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1、4This math problem is too difficult. _students can understand it.AA few BFew CA little DLittle5We want two good musicians_our rock band.Afor Bin Cat Dto6Lucas, please_your hand_you know the answers to the question.Aput up; so Bput away; if Cput off; so Dput up; if7Students all want to do a good job

2、in the coming sports meeting. Some are jumping ropes after class. _are trying their best to run fast.AOther BOthers CThe other DAnother8It is_for the football lovers_FIFA World Cup.Aexcited; to watch Bexcited; to see Cexciting; to see Dexiting; to watch9_do you_the documentary (纪录片) Amazing China?It

3、s really exciting and Im so proud of our homeland.AWhat; think of BWhat; like CHow; think DHow; think of10Tom_late last night.Oh, thats_he was late for school again.Awoke up; why Bstayed up; becauseCwoke up; because Dstayed up; why11Mrs. White_breakfast this morning. Look! She_lunch for her family.A

4、cook; is cooking Bcooked; cooked Ccooks; cooked Dcooked; is cooking12Do you have any plans for this summer vacation?Im not sure. I_just read a lot of books_War Horse.Aneed; likes Bmay; like Ccan; likes Dmust; like13Why do we do exercise every day, Mum?_healthy, my dear.AKeep BKeeping CTo keep DKeeps

5、14My favorite actress Emma Watson_of medium height and_beautiful yellow hair.Ahas; is Bis; has Chas; has Dis; is15It will only_him about one hour_to Hong Kong because of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.Atake; to drive Bspend; driving Ctake; driving Dpay; to drive二、完型填空 An old man lived with a gran

6、dson. Every day the old man got up early to read books. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to 16 him in every way he could.One day the grandson asked: “Grandpa, I want to read that book as you do but I cant understand it, and I always forget everything when I close the book. Whats the

7、 use of reading the book?”The grandpa said, “Take this coal (煤炭) basket down to the 17 and bring me a basket of water.”The boy did as his grandpa said, but all the water ran before 18 got back home. The grandfather laughed and said, “You will have to walk faster next time.”The next time the boy 19 f

8、aster, but the basket was still empty (空的). He told his grandfather it was 20 to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead ( 代 替 ), but the old man said, “I just want a basket of water. Youre not trying hard enough.”The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely

9、run. He again put the 21 into the river and ran hard. But there wasnt anything in it again. He said 22 , “Look, grandpa, its useless!“Watch the basket.” said the grandfather.The boy had a look 23 the basket and for the first time realized (意识到) that the basket was different. It had changed from a di

10、rty old coal basket into a 24 one, inside and out.“My child, thats what happens (发生) 25 you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but the words will change you inside and out. Thats what you got from reading.”16Ashow Bhelp Clove Dfollow17Ahouse Bbeach Criver Dlake18Athey Bh

11、e CI Dwe19Aran Brode Cdrove Dflew20Adifficult Binteresting Cboring Dimportant21Ahand Bbottle Cbasket Dcoal22Ahappily Bsurprisedly Cexcitedly Dsadly23Afor Bat Cinto Ddown24Awhite Bclean Cnew. Dblack25Aand Bso Cbefore Dwhen三、阅读单选 My brother and I like sports very much. We like running, playing basketb

12、all, swimming and so on. Of all the sports, swimming is our favorite. Swimming is really interesting. If you swim in the pool, you will look like a lovely fish. Very cool! You will be happy if you can swim. If you often swim, you will be healthy. Swimming can bring you a lot of fun. Come and enjoy s

13、wimming with us in the two clubs.City ClubSwimmnigMon. Sun.8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.Basketball00 a.m. 5:00 p.mVolleyballSat. Sun.10:00 a.m. 6:Tel: 865-2236 Cool ClubSwimmingMon. Fri.3:00 p.m. 8: 662-336826The writer thinks swimming often is_.Avery boring for his parents Bcool to like a fishCexcited for hi

14、s brother Dgood for health27You can go to to swim on Sunday.ACity Club BCool ClubCboth A and B Deither A or B28If you want to go swimming in the afternoon on Friday, you can_.Acall 662-3368 Bcall 865-2236CBoth A and B Dvisit It was the first time for Sidebottom from New York to visit Paris (巴黎). He

