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1、Under brokerage by Party C ,both Party A and Party B enter into the following agreement through friendly negotiation: 1、甲方在此陈述其系 上海市南京西路1173弄5号31室(该房屋的所有权及其所占土地的所有权,以下合称 “该房地产”)的合法产权人。甲方已取得的该房地产之上海市房地产权证号码为:静XX002083 _;该房地产之建筑面积为 平米。现甲方有意将该房地产转让给乙方,乙方亦愿意向甲方购买该房地产。 Party A confirms that she is the le

2、gal owner of the property which located at 31 , Block 5_ ,Lane 1173_, West of Nanjing RD, Jingan _ District, Shanghai. Party A is inThe property has an gross floor area of _ _square metres. Now Party A intends to sell theproperty to Party B, and Party B is interested in buying the property.2、甲,乙双方约定

3、该房地产实际成交价格为人民币 柒佰贰拾万元整(RMB 7,200, 元_)。由乙方按本协议规定的支付方式支付甲方。The agreed price of the property is RMB 7,200, Party B shall pay the sum to Party A accordingto the terms of this agreement. 3、乙方在此确认其于签订本协议前已对该房地产进行了初步验看。双方在此同意甲方将该房地产按现状交付乙 方即可,但是甲方必须保证该房地产内的管道,线路畅通,包括该房地产设备的完好可正常使用。在该房地产交付前,上述设备如有故障,甲方应负责任修

4、缮并支付相关费用。Party B confirmed that she has examined the property before signing this agreement. Both partiesagree that Party A shall deliver it to Party B in current conditions . Party A shall ensure thatthe ducting and wiring of the property, and all the related fixtures and equipment are in goodworki

5、ng order. If any is found to be defective, Party A shall make amend before delivery of propertyand bear the necessary costs. 4、双方同意本次交易之具体交易程序如下:The procedure of the transaction for the property is as follows: possession of Shanghai Certificate of Real Estate Ownership, number: XX002083 A双方同意本协议项下的定

6、金数额为人民币 壹拾万元整(RMB 100, 元_)。乙方应于签订本协议的当日支付(或补足至)定金计人民币壹拾万元整(RMB100,元_)。 Both parties agree that the total amount of the deposit is RMB 100, ; Party B shall pay the deposit of the amount RMB 100,_ on day of signing this agreement.甲方账号如下:Party AS bank accout as below:开户行:Bank:户名:Name:账号:Account: B甲,乙双方

7、约定于 XX 年 3 月 16 日前签订上海市房地产买卖合同(以下简称“该买卖合同”)并申 请办理公证手续,乙方应于签订该买卖合同当日支付甲方首期房价款计人民币贰佰零陆万元整 (RMB_ 2,060, 元_)。(包含定金)Both parties shall sign and notorise the Shanghai Real Estate Sale & Purchase Contract contract (hereafter called the Contract) before 16/3/XX_. Party B shall pay the first Payment of the a

8、mount RMB 2,060,_on the day of signing the Contract(inclusive of the deposit). C. 双方在此确认:本协议下乙方应支付给甲方的第二期房价款计 元_)可以由乙方通过向银行申请购房抵押贷款的形势支付,乙方应于支付首期房价款后的 40 _个工作日内,完成贷款审批手续,若银行贷款审批额度不足,乙方应于办理产权过户手续当日补足。 Party B may pay the second payment of the amount RMB_ 5,040, _in the way of mortgage Loan. Party B s

9、hall complete the mortgage application procedure within 40 _ working days after first payment. If the amount of mortgage approved by the bank is less than the second payment, PartyB shall top up the difference when the title is transferred. D甲方应于 / 年 / 月 / 日前完成提前还贷及抵押登记注销手续。Party A shall repay all o

