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1、 在瓮城墙上内游外两面都有垛口墙,四面拒敌。倘若敌人攻破关门涌入城内,将受到四面守城将围歼,敌人如落瓮中。瓮城是长城的一个重要组成部分。它一般都建在地形险要的交通要道上。瓮城内无井,水源缺乏,平常驻兵不多,守城部队驻在西北三里的岔道城。瓮城中原有一座“察院公馆”,是供皇帝路过驻跸或官员停留住宿的。城门洞上,古进安装有巨大的双扇木门,门内安装有木顶柱和锁闩。 平时,大门敞开,行人商旅自由出入;战时城门紧闭,严实坚固;一旦发出反击号令,城门洞又是千军万马发起冲锋的出口。瓮城的东门楣题额为“居庸外填”,修建于明嘉靖十八年。站在城上向下看,我们中以看到来往不断的车辆和从门洞穿过的游人。这里不仅是古代重

2、要的军事防御关口,而且也是交通要道。从这里南通昌平、北京,北去延庆,西北往宣化、张家口,“路从此分,四通八达”。八达岭也因此得名。 再讲一个故事:孟姜女哭长城 这个故事发生在很久很久以前,那时候秦始皇正徵发八十万民工修筑万里长城。官府到处抓人去当民工,被抓去的人不分白天黑夜地修筑长城,不知累死了多少。 苏州有个书生叫范杞梁,为了逃避官府的追捕,他不得不四处躲藏。有一天,他逃到了孟家花园,无意中遇到了孟姜女。孟姜女是一个聪明美丽的姑娘,她和父母一起把范杞梁藏了起来。两位老人很喜欢范杞梁,就把孟姜女许配给他作了妻子。 新婚不到三天,范杞梁就被公差抓去修长城了。孟姜女哭得象泪人似的,苦苦地等待丈夫归

3、来。半年过去了,范杞梁一点消息也没有。这时已是深秋季节,北风四起,芦花泛白,天气一天比一天冷了。孟姜女想起丈夫远在北方修长城,一定十分寒冷,就亲手缝制了寒衣,启程上路,要到万里长城去寻找范杞梁。 一路上,孟姜女不知经历了多少艰难,吃了多少苦,才来到了长城脚下。谁知修长城的民工告诉她,范杞梁已经死了,尸骨被填进了城墙里。听到这个令人心碎的消息,孟姜女只觉得天昏地暗,一下子昏倒在地,醒来后,她伤心地痛哭起来,只哭得天愁地惨,日月无光。不知哭了多久,忽听得天摇地动般地一声巨响,长城崩塌了几十里,露出了数不清的尸骨。孟姜女咬破手指,把血滴在一具具的尸骨上,她心里暗暗祷告:如果是丈夫的尸骨,血就会渗进骨

4、头,如果不是,血就会流向四方。终于,孟姜女用这种方法找到了范杞梁的尸骨。她抱着这堆白骨,又伤心地痛哭起来。 秦始皇看到孟姜女很美丽,想逼她做妃子。孟姜女假意答应了他,但要求秦始皇先办三件事:请和尚给范杞梁念四十九天经,然后把他好好地埋葬;秦始皇要亲自率文武大臣哭祭范杞梁;埋葬范杞梁后,孟姜女要去游山玩水,三天以后才能成亲。秦始皇只得答应了孟姜女的要求。三件事办完以后,孟姜女把秦始皇痛骂了一顿,然后纵身跳进了波涛滚滚的大海。 今天的长城,早已失去军事价值,而以其特有的魅力,吸引着广大中外游客,成为举世闻名的旅游胜地。随着旅游业的发展,长城 这一中华民族的象征,全世界重要的文化遗产,会焕发出新的生

5、机。以更优质的旅游服务、更优美的旅游环境迎接着大家的到来!在此之前我先提醒大家千万不要乱涂乱画,乱丢垃圾,更不要破坏长城上的古迹。 Everybody is good! Welcome to badaling scenic area tourism. Im your guide Liu Xingbang. Accompany you visit together today, hope you can have a good time at the badaling. Chairman MAO once said: not a true man unless he comes to the G

6、reat Wall. Today, we climbed the Great Wall, to become a hero. Now we have arrived at the foot of the famous badaling Great Wall, everyone to the distance, can be found here of the Great Wall is divided into south and north two peak, winding in the mountain ridges, long teng hu yue, spectacular, the

