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1、A级考试真题答案与解析2018年 12月高等学校英语应用能力考试( A 级)参考答案Part I Listening Comprehension (每题 1 分)Section A 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.BSection B 8.A 9.B 10.C13.strong the ocean 15.bus ride17. newspapers 18. group study19. 15 20. 10:00 p.m.Part n StructureSection A (每题 1 分)21.A 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.

2、A 29.D 30.BSection B (每题 1 分)31.offering 32.generally 33.appointment 34.published 35. is signedPart 川 Reading ComprehensionTask 1(每题 2 分) 36.C 37.B 38. C 39.D 40.ATask 2(每题 2 分) 41.B 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.DTask 3(每题 1 分)50. career goals55.LF46.succeed 47.1998 48. more people 49. 180 million Task 4(每题 1

3、分) 51. CE 52. NK 53.DH 54.MJTask 5(每题 1 分)56.sixteen years/16 years57.previous experience58.meetings and training59.fundraising functions60.type of membershipPart IV Translation English into Chinese (20 分)61.C 62. A 63. B 64.A65. 酒驾在这个国家一直是个问题。 长期以来, 人们一直在关注酒后驾车的司机造成的车祸。 今年上半年全国共有 220000 余例酒后驾车。在一些城

4、市,酒后驾车越来越严重。如果你喝 酒,就不要开车。 叫一辆出租车或使用公共交通工具。 这个应用程序可以帮你找到司机驾车 送你回家。Part V Writing (15 分)评分参考标准:1.本题按综合方式评分,从格式、表达和语言三方面衡量,只给一个分数,即给总体得分 ( global marking )。2.评分时应以考生应得 (rewarding) 分数评定,不要以扣分 (penalty) 方式评定。3.分数可分 5 个等级,即:1)14 分:格式正确;内容完整,表达清楚;语言上仅有很少的小错。2)11 分:格式基本正确;内容较完整,表达尚清楚;有一些语言错误,可以有个别句子结构 上错误。3

5、)8 分:格式基本正确;内容大体完整,表达可勉强理解;有较多的语言错误,包括少量 严重错误。4)5 分:格式勉强正确;内容不完整,但是没有离题;表达有较大困难;语言有很多错误, 有一些是严重错误。5)2 分:格式不正确;内容表达不清楚;语言支离破碎,仅有个别句子尚正确。4.如果试卷的得分可高于或低于某一等级分,则应加 1 分或减 1 分。5.如果不按提示写作文或语言表达完全无法理解,应给 0 分。6.评分应力求准确,防止趋中倾向。参考范文:(见解析部分)试题解析Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1.W: What do you usually do

6、in the morning?M: We go to the nearby lake and walk around it.Q: What does the man usually do in the morning?【解析】C。本题为事实细节题。询问男士早上通常做什么。对话一开始,女士就问男士早 上一般做什么。男士说他会去附近的湖,绕着湖散步,故选 C。2.W: Are you ready to order, sir?M: Yes, I d like fish and chips, and a cup of coffee.Q: Where does this conversation mos

7、t probably take place?【解析】D。本题为推理判断题。询问对话在什么地方发生的。对话中女士先问“可以下单 了吗?” 接着男士说他要炸鱼、 薯条和咖啡。 可见这个对话最有可能是发生在餐馆或者咖啡 馆,因此选 D。3.M: Could you deliver the fruits by train, please?W: Sorry, sir. For fruits, we only deliver them by air.Q: What kind of goods does the man want to deliver?【解析】A。本题为事实细节题。询问男士想要运送的是什么样

8、的货物。男士一开始就问了 女士,水果能用火车运送吗?结果女士说不能,只能空运。可见,男士要运的货物是水果, 故选 A 。4.M: My car broke down again and it is in the repair shop now.W: If I were you, I would buy a new one.Q: What is the woman s advice?【解析】B。本题为推理判断题。询问女士的建议是什么。男士抱怨说自己的车又坏了,正 在维修。 女士说, 如果我是你, 我就买辆新的了。 可见女士是在建议男士买辆新车, 故选 B。5.W: Good evening, B

9、eijing Restaurant. May I help you?M: Hello, I d like to book a table for 10 tomorrow evening.Q: What does the man want to do?【解析】D。本题为事实细节题。询问男士想要做什么。这个对话应该发生在打电话中,女士是北京饭店的客服,男士说他想订个位。“订位”的英语表述除了用对话中的 book来表达外,还可以用短语 make a reservation,故选 D。Section BConversation 1M: Good morning, ABC car rental. How

10、 can I help you?W: Good morning, I d like to rent a car, please.M: Sure. It is just for yourself?W: No, my husband and two children.M: And how long would you like to rent the vehicle?W: Just three days from tomorrow morning.M: OK. We have a Toyota and a Ford. Which one do you prefer?W: Which one is

11、less expensive?M: The Toyota. It is $45 a day.W: OK. I ll take the Toyota.6.How many days will the woman rent the car?【解析】 B 。本题为事实细节题。询问女士租车要租几天。当男士问想要租多久时,女士回 答“就三天” 。所以答案选 B。7.Why does the woman decide to rent a Toyota?【解析】 B 。本题为推理判断题。询问女士为什么选择租借丰田车。对话中男士提到了两个 选择,一个是丰田,另一个是福特。女士则问,哪个便宜?男士说丰田,所以女

12、士选择了丰 田。可见,女士选丰田车的原因是因为费用较低,即 B 项“因为租借费用更低” 。Conversation 2M: I can see from your resume that you like meeting people and enjoy making new friends. W: Yes, Im that sort of person.M: Well, that s exactly the kind of person we need.W: Believe me, I can do the job well.M: But you won tbe meeting people

13、 in person, only over the phone.W: I have a good telephone voice, and I am very confident on the phone.M: Okay. We need someone for three evening a week, at least three hours an evening.W: No problem. I can do that.M: That s fine. Please come with me and I ll introduce you to the manager.W: Thank yo

14、u very much.8.What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?【解析】 A 。本题为事实细节题。询问从对话中得知女士什么信息。对话一开始,男士就说 “从简历里能看出你喜欢和人打交道, 喜欢结交新朋友” ,对此女士给了肯定回答, 故选 A 。9.What kind of job is the woman going to take?【解析】B。本题为事实细节题。询问女士将要从事的是什么工作。 对话中男士对女士说“你 不会亲自去见别人,只是通过电话” ,由此判断,女士的工作是“通过电话与人交谈” ,故选 B。10.How

15、 many hours will the woman work a week?【解析】C。本题为计算题。询问女士一周工作多少个小时。注意题目询问的是一周,对话 中男士说“每周工作三晚,每晚至少 3小时”,因此这里需要简单的计算,即至少 9 个小时, 因此选 C。Section CI promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in our city. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a walk along the waterside. Please do not swim here. This is not a safe place to swim for its strong undercurrents. Sanya is the place to go if you want to enjoy swimming in the ocean. You can take a short bus ride from yo

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