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1、 Dimmediately8Aeyes BhandsCheads Dbooks9Atrue BinterestingCeasy Dserious10Abesides BthereforeCthus Dhowever11Aattractive BnoticeableCdifficult Dspecial12Aprove BmeetCend Dconnect13Asurprise BreliefCcomfort Dsilence14Apleased BdisappointedCannoyed Dsurprised15Adiaries BnotesChomework Darticles16Ago t

2、hrough Blook forCfind out Dturn in17Amarried BretiredCgraduated Dmoved18Afunny BfreshCuseful Dimportant19Aresponsible BgreedyCpatient Dwrong20Abelieving BspreadingCchallenging Dorganizing答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。K教授是作者在大学最喜欢的教授之一,他用自己独特的教学方式,使学生对他的课印象深刻。1B根据后面的整个故事内容可知,K教授允许学生在他的课堂上找出他撒谎的地方,因此选项lectures符

3、合语境,而且后面多处出现该词。2A教授在第一堂课开始时对他的教学方法进行了介绍。3C根据后面的内容“From today to the class right before the Lie of the Day.”可知,教授向大家解释了他如何进行教学:从今天到期末前的每堂课里都会有一个谎言,大家的任务就是尽量把它找出来。4D本文从头至尾都在谈论K教授在课堂上欢迎同学们找谎言。5A上文提到每堂课教授都会有一个谎言,后文中的“.causing a forest of challenge the lie.”也说明教授是让同学们尽量去发现他说谎的地方,故选A。6

4、C上一段K教授在第一节课开始时介绍了自己的教学特色,因此接下来自然是课程的开始,故选C。7D教授要求同学们在他的课堂上尽量找出他说谎的地方,这种教学方法很新颖独特,大家当然会立即响应,都想挑战,故选D。8B在课堂上,同学们会举手回答问题,故选B。9Alie的反义相关词就是true,故选A。10D根据前面的progressed与后面的became less可知,前后是转折关系,故选D。11B随着课程的推进,教授的谎言越来越难发现,后面的with nobody catching the lie说明了一点,故选B。12C上一句说明谎言越来越难发现,接下来进一步说明情况,有时一节课结束了都没有人发现谎

5、言,故选C。13D从后面教授说的话可知,我们都安静地坐在那里,等教授发言。故选D。14A前文提到,同学们很难找到教授的谎言,甚至一节课结束了都没有人发现任何谎言;而下文“Ah ha!Each of you has one lie in your.”说明教授对此很满意,故选A。15B根据后面的what we had set down in our notebooks中的notebooks可知,学生的笔记里有谎言,故选B。16Ago through浏览;look for寻找;find out查明;turn in上交。教授说学生的笔记里有谎言,让学生讨论。由此可推断,这迫使学生不得不去浏览笔记,找出

6、问题所在。故选A。17C从下一句的“While my knowledge taught by Dr.K has faded over time,the lessons will always stay.”可推知,虽然毕业好几年了,教授教给作者的知识也被淡忘了,但是作者对那些课还记忆犹新,故选C。18B随着时间的推移,教授教给作者的知识已经被淡忘了,但是作者对那些课还记忆犹新,fresh符合语境,故选B。19D从后面的check it against things you already accept as a fact可知,通过与那些你已经作为事实接受了的东西作对比来检查新信息,也就是对专家们

7、讲的东西不要全盘接受,他们也可能出错。20C专家们讲的东西也可能是错的,所以我们要养成一种质疑新信息的习惯,要对它们进行检验。故选C。Ask someone for their first memory and they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first.However,I have no1at all about mine.The earliest thing I recall is looking down and seeing flames coming out

8、 of my2It was a Sunday afternoon in July 1981 when I3fire. I was in the garden with my dad. It was a sunny day but slightly breezy(有微风的)I was standing nearby as my dad4to light the barbecue. After several failed attempts,5he had to use some sort of accelerant(助燃剂)It caused a small fireball,which was

9、 flying towards me6the breeze suddenly7in my direction.Thats where the8memory of my burning ankles kicks in.My dad9fast.He dashed indoors,grabbed a large blanket and10to wrap me in it.The next thing I remember is sitting on a chest,feeling hot and11water over and over again; then being driven to a12

10、I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasnt able to bend my legs,which had to be wrapped in bandages. 13this period,I dont recall experiencing pain.It was only when I14what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem15Weve never talked much about the16my dad

11、 has never been an especially17person.Now that I have kids of my own,I do sometimes wonder what he18. Ive never felt any19at him,and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been20But Id certainly never have a barbecue with my kids.1AchoiceBidea CdoubtDworry2AanklesBblanke

