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1、科学和技术不仅仅是孤立的个人的工作:研究课题的选择、创新的进度和方向均受社会力量的影响。这并非偶然,例如:在美国,许多应用研究的重点是发展军事和金融产品。因此,科学和技术不能被视为如何独立的社会。像任何其他文化产品,它们是被无数个男人和女人建立和控制的。困难的是,这种控制是偶然的。我们已经创造了一个复杂的制度以确保科技的发展,但是我们很少监控他们的影响尽管这方面可能对社会秩序产生影响。The lack of systematic social control over scientific and technological innovation presents three main pro

2、blems:(1) A relatively haphazard scientific and technological advance may have many unforeseen social effects, particularly in terms of the quality of the environment. Consider, for example, the growing list of chemical and food additives that may contribute to human cancers; the increasing atmosphe

3、ric pollution that some scientists think may lead to climatic changes which could cause a new ice age; the mounting health problems caused by chemical wastes that have been improperly disposed of; and the ominous threat of major accidents in nuclear power plants.缺乏有系统的社会控制科学和技术的创新有如下三个问题:(1)相对盲目科技进步

4、可能有许多无法预知的社会影响,特别是在环境质量方面。设想一下,例如,越来越多的化工和食品添加剂,可能导致人类得癌症; 部分科学家们认为大气污染的增加,可能导致气候变化,这种变化会导致一个新的冰河时期; 化学废物的处置不当会造成越来越多的健康问题,核电站重大事故的潜在威胁。(2) Unless society ensures that innovations in science and technology take place in accordance with defined social goals, there may be distortion in the priorities

5、given to research efforts in different fields. Critics argue that under the existing arrangements, scarce and valuable resources may be devoted to producing such trivia as self-heating shaving cream, when they might otherwise be devoted to more socially desirable ends, such as medical research or en

6、ergy conservation. (2),除非社会能够确保科技创新的发生有明确的社会目标,在不同领域的研究工作按优先权的不同而顺序不同。批评者认为,在现有的安排下,稀缺和宝贵的资源可能会被用于生产类似于自加热剃须膏之类的产品,然而这些资源也可被用于如医疗研究或节能等更可取的地方 ( 3 ) A highly technological society poses a possible threat to democracy. Public participation in the decision-making process may become difficult because th

7、e relevant facts about many important issues such as the wisdom of building nuclear breeder reactors may be beyond the comprehension of both voters and their elected representatives. Several writers have warned of the dangers of technocracy, or rule by experts. In modern corporations and government

8、departments the real decisions are often made behind the scenes by experts whose specialized knowledge and recommendations are relied upon by those who are officially responsible for the decisions.(3)高技术社会可能对民主带来了威胁。公众参与决策的过程可能变得困难,因为有关的事实表明许多重要课题是选民和他们选出的代表无法理解的,例如:智能建筑怒族和不明确的反应堆。几个作家已经对技术或专家规则发出警告

9、。在现代企业和政府部门的真正的决定依赖于专家的专业知识和建议,但是这些均受制于对这些决定所负责的人的决定。Any attempt to apply a more systematic form of social control over science and technology would probably run into severe problems. One such problem involves a conflict of values. and ideally this activity should take place in an atmosphere of comp

10、lete intellectual freedom. There are enough unhappy examples in the past of nonscientists attempting to dictate to scientists what they should and should not investigate; we should be wary of doing the same. Should we impose restrictions on research, and if so, what restrictions? A similar conflict

11、of values might arise if society attempted to shift priorities in applied research from the manufacture of trivial commercial products to other social goals. Radical changes in these priorities would inevitably interfere with the working of the capitalist system that most Americans value so highly.关

12、于科学与技术的应用系统形式的社会控制可能导致严重的问题。其中的一个问题是价值冲突。科学对象是对知识的追求,理想状态下,这种活动在一个完整的知识自由的氛围下产生。许多不幸的例子表明,在过去非科学家告诉科学家什么该做,什么不该做。我们担心类似事情的发生。我们应该对研究施加限制吗?如果是,是那种限制那?如果社会试图将优先权从琐碎的商业产品制造转向其他社会的目标将会产生类似的价值观的冲突。彻底改变这些优先权不可避免地会妨碍资本主义制度的运作,这种制度是大多数美国人所支持的。Another problem involves the moral responsibility for decisions a

13、bout research that may have far-reaching consequences. The development of the hydrogen bomb is but one example of many in which technical and moral issues are not easily separated in practice. At present, scientists usually cant and do not control the uses to which their work is put, although there

14、are signs that many scientists are now very disturbed about this situation. Ought the responsibility for decisions about new research and technology rest with scientists themselves, or with government, or with some new control agency such as a science court with full legal powers to restrict certain

