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绵阳人教版新目标七上 Unit 7 单元测试含答案分析Word格式文档下载.docx

1、6- _ you like sweaters? - Yes, I do.ADo BAre CHave7(题文) Can I help you? - _.AYes, you can BThank you CYes, please8The shorts are very nice, Ill _ them.Abring Btake Clike9(题文) Thank you for your help. - _.ANo, please dont BYou are welcome CThats right10I want _ you.Ahelp Bto help Chelping二、完型填空Hello!

2、 Im Sally. Im an English girl. Now Im in Beijing with 11 parents. Today is Sunday. I 12 to Yangguang Clothes Store. Wow! I see lots of 13 clothes in it. They have sweaters at a good 14 . They have some bags 15 sports. They have hats in red, black 16 yellow. The white 17 are on sale. They 18 only 15

3、dollars. I think they are cheap(便宜的), so I 19 a small one for myself and a large one for my 20 11Ayour Bhis Cmy12Acome Bsell Csee13Along Bnice Csmall14Aprice Bcolor Cname15Aon Bwith Cfor16Abut Band Cwith17Askirts Bhat Cshirts18Ado Bis Care19Abring Blook at Cbuy20Afather Bmother Cbrother三、阅读判断There i

4、s a store near my home. It is big. It has lots of things in it. You can buy school things like notebooks, pens, pencil cases, rulers and maps. You can also buy drinks, vegetables, fruit and all kinds of food. It doesnt sell clothes. Some of them are cheap. But some of them are expensive.People in th

5、e store are very friendly(友好的). They work from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. They work hard(努力地)all day.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。21The store is near our school.22You can buy sweaters in the store.23The store opens(开)12 hours(小时).24The people in the store are friendly.25The store is small.四、阅

6、读单选Tiantian Clothes StoreClothesColorPricepantswhite, blue$16shoesblack, brown$20skirtRed, yellow$32socksWhite, black, red$6shirtOrange, blue$2826The prices of a skirt and a shirt are _.A$36 B$60 C$5027Lucy likes white and she only has $10, she can buy _.Aa pair of pants Ba skirt Ca pair of socks28P

7、eople can buy _ at this store.Ayellow pants Ba white skirt Cbrown shoes29Mrs. Brown has $40 and she can buy _ with it.Apants and shoes Ba shirt and shoes Csocks, shoes and pants30下面哪项陈述是正确的?AYou can buy socks for only $8 at Tiantian Clothes Store.BThe yellow skirt is $32.CThey have sweaters at a goo

8、d price at Tiantian Clothes Store.第II卷(非选择题)五、将所给单词连成句子31skirt this my is_.32are socks these her_?33is sweater how much this34shorts are how much these35ten they dollars are六、用单词的正确形式完成短文yourself, buy, afford(买得起), socks, in, at, sweaters, have, boy, onlyCome and36your clothes at Miss Cools Clothes

9、Store! Do you like37? We have sweaters38a very good price- only $ 10! Do you need bags for sports? We39great bags for only $3! For girls, we have T-shirts40red, green and white for41$4! For42, you can buy43for only $6 each! Anybody(任何人) can 44our prices!Come and see for45at Miss Cools Clothes Store!

10、七、材料作文46彼得的服装店(Peters Clothes Store)开张了,请用下列词语帮彼得写一则广告,至少写6句话。参考词汇:come to, T-shirt($5, in all colors), sweater($17, red and white), shoes($12, green)_参考答案1B【解析】This(这个)修饰单数名词。故选B。点睛:本题在读懂句子的基础上,学会this的用法是解题关键。2B空格前的名词shoes是复数,be动词用are。3B试题分析:句意:我们有只卖五元的各色袜子。in all colors,有各种颜色,for+钱,:(表交换)换,以作交换,计,

11、达。4Bfor+钱,:5B根据回答可知,本句问衬衫的价格。问价格是how much。6A根据回答,上句是do引导的一般疑问句。故选A。7C对Can I help you?的回答,如果想得到对方的帮助,就说yes, please. I want-. 如不想得到帮助,就说No, thank you.故选C。8B这条短裤很漂亮,我将买下了。动词take可以当“买下”讲。9BThank you for your help 的回答有You are welcome; My pleasure; Dont mention it等。10BWant后跟名词或跟动词不定式。11C12A13B14A15C16B17A

