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1、B是对女士的话的同义转述,故答案为B。sb. doesnt think sth. is a question.意为“某人认为某事不是问题”,表示一种肯定。take place=happen,意为“发生”。get off the ground意为“开始;取得进展”。12. M: Excuse me. I heard that there were a couple of jobs available in the library. So Id like to apply for one of them. Can I fill out the application form at home an

2、d bring it back next week? Sure, but you should know that were about to start looking at the applications, and we hope to make some job offers in a few days. What does the woman imply?【听前预测】选项中的library,work,applicants,job offer等表明,对话可能与图书馆招聘有关。【解 析】选D。对话中女士提到were about tomake some job offers in a fe

3、w days(我们马上就要几天之内就发职位邀请),言外之意就是男士需要抓紧时间,故答案为D。job offer意为“职位邀请”,是一种招聘方给求职者发的决定录用求职者的信函。13. M: I have a terrible cold and I cant stop coughing. What do you take to cure a cold, Julie? Well, over-the-counter medicines never help me, and the doctor refuses to prescribe antibiotics. So I usually rely on

4、 old home remedies like honey and whisky. What does the woman suggest for a cold?【听前预测】浏览选项可知,对话可能与治病有关,由B中的“Cough”可知,这种病极有可能是咳嗽。【解 析】选C。由对话中女士提到的I usually rely onhoney and whisky(我通常靠蜂蜜和威士忌)可知,答案为C。A和D虽在女士的话中提到,但并非女士推荐的治疗方法,故不选。Over-the-counter medicines意为“无处方可自行购买的药”。rely on意为“依靠”。14. M: The dish

5、is delicious. I never knew that you are so good at cooking. Thanks. But the credit should go to Mary. She prepared everything. If it werent for her, Id never cook. Oh, please have some more. What do we learn from the conversation?【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的The woman,cook(ing/ed)可知,对话与女士做饭有关。对话中女士提到Maryprepared

6、everything (Mary把所有的东西都准备好了),C中的“helped a lot”是对女士说的“prepared everything”的同义转述,故答案为C。be good at doing sth.意为“擅长做某事”。the credit should go to sb.意为“荣誉或功劳应该归为某人”。15. M: I just wonder why Janet never becomes an actress in the advertisement. You know, a lot of famous actresses do that for more fame and f

7、ortune. She should at least give it a try. I think she has her own ideas and can resist the temptation. What does the woman say about Janet?【听前预测】由选项中重复出现的She以及actress(es),not,money,advertisements等可知,对话可能与这位女演员不代言广告挣钱有关。对话中女士提到.she.can resist the temptation(她能够抵制诱惑),C中的“She is not very much tempted”

8、是对该句的同义转述,故答案为C。give sth. a try意为“尝试做某事”。16. M: I have this camera here that I bought about 12 months ago. But it suddenly doesnt work. Let me have a look at your sales slip. I am sorry, sir. Your warrantys expired. What does the woman mean?【听前预测】选项中的his/the mans camera,fixed等表明,对话与修理男士的相机有关。由The ma

9、n should可知,女士的话为听音重点。女士的话Your warrantys expired(你的保修期已经过了)为听音重点,D中的“should have been brought in earlier”与女士说的“expired” 相对应,故答案为D。sales slip意为“销售发票”。warranty意为“保修期”。17. W: Welcome to our laboratory. Its nice to have you with us. Ill see you at 7: 30 in the morning.M: My goodness. Im not used to getti

10、ng up as early as that! In London we start work at 9: 00 a. m. What makes the man feel shocked?【听前预测】选项中的start-working hour(s)表明,对话可能与上班时间有关。【解 析】选A。对话中男士提到Im not used to getting up as early as that!(我不习惯那么早就起床!), A中的“so-early”是对男士说的“as early as that”的同义转述,故答案为A。be (not) used to doing sth.意为“习惯/不习惯做

11、某事”。18. M: Id love to come to your birthday party on Sunday. But my sister is arriving from London that day. Thats no problem. The more the merrier.【听前预测】根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能是答案的命题规律,答案范围锁定在A和B之间。由She thinks/invites/will可知,女士的话为听音重点。女士的话The more the merrier(人越多越高兴)为听音重点,B中的“the man and his sister”与女士说

12、的“more”相对应,故答案为B。Now you will hear the two long conversations.Conversation One【听前预测】预览四道题的选项,由clothing,psychology of clothing,lack of self-consciousness,Warmer clothes等可推知,对话可能与衣服有关,涉及衣着能反映人的心理状态。 So you really believe that clothes carry a kind of message for other people and that what we put on is

13、in some way a reflection of what we feel? Oh yes, very much so. People are beginning now to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing, to believe that there is not just individual taste in our clothes but also a thinking behind what we wear, which is trying to express something we

14、may not even be aware of ourselves. But surely this has always been the case. We all dress up when we want to impress someone, such as for a job interview with a prospective employer. True, but thats a conscious act. What Im talking about is more of a subconscious thing. Take for example the student

