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1、A. occasion B. campus C. voyage D. basis8. If you wish, we can _ for your luggage (行李) to be sent on ahead to each of the overnight stops.A. memorize B. contract C. arrange D. commit9. The boy _ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed.A. reluctantly B. disappointedly C.

2、fortunately D. undoubtedly10. I started to read newspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the firsttime in my life, I began to take an interest in _ affairs.A. personal B. current C. ancient D. social11. Id like to _ that students should be allowed more time for independent study.A. propose

3、 B. command C. arrange D. steer12. On a _ day, our professor works in the lab from 9 A.M. to 11 .A. following B. typical C. previous D. diligent13. He might as well have picked a family _ out of the telephone book and stayed with them.A. at random B. at a time C. after all D. in detail. 14. The book

4、s are beautifully _ with drawings and photographs.A. illustrated B. designed C. written D. covered15. A sign at our local church is in wood, with gold lettering, but the _ is already fading after three years.A. product B. latter C. later D. medal16. The _ table (写字台)takes up too much space in my sma

5、ll office.A. to write B. writing C. written D. write17. They failed to convince her of his _.A. honesty B. honest C. dishonestly D. honestly18. He suggested that the novel _ into a film.A. make B. made C. making D. be made19. His report on the Olympic Games was really _.A. excite B. exciting C. exci

6、tement D. excited20. Mary picked _ a book from the floor and began to read.A. on B. in C. out D. up21. She is young and _, but she is good at learning. A. experience B. inexperience C. experienced D. inexperienced22. His classmates tried to persuade him _ swimming across the river, but he did not li

7、sten.A. from B. in C. on D. to23. Nowadays we rely more and more _ computers to help us in doing everything.A. in B. from C. on D. to24. Ann has a wheelchair that was _ designed for her.A. especially B. especial C. special D. specially25. You are _ to fail the exam if you dont do any revision.A. bou

8、nd B. bunch C. rely D. pick答案: 1. Large-scale studies are needed to_ the encouraging results we have obtained so far A. conduct B. confirm C. contract D. commit 2. Whoever disobeys the companys safety regulations shall beon the spotA. dismissed B. switched C. interrupted D. revealed 3. All the quest

9、ions the police asked_ what she had been doing on the night of the robberyA. brought up B. revolved around C. built on D. singled out4. If schoolchildren are allowed to work at their own_, their performance will generally improveA. version B. pace C. evolution D. system5. To attract foreign investor

10、s, you have to_ them that their investment will have profitable returnsA. confirm B. stimulate C. grab D. convince6. The conference was an attempt to_ discussion of the problem of widening gaps between the rich and the poorA. stimulate B. conduct C. intend D. uncover7. The clerk held my passport fou

11、r inches from his face and_ to read itA. affected B. flipped C. strained D. giggled8. If these problems are not_ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructorsA. skipped B. contracted C. spotted D. responded9. Tourism authorities _ quickly to reports of the

12、 attack, claming that it was accidental and that crime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areasA. added B. fastened C. skipped D. responded10. To _ for the position, applicants would need to have a PhD degree and 3 years working experienceA. strain B. qualify C. register D. campaign11. _h

13、is age, he can not finish this task all by himself.A. Given B. Give C. Gave D. Giving12. The travelers were about to cross the river_ a storm broke.A. then B. at C. there D. when13. You are meant_ before you come in.A. pay B. paying C. to pay D. paid14. I dont teach_ I think I know the answer.A. tha

14、t B. why C. when D. because15. He entered the office_ by the way she had spoken to him.A. annoyed B. annoying C. annoy D. annoys16. The road gradually widened until we found_ in a large valley.A. me B. us C. our D. ourselves17. He will help you to prepare_ you need to say in the meeting next week.A.

15、 that B. what C. which D. when18. Little_ guess that in a few years time the young man who used to live next door to them would become a superstar.A. does they B. they does C. did they D. they did19. He ran as_ as he could in the hope of breaking his record for the five miles.A. harder B. hardly C.

16、hardest D. hard20. _ the whole country rose up to drive the aggressors from their homeland.A. It is long before that B. It wasnt long before that C. It isnt long before that D. It wasnt long before that 21. -“Ben looks pale, whats happened to him? “-“Nothing serious, just_ he was a bit upset about l

17、osing the game.” A. that B. when C. why D. as22. I would rather_ early, and get home before it gets dark.A. to go B. going C. gone D. go23. Needless to say, we place our hope on_ young.A. a B. many C. the D. an24. All research is built_ work completed by previous researchers.A. on B. at C. in D. out

18、25. This show will no doubt add_ his reputation.A. on B. at C. in D. to12345678910BADC11121314151617181920B/D2122232425Part. ClozeMany of you are studying English and you may be wondering why it is so difficult to learn It is actually not that difficult to learn _1_ you know some basic facts _2_ the

19、 language and the culture that it reflects (反映) Perhaps the first thing you need _3_ English is that it is _4_ up of several other languages such _5_ French, German ,Latin ,Greek Anglo-Saxon _6_ addition ,there are words from Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names; _7_ some Chin

20、ese and Japanese words have found their way _8_ the English language This borrowing of words from _9_ languages is one of the key reasons for some of the difficulties that people meet with _10_ they are learning English1A. so B. and C. but D. if 2A. with B. about C. at D. in 3A. know B. knowing C. t

21、o know D. known 4A. make B. making C. maked D. made 5A. as B. for C. that D. was 6A. also B. in C. but D. yet 7A. even B. in C. from D. to 8A. even B. into C. from D. to 9A. a B. an C. any D. other10A. while B. that C. which D. since 阅读理解Passage oneI was born in the city of York, in England, in the

22、year 1632. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good home and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a lawyer buy my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of rambling, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My father gave me strong and earnes

23、t counsel against it, but with little effect. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his fathers ship, and he prompted me to go with him, and in an evil hour, without asking Gods blessing or my fathers, I went on board.On the way to London, a storm arose, t

24、he ship was wrecked, and we barely escaped with our lives. I went on foot to London, where I met with the master of a vessel which traded to the coast of Africa. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.A great storm came up, and the ship

25、was tossed about for many days, until we did not know where we were. Suddenly we struck a bank of sand, and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces. In this distress we launched a boat. After we had been driven four

26、or five miles, a raging wave struck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once. Though I swam well the waves were so strong that I was dashed against a rock with such force that it left me senseless. But I recovered a little before the waves returned, and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.1. What did the author want to do when he was young?A. To visit Afri

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