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1、江苏省邳州市学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题WORD20192020 学年度第二学期期终调研测试七年级英语试题友情提示请在答题纸上作答考试时间;100分钟 总分140分一、听力(共20小题每小题1分, 满分20分)第一部分听对话回答问题, 录音读两遍。1. What will they collect for the poor children?A. B. C. 2. What did the man do first?A. B. C. 3. What is Andys dog doing in his house?A. B. C. 4. What will hey pick up?A. B.

2、 C. 5. What is Jim doing?A. Watching TV. B. Doing homework. C. Doing some cleaning.6. What can the boy do?A. Play the guitar. B. Play the piano. C. Play the violin.7. What does Tom want to be?A. A singer. B. A volunteer. C. A player.8. What pet does Lily have?A. A parrot B. A rabbit. C. A mouse. 9.

3、When does Peter walk his dog?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.10. Who saved the old man?A. A driver. B. A waiter. C. A fireman.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题。听对话, 回答11-12小题。11. What does Lucy think other pet?A. Lovely. B. Lazy. C. Beautiful. 12. What pet does Bob keep?A. A dog. B. Two fish.

4、 C. A bird. 听第一篇短文, 回答1315 小题。A story about a brave boyTimeLast (13)_ afternoon. PlaceIn a (14) _.Deed(事迹)Zhang Hua saved a drowning(溺水的)(15)._.13. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday14. A. hotel B. park C. field15. A. boy B. girl C. woman听第二篇短文, 回答16-20小题。16. Who did Tina go to Hangzhou with?A. Her par

5、ents. B. Her classmates. C. Her sisters. 17. What was the weather like during their trip?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 18. How did they travel around the West Lake?A. By boat. B. On foot. C. By bike. 19. Where did they stay?A. In a hotel near a hill. B. In a hotel near a museum. C. In the city cent

6、re. 20. What did they buy for their family and friends?A. Candies. B. Beef. C. Tea. 二、选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)21. I have _pen. _pen is a present from my neighbour. A. a; A B. a; The C. the; The D. the; a22. Which picture shows the dog is inside the box?A. B. C. D. 23. It took the firemen half an hou

7、r to _the fire.A. put out B. put up C. put down D. put off24. The _is the best place to chat and watch TV. A. dining room B. living room C. bathroom D. bedroom25. Is anybody there? Millie asked, but _replied. A. somebody B. nobody C. something D. nothing26. My new friend is a _ boy and he is 13 year

8、s old this year. A. 1.7 metres-tall B. 1.7 metres tall C. 1.7 metre tall D. 1.7-metre-tall27. Excuse me, I cant find _camera. Can I use_?A. my; your B. mine; your C. my; yours D. mine; yours28. Which is RIGHT?A. all rhymes with ball. B. In a dictionary, banana comes before ball. C. 40056=four thousa

9、nd and fifty-sixD. How do I get there ? 29. Could I take a photo here?Sorry, Im afraid you_.A. can B. cant C. could D. couldnt 30. Jack _500 yuan for books last week. He loves reading!A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent 31. She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat _ by.A. to pass B. passing C. pa

10、ssed D. pass32. We will go for a picnic this Sunday. _ wonderful news!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 33. Which is NOT the right way to be careful with fire?A. Dont play with matches. B. Keep the hair away from fire. C. Be careful with fireworks. D. Put hot things into the rubbish.34. Go straight

11、on. Turn left at the first crossing. Which picture shows the way?35. _?Sorry, he isnt in. Shall I take a message for you?A. Who is Jack B. May I speak to Jack C. How is Jack today D. Whats wrong with Jack三、完形填空(共10小题每小题1分, 满分10分)It is exciting to travel to other countries. We can see many interestin

12、g things and people there, We can also 36 many delicious food there. But sometimes we arent so happy because we cant understand the people there and it brings us much 37 .One of the best ways of understanding the people is to watch 38 they do in their fee time. Most English men, women and children l

13、ove 39 _things, especially flowers. Visitors _40 _England in spring, summer or autumn 41 see gardens all the way along the railway lines. There are flowers at the airports, in factory grounds and in gardens 42 roads. Each English town has at least one 43 _with beautiful flower beds. But what the Eng

14、lish enjoy most is growing things 44 . If it is impossible(不可能的)to have a garden, then a window box or a pot(盆)will do. The English like looking at each others _45 in their free time. So when you travel to Britain, you can see the gardens to understand British people. 36. A. see B. buy C. taste D. get37. A. happiness B. sadness C. trouble D. worry38. A. what B. how C. when D. which39. A. watching

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