12、t CsleevesDbelly3AexchangedBset CheldDcaught4AtendedBstruggled CrefusedDmanaged5AeventuallyBgradually CinterestinglyDfortunately6AbeforeBunless CthoughDas7AstoppedBhowled CchangedDdropped8AvividBsweet CpreciousDvague9AhidBacted CescapedDapproached10Agot awayBbroke in Cstood byDran back11Awaiting for

13、Basking for Cpaying forDsearching for12AhospitalBpool CcafDgym13AThanks toBBut for CThroughoutDAfter14ArealizedBimagined CpredictedDexplained15AridiculousBacceptable CsatisfactoryDunbearable16AillnessBconflict CaccidentDvisit17AstrictBopen CshyDhonest18Agave awayBtook over Cwent throughDlooked into1

14、9AsympathyBanxiety CguiltDanger20AworseBsimpler CstrangerDclearer【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,“我”回忆了自己人生中与父亲一起经历的难以忘记的事情。1C根据空前的“they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first”和空后的“The earliest thing I recall”的对比可知,此处表示“我”对于自己的记忆毫不怀疑。2.A根据下文的“Thatmemory of my burning ankles

15、kicks in”可知,此处应选A。3D那是1981年7月的一个周日的下午,“我”的脚踝处着火了。catch fire“着火”。4B根据下文的“After several failed attempts”可知,父亲的几次尝试都失败了,所以此处表示父亲需要努力点燃烧烤架。5A根据上文的“After several failed attempts”可知,此处指父亲经过了多次的尝试,最终不得不使用助燃剂。6D因为风向突然改变,火球朝“我”这边飞来。as“因为”,引导原因状语从句。7C参见上题解析。stop“停止”;howl“大声叫喊”;change“改变”;drop“落下”。8A根据上文的“Howe

16、ver,I have noat all about mine.”可知,此处表示“我”着火的脚踝留给了“我”清晰的记忆。9B根据下文的“He dashed indoors,grabbed a large blanket”可知,此处指父亲看到这种情景后行动很快。10D根据上文的“He dashed indoors”可知,此处指父亲又从屋内跑回来。11B“我”记得的下一件事情是坐在大箱子上,感觉很热,然后反复地要水喝。12A根据下文的“I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasnt able to bend my legs,whic

17、h had to be wrapped in bandages”可知,此处指“我”被送到医院。13C根据上文的“for weeks”可知,此处指在这整个期间。14A当“我”意识到“我”的妹妹有一个令人兴奋的夏天的时候,“我”的状况才开始看起来难以忍受。15D16C我们从来不过多地谈论这次事故。illness“疾病”;conflict“冲突”;accident“事故”;visit“参观”。17B根据上文的“We”可知,此处指父亲不是一个性格特别开朗的人。18C“我”有了自己的孩子,有时“我”很想知道父亲当时经历了什么。go through“经历”;giveaway“泄露,分发,赠送”;take

18、over“接管”;look into“调查”。19D“我”从来都没有对父亲感到生气。sympathy“同情”;anxiety“忧虑”;guilt“内疚”;anger“怒气”。20A“我”意识到要不是父亲当时快速的行动,情况可能会更加糟糕。worse“更糟的”。I was out for my usual morning run and found myself in the latesummer heat, thirsty. If only I had taken a _1_ bottle. After I stopped under a bridge to shelter myself fr

19、om the sun for a moment of _2_, I saw two young,_3_ men standing next to their sleeping bags. One smiled and gently _4_ his hand as if he were about to say hello, but he didnt say a word. He wasnt asking for _5_. I smiled and raised my hand, too.As I started back on my _6_, I thought about how much

20、we all _7_ to connect with other people. At that moment, this homeless man seemed to want to connect with someone else _8_ he wanted food or money.We have all had _9_ of feeling separate and lonely. I once felt lonely being in a relationship that _10_ an emotional connection.Feeling separated doesnt

21、 have anything to do with beingalone, _11_is about the human desire to feel _12_ bybeing seen and valued by another person.We all _13_ from connection. That homeless man affectedmy day. After meeting him, I felt more grateful and it mademe _14_ all that I have. He made me feel concerned forhim. I ha

22、d the choice to move toward_15_or connection.Separation is looking at the homeless person and focusing onhow _16_he looks. Connection is understanding that heinfluenced my day by _17_ to me. I can _18_times inmy life when, like him, I was in a situation I had neverexpected. There have been times whe

23、n I felt down, and timeswhen I needed someone to_19_ what he was doing and sayhello to me.Pay attention today and notice whether you tend to move toward separation or toward connection. If your tendency is to spend time alone,_20_ saying “yes” to invitations. Practice moving toward rather than away from people.1. B.water D.metal2. A.peace C.shade D.breath3. A.handsome B.homeless C.disabled D.tall4. A.took B.dropped C.crossed D.raised5. A. anything B.nothing C.everything D.all6. A.wandering B.walking C.running D.hiking7. A.need B.have

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