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1、试题分析:考查动词时态和倒装句。她是个意志坚强的女人,一生中一次也没有向任何困难屈服过。And 连接的两个并列句中,否定副词 not once放在了第二个句子的句首,所以后面部分用部分倒装语序,此外第一句的时态是一般现在时,后句又出现了in her life,所以句子应该用现在完成时,表示到现在为止,故正确答案为D选项。考查动词时态和倒装句4During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs sharply.Awas increasing Bhas incr

2、easedChad increased Dwill be increasing【答案】B考查动词的时态语态。从句意“在过去的三十年中,参加健身锻炼的人数已经增加很多了”知,increase的动作虽然发生在过去,但一直持续到现在,同时由题眼“during the last three decades”可知,该空中应该用现在完成时态,所以只有B项符合语境。【名师点睛】时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。这句话的时间状语是During the last three decades是典型的现

3、在完成时的时间状语。5With the development of the intelligent robot technology, people _ the importance of cooperating among robots, and the challenge in practice.Ahave been noticed Bare noticingCwill notice Dhave noticed考查现在完成时态。随着智能机器人技术的发展,人们已经注意到机器人之间合作的重要性,以及在实践中的挑战。结合句意可知句子用现在完成时态,people是句子主语,故答案为D。6Only

4、 since the Industrial Revolution _ in places away from their homes or been left to raise small children without the help of multiple adults.Amost people have worked Bhave most people workedCmost people had worked Dhad most people worked考查倒装和时态。就是从工业革命开始,多数人去远离他们家的某些地方工作或是被留下来养育孩子,没有许多成年人帮助。“only时间状语

5、”放在句首,句子需用部分倒装;再根据since可知用现在完成时,故选B。7 Would you care for a cup of tea? It tastes pretty good. I one. Thank you just the same.Ahave had Bhad Cwould have Dwill have考查时态。你想喝杯茶吗?味道很好。我已经喝过了,我仍然谢谢你。结合句意可知此处用现在完成时态,故选A。8We have done things we ought not to have done and undone things we ought to have done.

6、Aleaving BleftCwill leave Dleave考查现在完成时。句意: 不该做的事我们都做了,留下该做的事都没做。句子主干是个并列句,即we have done things we ought not to have done和left undone things we ought to have done,所以have done和have left是并列谓语,其中have相同,省略,只不过两个并列句里分别含有一个定语从句,第一个分句中we ought not to have done作things的定语,第二个分句中we ought to have done作things的定

7、语。故选B选项正确。9The Greens moved back to the countryside in 2008 and _ a happy and peaceful life there ever since.Aare leading Blead Cled Dhave led格林一家2008年搬回农村,从此过上了幸福安宁的生活。根据句中时间状语,ever since自从那时候起,可知,指从2008年一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时。故选D。10Throughout the history of movie-making, Shakespeares plays for films more

8、 than the works of any other writer.Awere being adapted Bwould be adaptedChave been adapted Dare adapted【答案】C考查现在完成时的被动语态。纵观电影制作的历史,莎士比亚的戏剧被改编成电影的次数要比其他作家的作品被改编成电影的次数多。由“Throughout the history of movie-making,”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语Shakespeares plays,与谓语adapt为被动。所以用现在完成时的被动语态have been adapted。故C选项正确。11How h

9、appy we are! The holiday we have been looking forward _ at last.Ato has come Bhaving comeCto having come Dhas come考查句子结构分析和谓语动词。我们是多么的快乐啊!我们一直所期望的假期终于来了。句中we have been looking forward to我们一直所期望的,作the holiday的定语,故整个句子应当为The holiday has come at last。12Never _ a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer

10、or nobler thing than you.Adid I see Bhave I seenCI saw DI have seen考查时态和倒装。我从未见过比你更伟大、更美丽、更冷静、更高贵的东西。Never位于句首时,要进行部分倒装,强调过去的动作对现在的影响要用现在完成时,故B项正确。【点睛】倒装是高中英语的常见考点,注意当含有否定意义的词,如never,hardly,seldom,little,few,not until及not only等位于句首时,其后需要用部分倒装。13It is the first time that Chinese teachers _ in schools

11、 across Britain to introduce Chinese-style maths lessons and teaching approaches.Ataught BteachChave taught Dhad taught这是中国教师首次在英国各地的学校教中国式的数学课和教学方法。The first time that表示“第一次”,引导表语从句时,如果主句的系动词是一般现在时,从句用现在完成时,故C项正确。It is/was the first time that表示“是第一次”,引导表语从句时,强调到说话时间为止某一情况或动作的次数,从句既可以使用现在完成时,也可以使用过去

12、完成时,需要根据主句的系动词判断,如果主句的系动词是is,从句用现在完成时,如果主句的系动词是was,从句则用过去完成时。14He _ his wife for ten yearsAhas married Bhas been married withChas been married to Dgot married to他和妻子已经结婚10年了。本句应该使用be married表示已婚状态,与时间状语for ten years保持一致。动词marry是短暂性动词,不能和一段时间连用,排除AD项。与某人结婚应该使用介词to,排除B项。故C项正确。15 What do you mean when

13、saying every minute counts? A man who dares to waste one hour of time _ the value of life.Ahadnt discovered Bhasnt discoveredCdidnt discover Disnt discovering 当你说每分钟都很重要的时候,你什么意思? 敢于浪费一小时时间的人还没有意识到生活的价值。根据句意可知正是他们没有意识到生活的价值,才敢于浪费时间。表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,要用现在完成时。故B项正确。16Jim _ the size of this board and has