15、was staying at a hotel. He went down to have breakfast on the first day, and sat with a Frenchman. The Frenchman smiled and said friendly, “Bon appetite.” “That is his name.” thought Sidebottom. He smiled back and said his own name. “Sidebottom.” The next morning, Sidebottom came down for breakfast

16、and saw the Frenchman again. “Bon appetite!” the Frenchman said again. Sidebottom was a bit surprised to hear his name again. But he answered in the same way. “Sidebottom.” This happened every morning for about a week. At the end of the week, a friend of Sidebottoms from Canada arrived in the evenin

17、g. “I am having a very good time.” he said. “meet a very nice Frenchman. His name is Bon Appetite.”“That isnt his name.” said the friend. “The French (法国人) often say it before they eat something. It means enjoy your meal.”The next morning, the American and the Frenchman sat at the same table. “Bon a

18、ppetite!” Sidebottom shouted.The Frenchman looked at him and smiled, “Sidebottom.” he answered.29From the passage we know Sidebottom came from_.AEngland BCanada CFrance(法国) DAmerica30They said “Bon appetite” and “Sidebottom” to each other_.Afor four days Bfor a week Cfor one evening Dfor one morning

19、31Sidebottom told his friend that he was when he was staying in the hotel.Ahappy Bsurprised Cfriendly Dlucky32The Frenchman thought “Sidebottom” in English meant (意思是) _.Athe Americans name Bhaving a good timeC“Bon appetite” in French D“nice to meet you” One day a father of a rich family took his so

20、n on a trip to the country with the purpose (目的) of showing his son how the poor people lived so he could be thankful for his life.They spent a few days and nights on the farm of a very poor family.When they got back home from their trip, the father asked his son “How was the trip?” “It was great, D

21、ad.” “Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked. “Oh, yeah,” said the son. “So what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father. The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they have four. We have a pool that goes to the middle of our garden and they have a stream (小溪) that has

22、no end. We have wonderful lanterns (灯笼) in our garden and they have the stars at night. We have a small piece of land (土地) to live on and they have fields that are beyond our sight (一望无际). We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our house to protect (保护) us, they have friends to

23、protect them.”Hearing this, the boys father didnt know what to say. Then his son said again, “Thank dad for showing me how poor we are.”33The father went to the country with his son to_.Ago on a trip Benjoy the lifeCfind a very poor family to help Dtell the boy how lucky and happy he was34The boys f

24、amily had_.Aa garden Ba stream Cmany dogs Dfields35The son_.Adidnt like the tripBwas going to live on the farmClearned that they had a lot of money from the tripDthought the stars were more wonderful than their lanterns36Which of the following is Not True?AThe boy had different ideas from his father

25、. BThe father couldnt say a word at last.CThe father was very happy at last. DThe boy thought his family was poor. In the United States, people are lucky to have an easy way to get clean just by tuning on the tap (龙头).We wake up in the morning, take a shower, brush our teeth, drink a cup of coffee a

26、nd go out to enjoy a beautiful day. Water is an important part in our daily lives and we use it for different purposes, but do we really know how much we use?Each American family uses more than 300 gallons (加仑) of water every day at home. About70% of this use is indoors.Water also plays a big part i

27、n our local communities (当地社区). Without water there would be no local business or factories. Fire fighting, parks, and public (公众的) swimming pools all need lots of water. To bring us much water, we need a lot of pipes to our taps each day.Where does all this water come from? It starts out as rain or

28、 snow and flows (流) into our local lakes, rivers and streams or into underground You can learn more about water in your country, for example, how people protect water and where your local drinking water comes from.The more you learn about water, the better you will make use of it.37The underlined word “it” refer to (指的是) _.Awater Bcoffee Ca shower DThe day38The underlined word “pipe” in the passage probably means_in Chinese.A桶 B人工 C管子 D产业39Paragraph (段落) Four talks about_.Athe use of water in homes Bhow to use water in homesChow to use water in the local community Dthe use of water in

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