要的 *cap = head :captain 船长3)猜测单词的含义 compressed air 压缩空气 ;contact 接触,联系 ;contact lens 隐形眼镜 ;intact forest 原始森林 (*tact=touch 触摸;con = fully 完全的)I am explicit. (我对我的过去直言不讳。) explicit 明确的 *plic = fold 折叠 :implication 暗示 ;implicit adj. 暗示的,暗指的 *ex=out 向外4)词源 log 原木,航海日志 calciumcalculate(计算),cal

7、culator(计算器),calculus(微积分,肠/胃结石) bar(长木条)rolling bar(滚动条),barrier(障碍),barrel(bucket,drum),stay behind bars (呆在监狱里) car(木制的马车)cargo(货物),carpenter(木匠),career(职业生涯), *rive(河流):derive 起源,来源(de向下。derive from);arise from起源,起因thrive 繁荣,昌盛 ;rival 竞争者,敌人 *human(人类):hum 泥土humble 卑微的 ;humiliate 使丢脸,使羞辱;humid 潮

8、湿的 wet 潮湿的,强调浸润的状态 humid 潮湿的,强调闷热(南方天气) damp 潮湿的,强调阴冷moist 湿润的,强调舒服(moist skin)*spirit spir = breath(呼吸):conspire 共谋 ;aspire渴望(aspire after a political career渴望一个好的政治生涯);expire 咽气,到期 ;inspire 激发灵感,鼓舞 5)扩充词汇量 progress=pro(forward)+gress(go) 进步regress = re(back)+gress(go) 退步,退化 第三课时congress = con(toge

9、ther)+gress(go) 国会 egress = e(out)+gress(go) 出口 reputation 名誉,声誉 put(think):computer = com(together)+put(think)+er 计算机 dispute = dis(away)+put(think)+e 争吵 quarrel/argue/debate/dispute4. 词根词缀与形象化相结合 *duce = lead :produce = pro(forward)+duce(lead) 生产 reduce = re(back)+duce(lead) 减少 educate = e(out)+du

10、c(lead)ate 教育 seduce = se+ duce(lead) 勾引 suicide = sui(拼音衰)+ cide(cut) 自杀 *cide = cut :pesticide = pest(害虫)+I+cide(cut) 杀虫剂 dilemma 进退两难 *di = away :divorce = di(away)+vorce(声音) 离婚 5. 生活中学英文rejoice 快乐 ;safeguard 保护 ;founder创立者,奠基人;found 创立,建立 ;foundation 基础 ;futures 期货 off 使离开:face off 变脸 ;take off

11、起飞,脱衣服 ;see off 送别 ;lay off 解雇 modem 调制解调器 ;modulate 调制 ;demodulate 解调 de 表示分解,拆开 :code 密码 ;decode 解码 ;compose 合成decompose 分解 tach 粘贴,附带:attach 粘贴,附带 ;detach 拆卸 detect 侦察,侦探:tect = cover 覆盖 ;protect 保护 inspire the next 激发的永远是下一次灵感 mind act upon mind 心相印 communication knows no bounds 沟通无极限 education/

12、internet/reading knows no bounds 教育/因特网/阅读无极限extra value meal 超值套餐 extraordinary 非凡的 6. 熟练 逻辑串记 1ability 能力 不能用 of连接,要用 to :the ability to do sth. 反义词:inability 无能*in = no indifferent 漠不关心的 be indifferent to 对某件事漠不关心inevitable 不可避免的 incredible 不可相信的,难以置信的 :She earns incredible amount of money.(她赚钱多得

13、难以置信。) 反义词:credible 可相信的,可靠的 :credible defence policy(可靠的防御政策)*cred = trust 信任 credit 相信 (His words are hard to credit.他的话难以相信)credulous 轻信的 :be credulous of (He is credulous of the rumour.他轻信谣言)*ous 充满,大量 :laborious 费力的 ;superfluous 过剩的,多余的 2able 能的,有能力的 enable 使能够 (enable sb. to do sth.使某人做某事)*en

14、做前缀,表使动 enforce 执行 (enforce the law执行法律)enlarge 扩大 (enlarge my horizon扩大我的视野)同义词:amplify放大/扩大(信号)enrich 使富有,使丰富 :rich 富有的,丰富的entitle 给.题名,赋予权利 :title标题、官衔,subtitle副标题The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel. encourage 鼓励 discourage 使泄气 endure 长时间忍受:They endured tremendous hardship

15、 during their journey to the South Pole.在去南极的旅途中他们忍受了巨大的困难endure 持续 :The bad weather will endure for several days.这个坏天气还要再持续好几天*dur 在词根中表持续durable durable materials耐用的材料duration 持续时期 The duration of my campous life is about three years.我校园生活的时期大概持续了三年。bear 忍受(痛苦) tolerate 容忍 put up with 容忍 第四课时3unab