10、utstanding mortgage and cancel the current mortgage registration before/ E. 待完成上述款项所述事项后的 5_日内,甲乙双方应前往房地产交易中心申请办理交易之产权过户,抵押登 记手续,并缴纳相关税费。Both Parties shall go to the Property Exchange Center to apply for the transfer of title andregistration of mortgage within 5_ days after the aforesaid has been do

11、ne ,and pay the prescribedtax and fees.F待过户当日,甲方安排把所有住户搬离此物业并迁出所有户口(若有),然后与乙方办理交房手续,同时乙方支付甲方房价尾款计人民币壹拾万元整整_(RMB100,)。Party A shall vacate all tenants and remove all the residence registration on the day of transferof title, and then deliver the property to Party B. Party B shall pay the last payment

12、 with the amount RMB 100, to Party A. 5、待双方签定本协议第4条第B款所述之上海市房地产买卖合同生效后,本协议自行终止,甲,乙双方应 按买卖合同所列条款履行。When the Contract takes effect, this agreement is terminated immediately. Both parties shall observe the Contract. 6、甲、乙双方同意,涉及本交易的各项税费由甲、乙双方按国家政策、法规的规定承担。甲、乙双方同意本协 议第4条第B款所述之上海市房地产买卖合同公证出来后3个工作日内甲乙双方应前

13、往该房屋所在房地产交易中心申请缴纳税费。Both parties agree that they shall bear the fees and taxes according to the laws. Both parties shall observe the Contract that they go to the Property Exchange Center and pay the fees and taxes within 3 workdays after the Contract be notarized . 7、双方约定,本协议履行过程中,若因国家政策未获批准导致乙方无法购买

14、该房地产的,双方同意解除本协议 互不承担违约责任。甲方应在收到本协议终止后的_ 5 个工作日内退还乙方已支付的房款(含定金)。If it is due to government actions which cause Party B not be able to purchase the property, both Parties agree to terminate this agreement without any breach by any party. In such an event PartyA shall return any amount paid by Party B

15、within _5_ working days after the agreement is terminated.8、在本协议履行的过程中,若因甲方原因导致本协议无法履行,甲方应双倍返还定金;若因乙方原因导致本协议无法履行,乙方已支付的定金由甲方没收。During the course of this agreement, if Party A breaches the agreement, Party A shall return the deposit in double; if Party B breaches the agreement, the deposit paid by Pa

16、rty B shall be forfeited.9、签订本协议后,甲、乙双方任何一方或双方未能履行本协议,导致双方的买卖合同无法签署的,违约方应向丙方支付违约金,违约金数额为本协议第2条所述房价款的2%。After signing this agreement, if either Party A or Party B or both paties fail to carry out this agreement, leading to the Shanghai Real Estate Sale & Purchase Contract not able to be signed, the p

17、arty in breach of the agreement shall pay the penalty to Party C. The penalty is 2% of the actual price as contained in Article 2 of this agreement. 10、本协议用中文和英文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文字如有不符,以中文本为准。This agreement is written in Chinese and English, both versions should be equally valid. If there are diffe

18、rences between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 11、本协议一经甲、乙双方或其各自合法授权代表签字立即生效,本协议一式三份,甲、乙双方各执壹份,中 介方执壹份。This agreement is signed in three duplicates, all of which are of the same legal effect. Each party shall hold on to one duplicate .出卖方(甲方) 买受方(乙方)The Seller(Party A):The Buyer

19、(Party B):护照号码/身份证号码:护照号码/身份证号码:Passport/ID No: Passport/ID No:国籍:国籍:Nationality: Nationality: 居间方:上海志远房地产经纪有限公司 (以下简称“丙方”) SHANGHAI ZEAL REALTY CONSULTANT CO.,LTD. (hereinafter called Party C) 地址:上海市长乐路1219号长鑫大厦12楼(XX31)Address:12F, 1219 Chang Le Road, Changxin Tower, Shanghai (XX31)篇二:房屋买卖居间合同(中英文