14、 found that it _.Ahas measured; measures five metres in widthBmeasured; is measured five metres wideChas measured;Dmeasures; has a measure of five metres wide考查时态和语态。吉姆量过这块板的尺寸,发现它有五米宽。根据and has found that it _.可知用现在完成时,排除B和D,measure 当“测量”讲时,后面加数值,用主动语态,故选A。17How many English words _ you _ up to now

15、?Adid; learn Bhad; learnedChave; learned Ddo; learn到目前为止,你学习了多少英语词汇?根据up to now可知用现在完成时,故选C。18The disease is a huge blow for the farmers. Hundreds of them _ their animals, livelihood and hopes destroyed and many others fear they _ the same fate.Ahave seen; will suffer Bsaw; sufferedChad seen; was to

16、 suffer Dsee; suffer这种疾病对农民来说是一个巨大的打击。数以百计的人目睹了他们的动物、生计和希望被摧毁,还有许多人担心他们会遭受同样的命运。结合句意可知第一空用现在完成时态;第二空用一般将来时态。19I wonder why Jenny _us recently.We should have heard from her by now.Ahasnt written Bdoesnt writeCwont write Dhadnt written我想知道为什么Jenny最近没有写信给我们。到目前为止我们应该已经收到她的来信了。副词recently意为“最近,近来”,通常与现在完

17、成时连用。本句主语是Jenny,谓语动词要使用第三人称单数,故A项正确。20The Chinese womens volleyball team won the gold medal at the Rio Olympics, which is the third time the team Olympic gold.Aclaimed Bhas claimedChas been claiming Dhad claimed考查时态语态。句型:it is the+序数词+time that从句,从句谓语动词要使用现在完成时。claim有权利要求得到,与主语the team为主谓关系,应用主动语态。中

18、国女排在里约奥运会上获得了金牌,这是第三次团队获得奥运金牌。故选B。21The e-commerce_ production and consumption, and is promoting the development of the service sector.Ahas influenced Binfluenced Cis influencing Dis influenced电子商务已经影响了生产和消费,并且正在促进服务业的发展。结合句意可知,电子商务“影响生产和消费”的动作已经发生,故用现在完成时,主语The e-commerce是不可数名词,故用has influenced。故选A

19、项。22Is this the first time you _ Chonqing?No. The first time I _ here, the city wasnt so fascinating.Avisited; came Bvisited; have comeChave visited; have come Dhave visited; came这是你第一次来重庆吗? 不。我第一次来的时候,这个城市并没有那么迷人。句型It/This is first/second/third+从句,从句用现在完成时,表示“某人第几次做某事”;The first time“首次;第一次”,常引导时间状

20、语从句,根据主句“the city wasnt so fascinating.”时态可知,用一般过去时。23With the rapid growth of population, the city _ in all directions in the past five years.Aspreads Bhas spreadCspread Dhad spread【分析】【详解】考查时态与语态。随着人口的迅速增长,这个城市在过去的五年中向四周发展。根据in the past five years可知,表示过去发生,一直延续到现在的动作,用现在完成时,故选B。24I _ Mr. Bert of t

21、he change of the meeting. You dont have to phone him again.Ahave informed Bwill have informedCwould inform Dhad informed【解析】考查动词时态。我已告知Mr. Bert会议的改变。你没必要再给他打电话。根据语境可知,句子应用现在完成时态表示过去的动作对现在的影响,故答案为A。25Why are you buying a new refrigerator?The old one _ so many times that its not worth it any more.Ahas

22、 repaired Bis repairedChas been repaired Dhas been repairing【解析】考查动词时态语态。你为什么要买一台新冰箱?旧的冰箱已经被修过很多次了,它都不值得再修了。表示现在之前的动作对现在造成的影响用现在完成时,主语“冰箱”和“修理”是被动关系,故选C。26The teacher together with his assistants _ ten cell samples during the past two months in the school lab.Aanalyze Banalyzes Chas analyzed Dhave a

23、nalyzed考查时态和主谓一致。老师和他的助手们,在过去两个月里在学校实验室分析了十个细胞样本。由“during the past two months”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语为The teacher together with his assistants ,当 together with 连接句子时,谓语单复数与 together with之前的词的单复数保持一致既与The teacher保持一致。故选C项。27- -Did you watch the news about the success story of a farmer in Longhu last night?Yes

24、. By using an e-commerce platform, his fruit business _ nationwide.Ais expanding Bhas expanded Cwould expand Dwas expanding你看了昨晚龙湖农民的成功事迹的新闻了吗?看了。通过使用网络商业平台,他的水果生意已经做到全国了。分析句子可知,生意已经做到了全国范围,对现在造成了影响,且现在这个生意依旧在进行,故应用现在完成时。故选B28Ouch! I_ this really bad toothache for about three days.You really need to

25、 take a day off and see a dentist.Ahave Bam having Chave had Dhad考查动词时态。啊!我已经牙疼整整三天了。你真的需要请一天假,去看牙医。现在完成时表示已经发生,持续到现在并且仍在进行的动作,根据时间状语for three days和“你真的需要请假去看牙医”可知,此处应使用现在完成时。故选C。29With people paying attention to fitness, self-service mini-gyms, each covering about 5 square meters, _ in Chinas major

26、 cities these years.Ahave sprung up Bsprang upChad sprung up Dspring up这些年,随着人们对健身的重视,面积约5平方米的自助迷你健身房如雨后春笋般在中国各大城市兴起。根据these years“这些年”,可知句子用现在完成时态,故答案为A。30LED lighting, even in most developed countries, _ long enough to know its effects across the human lifespan.Ahas not been used Bwas not usedChad not been used Dis not being used即使在大多数发达国家,LED照明的使用时间也不够长,不足以了解其在人类寿命中的影响。分析句子可知,LED照明到现在一直还在使用,所以用现在完成时,故选A。31We are very proud of what our country _ in the past seve

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