16、le 不能的,没能力的 *un 表否定 unfold 展开 :unfold the map 把地图展开unload 卸载 :unload the truck给卡车卸货(宾语非货物,应为交通工具)unlike 不像 dislike 不喜欢alike 相象的(只作表语) :You two are so much alike. unemployment 失业 employ 雇佣,使用(=make use of) :employ a free time in reading利用空闲时间读书I vote for the former.我更赞同于前者employer 老板 employee 雇员 *er

17、动作的主动者 ee 动作的被动者:interviewer面试官,interviewee参加面试的人;examiner考官,examinee考生;referee裁判4disable 使残疾 (slow side;physically challenged(身体上受到挑战)行动不方便;P.E.=Physically Education体育课)*dis = no 表否定 disorder 混乱,失调 :eating disorder饮食失调disguise 伪装 :Tom escaped by disguising himself as a civilian(平民). 4-2able 能的,有能力的

18、 be able to 主语一定是有生命的 capable 有能力的,能的 be capableof 主语可以是有生命的,也可以是无生命的 Our corporation is capable of coping with such a big order. ability 能力 capability 能力 capacity 能力 ability和 capability是同义词,没有区别(皆指做事情的能力) capacity 容量,能力(学习并掌握技能的能力) cap = catch She has great capacity of learning English. capture 俘虏,

19、抓捕 escape = es(out)+ cap(catch) + e 逃跑 escape doing abrupt ab = off 偏离 abnormal 不正常的,变态的 odd 古怪的 eccentric 古怪的concentrate 集中 abuse 滥用 abuse ones authority abrupt 突然的,唐突的、鲁莽的 rupt = break 断裂 abrupt death 猝死 abrupt departure 突然离开 abrupt manner 鲁莽的言行 bankrupt 破产的,使破产 当所背动词在字典中的翻译是使动时,它一定是及物动词 acquaint

20、使熟悉,使了解 I have acquainted myself with the custom here. acquaint oneself with I have been acquainted with the custom here. adapt 使适应 I have adapted myself to the weather here. locate 使坐落于 My school is located in Beijing. erupt = e(out)+ rupt 火山喷发,(战争危机)突然爆发 Violence erupted after the negotiation. int

21、errupt 打断、打扰,暂时中断 inter 相互 interchange internet international interview interface Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the War. disrupt = dis(away)+ rupt 使混乱 Theaccident disrupted the transportation in the city.corrupt = cor + rupt 贪污腐败的,使败坏 The violence spreaded by the Internet has co

22、rrupted the minds of the young people. co = together 一起 collaborate cooperate coeducation 男女混校的教育制度 coincidence 巧合 colleague 同事 correspond 相符合,相一致 These goods dont correspond with my order. collapse 倒塌 collection 收藏品 lect = choose elect 选举 neglect 忽略 league 联盟 alliance 联盟 I am a champion.(实义名词) I wo

23、n the championship.(抽象名词) 第五课时quality 素质 quality of leadership member 会员 membership fee 会费 a socialist league 实义名词 become stronger through alliance 抽象名词 recollect 回忆 remind 使想起 recall 回想起 remember 记得remember 瞬时想起 recollect/remind/recall 需要思考的时间,慢慢想起 recollect 强调动作 Please recollect what you saw just

24、now?remind/recall 强调结果 remindsb. of sth. The picture reminded me of my childhood. recall sth. to sb. The picture recalled the childhood to me. fect = do 做 affect = af(to)+ fect(do) 影响(身体上的) ,打动 Smoking affects our health. influence= in + flu(flow)+ ence 影响(思想上的) affection 爱慕 effect = ef(out)+ fect(d

25、o) n. 影响、效果,v. 促使 affect = have an effect on 对.有影响 dual effect 双重功效 dual spy Religion effected a real change in her life. infect 感染,传染 She infected the whole class with her humor. infectious 传染性的 infectious disease disinfected 已消毒的 defect = de + fect(do) 缺点、缺陷 many defects in the education system pe

26、rfect = per(through)+ fect 完美的 imperfect 不完美的 以字母 m、p开头的形容词,否定前缀加 im moral - immoral mortal - immortal mature- immaturemodest 谦虚的,适度的,得体的 - immodest measurable immeasurable possible- impossible polite- impolite patient - impatient partial impartial fac = do 做 factory = fac(do)+ tory(场所、地点) 工厂 tory 场

27、所、地点 dormitory = dorm(sleep)+ i + tory 宿舍 dormant volcano 休眠性的火山 atory 场所、地点 laboratory = labor + atory 实验室 observatory = observ(观察)+ atory 天文台、观察台 lavatory = lav(冲洗)+ atory 盥洗室、厕所 lav 流淌 lava 岩浆 facile 容易做的、轻易的 ile 易于.的 a facile success fragment 碎片,片断 the fragment of our conversation fragile a fragile vase facilitate 使变得容易 facilities 便利设施 fic = do 做 magnificent = magn(large)+ i + fic + ent 雄伟壮观的 magn = large 大的 magnify 放大 ify 使动 purify 纯化purified water simplify 简化 simplify the procedure beatify 美化 identify 鉴别 humidify 使潮湿 magnifier 放大镜 humidifier 加湿器 sacrifice =sacr(神圣)+ I + fic(do)

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