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1、1)words: positive, virtual, access, commitment, discipline, minimum, reap, benefit, insight, forum, visual, barrier, , to feel like doing sth, to reap the benefits of, to trade sth for sth, to teach sb the value of, to give sb insights into, to keep sbs mind open to sth., to bridge the gap between d

2、ifferent cultures, to be open-minded about, in addition, reflect on upon, to feel (un)comfortable doing sth, to gain insight from sth. sb., speak up, think through, allow for, on sbs part, remindof3.Grammar:1)present participial phrases functioning as adverbials2)inverted sentence: not only 3)conjun

3、ctions: now that, while, that4)prepositions: because of, unlikeII. Teaching arrangement1. Total class time for this unit: 8 periods 2. Suggested arrangement:1) pre-reading activities: 15-202)understanding the structure of text A: 25-303) detailed study of the language: 454) writing skills: 155) text

4、 summary 106) exercises: 207) reading skills:8) detailed study of of text B:9)comprehensive exercises: 3010)supplementary reading and vocabulary exercises:11) listeningspeaking: 90III. Detailed Study of Text APre-reading1. Background information Online learninga form of distance education, refers to

5、 learning and other supportive resources that are available through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer displays material in response to a learners request. The computer asks the learner for

6、more information and presents appropriate material based on the learners input.2. Understand the major details of the text1)What made the authors English learning in junior middle school very successful?The kind and patient teacher and . 2)What is basic to online English learning?Much time, commitme

7、nt and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. 3)What interested the author most about English?He could communicate with many more people than before. 3. Understand organization of the text1)Main idea of the text.Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding

8、 experiences of my life.2)Division of the text Part One Introduction (Para. 1)Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life Part Two The authors 4 stages of language learning experiences (Paras. 2-7) (1)Junior middle school(2)Senior middle school

9、(3)College(4)Online learningPart Three Conclusion (Para. 8) Learning a foreign language a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything. Detail reading1. Words and phrases1)reward (L.1)在奥运会上的成功使他的努力得到了报偿。Success at the Olympic Games rewarded is trying, but it is rewardingy

10、ou will win love and respect from them (a. be well worth)照看孩子很费神,但也是有收获的你也赢得他们的爱戴与尊敬。2)frustrate (L.2) 经过2小时令人心焦的耽搁后,我们的火车终于到达了。After 2 at last arrived. (vt.使沮丧,使灰心)Im feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change. (vt.使沮丧,使灰心)我感到现在干得很不顺心,需要换一个工作。恶劣的天气使我们外出的愿望无法实现。The bad weather frus

11、trated our (n挫折)因挫折而哭泣3)be well worth sth. doing sth. (L.2) 很值得(做) (后接动名词时用主动语态表示被动含义) Most students consider cheating on an exam something not worth their risk. (+ n.)大多数学生认为考试作弊是不值得冒险的事。这份有关超级女生的报告很值得一读。This report on “Super Girl voice”is well worth reading. (+ doing)4)positive (L.6) 欢迎提出建设性的建议。Po

12、sitive suggestions are always welcome. (a. constructive, effective, t lost the desire to change it for the better. 这家商店的商品一点都不便宜,而是很贵。Far from cheap, everything is expensive in this shop.7)communicate (L.29) 聋人用手语互相交流。 Deaf people use sign language to communicate with each other. (v. share or exchan

13、ge opinions, feelings, etc.) 总所周知,我们之间的许多问题至少部分是由于缺乏交流引起的。It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by lack of communication between us. (n. the act of ommunicating) 8)access (L.30) gain get . right of using reaching entering)With broad-band technology, netizens may get

14、a quicker access to the Internet. 有了宽带网技术,网民能更快地连上互联网。所有学生都可以借阅图书馆的书籍。All the students can English in the virtual classroom 10)commitment (L.33) 学习知识需要专心致志。Acquiring knowledge requires much commitment. (n. attention)He made a commitment to pay off all . a promise) 他作出了还清所有债务的承诺 11)embarrass (L.37) A

15、 good teacher should always avoid embarrassing students. (v. to cause to feel anxious and uncomfortable).一位好老师应当尽量避免使学生感到难堪。Have you been in that sort of embarrassing situation?你是否遇到过那种令人尴尬的处境? 他对我的衣服评头品足使我很尴尬。I was embarrased by . anything that brings )for 用换 (L.45) In order to pay off debts, reach

