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Hollow Man《透明人》完整中英文对照剧本Word下载.docx

1、我该通知诺贝尔委员会 and tell them to get our prize ready.请他们准备好我们的奖Ill see you in a few.等会见了 Matt.迈特 Sebastian called. We gotta get to the lab.塞巴斯蒂安来电 我们得去实验室 Whats the rush?急什么?He cracked reversion.他发现还原配方了 Youre kidding.别开玩笑了 When? While we were sleeping.什么时候的事? 就在我们睡觉的时候You want a ride?我开车载你去吧?Maybe we sh

2、ould take our own cars.也许我们该各自开车去 m tired of this sneaking around, Lin.我不想再偷偷摸摸的了 琳 re gonna have to tell him eventually.你总得告诉他的 I will, eventually.我会的 总有一天 m just waiting for the right time.我只是在等待合适的时机 With Sebastian, theres never gonna be a right time.对塞巴斯蒂安而言 时机永远都不合适Morning, Dr. Caine. -Morning.

3、早安 凯恩博士 Have a nice day, sir. Thank you.祝你顺心 谢谢Good morning, sir. Morning, Ed.早上好 早上好 艾德Your teams in early today. Something special?你们今天很早 有特别的事吗?Sorry, Ed. You know the rules.抱歉 你知道规定的 Authorization, please. -Caine, 0027.授权码 凯恩 0027Confirmed.确认 Isabelle.伊莎贝拉 Come on, Isabelle.别这样 伊莎贝拉 Calm down, b

4、aby.冷静点 宝贝 Good girl.乖孩子 Its okay.不会有事的 m not gonna hurt you.我不会伤害你 Hold still.别动 Isabelle?是伊莎贝拉?Shes more aggressive these days.她最近变得更有侵略性了 Thats what tranquillizers are for. Ill get her.所以才要用镇静剂 我去抓她s been gone too long. 她隐形太久了 s starting to affect her brain.已经开始影响她的大脑了You take care of that bite.

5、Ill manage.去料理伤口吧 我会的Ten bucks says I nail her first.我赌十元能先逮到她 re on.成交 伊莎贝拉Got a surprise for you.爸爸帮你准备了个惊喜 You missed.你没射中 Maybe because 也许是因为I dont spend my lunch hours practicing.我不花午餐时间练习You owe me ten.你欠我十元 Put it on my tab.记帐 You know, someday I may actually make you pay up.搞不好改天我真的会要你清帐 Sar

6、ahs on the warpath, so you play nice.莎拉很生气 你最好友善点 This is bullshit, Sebastian. 这根本是乱搞 塞巴斯蒂安 And good morning to you too.你也早安Get the monkey on the table.把大猩猩搬上桌吧 How can you justify injecting Isabelle 你怎能对伊莎贝拉注射 with the serum without even testing it?未经试验的配方液?Because itll save time.这样省时 Then you can

7、mop up afterwards.那你负责收拾善后 You think Im trying to kill Isabelle?你以为我想害死伊莎贝拉?Kill? More like liquefy. 害死? 根本就是溶解她 Labs prepped.实验室准备好了Well, your objections are duly noted 异议收到and summarily overruled.且即刻被驳回Yes, sir.是的 长官 How come when you say, Yes, sir,为什么当你说是的长官时 it sounds like Fuck you?听来像是去你&hearts

8、;妈&的&Practice.练习就行 Howd you convince me to hire her?你怎么说服我雇用她的?You wanted the best vet in the U.S.你说你要全美最棒的兽医 She cares more about the animals. 她过度关心动物 And maybe thats why shes so good.所以她才如此之棒!So this guy youre seeing, whats he like?你的约会对象长什么德性?Hes everything youre not.他跟你完全不一样 He must be dull.他一定很

9、无聊 Ready in 40. Okay.40秒内开始 好Vitals?生命迹象?All normal.全部正常 Using the word normaI loosely, of course.过于滥用正常这二字了吧 Emergency medical, standing by. Tech, status?紧急医疗组待命 技术组情况如何?This is God.我是上帝 You are disturbing the natural order of things.你扰乱了万物的秩序. and will be severely punished for all eternity.将永世受到严厉

10、的惩罚 God has spoken.上帝说话了 How many times must I tell you, Frank.我要告诉你多少次 弗兰克. youre not God.你不是上帝 I am.我才是 Sorry, chief. Forgot.抱歉 老大 我忘了 You guys ready to roll yet?准备开始了吗?Yes.好了 Like those sorry-ass M.D. 那些狗屎医学博士have ever had to wait for us.好像从来都不会等我们Tell His Highness Mary was hot two hours ago.告诉皇上

11、我两小时前就好了 Yeah, Ill tell him that.好 我会呈报 Ready up here, chief. Roll and record.准备好了 老大 开始录影Rolling.开始录了 Subject, Isabelle Two. 实验对象 伊莎贝拉二号&Currently in phase-shift, 126 hours.隐形状态 已达126小时Testing D-phase protocol.第四级程序. Serial Irradiated Protein Caine 125.凯氏辐射蛋白125号&Stop naming them after yourself, 不用

12、你的名字 d have better luck.也许会成功Thank you, Dr. Kensington, 谢了 肯博士 for that keen observation.你观察真敏锐ll include it in my memoirs.我会记在备忘录上 ll make sure to put you in mine.我也会记你一笔 Would you guys be serious, please?你们认真点好吗?You think shell make it?她熬得过来吗?t know, I just work here.不知道 我只是在这工作Quantum signatures

