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1、复数:we + you + they(the policemen, etc.)You, he and I are in the same classroom. 你、他和我在同一个教室。We, you and they are all Chinese. 我们、你们和他们都是中国人。3)glasses, sunglasses, boots等复数形式的词glasses, sunglasses, boots等复数形式的词如果不和量词一起使用,动词要用复数,对应的代词为they或them;当和a pair of一起使用时,动词要用单数,但代词通常还是用they或them。My trousers are

2、over there and they are dirty. 我的裤子在那儿,它们脏了。If you find a pair of scissors in the drawer, pass them to me.如果你在抽屉里找到一把剪刀,把它递给我。4)as和than之后的人称代词当人称代词用于as和than之后,在正式语体中,作主语则用主格,作宾语则用宾格;但在非正式语体中,或带有all, both时,通常用宾格。She speaks English as well as me. 她英语说得和我一样好。He is taller than us all. 他比我们都高。5)it的用法表示无生

3、命的、已提到的事物。-Whose coat is this? 这是谁的上衣?-Its mine. 那是我的。性别不详的幼儿或小动物。What a beautiful baby! Is it a boy? 多漂亮的宝宝,是男孩吗?指“那个人”。-Who is it at the door? 谁在门口?-Its the postman. 是邮递员。无人称主语或宾语,尤指天气、时间或距离。Its raining. 天在下雨了。Its twenty miles from here to Shanghai. 从这儿到上海二十英里。练习(1)选词填空。1. Mum and _ (I, me) went s

4、hopping yesterday.2. -Who is at the door?-Its_ (I, me).3. Let_ (we, us) clean the classroom after school.4. Please watch _do it. Then do it by yourself. (I, me).5. Sometimes they help_ (we, us), and sometimes_(we, us) help_(they, them).6. Please give the book to John and tell_ (he, him, she, her) to

5、 return it next Monday.7. _ (You and Tom, Tom and you) are asked to attend the meeting.8. _ (He, His, Him) is clever. We all like_ (he, his, him).答案:1. I 2. me 3. us 5. uswethem 6. Him 7. You and Tom 8.Hehim2. 物主代词1)形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词可以作定语,置于名词前。如:I love my country.Is this your car?Someon

6、e is looking for you, his name is Tom.The pink one is her dress.Their school is in Puxi.名词性物主代词具有名词的性质,可以单独使用,在句子中可以作主语、宾语或表语。它的意义相当于形容词性物主代词加名词,或者说它相当于名词。May I use your pen? Yours works better. (在此句中yours=your pen,在句中作主语) The car is mine. (mine=my car, 作表语) I love my mother as much as you love your

7、s. (此句中yours=your mother,在句中作宾语) Peter is in my house, not in his. (此句中,his=his house, 在句中作介词宾语) 2)物主代词用于固定搭配的词组of ones own.某人自己的on ones own.独自with ones own.用某人自己的hold ones breath屏住呼吸 make ones way行进,前行 in ones way to妨碍某人;挡某人的路 to ones surprise/amazement.使某人吃惊的是.练习(2)1. Your bedroom is bigger than_(

8、my, mine)2. On _way to the office,_saw the accident(事故)(he, his, him)3. _ideas sounds good,but_seems even better.(you,your,yours,hers)4. Maybe the purse is_(sally,sallys, sallys)5. Its not _classroom._is on the third floor.(you,your,yours)6. Im happy with _brothers studies,but never with _(you,your,

9、yours)7. The calculator is not_. Is it _,George?(she,her,hers:you,your,yours)8. _Bag is heavier than_ (you,your,yours,I,my,mine)1.Mine 2. his, he 3. yours , hers 4. sallys 5. your,yours 6. your,yours 7. hers,yours 8. Your,mine3反身代词 常用的反身代词有:myself (我自己),yourself (你自己),yourselves(你们自己)himself (他自己) h

10、erself (她自己) itself (它自己) themselves (他/她/它们自己)1) 反身代词的用法 1. 反身代词作同位语。 The teacher himself will visit Toms parents.2. 反身代词作介词宾语。 They do the work by themselves.2) 用反身代词表示独立完成某事,亲自做某事,为自己做某事 Call oneself 把自己称为. make oneself 为自己做. Cook oneself 为自己做了.吃 buy oneself 给自己买了. Find oneself 给自己找了. 例:He usuall

11、y calls himself Old Jim. She made herself a cup of coffee.3) 反身代词用于固定搭配的词组 For oneself 亲自 by oneself 独自 Cook oneself 为自己做了.吃 buy oneself 给自己买了. Hurt oneself 弄伤自己 be pleasead with oneself 对自己感到高兴 Cants help oneself 人不住,无法控制自己 say to oneself 心里想; 自言自语 Help oneself to . 随便吃;为自己吃(食物等)The baby can walk b

12、y himself now. I want a bedroom to myself. I hurt myself. He said to himself :“ I must stop it. She didnt want to be so rude, but she couldnt help herself. Help yourself to some soup. 4. 指示代词指示代词包括:this(这个),that(那个),these(这些),those(那些)。离说话人较近的或时间上较近的用this或these,离说话人较远的或时间上较远的用that或those。You look in

13、this box here, and Ill look in that box over there.你查看这里的一个盒子,我去查看那边的一个。I saw him this morning. 我今天早上看到他了。He was very busy those days. 他那些天很忙。5. 疑问代词疑问代词用来构成特殊疑问句。which哪个 who/whom 谁 whose 谁的 what(color,kind,size,etc.)什么(颜色, 种类,尺寸等)Which do you prefer, an apple or a pear? 你喜欢吃哪一个,苹果还是梨?Who is the lad

