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高二英语新教材Unit 11 some phrasesWord文档格式.docx

1、 encourage pioneering work and accept failure24.应对失败并从中吸取教训 deal with and learn from failure25.对感到兴奋 be excited about26.活跃起来 come to life27.同时为祖国做出贡献contribute to his country at the same time28.硕士学位 a masters degree29.美国的硅谷 Silicon Valley in the US30.达到目标 achieve / reach its goal31.对人类是一个很大的威胁a big

2、threat to mankind32.标志.开始 mark the start of33.展示中国高科技的成功 showcase Chinas hi-tech successes34.导致了科学技术的几项突破 lead to several breakthroughs in science and technology35.背上长着人耳的小老鼠 a small mouse with a human ear grown on its back36.贮存人体器官 restore human organs37.最新成就 red hot achievements38.充满伟大成就be filled

3、with great achievements39.呈现出科技发展的繁荣景象enjoy a boom in scientific and technological development40.提出计划 put forward a plan41.科教举国rejuvenate the nation by relying on science and education42.取得突破性进展make many breakthroughs43.探索太空 explore space44. 中国航天局 the Chinese Space Agency45.长征系列运载火箭 Long March rocke

4、t series46.第一次载人太空飞行the first manned space flight47.破解生命之谜solve the mysteries of life48.目的在发展农业aim at improving agriculture49.人体检测国际研究项目the international human genome project50.世界一流be among the worlds best51.中国与计算机一见钟情It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers52.高速宽带网 a new high-speed

5、 broadband network53.创建了智能机器人build the nations first humanoid robot54.清晰陈述你的观点state your opinion clearly55.用强有力的论点为之辩护support it with strong arguments56.最杰出的新突破the most outstanding new breakthroughs57.并非所有的都 not all58.得满分 get full marks59.免费七日欧洲双人游a 7-day free trip to Europe for two60.美国宪法the Consti

6、tution of the United States of America高二英语新教材Unit 12 some phrases1.大洋中最深的地方the deepest point in the ocean2.航天飞机 a space shuttle3.写出概况 make a sketch of4.我们能战胜所有疾病的时候a time when we can beat all diseases5.找到使我们永远年轻的方法 find a way to keep us young forever6.来自外部太空的生物creatures from outer space7.不知道 have no

7、 idea8.爱上了戏剧 develop his live for the theatre9.谋生 make a living10.提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth11.把向前推进一步take one step further12.奠定了现代科幻小说的基础 lay the foundation of modern science fiction13.很久之后才 long before14.着手做 set out to do15.在努力求生时 in their efforts to survive16.发现自己来到了怪物的表面上 find themselves on the sur

8、face of the monster17.结果是潜艇 turn out to be a submarine18.越洋航行on a voyage across the oceans19.可以看见水底世界give a view of the underwater world20.穿着潜水服dressed in diving suits21.发现自己被包围find themselves surrounded by22.所有的才在蓝色的海水中随波起伏,慢慢移动all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters23.从开始 begin with24.进行冒险

9、 go on this adventure25.通过煤层和大理石层 pass through the layers of coal and marble26.穿过森林 go through forests27.受到古老海洋生物的袭击 be attacked by ancient sea creatures28.最后,终于 in the end29.被卷进急流 be drawn into a fast stream30.水下旅行 underwater travel31.沸腾的河 a boiling river32.被冰川撞击后 after hitting iceberg33.开始了第一次航行 s

10、et out on its first voyage34.沉入海底 sink to the bottom of the sea35.成为一例 become an example of36.成为人们心中永久的痛become a permanent pain in peoples hearts37.过度工作 work too much38.前总统 former president39.对我祖父母的家心怀不轨 misbehave at may grandparents house40.屏幕下端的字幕subtitles at the bottom of the screen41.被火车运送到目的地 b

11、e transported to the destination by train42.多种情况下 in many cases43.乘坐地铁 take the subway44.整周超时工作 work overtime all week45.穿着内裤当众行走 walk in public in your underpants46.在没有指导的情况下摸索 look for a road without having a map47.开始进行结智慧的探索 enter the search for wisdom48.使人了解 throw light upon49.许多卓越科学家的著作 the wor

12、ks of many brilliant scientists50.开辟一条新路 pioneer a new way51.吸引我的注意力 attract my attention52.把自然界最深邃的奥秘展示给世人 unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature53.人体结构 the structure of the human body54.梦想 dream of55.身高八尺 about eight feet in height56.切碎 cut up57.在十一月的一个夜晚on a night in November587.烧光 b

13、urn out59.把床上的帘子打开 open the curtain of the bed60.选词 make a choice of the words高二英语新教材Unit 13 some phrases1.用覆盖 cover with2.把水和菜油倒入杯中 pour water and vegetable oil into a glass3.把一支粉笔放入水中put a piece of chalk in water4.把淡水装入杯子 fill one glass with fresh water5.保护我们这个星球上的水protect the water on our planet6

14、.把杯子翻转 turn the glass upside down7.提出 come up with8.用这种方法使用水use water in this way9.从中受益 benefit from10.大约30亿年前 about three billion years ago11.海洋生命丰富、多样,令人难以置信 marine life is incredibly rich and varied12.范围从微生物一直到巨物ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants13.水的化学结构 the chemical struc

