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1、7月3日,来自智威汤逊广告公司的汤姆多克托罗夫先生在热烈的掌声和轻松的笑声中开始了他对男性思维的剖析。“成功、友谊、爱情,男性世界的永恒主题,也是商业广告中男性角色的共同特征”,多克托罗夫先生从历史视角出发,通过一系列的录像和广告片,指出当今中国男士所感受到的压力来源,为营销人员和广告商们提出了一些颇具洞察力的战略启示。 作为智威汤逊广告公司东北亚区总裁兼大中华区首席执行官,汤姆多克托罗夫先生认为男性消费群体是众多商家瞄准的一个细分市场,却也是营销与广告领域中常常被人们忽视的一个对象。他希望通过和中欧国际工商学院校友们的交流,共同加深对于男性消费群体的了解,从而改善营销战略,使商家能够更好地把

2、握当代中国的男性消费市场。(根据录音整理并翻译,和版权所有。如需转载,必须先与市场及公共关系部取得联系。)2003年7月3日 注:多克托罗夫先生基本上使用英文演讲,但是偶尔也使用了中文。我们在此保持了演讲内容的原来风貌。Today we are going to be talking about the mind of Chinese men. This is actually the result of a lot of plans that we have and observations we had in the market about what is motivating men.

3、 Motivating. The secret of advertising - actually the secret of brand loyalty - the secret to non-commoditization, the secret to Chinas fundamental economic challenge, which is of course overproduction and a deflationary price environment is the creation of brands that demand a price premium.The poi

4、nt is that advertising starts from the consumer inside. The consumer inside. The consumer psychology is what he is to profit. Thats where loyalty comes from. That isnt just talking to an audience, but having a dialogue. What is a consumer inside? A consumer inside is fundamental. It answers the ques

5、tion why. 它解释根本的东西,根本的行为。A consumer inside explains behaviour and practice. A consumer inside stops when you can no longer answer the question why. You know you have an inside when there is no more why. So what we are going to do today is ultimately using our experience to come up with what I call a

6、 master consumer inside. That is the one thing you women need to know about Chinese men to secure their romantic loyalty. And then what we are going to do is to translate that inside into different, more specific marketing applications and advertising strategies. This is not quantitative. 不是定量的,是抽象的

7、,是一种概念的。 今天的中国,是个历史的机会。It is the new era, it is the new golden horizon that everyone of you can grab upon. So everything is perfect. Well, you know from my last presentation, nothing is perfect. The best inside has conflict. In all of us, in our heart, we have some conflicts. Are there underlying te

8、nsions? Now I hope, as I go forward, you can trust me when I say 中国男人比美国男人好很多。他们是最厉害的,最激进的,最接受挑战的。他们不是消极的,是积极的,只是他们还有一些弱点。所有文化,都有它们的长处和自己的弱点,对不对?Lets try to 坦诚相待。(Video shows the Chinese character for man: 男)这个是什么?Whats on the top? 田;s on the bottom? 力,OK? For our foreign guests here. This is the Ch

9、inese character for man. This is basically Chinese. Mans power in the field. Man works hard. Man does not have an easy life. He has burden. He has responsibility. Right? In China, in a Confucian society, man has to carry the weight of the familys success on the shoulder. And it has been this way for

10、 2,500 years, 3,000 years, 4,000 years, 5,000 years. Patriarchy, 这个是孔子主义的社会。Confucian society is a patriarchic society. Confucian society which is ultimately what China still is today. Historically, woman has not had a lot of rights. The womans primary obligation is to give birth to a child, a male

11、heir. The man has the responsibility of succeeding and providing for the family. And it has been tough being a man in China. And it continues to be - tough to be a guy in China. You have so many responsibilities: 成家立业,三十而立,even in honouring your ancestors. OK? So you dont have to just care for your

12、family, you dont just care for your children, not just extended family, but even dead people. All right? Its tough being a man.Now in a Confucian society, one of the things about Confucianism - its society is the worlds first socially mobile society. By studying hard, you can move forward, it is als

13、o a regimented society, 就是说有很多的结构,有很多等级制度的。So, luckily, men always knew where he stood; men always knew whether he was measuring up to what a successful man should be - has always been like this. How was this in Confucian society? Well, success has always been relatively narrow. The definition of su

14、ccess has always been relatively 窄,比较窄. Society defines success. Success is not the individual. Western culture ultimately relies on the individual to define his own success. Asian culture, Confucian culture primarily relies on a society structural definition of success. It was a regimented pattern.

