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1、 Whthigs woubrin ou hinss? Perhp ou wud tak a wkwth yourbest friend、 Perp you oudlachil ead、 Or u migtped time ith your aly、When okc, t is lkel anonnsumgpriee lk thsewil be omsimora mmores、 Wy? Nn-cnsumin ctiviis aeat, no psive、 Theydont iaakg、 You makte expriceyorsel、Fo exampe, ach pesn whoredsto c

2、hl wi v difrt xperice、 h experiee chnges withhered,th chil, and te k、 Simil, he yo hv cnversation wih fiend, a actvelyreinan erience、 Th nvrtin ha o ae wit yr frndcanoteeeiece r ecatedby anone 、 Howe, i you atc mitha fried, y wl each havea pacagexperience、Itrquis actio adlittl interacion between etw

3、ofyo、The nvrom wlivi encoagesut a aaged eprines、We fel thatwemustonsme bcauewebeleve thabyi s dng、 Howev,wcansartesona eolon (变革)gaint couersm、?Bysungless、 We cnaskursve what xperncsbringusthertest satifacion、Then we canorgnie our lvesothtehaoeof tse kind of exrinces、4、 f consmig poct takesoomuh me,

4、 we sol _、 A、 spend les mone B、 tink about ifully C、 rgnize our hgs 、 goto cneince stores0、 Accrngto thepassae, te wie beieves ta _、A、ecan say otcosmers by onmigless B、byin thing can ngus thegeate saisfatonC、 h eioet seld influnes ursoppi choices D、cosumixpices ill b u mot imortnt memries5、 Whas the

5、wriers miurpose inritin thi passag? A、 Tonduee wys of enoyin ou spartim、 B、Toenourae people tohave more activ epriences、 Texlin reaons behind peplsshopingbehavior、 、 o hare hsaepernce in cnsumnproducts、D篇 ay sing aundthsme fieds lig vido gmesand meoe menti a ae tt hpns b one of your fvoite、“Oh, ta g

6、ams asy、So t te tme,” one o our frds say、hehe agree、 Although younjoyt ame quitealot,nt wantin to arge wi hem, yogoalgwthe cowd、You have ust xpeinedhat imnlyefredt aspeer preure(同伴压力), s clledpee influec、 Yllo crtntye o behavior, des, ortid in rer to e accepe aspar o gouof yu“peer”、 A ate, youalkely

7、 o ave exprienced the effec ofeer surin a number fdiffent aes、Wereal ifluencedb r pees aany ag、 For tees, as scho ad he civitis ak yu wa froome, you d ore im wiourfrds hn with ur iy、As o b more idepndent, our pers aurayp a greate rlein yur、Acordigto Dr、 Ce fromCornel Uiesity,enare vr uic acraen mang

8、ecsions thir own dn tuatin whe te a time tothn、 ov,wh h ak cisions ithhetof t menon soci situtons, hir dcisins re ofeifuencedy fars lkepers、In rcetstudy, tevlnts paea id driv gam, eierloe or wirndsacng、Th srchrs discoered ht henmbe risk teeno oe tha doblewnther nds were wtching, copare wth weneyplay

9、d one、This showsthatteens ma find tme dffult to cono risy behir whnter friens ae aoun, orin stuaons whee te aermlay、Js as peopl an inlenes to mke nwise choices,ey a alo influences t mae od ons、 A en mihjonin a voluneer pec beus hsor her frn are din it,o et go grads becushisor fidthik gettinggodgrade

10、 s imotan、n fat, fn of enoragech ohe tosuy, or yut fo pos、he ar always innce b heaound us, tdecisin to at o isp tou、 S ent sto deison mkng,th coicisp to you、2、 cdingth pasag,r、 Caebabl agees h tens_、 A、 lik to larivinggame wt thir riendsB、prefe itaio hrethy havetie to thnkC、 maytakmore iskhn hei fri

11、nds areaon 、 areslo in mkng deconswhethy re nthiow53、 The ds “ntheht o hemoment” in aagh 4 robby mean “_、 A、wen es avodpossible risks B、 wen ee trusttheirudgmen C、he tee lose con e thir agr D、en tens givonsidraion t sitatins54、 htan er fromte assage?A、 en reaer ob iee fmher eer、 B、 Pee reueas effecs

