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1、grudge against对怨恨 declaration against反对声明或宣言hostility against对敌意 battle Qgainst反对的斗争2) 动词+againstswim against the current/tide 逆流而泳 run against the wind 逆风而跑work against反对,抢时间 defend Qgainst团结起来反对side against与别人站在一方反对人rebel against反,反抗 stand against 反对 prejudice against 对有偏见rise against起来反对 argue ag

2、ainst抗议,反对 protest against 抗议,反对 strike against 反抗struggle against (with)向做斗争,跟搏斗go against 违背 run against 与竞选 contend against与抗争(4)around(round)around(round)既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,常与下列动词搭配使 用Obring around说服;使恢复(知觉、健康、正常等);把某人带来get around说服,争取;下功夫去做;绕过,躲避go around四处走动;绕过;顺便去;(消息)流传 look around掉头 看,环顾;参观pull

3、 around使康复 come around恢复健康;改变看法 hand around 传递,传阅,分发(5)atat只用作介词,常与下列动词、分词、形容词搭配。动词+atfrown at对不满 shoot at朝射击jump at sth.or sb.攻击某人 或某事fire at sth. or sb.向开火 snap at 猛咬,猛扑 throw sth. at sth. or sb向投掷laugh at冷笑,嘲笑smile at对微笑,对 笑置之get(rench) atsth.得到,达到,理解 catch at/grasp at 抓住;把握住 hint at 暗示 point at/

4、to sb指着某 人glance At 瞥见 call at (family,office)/call on sb.访问peer/stare/gaze at 凝视 land/touch down/strike at 着路aim at瞄准2)分词及形容词+atbe annoyed at因而烦恼 be astonished at因而惊异 bedelighted at因而愉快be disgust at因而厌恶 be fr电htened Qt因而惊吓 be moved at/with因而感动be pleased at/with 因而高兴 be surprised at 因而惊奇 be alarmed

5、at因而惊恐be angry at/about对事发怒be angry with对人生气be impatient at对事感到不耐烦 be quick at敏捷,伶俐 be clever毗 擅长于be slow at对迟钝 be efficient at对效率高 be apt at善于be good at擅长于be mad at对某人或某事恼火其它惯用搭配词组at large大体上,总的来说 at one s best最好状态 at (the) worst在最坏的情况下at (the) most 最多 at arm, s length 一臂的距离;疏远(keep sb.) atthe poin

6、t of 就要 at random 胡乱地,漫无目的地 at the risk of冒的危险 at dusk 黄昏at hand近旁,将到at the end of在的底部 at heart本质上 at the weekend在周末at Christmas在圣诞节期间at a loss 不知所措 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 at one, swit s(wits )end志穷才尽;毫无办法;不知所措at all costs (any cost)不惜一切代价at any rate不管怎样 at sea茫然at the request of应的请求(六)awayaway只用作

7、副词1)动词 + awaybreakaway脱离,逃脱;放弃carry away取走;使失去理智,使入迷give(sb.)away 泄漏,出卖 male away 离去turn away避开;逐出;解雇clear away清除掉;(云雾)消散cut away切掉;逃走 run away逃跑;失控put away把收起来;储存备用;2)其它惯用搭配词组do away with 废除;干掉 make away with 废除get away from摆脱;回避run away with携带逃走;消耗get away with和 起离开;拿走,抢走(七)backback用作副词时,常用的搭配形式如下

8、。1) 动词 + backbring back带回;使回忆起;使健康call back叫回;收回(说错的话);回cut back修剪;减少 fall back退却get back回来,收回;恢复 hold back抵挡;踌躇;忍住draw back拉开;往后退;不履行(诺言等)keep back(sth.)阻止向前;忍住;隐瞒pull back向后拉;撤回;节省;改变主意put back放回原处;把(钟表)拨回;推迟sit back休息;不采取行动set back把(钟表)拨回;阻碍;倒退ring back回,再打talce back拿回,收回,带回turn back折回;重新提到 talk

9、back顶嘴;反复重说pay back报答;向报复;偿付2) 其它惯用搭配词组fall back on求得支持 run back over回顾go back (up) on背约,食言,出卖 to and back往返,来回 go back from one* s word 违约,食言butl.allfanything, every thing, anyone, everyonge)+but1除都 或 none,nothing,nobody,nowhere)2.除了都彳 注:but用介词时,它的前面如出现动词do,则but后的宾语就用动 词原形,若无do则用不定式做宾语。女口:S