20、版)_secret 房屋买卖居间合同 BROKERAGE CONTRACT OF REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE 甲 方(卖方): Party A (Seller): 乙 方(买方): Party B (Buyer): 丙 方(居间方): Party C (Agent):信用的原则,共同委托丙方代理并见证甲乙双方之间的买卖行为,经甲、乙、丙三方协商一致,共同订立本合同,以兹各方共同遵守。Pursuant to relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant rules ofBe

21、ijing Municipality, Party A and Party B entrust Party C to act as their agent for the salesbetween Party A and Party B and bear testimony to the afore-said transaction in principle ofvoluntary, fairness and honesty. Through friendly negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C herebyagree to enter into

22、 this Agreement and abide by it jointly. 第一条 房产成交Sales & purchase of the property 甲方自愿将自有的房屋产权有偿转让给乙方。该房产符合北京市建设管理委员会制定的房屋 上市标准,甲方出售该房屋时亦同时将该房屋已分摊的土地使用面积和土地使用期限转让给乙方。房屋具体情况如下:Party A agrees to sell the property to Party B. The property is qualified for sale in the market inaccordance with the regula

23、tion of Beijing Municipal Construction Committee. Together with thesales of the property, the allocated land area for the property and the usable term of the land istransferred to Party B jointly. The property is described as: 1、甲方依法取得的房屋产权证号为: ;Serial no. of the title certificate of the property is

24、:_; 2、房产位于北京市 区【县】;Address: District (County), Beijing; 房屋结构:,房屋用途:;(有产权车位的请特别注明) architecture:_, purpose: _(please indicate if there is parking lot with title); 3、房屋建筑面积平方米;房屋使用面积 平方米(可不填);Construction area: _m2; usable floor space: _m2(optional); 4、房产权属转移时,附带附属设施状况及室内装饰情况见(附件二);Together with the t

25、itle of the property, facilities and interior decorations to be transferred are asdescribed in Appendix (1); 5、甲方保证已如实陈述该房产权属状况、装饰情况和相关关系,乙方对甲方上述转让房产 的具体情况充分了解,自愿买受该房产;Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property, including butnot limited to the title, decora

26、tion and relevant information; Party B has fully understood the factsand agrees to buy the property voluntarily. 6、房屋共有人及共有人意见:Co-owners of the property and intention for the sale 房屋共有人:指对房屋共同享有所有权的两个或两个以上自然人、法人或其他组织的共有 人。 property together. 第二条 成交价格及付款方式Sales price and terms of payment 一、成交价格Sales

27、Price 甲、乙双方经协商一致,同意上述房产成交价格为人民币 元;上述交易总价款包括:【房价款】【公共维修基金】【室内不可移动之装修】【空调】及其它Party A and Party B agreethat the sales price of the property be RMB_;The price includes: price of the property, public maintenance fund, permanent interiordecoration, air-conditioners and others. 1. 二、付款方式Terms of Payment 甲乙

28、双方经协商一致,甲方认可乙方采取以下第种方式付款:Party B shall make the payment in accordance with _ as follow: A. 1、现金支付Cash 乙方应在签订本合同当日,预先支付总房款的 %,作为保证双方履行合同的定金,该笔款项连同剩余款项经甲乙双方协商,决定采用下列第 种方式:Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay 10% of the price (say RMB_) as thedeposit. This payment shall be made in accordan

29、ce with _as follow: i. 全部支付给甲方,甲方开具相应的收款凭证;Paid to Party A in full and Party A shall issue an invoice; b) 暂时存入21世纪不动产北京区域分部在特定银行开立的监管账户内,由该银行监管该 部分资金,待该房屋权属过户手续办理完毕及物业交割后,连同剩余房款一并支付给甲方。此业务须由甲乙双方与21世纪不动产北京区域分部另行签订交易资金监管委托协议;Deposited temporarily to the escrow account of Century21 Beijing Region. This deposit will bereleased only when the title tran

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