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1、先进管理:新中大公司是精细化管理倡导者和URP思想的原创者,在企业管理(URP)、工程项目管理、公共财政管理等领域居于市场领导者地位。新中大以先进的设计理念、先进的管理模式赋予新中大软件思想的灵魂。新中大创造性的发起“管理软件新文化运动”、“互动管理”、“终结ERP”、“联盟体资源计划(URP)”、“战略成本”等思想旋风,始终引领企业管理软件的潮流与发展,并且通过“新中大先进管理学堂”系列讲学活动,使新中大公司员工及客户不断吸取最新管理思想。Advanced management:NEWGRAND is the advocate of refinement management, the in

2、itiator of the URP theory, and the market leader in the software areas of enterprise management, engineering management and public financial management, etc. It endows its software with advanced ideas of design and leading patterns of management. It also has launched many campaigns such as New Cultu

3、ral Movement of Management Software, Interactive Management, Terminating ERP, Union Resource Planning (URP) and Strategy Cost. Moreover, it has hosted a series of classes named “Newgrand Advanced Management Courses”. Through all these movements, NEWGRAND is leading the trend of enterprise management

4、 software development, ensuring that its employees and customers draw continuously on the latest management concepts. 灵动技术:新中大软件以浓缩灵性的地域精华、敏锐细腻的江南人文、智慧勤奋的科研人才以及浙江商业的诚信务实为基础,结合柔性化软件技术平台,为用户提供互动便捷的软件技术和灵活周到的细致服务。新中大拥有一支强大得联盟体管理、协同生产、政府理财及项目管理专家队伍,以关注客户需求的倾心设计,超越顾客期待的服务理念,追求技术和服务与用户共同成长的最高境界。Agile tech

5、nologies:Zhejiang Province boasts fine terrain and age-old culture that have fostered many talented people with diligence and integrity. With its flexible software technical platform, NEWGRAND provides customers with interactive software technologies and agile and elaborate services. In possession o

6、f a group of experts in union management, collaborative production, government financing and project management, NEWGRANG is always developing and perfecting its technologies and services as it grows and advances with its customers.适用方案:通过十三年管理软件行业积聚的底蕴,从涉足财务软件到进军ERP、推出URP,新中大引领管理软件产品新理念,不断寻求超越和发展,目

7、前已形成新中大URP软件i6系统、新中大国际ERP软件A3、新中大协同工作套件W3、新中大联盟体互动中心软件UIC、新中大简约型ERP软件银色快车SE、新中大简约型协同办公软件SW3、新中大移动商务平台软件M3、新中大政府门户软件GIC、新中大CRP软件电子政务G6系统、新中大高校管理软件E6、新中大公共财政管理软件Gsoft、新中大工程项目管理软件Psoft、新中大电力运营管理软件EPO十三大产品系列,保证新中大软件“最适合各行各业,最方便使用”。目前新中大软件已在数十万用户中得到成功应用。Applicable solutions:With the rich experience in th

8、e management software industry for thirteen years, from financial software to ERP software and the latest URP software, NEWGRAND has always been a leader in management software aiming at constant progress and development. Now NEWGRAND has established thirteen product series, namely URP software-i6 s

9、ystem, ERP software-A3, Collaborative Work Suite-W3, Union Interactive Center software-UIC, Silver Express-SE, Simple Collaborative Work Software-SW3, Mobile Business Platform Software-M3, Government Portal Software-GIC, CRP software-G6 system, University Management Software-E6, Public Financial man

10、agement software-Gsoft, Engineering management software-Psoft and Electric Power Operation management software-EPO. It is striving for making its software the most applicable one for every industry with the most convenience. Currently, it has about 100,000 users with its software installed and imple

11、mented successfully.新中大率先走在发展自主知识产权道路的前沿并取得了丰硕成果,先后通过ISO9001和ISO9002国际质量体系认证及CMM3级评估,五大产品被CSIA评为“推荐优秀管理软件产品”,新中大URP软件i6系统和新中大国际ERP软件A3先后通过国家科技部专家评测,新中大URP软件i6系统2003年入选国家 863计划;并于2006年6月成功向业界发布了国内首个完整的基于SOA架构的管理软件;新中大国有资产管理软件位居TOP3,被认定为国有资产管理软件第一品牌。凭借对用户需求的精准把握新中大成功保持着强劲的行业竞争力,在公共财政及工程管理领域始终一支独秀,稳居管理

12、软件行业三强。更在纺织、服装、家具、电子电器、冶金、医药、食品饮料、造纸、装备制造、工程、财政十一大重点行业成功突破。随着公司的快速发展,总裁石钟韶也先后被评为“2001年中国软件企业十大领军人物”、“2002年中国优秀民营科技企业家”、“2003年杭州市十大杰出青年”、“2004年中国软件行业杰出青年”、“2005年时尚浙商”、“2005年制造业信息化十大风云人物”。NEWGRAND has already been the pioneer in the independent knowledge property right development and gained abundant

13、achievements. It received ISO9001 and ISO9002 certificates and was approved as CMM Level 3 respectively. Its five products were appraised by CSIA as “Recommended and Excellent management software product”. Both its URP-i6 system and ERP-A3 software have passed the test given by experts from the Stat

14、e Ministry of Science. The URP-i6 system was also selected as one of the National 863 Programs in 2003. The first complete management software based on SOA architecture in China was released by NEWGRAND in June 2006. The NEWGRAND state-owned assets management software is among the TOP3, which is rec

