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1、09级姓名张文莉学号0912100017指导教师蒋立兵多媒体技术下教育质量的提高摘要问题阐述:本次研究的目的是评估多媒体在一定理解水平的使用与学生的兴趣之间的关系。而对于使用帮助勘探学习思想的多媒体教学系统的有效性的强调问题需要解决。解决方法:快速发展的信息技术,专业的综合测试和兴趣在教育方面已经为马来西亚的广大学者提供了发展空间和机遇来贡献出自己的想法和经验。应用途径帮助我们理解多媒体的概念、过程、联系,同时也提供了有益的教与学,动态地显示了信息的有趣性和有效性。为了实现上述目标,本人进行了此次的文学研究和一次详细的调查任务。调查结果: 与传统的教学方法相比较,作为一种被支持的手段,利用多媒



4、是可以从传统参考书上获得的。2、材料和方法Gagne 和Briggs (1979)说过,学习的过程开始于从受到的刺激感中获得信息,知觉的形成过程是通过将我们获得的信息存储为可以被应用的经验的过程。多媒体在教学中的应用将有助于我们的理解能力,众所周之,理解能力是我们获取课堂知识所必备的能力。多媒体的应用是伊斯兰教育主题中一个平衡理解能力和欣赏水平的手段,所以伊斯兰教育比较重视多媒体教育的存在和组织,因此那里的教育家对现代技术非常熟悉。在伊斯兰教育中技术的使用就像兴奋剂或催化剂一样来提高教与学过程中的效率。(Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin andNorhashimiSaad, 199

5、7)除此之外,Zoraini Wati (1992)指出,教与学的过程不仅仅只涉及到陈述事实,它也强调对知识获得过程的欣赏。作为一个教育者,教师应该为学生扮演一个知识渊博模范,以促进学生的发展。就教育目的来说,Imam Al-Ghazali 和Abdul Wahab Ismail Gani, 2006 强调教师应该提醒学生获取知识的目的是为了接触上帝,看到他的权威而不是自吹自擂,在地球上做恶作剧。3、结果和分析多媒体教学体系的利用,预示着学习原理与现代技术之间的结合。例如,Faharol Razi(1998)和Abdul Wahab Gani Ismaii(2006)指出,用于教与学的计算机的

6、术语来源于原英文词语“Computer-Based Instruction”基于计算机的教学,也就是说基于计算机的课程。Crisweil(1989)和 Abdul Wahab Gani Ismaii(2006)也详述了计算机辅助教学作为教学的传送工具,充分调动了学生的积极性并为教师及时地反馈了信息。多媒体作为一种技术,它包含了多种信息资源,例如文本、图像、音频、动画和视频等。这些信息通过一种交互式计算机系统被传递和控制着。多媒体是计算机的使用呈现和整合文本,音频和视频连接设备使得各个消费者能够互动和交流。计算机素材这个概念如今仍在扩展,并且很难使人们获得这么特征的公式。人们也常常把它理解成一种

7、技术,包括处理信息时的技术。计算机对社会的影响以及人们对计算机的认识是我们解决问题的机制。多媒体技术工具需要参与全球信息的交流,尤其是处于教育目的的。人们的进步出现的分布式的媒体服务,例如,视频会议和通过多媒体的任意导航都需要健壮的、适当的、具有可伸缩的基础设施的媒体服务。Figure 1. 登记软件用户/学生 Figure 1 描述的是多媒体技术在教育中的应用,它根据学生的兴趣和表现促进教学,是在由特定主题的网站设计的频率的基础上进行的。虽然学生是作为消费者注册的,但教育者可以通过它估计到它是否能对学生起到帮助作用。除此以外,多媒体的使用有助于推动教育的重复性和可行性。用这种方式,概念的揭示

8、变得非常容易,从而克服了在教室里学习的不足。显而易见,多媒体技术可以解决教育者所面临的很多问题。4、结论教育是为了强化后代的努力,为学生提供了重大的角色,是他们能够通过多媒体教育面临并解决问题。实现现有技术应该利用创新手段,更有效地提高质量,培养出有能力面对挑战的下一代。对于那些参与教育的人来说,管理信息有效变化是很重要的。广泛应用技术将会为学生提供一个交互平台系统,这也说明了多媒体在教育中的重要性。除了提供知识外,多媒体还可以激发创造力,从而产生新知识。然而,众所周之的是,如果不把正确的信息传递给那些正在探索和使用这些软件的人,一个复杂的多媒体系统将不会提供福利。 Education Qua

9、lity Enhancement via Multimedia Technology AbstractProblem statement: The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the multimedia usage in the understanding level and students interest. While the emphasis on the effectiveness of using multimedia teaching system as an aid i

10、n the exploration of ideas in leaming instruments need to be addressed. Approach: A rapidly growing technology, comprehensive and interest in education at Malaysia has provided space and opportunities for educators to contribute their ideas and experience. Application of method helps to understand c

11、oncepts, processes and terms in multimedia, simultaneously provide conducive teaching and leaming which dynamically visualize information interesting and effective. To realize the main objective, the literature research and a detailed monitoring are performed. Results: Comparison of student progress