10、he did nothing but (=only)cry.He desired nothing but to pass the examination.byby既可以作介词也可以作副词1) 动词+ bygoby走过;按判断;顺便走访stand by站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持get by通过;维持生活hold by坚持(意见)layput + by把放在旁边;积蓄木set by把搁开;储备take sb. by the hand 拉某人的手catch the coat,hair,抓人的外衣、头发等abide by s/A遵守,坚持go ,come ,travel by land (s

11、ea,air,train,bus,car)陆上、海上或乘飞机、公共汽车、火车、轿车,往来旅游by and by 不久 by oneself 单独地by accident偶然 by surprise突然,出乎意料by chance偶然,意外by the way且说,顺便说by way of作为,取道 by mistalce弄错,误会by one, s appearance 从的外表 by turns 轮流by means of 利用 by all means 无论如何by reason of由于,凭理由by far在很大程度上by on means 决不(十)downdown既可用作介词也可用作

12、副词。1) down用作副词时常与以下动词搭配使用。breakdown坏了;(身体)垮了,(计划)失败了;分解 bring down击落,使降落;使降低cut down砍倒;削减get down下来,下车;咽下;记下 put down放下;平息;记下 take down取下;记下set down放下;记下;记载 hold down镇压;抑制let (sb.)down使失望 lay down 放下;制定 look down 俯视(look down on/upon 轻 视,看不起) pull down拉倒,推翻;使虚弱 knock down击 倒run down用完;疲惫,(身体)变坏;(表等)

13、停;诽谤settle down定居;平静下turn down翻下;(音量等)开小;拒 绝3)其它惯用搭配词组come down on 责备 cut down on 削减 get down on 对开 始不喜欢 run down from 因而疲惫不堪 down to the ground 当然,完全(H-一) forfor只作介词,常与下列名词、动词、形容词搭配使用。1)名词+fortasted for -的趣味 distaste for 厌恶 reputation for 因而出名 love for 爱 affection for 喜爱 preference for 偏爱 match for

14、 对手 talent for 的才能 sympathy for 同情 opportunity for/to do sth.有机会做occasion for/to do sth.有的理由、必要 appreciation for 为而 致 excuse for 借口 desire for/to do 希望做3) 动词+forsail for 驶向 steer for, head for 向前进 depart for 向出发start for动身去call for接某人同往某处enter for参加 go in for从事,参加 make for向前进 set out for向出发long for

15、渴望search for 寻找ask for请求,要求look for 寻找beg for请求,要求demand for 要求arrange for 安排thirst for 渴求hunt for 渴求 hunger for 渴求send for派人去请(拿)take for误认为 account for说明解释 care for关心;计较,介意;喜欢blame for对负责,因受指责 stand for主;支持;可当用 pray for sb or sth.为某人或某事祈 祷4)形容词+foreligible for 合法 appropriate for 适合,合乎 fit for 合适干

16、available for 准备妥当 qualified for 合格 good for 对有益 necessaty for 为所必须 bad for 对有害 convenient for 对 方便 possible for可能 famous for因而出名 noted for因 而出名 anxious for渴望 enger for 渴望 responsible for sth.对事负责 responsible to sb.对人负责 favourable for有利于(动作,名词) favourable to 有利干(人或事)adequate for适当,合乎5)其它惯用词组for fear

17、 of(that)唯恐,担心word for word 逐字地have snnpathy for 同情,可,怜leave room for 为 留余地make an application for 申请make preparations(arrangement)for 为作准备 take(bear,assume)responsibility for 负起对责任 for the sake of为了的利益/缘故for the purpose of 为了的目的for the benefit(good)of 为了的利益for the time being 暂时,在目前(十二)forwardforwar

18、d作副词时常与下列动词搭配使用bring fonvard提出;提前;涌现carry forward 推进,发扬put forward提出;推举出;提前set forward提出;促进;将(钟表)拨快(十三)fromfrom只作介词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配使用。1)名词 +fromrelief from 解除,免除 absence from 离开shelter from 躲避 difference from 与不同2)动词 + fromsuffer from 受之苦 dismiss from 被革职separate-from 使和分开deduce.from 从推出infer from 从