14、y over there?那边的女士是谁?Whose book is this?这是谁的书?Oh, its mine.哦,是我的。What kind of housework do you usually do?你通常做哪些家务劳动?Whats your new teacher like?你的新老师长什么样?What shape is the mirror?镜子是什么形状?练习(3)根据句子意思选用who,whose,what或which填空。1_ gloves are these? Theyre Lindas.2_ went to see the film with you?3Could y

15、ou tell me _ bus goes to the Shanghai Zoo?4_ is the English name for this?5_is your PE teacher?6_color is better for the wall, white or cream?7_took part in your birthday party last night?8_are you talking about?9_is faster, the red car or the yellow one?10_is the President of the Unite States?1. wh

16、ose 2. who 3. which 4. what5. who6. which7.who8. what9. which10. who6. 不定代词1. 常见不定代词不定代词:one,some,any, all, each, another, other, many, much, few, little, both, neither, either, etc.合成不定代词some-any-every-no-thingsomething某事anything什么/任何事everything 一切事nothing没什么-bodysomebody某人anybody任何人;无论谁everybody每个

17、人nobody没有人-onesomeone某人anyone任何人everyone每个人no one没有人none 没有人/东西例:Ive got something in my eye.我眼睛里有点什么东西。Have you anything to say?你有话说吗?Everything is all right with him.他一切都不错。除none外,合成不定代词通常不可以接of结构。合成不定代词后面通常可以加else,如something else(另外的东西),anyone else(其他人)等代词的所有格形式为something elses,anyone elses。修饰合成不

18、定代词的定语(形容词等)要放在它们的后面。I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事情要告诉你。Has anything interesting happened?发生了什么有趣的事?2)不定代词用于固定搭配的词组one: one another 相互 one by one 一个接一个other:on the other side of 在.的另一边 go the other way/direction 相反的路/方向 in other words 换句话说 on the one hand.on the other hand.一方面.另一方面

19、.some: some day 某一天 for some time 经过若干时间both: on both sides双方,两边all: all the time 总是 all kinds of 各种各样的 all new 全新的 all along 一直;自始至终 all over 到处 all the same 还是;仍然 (not)at all 无论如何(都不)many/much: so many/much这么多的 many/much of .中的很多 too many/much 太多 a good/great many 很多 many a time 许多次 many a day 许多天

20、 as many/much as 和.一样地多little: little by little渐渐地 in a little while过了一小会儿few: a man of new words一个话很少的男人 have a few words with sb 和某人说上几句话3)不定代词分组辨析many, much 与 some, any many和much都表示“许多,很多”。many 后跟可数名词,much后跟不可数名词。some和any都表示“一些”,它们既可以跟可数名词,也可以跟不可数名词。some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,例如:There are many people

21、 on Nanjing Road every day. 南京路上每天有许多人。Too much sugar will do you harm. 吃太多糖对你有害。There are some eggs in the basket. 篮子里有一些蛋。(肯定句,跟可数名词)There is some ink in the bottle. 瓶子里有些墨水。(肯定句,跟不可数名词)He hasnt any time left. 他没剩下什么时间了。 (否定句,跟不可数名词)Do you have any questions? 你有问题要问吗? (疑问句,跟可数名词) many / much 在口语中常

22、被 a lot of / lots of 替代,特别是在表示肯定意义的句子里。He has visited a lot of /lots of places in the world. 他已去过世界上许多地方。 some 有时也用于疑问句中,通常表示邀请,请求。Would you like some tea? 请喝些茶好吗?Will you buy me some cakes? 你能帮我买些蛋糕吗?Do you want some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? 当any 用在肯定句中时,表示“任何一个,无论哪个。Theyre all free -take any you like. 他们

23、都是免费的,你随便拿一个吧。练习(4) 根据句子意思选用many,much,some或any填空。1 Has Peter_ brothers and sisters?2 How _ homework have you done?3 Will you give me _paper?4 Grandpa can tell _ old stories.5 I have _DVDs. I can lend you _ if you want.6 How _ are your new sports shoes?7 Its too sweet. You have put too_ sugar in it.8

24、 You cant ask _ questions during the exam.9 I have _ time. I can talk to you now.10. Did you see _lions at the Wildlife Park?11. We didnt take _ photos of the birds because the weather was not so good.12. They drank _ water when they stopped to have a rest.13. How_ rice do you have every day?14. He

25、had _ to say when he came back home.15. Would you like _fruit?16. He hasnt _ friends in the new city.1. any2. much3. some4. many/some5. manysome6. much7. much8. any9. some10. any11. any/many12. some/much13. much14. much15. some16. any/many both, all 与each, every词义作代词作形容词both(两个)都both of my parents我的

26、父母都both sides of the street街道的两边都all(两个或两个以上都)all of the students所有的学生all the apples所有的苹果each(三个或三个以上)都each of my feet我的每一只脚each foot每一只脚every(every不能用作代词)every word每一个词All of / All his plans failed Both of/ both his plans failed. Each of his plans failed. They each want to do something different. T

27、hey enjoyed every minute of the party. every通常只能用作形容词,如every day, every student, 而不能用作代词。因此,不能说every of the days, every of the students.each 既可以用作代词又可以用作形容词,例如:I gave a piece of cake to each child/ each of the child.另外,each还可以用作副词,例如:Gave them two each.All, both, each 在句中的位置:在be动词后面,其他动词前。We are all interested in pop music.They were each given a new book.Dad and Mum were both away.The Smiths all love table tennis.We both studied in Beijing University in 2008.练习(5)根据句子意思选用both, all, each或every填空。1. The children _ took bana

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