13、are calibrated.量子值已测定 Okay, Sarah, get us a vein.莎拉 找出血管 Spray.喷雾 Vein血管找到了 All right.很好 Here goes nothing.无用的解药来了 Bad form, Matthew. The honor is mine.措词不当 马修 这是我的特权 Injection occurred at 0847.注射时间是早上8点47分. Elevated heartbeat.心跳加快了 Were still in the green. Confirmed.情况还稳定 确认Bioelectric energy 生物电流a

14、nd quantum shift indicators are stable.与量子状态指示器 很稳定re getting cellular reaction.有细胞反应 s working. Its actually working.有用 真的有用 Of course it is. Dont get cocky.当然. 别太自大.Heart rates up. Shes scared. It心跳上升 她吓到了 没事的 Subject began manifesting immediately. 实验对象几乎是立刻起反应 ProtocoIs acting quickly.程序进行快速Godda

15、mn it, blood pressure crashing. Pulse high.该死 血压过低 脉搏过高 s her heart.她的心脏 I got erratic heartbeat and brain activity.心律不整 脑波频率过高 s going into cardiac arrest. Defib!她心跳要停止了 电击器!Prep an intracardiac.准备强心针 Flatline. Were losing her. 没动静 她不行了 No, were not. Hit her!不 她不会 电击她!Clear!站开!Again. Clear.再来 站开Aga

16、in! Clear.再来! 站开Come on. Again!快啊 再来!Fuck! Intracardiac.该死 强心针 Wait! No, we got something.等等 有动静了 Still erratic.还是不稳定. and stabilizing.稳定下来了 Oh, man.天啊 Brain activity returning to normal. 脑波频率回复正常 Quantum signatures are stable.量子值稳定Welcome back, Isabelle.欢迎回来 伊莎贝拉 Yeah. Yeah!好!Yeah, baby!太好了! 宝贝儿!We

17、 did it. Good work, everyone.我们成功了! 大家干的好!Yeah! Thats the way its done, man.好的 就是这样干的 So hows she doing, doc?她还好吗?Well, I think shes gonna be okay.我想她不会有事的 Come on. Right in there. Come on, Isabelle.来吧 进去 来 伊莎贝拉Go ahead. Good girl.去啊 好姑娘 Look how peaceful she is.看她多温驯 It seems like nothing happened

18、to her.真像什么事都没发生过似的 Schedule a vivisection for Monday. 星期一安排活体解剖 I wanna check her neuropathways.检查她的神经系统You just brought her back 才把她救回来and youre gonna slice up her brain?你就要剖开她的大脑?m not running a goddamn zoo!我又不是开动物园的!re a fucking unethical bastard. 你真是个卑劣的混&蛋&Tell her you快跟她说你是开玩笑的Right? Right.对吧

19、? 对I wont cut her for another week.我这个星期还不会剖开她 Dont be such an asshole.别太过份了 We finally have something to celebrate.我们终于有东西值得庆祝了 Cool. Im hungry, lets go. Me too.酷 我饿了 走吧 我也是We should cut you up.我们真该把你剖了 Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士 先生们 a moment of your time, please.请注意Here it comes.要来了 To the finest

20、research team I have ever known.敬最顶尖的研究团队 Cheers.干杯 There was a big explosion, and afterward she said接著发生爆&炸& 后来她说If youre so smart, 如果你这么聪明 how come youre still in the second grade?为什么你还在念二年级?She grew her eyebrows back? In a month.她眉毛多久才长回来? 一个月How long were you suspended? -A month.你被留校察看了多久?Hey, I

21、 thought youd gone.我以为你走了 Theres nowhere to go.我没地方可去 Did I miss something?我错过了什么?Arent you supposed to be happy?你不是该快乐吗?Reversion was the last breakthrough. 还原是最后的突破了 Feels like the beginning of the end.感觉像是个终点的开始s not true. Weve got a lifetime of data.不对 我们得到了丰富的资料 Matt has the patience to crunch

22、the numbers, 迈特这种人有耐性解读资料 but you know me.但你知道我.I need this grandeur and the spectacle.我需要浮华世界 I cant concern myself with the details.我无法想像自己做琐事 Yeah, I know. I was one of them.我知道 我是其中一个 I thought we were great together.我以为我们在一起很棒 You were great.你是很棒 I was just standing next to you.我只是陪衬你而已 Come on

23、. We had some good times.拜托 我们有过快乐时光啊 Yeah, we had some good times.是啊 我们有过一些快乐时光 Have you ever wanted to turn the clock back?你有想回到过去吗?Go back and try again?回去再试一次?d say that kind of time travel doesnt exist.我想那种时光旅行并不存在 Well, maybe we should invent it.也许我们该发明它 Or not.或者不用 s it like?那是什么感觉?Four years

24、 ago, this committee gave me.四年前 委员会给我. a very specific and challenging task.一个很有挑战性的任务. to phase-shift a human being out of quantum sync.要将人同步量子化. with the visible universe.变为隐形状态. and return him safely with no aftereffects.再将他无后遗症的安全还原 We found that 我们发现sending them to never-never land was easy.要让

25、动物隐形简单s the getting them back thats hard.还原他们才是最难的 Primary DNA strands decaying on you?DNA链会衰退?Along with cellular bond instability.细胞链也不稳定 How have you solved the problem?这些问题怎么解决?I havent.我没解决 But were close.但很接近了 We just need more time.我们还需要些时间 Ever since you walked 从你大学一年级in my class your freshm

26、an year.走进教室那一刻起.I knew you were different.我就知道你与众不同 Over the years, 这些年 your genius has been most impressive.你的表现更令人赞赏Thank you, Dr. Kramer.谢谢 克拉玛博士 Well, dont thank me yet.先别谢我 This committee has given you remarkable leeway.本委员会给了你很特别的自&由&空间 ve tolerated your eccentricities, 我们忍&耐了你的怪僻 as well as your need for privacy.以及让你保有隐私权的需要And I assure

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