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1、Recycle 2 本册是小学开设英语的第一学年第一学期使用,本册教材具有以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。 3、注重中外文化的双向交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力。 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度的激发学生的学习动机。 5、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得其他学科的知识。 6、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。 7、注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的

2、英语学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。 8、注重中小学各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的整体质量。 三、学生基本情况分析: 三年级共有四个班。三年级的学生聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生基本上都未曾接触过英语,他们对英语感到好奇,对英语都有着十分浓厚的兴趣。但因我们是农村小学,80%学生属于进城务工子女,家长对孩子学习英语不够重视,孩子不能做到主动听、读英语。这是提高英语成绩最大的一个障碍。另外英语学习的习惯培养也很难在家完成。 四、针对性措施: 小学生主体性地位在英语对话教学中的体现,小学英语对话教学在整个英语教学中占有相当大的份量。怎样充分体现学生学习主体性地位

3、呢?在小学英语教材中,安排了许多浅显易懂、生动活泼的对话。根据这些对话稍稍用心设计一下,便能让学生成为学习的主人,取得意想不到的效果。 (一)、 建立和谐、民主的教学环境,形成学习对话的良好氛围。通过复习与新授对话内容有联系的已学过的对话,为新对话教学作好辅垫,并可以以此导入新对话教学。从而达到以旧引新,更好地为新授打好基础。对话的方式可以有:教师与全班对话(个别学生也可),或是让学生问候教师,学生与学生的对话。 (二)、 以学生为中心,设置场景,表演对话。在教学对话前为学生设计场景,营造氛围,诱发学生的语言动机。让学生发言,教师稍稍加以引导,将他们的句子串联成对话。请学生跟读。然后操练几遍,

4、便可让学生在设置的场景里进行表演,充分利用道具让学生有真实的体验。而下面的学生当“观众”并打分,并请打分的同学说说为什么打这个分?这样可以提高学生的听说能力,更能够体现学生学习的主体性。怎么说?对不对?应带怎样的表情?怎样演会更好?学生无论是表演的还是看表演的,都会在打分时找到他们需要的答案。 (三)、 通过娱乐、竞赛形式激发学生的学习动机与兴趣。小学生中,就是再高年级的学生还是非常爱玩。我们可以利用小学生爱玩的天性。在对话教学中,设计各类竞赛、游戏。让学生在比中学,猜中学,玩中学,唱、跳中学。如:藏卡片、快看快说、快听快指等。印象会特别深。(四)、注重在教学中,运用手势。把一些单词、短语、甚

5、至是句子与手势或是肢体语言相结合,让学生全身活动,手脑并用,即加深了记忆,又能抓住学生的注意力。(五)、注重字母教学26个字母是学习英语的基础,学好26个字母对学生以后的发音、拼读和记忆单词都起着至关重要的作用。教师要针对小学生的年龄特点,尽可能采用多种生动活泼的教法,使字母教学真正摆脱听、说、读、写的枯燥训练。 教学进度表周次日 期教 学 内 容19.29.6Unit 1 Hello! Part A29.99.13 Part B39.169.20Unit 2 Look at me Part A49.239.27Unit 2 Look at me Part B59.3010.4National

6、 Day (Vacation)610.710.11Unit 3 Lets paint Part A710.1410.18Unit 3 Lets paint Part B810.2110.25Recycle One Revision and Comment910.2811.2Unit 4 We love animals Part A1011.411.8Unit 4 We love animals Part B1111.1111.15Unit 5 Lets eat Part A1211.1811.22Unit 5 Lets eat Part B1311.2511.29Unit 6 Happy bi

7、rthday Part A1412.212.6Unit 6 Happy birthday Part B1512.912.13Recycle Two Revision and Comment1612.1612.20General Revision1712.2312.271812.301.3Oral Test191.61.10Final English TestIntroductionSay open your books. Point to the page“Welcome to English”.Whats your known?Listen and learn an English song

8、:Teaching aims of unit 1:1. Grasp the new words: pencil-box eraser pencil book ruler bag crayon pen sharpener 2. Grasp the main sentences: Hello! Im./ Hi! Im. Whats your name? My name is. Goodbye./ Bye. /See you. And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other. 3. Grasp th