15、ture of water14.赋予水以独特的特性give water it unique properties15.由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成be made up if two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom16.一种极性微粒 a polar molecule17.分解固体和气体 break down both solids and gases18.为其他生物所利用become available to other living creatures19.水在室温下是液体water is a liquid at room temperature20.有一

16、个相对高的结冰点have a relatively high freezing point21.与纯水混合 mix with pure water22.一球上大洋的含盐量the salinity of the earths oceans23.每立米用公斤来衡量be measured in kilograms per cubic metre24.利用水的密度take advantage of the density of water25.能量 the amount of energy26.把温度提高1 raise the temperature by one degree centigrade2

17、7.释放出大量的热 give off a lot of heat28.对温度的巨变和突变很敏感be sensitive to large and sudden changes in temperature29.通过吸收和释放热量而保持稳定keep steady by absorbing and giving off heat30.给海洋中的生态系统增加能量add energy to the marine ecosystems31.没有任何东西像一滴水一样宝贵nothing is as precious as a drop of rain32.我们的未来取决于它our future depend

18、s on it33.变成固体 turn into a solid34.温度降到零度以下 the temperature drops below 035.被加热到100以上when heated above 10036.海洋中的生命大小各异life in the oceans appears in different sizes37.给打电话 give sb a call38.继续在该公司工作continue working at this company39.捉弄你 play a trick on sb40.叫来警察 call in the police41.海洋是地球上一切生物的发源地 th

19、e oceans are the source of life on earth42.河流与大洋交汇where a river meets the ocean43.在河口相混合mix together in an estuary44.制造出一种独特的环境create a unique environment45.陆地与海洋的衔接地带 a zone between the land and the sea46.河口是自然界中幼小生命的繁衍地estuaries are great places for natures young ones47.三用面支很多危险without having to f

20、ace many of the dangers48.生物的密集度 the density of living creatures49.海洋哺乳动物 marine mammals50.吸收营养物质和污染物 absorb nutrients and pollutants51.对环境污染很敏感be sensitive to environmental pollution52.保护动物免遭风暴和洪水protect animals and plants53.为人类提供休闲和教育的场所provide both recreation and education for human beings54.在海滩上

21、嬉戏 have fun on the beach55.为研究各种生命提供情报无尽的机会 have endless opportunities to study a variety of life56.通过旅游业和渔业为经济做贡献contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing57.那么多的物种生活在河口so many species live in estuaries58.按事情发生的顺序解释每一步explain each step in the order it happens59.给出新词的定义 define new words60

22、.把与相比 compare to高二英语新教材Unit 14 some phrases1.获得诺贝尔和平奖receive the Nobel Peace Price2.把投入监狱 put into prison3.自由战士 freedom fighter4.动摇国家的基shake the foundations of the nation5.根据肤色判断 judge by the color of their skin6.根据性格的内涵 by the content of their character7.像兄弟姐妹般一起散步walk together as brothers and sist

23、ers8.当农民 work as a farmer9.与交朋友 make friends with10.禁止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶forbid people to help run away slaves11.加入行动小组 join an action group12.在内战中参战 fight in the Civil War13.积极从事女权运动 be active in the womens rights movement14.黑人女孩不能嫁给白人男孩 black girls could not marry white boys15.民权法案 the Civil Rights Act16.给发

24、表演说 give a speech to sb17.向华盛顿特区进军march on Washington D.C.18.使他们闻名全世界make him famous all over the world19.黑人受到不平等的待遇blacks are not treated as equal citizens20.奴隶制在美国结束 slavery ended in the USA21.为黑人的政治权利而战fight for political rights for black people22.为树立榜样 set an example to sb23.应当像其他人一样受到尊敬be treat

25、ed with respect in the same way as other people24.获得奖学金 win a scholarship25.给他以机会 give him the chance to do26.可以如愿的自由生活be free to live, and work as they wished27.要求社会改革 demand changes in society28.通过和平手段达到目的achieve that goal by peaceful actions29.在白人区坐下来sit down in the White-only section30.拒绝为白人让座re

26、fuse to stand up for a white man31. 领导公交公司进行联合抵制lead a boycott of the bus company32.把黑人和白人分开是错误的it was wrong to separate blacks from whites33.金打赢了这场官司使他受到全国人民的重视 Winning this case gave King national attention34.领导反种族歧视的非暴力游行 lead many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination35.黑人就粘机会

27、很少few jobs for blacks36.激励各种族人为平等而战 inspire people of all races to fight for equality37.有选举权 have the right to vote38.随意表达我们想说的be free to say whatever we want39.任何的时候 of all times40.选择自由信仰的权利 in their choice of which god to believe in41.法国大革命 the French Revolution42.美独立战争the American War of Independence43.国际女权运动the international movements for the rights of women44.在现代 in modern times45.同偏见作斗争 fight against prejudice46.有共同之处 have in common47.老百姓 he common people48.要求受尊重 ask to be treated with resp

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