15、 research? The question is a vital one, for scientific and technological advance in the years ahead may change our material and social environment in ways that many people might consider undesirable.另一个问题涉及道德责任的研究可能有深远的影响。氢弹的发展就是许多在技术和道德的问题并不是容易分离中的其中一个例子。目前科学家通常不能也无法控制他们在工作中的使用,有迹象显示,现在许多科学家都对这种情况感

16、到不安。关于新研究技术的责任取决于科学家本身,还是政府,还是类似于“科学法院”之类的具有充分的法律权力科学研究机构。科学和技术在未来几年内的进步可能会改变我们的物质和社会环境,这可能是很多人所不喜欢的。Some of the scientific research currently in progress illustrates the significance of this problem. Scientists are now working on techniques that may make it possible for parents to determine the sex

17、 of their children. If a marketable product eventually emerges, commercial interests may encourage widespread sex selection of children. This may sound like socially useful technology until we consider one factor. Opinion polls in the United States and elsewhere have indicated that a large majority

18、of parents would prefer to have boys rather than girls. The result of sex selection might be a society in which males heavily outnumber females, with important effects on population structure, family patterns, and sexual norms. Do we want this kind of situation, and should the decision be left to co

19、mmercial interests?目前一些科学研究的紧张表明这种问题的严重性。科学家们现在正致力于父母决定孩子的性别技术的研究。如果最终出现一个适销对路的产品,商业利益可能鼓励孩子的性别的选择。直到我们考虑的因素之一,这听起来像是对社会有用的技术。民意调查显示,在美国和其他地方,大多数的父母希望男孩多于女孩。性别选择的结果是:可能在一个社会里,男性的数量远远超过了女性的数量,这将对人口结构、,家庭模式,和性准则产生重要影响。我们真的希望这种情况发生吗?这种事情应交由商业利益来决定吗?Another controversial field of research involves the r

20、e-arrangement of living molecules, in particular the DNA molecule that determines the hereditary of all living things. This research can have many uses, ranging from the control of insect pests to the treatment of cancers. The danger exists, however, that new and harmful strains of viruses and bacte

21、ria can be created in the course of this research. Human beings would have no natural immunity to these strains. Loss of control over such new life forms could lead to catastrophic, worldwide epidemics. Scientists have been quick to recognize this danger and have themselves set up strict guidelines

22、and safety procedures for DNA research. Some scientists, however, believe that even these safeguards are inadequate and have called for a total ban on this kind of research.另一个争议的研究领域涉及重新安排的生物分子,特别是在决定了万物的遗传的DNA分子。本研究可以有许多用途,从病虫害到癌症的治疗。然而危险依然存在,一些人类没有天然免疫的新的和有害的细菌和病毒菌株能在研究过程中被创造出来。对这种新的生命形式的控制损失,可能会

23、导致灾难性的后果,全球的流行病。科学家们很快就认识到这种危险,并有自己建立的关于DNA研究的严格的指导方针和安全程序。然而,一些科学家认为,即使这些保障措施是不够的,并已呼吁全面禁止这方面的研究。These are examples of the problems posed by science and technology that we in America and other societies face. Science and technology have developed far faster than have social mechanisms to control th

24、em. A century ago, science was of marginal importance to society and technology was relatively undeveloped. Today they offer the prospect of social upheaval and even the destruction of human life or the potential for unprecedented social benefits and new levels of civilized existence. An urgent soci

25、al challenge in the future will be to ensure that science and technology develop exclusively in the second direction.这些都是科学和技术所造成的问题,这些问题在美国和其他国家正在面临。科学和技术的快速发展已经超出社会机制的控制。一个世纪前,科学对社会重要性不大,技术比较落后。今天,他们提供的社会动荡的前景,甚至能够破坏人类生活或潜在的空前的社会效益和新层次的文明的存在。一个紧迫的社会挑战的未来将是确保科学和技术发展完全在第一方向。Passage OneSome analysts

26、consider the process of automation a second industrial revolution with the potentiality for social upheaval that marked the birth of the factory a century and a half ago. Others insist it is just another step in industrys progress toward greater efficiency, no different in its basic attributes from

27、any of the technological advances that have helped raise American wages, employment totals and living standards.Congressional investigations, puzzled about what action the government should take, have been told by union leaders that automation threatens mass unemployment and by business executives t

28、hat it will bring unparalleled prosperity.Engineers say that push-button factories may eventually permit a work schedule in which the week-end will be longer than the week. Educators see this leisure promoting a scholastic renaissance in which cultural attainments will become the yardstick of social

29、 recognition for worker and boss alike. Gloomier observers fear the trend toward inhuman production will end by making men obsolete.1. The passage is primarily concerned with _.A. robots at work B. machines vs mankindC. speculations on automation D. our rising standard of living2. The passage states that automation has _. A. caused great social changes B. made the United States a more cultural and employees C. brought about better relations between employers and employeesD. already been brought to the attention of Congress3. Which of the following statements is true? A. The

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