9、e TPR activities in the part of “Lets do”. Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly. 4. Learn to sing two songs: Happy Teachers Day! 5. Learn to the part of “Lets chant”. Understand the meaning of the chant and try to grasp the patterns “I have.” and “ Me too”. 6. Try making a name

10、 card. 7. Enable the students to understand the story in the part of “Story time”. Try to read and retell the story. Teaching arrangement:Lesson 1: A: Lets talk Lets play Lesson 2: Lets learn Lets doLesson 3: Lets make C: Culture Lets singLesson 4: B:Lesson 5: Lets learn Lets do Lets singLesson 6: L

11、ets check Lets chant C: Story time Lesson 1 Teaching aims: 1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ Im”. 2.Learn to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and Bye to communicate with others.3.Learn to sing a song: Hello Preparation: Recorder and tape. Steps: (1). Warm-up Listen to the song: Hello.(2). P

12、resentationa. Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear. “Hello. Im Teddy. You can call me Teddy Bear. ” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.b. Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. (3). Presentation a. Listen to the s

13、ong: Hello and pass a toy. If a child get the toy when the song is stopping, he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! Im b. Some children who havent got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself): (4). Practice Teacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes with Teddy Bear i

14、nto the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence: Goodbye! Practice and act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it. (5). Add-activities a. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape. b. Find a group of friends to make the conve

15、rsation.Lesson 2 1. Grasp the new words: pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases: a pencil, a crayon, an eraser, a ruler, a pen. 2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me your”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase. *3. Learn to say“I have a/an” Substitute the pattern with five new words

16、.Preparation:a. A Teddy Bearb. Tape and recorderc. A pencil-box with a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a crayon.Steps:(1). Warm-up/Review b. Greets to pupils with: Hello/Hi. And hug them or shake hands. c. Make a conversation like last lesson. (2). Presentation a. Show a pencil-box. Let children

17、guess : What is it in the pencil-box?(in Chinese) Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Pencil. I have a pencil.b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words: pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon. (3). Practice a. Game: Say what is it in your pencil-box. - I have a pen. b. Teddy Bear asks:

18、Whats this in English? Pupils say: eraser. Do as this. (4). Lets do a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means. b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can. c. Do it after tape like: - Show me your pencil. - My pencil.(5). Assessment Play a bingo game with those

19、 words: crayon, pencil, eraser, Lesson 3 1.Try to make a name card. 2. Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers. 3. Learn to sing a song: Happy Teachers Day *4. Make a teachers card and present the teacher you like.

20、a. Tape and recorder b. A name card (1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Happy Teachers Dayb. Do it: Show me your (2). Practice a. Shows pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name card. b. Told pupils how can they make the name card in English.c. Pupils make it by themselves an

21、d say how does he(she) make it in English. (3). Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day: When is Teachers Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers. *Make a teachers card and present the teacher you like. (4). Lets sing: Listen and sing the song.Lesson

22、4 1. Get the students to grasp the sentences: 2. Learn to use the phrase See you to express goodbye and try to use the word: Welcome.3. Practice and make dialogues about self-introduction. Tape and recorder(1). Warm-up/ Reviewa. Sing the song:b. Make a greeting to each other. a. Listen to the tape a

23、nd then asks them what they heard.b. Point to the name in a Pupils Book so that lets pupils know whats mean of this sentence. c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A. (4). Main picture Back to the ma

24、in picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand out the sortition paper to pupils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is. And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main picture: Im Sarah. Whats your name? My names Chen Jie. Goodbye! Bye, Miss White! List

25、en and read after tape and make the dialogue. Lesson 5 1.Grasp the new words: bag, pencil-case, book, sharpener, school and the phrases a bag, a pencil-case, a book, a sharpener. 2.Respond the TPR activities quickly and correctly. *Try to say “open/ close/ carry/ your ”and “go to school”. *3.Substit

26、ute the pattern “ I have a”. Learn to say and use the sentence “Me too!”. 4.Learn to sing a song:a. Tape and recorderb. A pencil-case, a bag, a book, a sharpener a. Sing a song:b. Do it (Part A Lesson 2) a. Let children guess: What is it? Then introduces to everybody like: Bag. I have a bag. bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, school. a. Asks: sharpener. Do as this. b. Game: Say what is it? - I have a bag. -Me too! c. Guess and learn the word: school. (5). Learn to sing a song: (6). Assessment crayon, pencil, eraser, pen, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener. Lesson 6 1. Exercise in the

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