12、 n bot ees nd dults、 C、eeprssr s moe a hangood to teens、D、 ee tink it cllenging to get googrd atchol、 ichofh fllig dbethebsttitefr theasse?、 Peer Pressu: Is t eessar toDeath ? 、 eer Pressure: Is ItPbl toGet ayro It? C、 Per Presure:Is Benefis to Teens and rind Mag 、 Perreue: tsInlec oeens an Dsn Maki

13、ng 4BB 52C16北京中考 rYoRih andd orLef Hd?Wch and o youse henwite?but 85pcent ofpepl aeft handd、They fte havet ue tols tat aredesged o htnded peple、oit isdifclt for lthanders o use mostoo、f yu e rig hed,tr ths xperiment:ke a kfe with orefthand an try ttna oto nto pices、Don b surprisdf yufel awwar(不扭的)、I

14、 te pas,peoplthouhtt srangeto us th len、oug studts lood dwpon hilehdedclasmts、Som rn ere venusefor uingteir left and twrt、But hs days pantan achrs hve acped tht、I lost eery schol n th wrld,lfaddstdet an ue teirl hand to wrie、Watuss peolet beeftnded or ih haded?prhave sad nd hrdon this、Teyou(得出结论)tle

15、fthaned eol are lefthnded for tese eson tatrightndpeole areright aded、ne otof eery tn peo ust isa lhand、I simly lke the olo or eyssomeeple ae bow eyes,whie some othes avebakeys、Howee,a researesthnkthat efhdrs nd ighthandersare ifferent insmaspcs、hthnr aemre tlkativndoutgonganlethander、Many righanded

16、 ople ndrstad spokenod bter、Fo eaple,ftr the lite ircto to asupk,thy cn findit asil、Righder are ooda ranzig pope,t、y rlobeter basktbal guar、Just ask Yao Mng、esearchhow ta lefthans e crative and artii、Mnfaos perrmes,ik i rey ul cCrte,ae lndd、an lehanders a btte illy(在视觉方面)、 at,othLeonrdda Vni cheange

17、o were lthand、In music,udg vn eethn ws ef hande、Incice,you find Nton d Enste、he lefhed pe are realy good at teni and oher single sports、f yo preer one an,butouae il gd at ritngwth the oer,are ed、Reerhshomixdandr can remember verdy thingsbette than thr pepe、Whatdi ou atfr lnc to wee go?I urmixed hnde

18、d,yucan oy ember、9、If rghthandeut p ptaoes with the let han,they wl 、A、ge h 、giv pctng C、 awad D、change throo0、WhatisPraraphmal bout? A、Cuss of eilt handd、 、Ecorgement o lfthnesC、uishmtfor uingtelet hnd、 D、Changes nopiions onlefthders、51、ccdigto tepas,rightnders 、learn bettervisully B、ae ooorazs、a e

19、tert gle sports 、givelear rcns tthers5、Fromth pasag,e an earnthat fhnders 、A、y be ore taktiv and gngB、ae ordinr peoe likeigthaer、iht emmbereryday hing beter、olonger neouse ghtad tools、 DShould CirenBe AlodtoGt Bor?Children ned ime san an tar、They shlbe alwed t gbored o th thy can dvelop hi ailitytob

20、ereti、Chldren ar execed byeir arnt to b readng ateto alle tie、Hower,resersho ta it hamperthe dvelopet o teirminatn,il rem can give tm oportuti t lop ravity、ordom ioten lineit lonelnss,t wter namdMer Syal aid boromhad helpd hee i devlopig hrmid、Se tod researchersau hr ihod、Havin few hint do,Syaloftented with neighbor、Sh also tredt dohg ke larnig to bae akes、”But importa,I thoght and wte lot,ecae was boed,yl id、Shekea ry,filingh time it srtoriesad pemhemade p、ayson Per,aast,gew up in amly wth littl oney、Heenjoyd himslf

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