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1、A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery7、_ was the first to be buried in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey.A. Chaucer B. Shakespeare C. Marlowe D. SpenserAnswers: ABBAC AAChapter 21、_was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shakespeare C. Phil

2、ip Sidney D. Thomas Campion2、The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama. It was_ who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.A. Christopher Marlowe B. Thomas Loge C. Edmund Spenser D. Thomas More3、In the conclusion of the prose_ the author poin

3、ts out that the root of poverty is the private ownership of social wealth.A. Advancement of Learning B. Utopia C. Tamburlaine D. Henry IV4、English Renaissance Period was an age of_.A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs5、Liberty, Fraternity and Equality we

4、re first uttered in the book_.A. The Shepherds Calendar B. Utopia C. The Rights of Man D. The Declaration of Independence6、Denmark is a prison. In which play does the hero summarize his observation of his world into such a bitter sentence? _ A. Charles I B. Othello C. Henry VIII D. Hamlet 7、In which

5、 play does the hero show his profound reverence for man through the sentence:What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty!_ A. Romeo and Juliet B. Hamlet C. Othello D. The Merchant of Venice AABBB DBHow much do you know about America?1、American Revolutionary War, also

6、called American War of Independence, lasted from 1775 to 17832、The United States of America (also referred to as the America) is comprising fifty states and a federal district3、The official motto of America is In God We Trust4、The capital of America is Washington, D.C. or New York City?5、What does t

7、he name Washington, D.C. signify?Chapter 31、Which was not written by John Milton?_A. Paradise Lost B. Lycidas C. LAllegro D. Song to Celia2、John Milton wrote his best-know prose work, _, in the form of a speech addressed to the Houses of Parliament, in which he appealed for the freedom of the press.

8、A. Areopagitica B. Lycidas C. LAllegro D. Of Reformation in England3、In which famous pamphlet did Milton thus write: ”Our king made not us, but we him. Nature has given fathers to us all, but we ourselves appointed out own king; so that the people are not for the king, but the king for them”?_A. Sec

9、ond Defence of the English People 未为英国人民再辩 B. The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth C. Of Reformation in English D. Defence of the English People 为英国人民申辩4、The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and _is often regarded as the real hero of the poem.A. God B. Sat

10、an C. Adam D. Raphael5、Another school of poetry prevailing in 17th century was that of _,i.e. those verse-writers, often knights and squires, who sided with the King against the Parliament and Puritans.A. Metaphysical Poets B. Cavalier Poets C. John Milton D. John Dryden 6、Explain the” Puritanism” d

11、uring the English Revolution. DADB_Chapter 41、_was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Westem Europe in the 18th century.A. The Renaissance B. The Enlightenment C.The Religious Reformation D. The Chartist Movement 2、Most of the English writers in the 18th century were enlighteners. They f

12、ell into two groups, one is_, and the other is_.A. the moderate group; the radical group B. the passive Romantic poets; the active Romantic poetsC. the Metaphysical poets; the Cavalier poets D. the lakers; the sentimentalists3、_was the most important English poet in the first half of the 18th centur

13、y.A. Richard Steele B. Joseph Addison C. Alexander Pope D. Samuel Richardson 4、”Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style.” This sentence is said by_, one of the greatest masters of English prose.A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift 5、As a j

14、ournalist, _had learned how to make his reporting vivid and credible by a skillful use of circumstantial detail. This power to make his characters alive and his stories credible is an inimitable gift.A. Joseph Addison B. Daniel Defoe C. Samuel Richardson D. Tobias Smollett 6、_was the real founder of

15、 the realistic novel in England. His novels unfold a panorama of life in all sections of English society.A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift7、Henry Fieldings first novel _was written in connection with Pamela of Samuel Richardson. A. Tom Jones B. Joseph Andrews C. J

16、onathan Wild D. Amelia 8、_,written in heroic couplet by Alexander Pope, was a manifesto of English neo-classicism as he put forward his aesthetic theories in it.A. An Essay of Dramatic Peosy B. An essay on Criticism C. The Advance of Learning D. An Essay on Man 9、_was Alexander Popes poem which sati

17、rized the idle and artificial life of the aristocracy.A. The Rape of the Lock B. The Rape of Lucrece C. The School for Scandal D. Every Man in His Humor10、_compiled The dictionary of the English Language which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries.A. Ben Johnson B. Samuel

18、Johnson C. Alexander Pope D. John Dryden11、Which play is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare?A. She Stops to Conquer B. The Rivals C. The School for Scandal D. The Conscious Lovers BB_DBBB_BCChapter 51、The Romantic Age began with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which was wri

19、tten by A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel JohnsonC. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. Wordsworth and Coleridge 2、The English Romantic Age produced two major novelists. They are A. George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley B. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. Walter Scott and Jane Austen D.

20、Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt3、As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old, classical traditions the criteria in their poetical creations, based his own poetical principle on the premise that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”A. Samuel Tay

21、lor Coleridge B. George Gordon ByronC. Percy Bysshe Shelley D. William Wordsworth 4、 Was made poet laureate in 1813 but most of his works, according or modem critics, are “the product of literary industry, not of literary creation”A. William Wordsworth B. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. Robert Southey D.

22、George Gordon Byron5、Which of the following statements is not true about Don Juan?A. Don Juan was written in Italy during the years 181-1823. B. The story describes Don Juans, an English youth of noble birth, life and adventures in many countries.C. In a Greek island, Don Juan met his sweetheart, Ha

23、idee, and feel in love with her. D. The last cantos are taken up with a satirical description of the English ruling classes, whose reactionary policy has aroused the hatred from the other nations.E. In Don Juan Byron displayed his genius as a romanticist and a realist simultaneously.6、Which of the f

24、ollowing statement is not true about George Gordon Byron?A. Byrons early ears had been far from happy for he was born with a clubfoot, in the frequent family scenes his mother called him” you lame brat” . B. Byron died in Italy and was deeply mourned by the Italian people and by all progressive peop

25、le throughout the world.C. The reactionary criticism of the 19th century trued to belittle Byrons genius and his role in the development of English literature, but Byron remains one of the most popular English poets both at home and abroad. D. Since the May 4 Movement in 1919, more and more of Byron

26、s poems have been translated into Chinese and well received by the poets and young readers. Byron has now become one of the best-known English poets in our country. 7、The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Coleridges masterpiece .A. Kubla Khan B. The PreludeC. The Rime of Ancient Mariner D. Tinter

27、n Abbey8、In1805, Wordsworth completed a long autobiographical poem entitled A. William Wordsworth B. The PreludeC. Lucy Poems D. The Lyrical Ballads 9、For his pamphlet .Percy Bysshe Shelley was expelled from Oxford and disowned by his father.A. Address to the Irish People B. Vindication of the Right

28、s of WomenC. Masque of Anarchy D. The Necessity of Atheism10、Which of the following poem is written by Percy Bysshe Shelley on the death of John Keats?A. Peter Bell the Third B. HellasC. Adonais D. The Cenci 11、 is regarded as the most wonderful lyricist England has ever produced mainly for his poems on nature ,on love, and on politice.A. William Wordsworth B. John KeatsC. George Gordon Byron D. Percy Bysshe Shelley 12、Which of the following statement is not true about Percy Bys

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