7、 scenery is very spectacular. Look here is a two openings and u-shaped walls satin afraid brought to the barbican. In the barbican inside the wall outside the two sides have the crenel wall, all defensive ring. If the enemy breached close into the city, will have been all around guarding city will p

8、anic in the enemy like fall in the urn. The barbican is an important part of the Great Wall. It is generally built on terrain dangerous traffic arteries. There is no hole in the barbican, lack of water, usually few troops, guarding city forces in the northwest three mile fork city. Barbican in a exa

9、mine the courtyard mansion, the original is stay accommodation for the emperor passed in or officials. City on the doorway, ancient into install a huge double wooden door, door installation has wooden needle and latches. At ordinary times, both doors open and the pedestrian travel free access; Warti

10、me gate closed, sealed hard; Once struck back order, city door is the export of hammering dashed forward. Barbican east gate lintel TiE as the agent to fill, built during Ming jiajing eighteen years. Stand to look down on the city, we see in constant traffic and visitors through the door. Here is no

11、t only an important military defense of the ancient barrier, but also traffic arteries. From here, nantong changping, Beijing, north to yanqing, northwest to xuanhua, zhangjiakou, convenient way from now on,. Badaling is hence the name. To tell a story: meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall The story happ

12、ened in a long time ago, when the emperor qin shi huang was eight hundred thousand migrant workers to build the Great Wall. Government arrest people everywhere to work as migrant workers, were caught to people built the Great Wall during the day and night, I dont know how much Im exhausted. Suzhou h

13、as a scholar named Fan Qiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the government, he had to be in hiding. One day, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she hid the Fan Qiliang together with their parents. Two old people like Fan Qilia

14、ng, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. Newly married less than three days, Fan Qiliang tolerance grasp to go to the Great Wall. Meng jiangnu cry like a crybaby, waiting for her husband to return it hard. Over the past six months, Fan Qiliang have no message at all. It was a late autumn season, the

15、north wind, photo white, cold weather every day. Meng jiangnu remembered her husband far away in the north repair the Great Wall, must be very cold, stitched the woolies, set out on the road, going to the Great Wall to find Fan Qiliang. Along the way, meng jiangnu I do not know how many, how much pa

16、in, came to the foot of the Great Wall. Who knows the great of migrant workers told her that Fan Qiliang already dead, bones is filled into the wall. Heard the heartbreaking news, meng jiangnu just feel dark, suddenly collapsed to the ground and woke up, she cried sadly, only crying days into misera

17、bly, the moon and sun light. I dont know how long cry, suddenly heard day shook like a loud noise, the Great Wall collapsed in decades, with the countless bones. Meng jiangnu bite fingers, put blood on the buried bones, she secretly prayed in the heart: if the husbands bones, the blood will seep int

18、o the bone, if not, blood will flow to the quartet. Finally, meng jiangnu found Fan Qiliang bones in this way. She hold this pile of bones and cried sadly. Qin shi huang meng jiangnu very beautiful, want to force her to do concubine. Meng jiangnu pretending promised to him, but it requires the qin s

19、hi huang to do three things: first, please the monk to read Fan Qiliang 49 days after, then buried him well; Qin shi huang to personally rate Fan Qiliang wenwu minister cry offering; After burying Fan Qiliang, meng jiangnu going to travel, three days later to marry. Qin shihuang had agreed meng jian

20、gnu requirements. After three things done, the qin shi huang meng jiangnu painful scold a meal, and then jumped into the sea waves roll. Today the Great Wall, already lose military value, and by its unique charm, attracting the broad masses of Chinese and foreign tourists, become the world famous to

21、urist resort. With the development of the tourism industry, the Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the worlds important cultural heritage, coruscate gives new vitality. With more high quality tourism services, more beautiful environment to meet the arrival of you! Before that graffito o

22、f the scribble I remind you dont first, littering, not to damage the Great Wall on the sites. 2:长城双语导游词范文 大家好,我是陈导游。很高兴能认识你们,今天我们将去游览一处名胜古迹长城。长城,是我国“世界遗产”之一。 远看长城它像一条长龙,仿佛在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒爬着。 北京的那一段长城修建在八达岭上,它高大坚固,前不见头,后不见尾,是用城砖和条石砌成的。城墙顶上有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有嘹望口和射口。城墙顶上,每隔三百多米就会有一座城台,是屯兵的堡垒。打仗的时候,城台之间可以相互呼应。你们看