15、ognized as the first brand of state-owned assets management software. Based on the exact knowing of users requirements, NEWGRAND owns the strong competitive power, keeps the unique leading position in public finance and engineering project management fields and is among the China top three managemen

16、t software manufacturers stably. The NEWGRAND software makes great successful implements in the eleven key industries of textile, clothes, furniture, electronic and electric appliance, metallurgy, medicine, food and drink, paper making, equipment manufacture, engineering and finance. with the quick

17、development of the company, Shi Zhongshao, president of NEWGRAND, was granted the following honors respectively: “Top 10 leaders in Chinese software enterprise Year 2001”, “Excellent Entrepreneurs of Chinese private technological companies Year 2002”, “Top 10 excellent young people of Hangzhou City

18、Year 2003”, “Outstanding young people in the Chinese software industry Year 2004”, “Model Businessman Year 2005” and “Top 10 Leaders of China Manufacture Industry Informatization Year 2005”. 新中大以“创新、中和、大成、优质、满意”为企业价值观,以“质量就是生命、时间就是信誉、超越顾客期待”为服务理念,以“先进管理思想,灵动技术,适用解决方案,用心为顾客创造轻松管理空间”为宗旨,打造中高端管理软件第一品牌,

19、力争在五年内发展为国际著名软件集团。The company highly values the principle of “Innovative, Absorptive, Accomplished, Excellent and Satisfactory”. With the service criteria of “Quality is life, Punctuality is credit, and Going beyond customers expectations”, as well as the operation guideline of “Heartily creating co

20、mfortable management space for customers via advanced managerial concepts, agile technologies and applicable solutions”, NEWGRAND is now building the first brand of medium and high-end management software and is striving to turn itself into a world-famous software company within five years.集团财务管理软件总

21、体概况Gfi Overview集团财务管理软件前言Internet、WTO加剧了经济全球化的步伐,电子商务的蓬勃发展,伴随而来的是全新的管理e时代。针对这种现状,新中大推出了集团财务管理软件,她继承和吸收了国内外众多优秀管理软件的优点,结合广大用户的使用心得精心设计而成。PrefaceInternet and WTO accelerate the economy globalization and the thriving development of e-business, which promotes the coming epoch of e-management. Accordingl

22、y Newgrand launches the group finance management software, which benefits from the advantages from outstanding domestic and international management software, as well as the use feedback from abundant users.新中大集团财务管理软件为了满足不同层次用户的需求,分为单用户版、两用户版、工作组版、大型版。大型版软件支持异构网络环境的互操作,且全面支持四大数据库系统(Oracle、Sybase、MS

23、 SQL Server、DB2)的自由挂接。单用户版、两用户版和工作组版后台可挂接基于Sybase ASA工作组级数据库,支持远程实时操作及复制等功能。The NEWGRAND Group Finance Management Software has a variety of versions, including single user version, two-user version, workgroup version and enterprise version. The enterprise version supports interactive operation betwe

24、en networks of different structures and smooth connection to four major database systems, namely Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server and DB2. The backgrounds of single user version, two-user version and workgroup version can connect to Sybase ASA workgroup database and they support the functions of remote

25、 real time operation and copy etc.Gfi为了满足企业集团、跨国公司、多组织机构等集中管理的需求,符合多国和国际会计准则,支持多国语言和双科目体系,设计时参照美国、香港等地的会计实务,会计数据及会计信息支持按各国货币进行翻译,以满足不同国家企业的需要。新中大集团财务管理软件解决了财务核算的集中问题,集团的多个成员可以共用一个账套处理各自的账务问题,系统能自动汇总集团的数据,出具集团的各类法定报告和管理报告,各成员单位也能独立出具自身的各类报表。新中大集团财务管理软件的高伸缩性满足了用户从高端到低端的不同应用要求,Gfi的成功应用将大大提高企业的管理水平以及参与国

26、际竞争的综合实力。Gfi complies with multi and international accounting principles, supports multi languages and bi-accounting systems and is developed in terms of the accounting operation of the United States and Hong Kong. The accounting data and accounting information support translation according to the d

27、ifferent currencies to satisfy the requirements of different countries. Gfi solves the centralization problem of finance accounting. The members of group can share one account set to deal with their own account. The system can summarize the group data automatically, make various legal reports and ma

28、nagement reports of group and the members can also make all kinds of reports of their own. The high extensibility of Gfi can satisfy the application requirements from the high to low end. The successful application of Gfi will greatly improve the management of companies and make them more powerful i

29、n the international competitions.集团财务管理软件对多组织的支持Support to multi-organizationGfi充分总结和参考大量的集团企业的需求和新中大成功案例成功经验,使系统设计思想、软件体系的构建及设计等方面更加完善和成熟。Based on the abundant group enterprises requirements and successful application examples, Gfi makes the system designing concept and software structure more matu

30、re and convenient. Gfi的财务会计组织结构从两个维度进行架构财务会计维度和管理会计维度,充分适应企业外部管理和内部管理的需求。Gfi financial accounting structure is built up in two dimensions, namely financial accounting and management accounting, which fully satisfies the requirements of internal and external managements of enterprise.从货币、集团货币、语言、会计科目

31、体系、会计年度等多方面完善会计主体信息的定义,完整展现多组织的丰富信息和多样化的管理需求。Perfect the definition of accounting information from the aspects of currency, group currency, language, accounting item system and accounting year etc.进一步增强账务多币种核算的能力,包括地区货币(如欧元)的支持,并完全支持不同币种的结算和核销。账簿报表中既可显示单一币种也可同时显示多币种信息。Strengthen the multi-currency accounting abi

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