15、 who is away from home: if he tends to wrap himself up more than the others, this is because he is probably feeling homesick. Similarly, a general feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form of over-dressing in warmer clothes than are necessary. Can you give any other examples of this kind? Ye

16、s. I think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to prefer brighter or more dazzling colors yellows, bright reds, and so on. And aggressive clothes might indicate an aggressive personality or attitude to life. Do you think the care or lack of it over the way we actually wear our clothes has anyt

17、hing to tell us? Yes, indeed. The length, for example, of a mans trousers speaks volumes about his awareness of his own image. Or, if his trousers are hanging down, this probably means hes absorbed by other things. Oh, very interesting. Tell me more about it. OK.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the c

18、onversation you have just heard.19. What are people now beginning to take seriously about clothing according to the man?【解析】选C。分析选项可知,本题与衣服的颜色、款式等有关。对话开头男士的话People are beginning now to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing表明,答案为C。【点睛】听清问题是解答本题的关键。20. What does the man think of

19、the act of dressing up for a job interview?【解析】选D。分析选项可知,本题可能与It的性质有关。对话中女士说人们面试时的穿着打扮是为了引人注意,紧接着男士用but转折提到but thats a conscious act,由此可知,D为答案。【点睛】but转折处常为考点,其后的句子通常为答案所在。21. What does it probably reflect if a student tends to wrap himself up more than the others?【解析】选B。选项中的He,feeling of insecurity,

20、missing his family等表明,本题可能与He的某种心理活动有关。对话中男士提到如果一个人比其他人穿得多,这可能是因为他想家了,B中的miss his family对应男士提到的homesick,故答案为B。be homesick意为“想家,思乡”。【点睛】because表原因处为常考点,听音时应留意。22. What sort of clothes do those people who are sociable and outgoing often prefer?选项中的Warmer/ aggressive/casual clothes等表明,本题与衣服的特点有关。由对话中的p

21、eople who are sociable and outgoing tend to prefer brighter or more dazzling colors可知,答案为C。【点睛】问题中的sociable and outgoing是听音关键。who引导定语从句,先行词为people。Conversation Two【听前预测】选项中的find an ideal date,Mrs. Right,application,best partner等表明,对话可能与寻找合适的伴侣有关。 I dont enjoy dating anymore. I cant seem to find anyo

22、ne I have anything in common with. Dont feel discouraged. Be patient. As you are so distinguished, you will definitely find the right person who is right for you. To tell you the truth, I am tired of being alone. I hope to find my Mrs. Right. What should I do? Do you believe in Internet matchmaking

23、service? Thats really a new walk of life. What is it exactly? It helps match up singles the world over, and helps find the man and woman of their dreams. Oh, it must be to the taste of a certain group of people. The advertisement said Dream Dates has matched up thousands of singles the world over! U

24、nbelievable! They must be exaggerating the figure! Look at the way they manage their business: they collect applicants photos, and give the applicants questionnaires to fill out as to what type of character they are. I dont believe several questions can decide the type of person youre. Peoples chara

25、cters are complicated and keep changing all the time. Anyway, it seems that things work well this way. The information and specifications will be entered in a large computer database. A computer to decide your best date? Thats really ridiculous! Look, it promises: Dream Dates provides expert dating

26、service and a place for singles to meet. Well introduce you to the person uniquely qualified to be your partner. Sheer slogans! Not reliable! It says you can enroll in a free trial membership! I wont do it even they pay me for that! Well, we dont have to believe this. Maybe I can tell John and see w

27、hether hed like to try it.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. Why is the man so depressed?【解析】选A。选项中的He cant find/has failed/is deceived等表明,本题与男士的不好的情况有关。对话开头男士就说找不到与自己有共同点的人,并说自己已厌倦独身一人,希望找到最适合自己的另一半,故答案为A。【点睛】问题中的depressed是听音关键,对话中的Dont feel discouraged与此相对应。24

28、. What does the man think ridiculous?由对话中男士提到的A computer to decide your best date?可知,男士认为让电脑来帮助选择最佳伴侣听起来很可笑,故答案为C。【点睛】问题中的ridiculous为听音重点。A computer to decide your best date? 是反问句,言外之意是通过电脑找最佳伴侣有点可笑。25. What does the woman think about the net matchmaking service?It,reliable,trustworthy等表明,本题考查对It的观点

29、看法,听音时注意It指代什么。由女士提到的we dont have to believe this可推知,女士认为试试也无妨,故答案为D。Section BPassage One【听前预测】预览四道题各选项,结合选项中多次出现Alzheimers disease可知,短文可能与老年痴呆症有关。The gray-haired lady cant wait to leave the building to search for her dad. Unless watched, she will walk in the streets in an effort to find her father, who died 30 years ago. Not all cases of Alzheimers disease look like this, but Alzheimers is a serious disease that is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death for people over age 75. It is said

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