23、,长城就像一条长龙,总计长度达50000多千米。俗语说:“不到长城非好汉。”如果你想做个好汉,就快跟我一起登上万里长城吧!长城是中华民俗的丰碑和智慧结晶,象征着中华民族的血脉相承和民族精神。 游客们,我们的长城之旅就要结束了。希望我的讲解能令大家对长城有更多的了解,愿雄伟壮观的长城能给大家留下一段美好的记忆。 Hi, Im Chen guides. Nice to meet you, today we are going to visit a place of interest - the Great Wall. The Great Wall, is one of the world heri

24、tage in our country. Far to see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, as if in the mountains between winding crawling. In the period of the Great Wall in Beijing badaling, tall and strong, it saw the head, after missing tail, is to use ChengZhuan and piece of stone. There is two meters high on to

25、p of the wall of the rows of buttress, scanned and buttress on the nozzle. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there will be a ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. Between the war, ChengTai can mutual echo. You see, the Great Wall is like a long dragon, a total length of more t

26、han 50000 square kilometers. They say: not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall. If you want to be a brave man, quick boarded the Great Wall with me! Monument to the Great Wall is the Chinese folk and the wisdom crystallization, is a symbol of the blood patrimony and national spirit of the C

27、hinese nation. The tourists, the Great Wall of our journey will be over. I hope I can make the interpretation of everyones understanding more about the Great Wall, we wish the majestic Great Wall give you leave a good memory. 3:长城双语导游词范文 各位游客; 大家好,今天由我来担任你们的导游员。我叫梅俊波,欢迎来到中国十大名胜古迹之一的万里长城。它是中国伟大的军事建筑,

28、它规模浩大,被誉为古代人类建筑史上的一大奇迹。它主要景观有八达岭长城、慕田长城、司马台长城、山海关、嘉峪关、虎山长城、九门等。 今天我们到的是八达岭长城。它是长城中保存最完好,最具有代表性的一段。这里是重要的前哨,海拔高度1015米,地势险要,历来是兵家必争之地。站在长城上,往远处看,它像一条长龙,在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋。大家请看,这墙和地面都是用巨大的条石和城砖筑城的,再请向右边看,城墙外沿有两米多高的垛子,垛子上有射口和瞭望口,供瞭望和射击用。大家请继续往前走,那一座座方形的城台,打仗时城台之间可以互相呼应。听了这些,长城肯定在你们的脑海中留下了深刻的影像吧! 这万里长城还有一个动人传说孟

29、姜女哭长城。据说新郎范喜良新娘孟姜女正要入同房时,被官兵抓去到长城做工了,好端端的喜事变成了一场空。孟姜女悲愤交加,曰夜思念丈夫。她想在家里干着急,还不如去长城找他,一路上不知经历了多少风霜雨雪,跋涉过多少险山恶水,凭着顽强的毅力,凭着对丈夫深深的爱,到达了长城。却始终找不到丈夫,询问起民工有没有范喜良。民工说:“已经死了,尸首已填了城脚。”孟姜女听到这个恶耗大哭起来。哭了三天三夜,哭得天昏地暗,连天都感动了,越来越阴沉,风越来越猛,只听见“哗啦”一声,一段长城被哭倒了这个传说有趣吗? 接下来大家自由活动,一小时后到这里集合。活动期间,你们要注意安全,不要把塑料袋、矿泉水瓶、废纸、,果皮等乱扔

30、,要保护长城的整洁。 天色已经不早了,今天的游览到此结束。明天还有更美的风景等着我们,希望各位好好休息,养精蓄锐,我们明天见。 Dear visitors; Hello, everyone, today Ill be your tour guide. My name is MeiJunBo, welcome to the Great Wall of China one of the top ten scenic spots and historical sites. It is a great Chinese military architecture, it is enormous, kno

31、wn as the ancient human in architectural history a wonders. Its main landscape badaling Great Wall, MuTian Great Wall, simatai Great Wall the Great Wall, shanhaiguan, jiayuguan, tiger hill, nine door, etc. Today we went to the badaling Great Wall. It is the best preserved of the Great Wall, one of the most representative part. Here is the important outpost, elevation 1015 meters, the terrain it is, has always been mohican. Standing on the Great Wall, look ahead in the distance, it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. Everyone to see, the wall

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