12、 obtained after examining the traditional leaming methods and education system using multimedia technology as a means of support. In addition, educational technology has posed challenges, impact and responsibilities to educators and requires more than just the involvement of the students. Conclusion

13、: Assimilation in the expertise required in implementing available technology, thus improving the quality and create a capable generation to facing challenges.Keywords: technology, multimedia, teaching and leaming, educators, students1. IntroductionUnilateral communication by educators leads student

14、s to act as a passive recipient. Such a situation would raise boredom among students. In dealing with this situation, educators need to implementing multimedia aided leaming, as one measure for greater impact on a student, especially those who are at low levels of academic achievement. According to

15、Al-Shaibani dan Daoud, (2011); Sakat, A.A et al., (2012) educators need to develop and map out the best thinking of education. The effective cooperation will lead to improved teaching expertise.While, all challenge and a new sfrategy helps student to achieved a better understanding in a study field.

16、 Diversity in leaming combinations of media such as graphics, animations, text and graphics can certainly boost the academic level and their interest in the leaming process. Instmctional leaming process addressed systematically, especially for the knowledge gained in one session and have continuity

17、with the knowledge given in the next session. Thus, diversity in teaching methods of presentation is an important component to motivate students interest.Chitanana, 2009; Lockias Chitanana and Musingarabwi Starlin, 2011 states that rapid changes in information technology systems, managed to combine

18、the study of leaming to use computers. In line with the concept of education is an instrument of social change and development, computer technology is used as an insfrument to raise the dissemination of knowledge in education.2 Materials and MethodsGagne and Briggs (1979) said the leaming process be

19、gins with information obtained from the stimulus receivedby the senses, perception formation process by means of information and is stored as an experience that can beapplied. Application of media in teaching will be to diversify the skills of intelligence, which is absolutely necessary to acquire t

20、he lesson.The application of multimedia is a means in enhance understanding and appreciating the Islamic educationsubject. While the multimedia courses existence and organized, dedicated to Islamic education so that educatorsare familiar with modem technology. He added, technology usage in Islamic e

21、ducation is seen as a stimulant, acatalyst and a tool to increase the effectiveness of teaching and leaming process. (Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin andNorhashimiSaad, 1997)Besides that, Zoraini Wati (1992) claims that teaching and leaming process involves more than the presentationof facts, it also emphasi

22、zes an appreciation of knowledge gained. As an educator, teachers are role model forstudents to form a knowledgeable human, highly morality and righteous. In terms of educational purposes. Imam Al-Ghazali; Abdul Wahab Ismail Gani, 2006 stressed that a teacher should remind studentsacquire knowledge

23、purpose is to reach out to God, to see evidence of His authorify, not to boast, and do mischief on earth.3. Results and DiscussionIn the use of multimedia teaching system, there are terms indicate a combination between the elements of leaming with current technology. For example, Faharol Razi, 1998;

24、 Abdul Wahab Gani Ismaii, 2006 ciaimed that the term Computers in Teaching and Leaming is taken from the odginai term in Engiish is Computer-Based Instruction, which means computer-based iessons pianned. Crisweil, i 989; Abdul Wahab Gani Ismaii, 2006 aiso defines Computer Aided Teaching and Leaming

25、as computer usage in conveying teaching aids and involves smdents actively and enabiing feedback given. Multimedia is defined as a teclmoiogy that combines multipie sources of information (media) such as text,graphics, sound, animation and video, in which infonnation is deiivered and controlled by a

26、n interactive computer system. Hofstetter ; Mohamad Zaid defines multimedia as the use of computers to present and integrate text, audio and video iink devices that enables consumers to navigation, interaction,nvention and communication.Hofmeiter in Mansur states the concept of computer iteracy is s

27、tiii expanding and difflcuit to obtain consensus on those features. He defines it as an understanding of skills that include the technology used when processing the information, the impact of computers on society and an understanding of computers as a mechanism for soive the probiem.Multimedia techn

28、ology tools required to participate with the globa infonnation exchange, especially for educationai purposes. However, the emergence of advances in distributed media services, such as video conferencing and any navigation through multimedia, requires media services scaiabie infrastructure, robust an

29、d appropriate. Figure 1. Registration software user / studentsFigure 1 describes the application of multimedia in education that heiped faciiitate the teachmg track studentsinterest and performance, based on the frequency of website designed for a particuiar subject. Through the regisfration of stud

30、ents as consutners, educators can evaiuate whether the software heiped the leaming or not. In addition, usage of muitimedia assist the educational repetition and practicable. In this manner, the explanation ofa concept becomes much easier, thus overcoming the deficit of learning in the classroom, Cl

31、early, multimedia technology capable in accomplish task, faced by educators.4. ConclusionEducation is an effort in strengthening the future generation, providing the students to have a significant role and capable to confront the problem to rectify the situation through the medium of education. Impo

32、rtant for those involved in education to manage information efficiently varied. Extensive use of technologywill form an interactive system for students, indicating the importance of multimedia in education. In addition to providing knowledge, it could also inspire creativity that led to the creation of new knowledge. However, it should be understood that the existence of a sophisticated multimedia system will not provide benefits i

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