15、 It was a pattern that did not leave a lot of room for interpretation. But on the positive side, at least I know the way. What was the way? Those who excel scholarship become officials. Let me try to read this:学而优则仕. How about this one? 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人Those who work with mind rule; those who work with

16、strength be ruled. In Chinese Confucian culture, the mind was the ultimate weapon. The mind was the ultimate weapon of success on the battlefield of life. Sharpen the mind, master the mind, you will succeed. But not just intelligence - focusing intelligence, structural intelligence, regimented intel

17、ligence. There was a clear hierarchy by absorbing and understanding Confucian texts, 比如说四书五经,等等. A man could move forward by becoming an expert at how Confucian defined the ideal society, and how successful dynasties and emperors defined the ideal society, all - mostly, more or less, give or take, t

18、hey went up they went down, but theyre still up there - Confucian precepts a man to succeed. There was a hierarchy, a narrow hierarchy. At the bottom of an imperial society were the merchants - those who worked with your hands. Excuse me, those who worked with your money. Actually, this has somethin

19、g in common with Europe in the Middle Ages. Jewish people, you know, 我是犹太人. The reason why Jewish people are so good with money is because when we were thrown out of most of the European society, the only thing we Jews were allowed to do was the dangerous work - touch the money. So we developed a sp

20、ecial little skill. In China, it was the same as in Europe in a way, money was dirty. Well, it was not, but dealing with money was dirty. Farmers, they work with hands, they were the less level, they were producing something out of the earth in a fundamentally agricultural society. And finally schol

21、ars and officials, they were at the top of the hierarchy. There was not a lot of room for interpretation here. Now if you received wisdom contained in the classics, you looked back, you didnt look forward. You looked back. You memorized what was prescribed, what was mandated. It was not an assimilat

22、ive intellect, it was a logical, analytic intellect. There was of course a hierarchy, a structural route to success. The district exams - became government students, those who passed. This is by way of 2% of the population, or 2% of the people who took the test, then provincial exams - became employ

23、able men, then metropolitan exams - became presentable scholars, and finally the palace exams. 0.2% of those people taking the tests became advance scholars. And this system of the civil service exams, basically continued until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, and it reached the peak of regimentation o

24、f rigidity - 不是灵活的,最高水平的死板 - in Qing Dynasty. So it was there from 2,000 years ago, 1,800 years ago really until 1900. But the good thing - there was one sure road to Rome - if I succeed at these tests, if I can master this knowledge, I will succeed. It is laid out for me. There is no guarantee that

25、 I can pass the tests, but there is guarantee that if I do pass the tests, things will be OK. Master your prescribed knowledge, assure your success, and ultimately, the success was within the control of yourself. If you sharpen your mind, if you take control of your mind, if you are able to discipli

26、ne your intelligence and your intellect, you will succeed. But then things changed. Mao came.(Video shows the life during the Cultural Revolution )You know the Chinese character for revolution is what? 革命, whats its meaning? It has two meanings, right? One is leather, the other is an re-establishmen

27、t of a described order. The Chinese definition of revolution is not the same as an American, Western, French, British, Italian definition. When we say revolution we mean things are going differently, but when Chinese say revolution they mean putting it back the way it should be. And of course you do

28、nt call the Communist revolution a 革命,我们叫它解放。But it was a in the Chinese sense of the word. Because in the Chinese sense of the word, there were still many aspects of Confucianism on which Mao based his control. One of them, again, was continued regimentation of how to succeed. The content changed a

29、 little now, but success was again based on the assimilation and understanding of prescribed knowledge. Success under Mao until the early 80s was based on the command of Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, now Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin knowledge. Pay off again from mastery. Pay off from mastery to become hi

30、gher on the government structure in a Party career. Things are changing always today, payoff does no longer come from mastery. Today, payoff comes from many, many more things, so things are no as easy to be articulated as they were in the past. There are many forces shaping Chinese men today. Now, I

31、 do not want to suggest that American society does not also have a hierarchy. Of course, it too, has a hierarchy. But the social class system in America, although it is very hierarchical, we have, frankly speaking, we have lower lower, middle lower, upper lower, lower middle, middle middle, upper mi

32、ddle, lower upper, middle upper upper upper OK? Weve got a lot of it, the difference is that there are many combinations that go into what your social economic status, and they have equal weights. One, your familys background. I, for example, is a Jewish person, and its going to be very difficult for me to become upper class, because upper class is more than just money. Fami

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