16、 out to my parents by telephone.因为想家,我常常通过电话与父母亲联系。由于因特网的使用,我们可以通过电子邮件与朋友联系。 With the introduction of the Internet, we can reach out to our friends by e-mail.2. Sentence patterns1)原句: Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mist

17、akes. (L. 6)由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。 句型提炼:Because of, sb adv. does sth is + adj. to do sth, never worryingcaringmuch about由于,某人很做某事,从不怎么担心应用:由于他对电脑游戏的兴趣过浓, 他很有可能一门心思玩游戏,而不会关心自己的作业。Because of computer games, it, never caring about , shouted (Line.11, 伴随状语).I needed to think out my ideas and wrote

18、 a reply before posting it on the screen. (Line.39, 时间状语)语法小结: 现在分词是动词和形容词或动词和副词的结合体,在句子中可以作多种成分。现在分词或分词短语作状语相当状语从句。(1)拌随状语 They stood there for an t get in touch with t know t get in touch with they , while 等,表示动作和谓语动词动作几乎同时发生。有时也可以加before, whether等共同作状语。本单元中有许多这样的例子。Practice: (1) When I caught ind

19、ependence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _. A. to be encouraged B. been encouragedC. being encouraged D. be encouraged (1997, 126) (2)原句:Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and

20、 make friends. (L.50)既然我现在已能够说外语, 别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了, 我能够参与并结交朋友。句型提炼: Now that sb. does should do sth. else. 由于 既然某人做某事,而不再, 他她就能做另一事。 既然我们上远程英语课,而不再因在普通课堂上出错感到难堪,那我们就应从网上学习中有所收获。Now that we the online course, instead of feeling embarrassed when making mistakes in the regular class, we should reap some

21、 benefits from it. 既然你愿意接受他的意见,而不再对其视而不见,那你们就可以进行合作了。Now that you are willing to accept cooperate with each other. (3)原句:Learning a foreign language a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything. (L. 44) 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但却是一种拿什么我都不换的经历。Doing sth. is a most + adj. experi

22、ence for sb., but one that a most trying experience, but one that I would not trade for anything. 照顾孩子对我来说是非常具有挑战的经历,但却是一种我拿什么都不换的经历。Looking after my baby was a most challenging experience, but one that I would not exchange for anything. (4) 原句:Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but

23、also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. (Line.13) 句型提炼:not only but (also) 不仅 而且; 为了强调,将not only或only 放在句首的时候,句子应该部分倒装,即助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。应用:在网上学习的帮助下,她不仅英语说的更正确了,也更流利了。With the , but she is also polite.3 Guided writing 1 The Structure of a Paragraph A paragraph is a group of r

24、elated sentences developing one central idea, or expressing one unit of thought. It is a unit in itself and is also part of the larger wholethe essay.A paragraph should be unified(统一的), coherent (连贯的)and well developed. It is unified when it all the sentences in it are related and lead logically to

25、one another, and the choice is based on the content of the paragraph and the intention of the writer. The Structure of a Paragraph提出问题Topic Sentence 分析问题Developing Sentence1Developing Sentence2Developing Sentence3解决问题Concluding Sentence Please read and analyze the following paragraph.The two-day wee

26、kend is sincerely popular with college students. It offers students more leisure time for their them from too many courses and assignmentsTherefore, many students try to enjoy themselves in many interesting ways such as going camping。 topic Sentence:The two-day weekend is sincerely popular with coll

27、ege students. The developing Sentences:1. It offers students more leisure time for their them from too many courses and assignments.The concluding Sentence:Therefore, many students try to enjoy themselves in many interesting ways such as going camping and having a potluck party2. A Paragraph of Caus

28、e and EffectWrite one short cause- and-effect paragraph based on the topic and key words given below. Subject: stop polluting the natureKey words: development be followed by damage achieve the economic development reach their goals at the expense of develop save cause take steps the following genera

29、tionsReference model :The further development of society is always followed by the damage to the nature. In order to achieve the economic development, most countries try to reach their goals at the expense of the environment. There is one popular saying that we should develop ourselves first, and th

30、en we try to save the environment, which of all kinds. Thus, its time for mankind to take steps to stop polluting the nature for the following generations. 3. Post-readingUseful expressions1)很值得去努力时间金钱值得我们去冒险to be well worth the effortthe time the money our isk .(L.3) 2)在班里名列前茅 to be at the top of the class (L.7)3)失去说英语的欲望 to lose the desire to say anything in English ( L.14)4)远不尽人意远远不够 to be far from perfectsati

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