19、推论出lmow-from 使和区分开tell. from 将和区分开 keep.from 使不escape from从逃脱prohibit.from 禁止做,阻止做cease from 停止 result from 起干, 由于retire from 从离开 shrink from 畏缩不dissent from 不同意 emerage from 从中出现prevent .from 使不 stop.from阻止不restrain from 使不 dissuadefrom 劝阻不protect. from 保护不受 defendfrom 保护不受save.from 救护使不受 hide.from

20、 隐藏,使不judge.from 从判断 release from 解除refrain from 控制,禁止 differ from 与不同abstract.from 从提取 disappear from 从消失die from (wound, overwork,carelessness)(因受伤,劳累,粗心)死亡 eliminate.from 把从中除去distinguish.from 把和区分开discriminate- - from 把和 区分开discourage sb.from 劝不做3)形容词+ fromdistinct from 有差别 remote from 远离地方free

21、from免受absent from 缺席 (十四)inin既可作介词也可以作副词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配1)名词+ indelight in喜欢,高兴 skill in有技能confidence in 信任 difficulty in 有困难(in confidence秘密地,暗中地)progress in 有进步faith in 有信心 glory in 光荣pride in对自豪 belief in相信2)动词+ inindulge in 沉溺于 engage in 从事,忙于share in分享,共同使用 abound in富干encourage sb. in在方面鼓励某人spe

22、cialize in专攻,专门研究break in闯入,使不驯服,插话bring in收获,生产;引进call in叫来;来访take in接受,吸收;领会;受骗(to be taken in)set in到来,开始;插入check in办理(住店,登记)手续lay in储存 cut in 插嘴;突然插入put in放进;交接;停留 settle in 安顿好;乔迁新居confide in信任;吐露 involvein卷入 3)形容词+indisappointed in对失望 specific in明确的,具体的successful in在成功absorbed in专心干,埋头于e伍cient

23、 in有效的 confident in 信任 active in积极干 exact in确切的prompt in敏捷的versed in 精通fortunate in 幸运deficient in缺少的in sequence 依次 逐一in the long run最后结果,归根到底in good spirit精神好 in the hope of 怀着希望in need of 需要 in any case 无论如何in a hurry匆匆地in good working order (机器)运转良好in good condition情况良好,(物件)无损坏in one s opinion 据人

24、的见解in comparison with 和相 比in accordance with 根据in line with 根据 in regard to 关于in the name of奉的命令,以的名义in despair 绝望地 in earnest 热情地in secret 秘密地 in brief 简短地in debt欠债 in the way 障碍,不便in honour of为纪念 in contrast to与相对照(十五)OfOf只能作介词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配名词+ ofdistrust of不相信 grasp of 把握住,理解 exddence of 证据 con

25、sequence of 是结果 way of的方法 habit of 习惯care of 注意 intention of 意图possibility of 可能性 description of 描述 prevention of 预防,阻止 consideration of 体谅 correction of 改正,批改 dislike of 厌恶 advocate of提倡者,鼓吹者 expectation of预期 动词+of动词+宾语+ of+宾语boast of吹嘘 die of 因而死dream of渴望,向往,梦想think of想起,想出talk of谈到 disapprove of

26、 不准 不同意 deserve of应受,值得 approve of同意,准许 speak of讲起;特别(推荐)说break sb.of sth.制止某人某事remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事hear of sb.or sth.听人说起某人或某事,听到某人或某事的情况accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事deprive sb.of sht.剥夺某人某事,使某人失去cure sb.of sth.治愈某人某病rob sb.of sth.强夺某人某物conxdnce sb. of sth.使某人相信某事inform sh.of sth.通知某人某事warn sb

27、 of sth.警告某人某事cheat sb.of sth.欺骗某人某事suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人某事persuade sb. of sth.说服某人某事tell sb.of sth.告知某人某事expect sth.of sb.寄希望于某人,指望某人nervous of 害怕 (mervous with 紧)regardless of不管,不顾,尽管capable of可以的,做得出的full of充满incapable of不能,没有能力做conscious of认识到,意识到 afraid of害怕worthy of 值得 sure/certainof 确信independent

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