12、18C19C20B【分析】本文介绍了英国女孩Sally去阳光服装店买衣服的情况。11句意:现在我和我的父母待在北京。主语是I,其相应的形容词性物主代词是my。故选C。12A项意为“来,来到”;B项意为“卖”;C项意为“看见”;D项意为“帮助”。我来到阳光衣服商店。13A项意为“长的”;B项意为“好的,好看的”;C项意为“小的”;D项意为“短的”。衣服商店里当然是有“好看的”衣服。14A项意为“价格”;B项意为“颜色”;C项意为“照片”;D项意为“名字”。at a good price表示“以合理的价格”。15bags for sports 意为“运动包”,for表示功能。故选D。16句意:他们

13、有红色、黑色和黄色的帽子。四个选项中只有and可以连接几个并列成分并且往往放在最后两个之间。17根据系动词are可知主语用复数,四个选项中只有A项是复数形式。18主语they(他们),是复数,其后应用系动词are。19A项意为“带来”;B项意为“看”;C项意为“买”;D项意为“卖”。由句意“我买了一件小的”可知选C。20“我”是一女孩,而且前文中提到给自己买小点的裙子,所以此处应该是“给妈妈买件大的”。完形填空是一卷难度最大的题。它集阅读理解、语法、词法、句法于一体。是考查语言综合运用的能力的一道题。 解题的方法第一要带着空,通读文章,搞清事件发生的背景。紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利

14、用各种线索,语法知识,以及句子之间的关系,词的搭配,结合上下文背景语境,结合句意选择适合语境的选项。21F22F23T24T25F本文介绍了作者家附近的一家商店的情况。21根据There is a store near my home可知,本句错误。故选F。22根据It doesnt sell clothes可知,该商店不卖衣服。23根据They work from eight in the morning to eight in the evening可知,该商店营业12小时。故选T。24根据People in the store are very friendly(友好的)可知,本句正确。

15、25根据There is a store near my home. It is big可知,本题错误。26B27C28C29A30B这张表介绍了天天服装店衣服的种类,颜色和价格。26根据表中内容可知,一件裙子和衬衫的价格合计60元。27根据表中颜色和价格,Lily喜欢白色,她只有10元,她只能买一双白色的袜子。28根据表中内容可知,顾客 能在这个商店中买到棕色的鞋子。2940元在本店中可买到pants和shoes。30根据表中内容,黄色的裙子价格是32元。31This is my skirt.32Are these her socks?33How much is this sweater?3

16、4How much are these shorts?35They are ten dollars.31根据所给单词和标点,可组成的句子意思是:这是我的裙子。故答案为This is my skirt.32根据所给单词和标点,可组成的句子意思是:这些是她的袜子吗?故答案为Are these her socks?33根据所给单词和标点,可组成的句子意思是:这件毛衣多少钱?故答案为How much is this sweater?34根据所给单词和标点,可组成的句子意思是:那些短裤多少钱?故答案为How much are these shorts?35根据所给单词和标点,可组成的句子意思是:它们10

17、美元?故答案为They are ten dollars.36buy37sweaters38at39have40in41only42boys43socks44afford45yourself36句意:来到Miss Cool服装店买你们的衣服。买是buy。故答案为buy。37根据下句We have sweaters_3_a very good price- only $ 10!本句意思是:你喜欢毛衣吗?故答案为sweaters。38本题考查at a very good price(以合理的价格)。故答案为at。39句意:我们有非常棒的包,仅需3美元。有时have。故答案为have。40表示某物什么

18、颜色是用in。故答案为in。41此处意思:仅需4元。仅仅是only。故答案为only。42句意:对于男孩们来说,你可以买袜子仅需每双6元。男孩是boy。故答案为boys。43句意:袜子是sock。故答案为socks。44句意:任何人都可以负担的起这个价格。负担得起是afford。故答案为afford。45句意:来为你自己到Miss Cool的服装店看一看。你自己是yourself。故答案为yourself。46Peters Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clothes at ve

19、ry good prices.Do you like T-shirt?We have white T-shirts for only 10dollars!Black T-shirts are only12dollars!Do you need trousers?We have brown trousers for only 15dollars!For girls,we have blue skirts for 10 dollars!The red skirts for 12dollars! The red and white sweaters for 10dollars!The shores

20、are 10 dollars!Come to Peters Clothes Store now!这是一篇应用作文,提示内容就是本文的写作要点。这些要点构成写作的基本框架。我们要做的就是用正确的英语把要点表达出来,并适当发挥想象说出自己的观点。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文主要是用一般现在时态来写,要注意主谓一致等问题。写作中要适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡,必要时可适当运用表示转折、因果、并列、比较等关系的连词,使文章过渡平稳,自然流畅;最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误。

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