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3、的产品。1.2自动检测系统的概念自动检测是指在计算机控制的基础上,对系统、设备进行性能检测和故障诊断。他是性能检测、连续监测、故障检测和故障定位的总称。现代自动检测技术是计算机技术、微电子技术、测量技术、传感技术等学科共同发展的产物。凡是需要进行性能测试和故障诊断的系统、设备,均可以采用自动检测技术。自动检测系统是指能自动完成测量、数据处理、显示(输出)测试结果的一类系统的总称。他是在标准的测控系统总线和仪器总线的基础上组合而成,采用计算机、微处理器作控制器通过测试软件完成对性能数据的采集、变换、处理、显示等操作程序,具有高速度、多功能、多参数等特点。2. 自动检测系统的原理2.1自动检测系统


5、号通道。适配器,实现被测单元与自动检测系统之间的信号连接。人机接口,实现操作员和控制器的双向通信。操作员用键盘或开关向控制器输入信息控制器将检测结果及操作提示等有关信息送到显示器显示。当需要打印检测结果时,人机接口内应配备打印机。机接口、检测程序。检测程序,自动检测系统是在检测程序的控制下进行性能检测和故障诊断的。检测程序完成人机交互、仪器管理和驱动、检测流程控制、检测结果的分析处理和输出显示、故障诊断等,他是自动检测系统的重要组成部分。2.3自动检测系统的组建计算机技术的发展为自动检测系统的组建提供了多种可能,典型的自动检测系统包括三部分:自动检测设备(Automatic Test Equi

6、pment,ATE)、测试程序集(Test Program Set,TPS)和TPS软件开发工具. 自动检测系统组建中的关键技术包括程控接口技术、虚拟仪器技术、专家系统、现场故障检测技术、开放或可互操作的ATS实现技术。3. 自动检测技术的应用检测技术与自动化装置的应用基础是扎实的理论以及科研和工程实践过程中不断积累的新技术,加上学科基础理论和光、机、电结合导致技术的迅速发展,更加促进了检测技术与自动化装置学科的发展。4. 自动检测技术的发展随着半导体和计算机技术的发展,新型或具有特殊功能的传感器出现出现,检测装置也向小型化、固体化及智能化发展,应用领域更加宽广。首先,不断提高监测系统的测量精

7、度、量程范围、延长使用寿命、提高可靠性。科学技术的发展要求测量系统有更高的精度。近年来,人们研制出许多高精度的检测仪器以满足各种需求。例如,用直线光栅测量直线位移时,测量范围可达二三米,而分辨率可达到微米级;人们已经研制出测量低至几个帕的微压力和高达几千兆帕高压的;力传感器;开发了能够测出极微弱磁场的磁敏传感器等。从20世纪60年代开始,人们对传感器的可靠性 和 故 障率的数学模型进行了大量的研究,使得监测系统的可靠性和使用寿命大幅度提高。其次,应 用 新 技 术和 新 的物 理 效 应,扩大 检 测 领 域。检 测 原 理 大多以各种物理效应为基础,近代物理学的进展如纳米技术、激光、红外、超

8、声波、微波、光纤、放射性 同位 素 等新 成 就 为 检 测技 术 的 发 展提供了更多的依据。如图像识别、激光测距、红外测温、C型超声波无损探伤。放射性测厚。中子探测爆炸物等非接触测量得到迅速发展。20世纪70年代以前,检测技术主要用于工业部门,如今,检测领域正扩大到整个社会需要的各个方面,不仅包括工程、海洋开发、航空航天等尖端科技和新兴工业领域,而且已涉及生物、医疗、环境污染监测、危险品和毒品的侦查、安全检测等方面,并且已经开始渗入到人们的日常生活设施之中。再次,发展集成化、功能化的传感器。随 着 半导体集成电路技术的发展,硅和砷化镓电子元件的高度集成化大量向传感器领域渗透。人们将传感技术

9、与信号处理电路制作在同一块硅片上,从而研制体积更小、性能更好、功能更强的传感器。例如,高精度的PN结测温集成电路;又如,将排成阵列的上千万个光敏元件及扫描放大电路制作在一块芯片上,制成彩色CCD数码照相机、摄像机以及可摄像的手机等。今后还将在光、磁、温度、压力等 领 域开 发出 新型 的集 成度很高的传感器。第 四 ,采 用 计 算 机 技术,使 检 测 技 术 智 能 化。自20世纪70年代微处理器问世以来,人们迅速将计算机技术应用到测量技术领域中来,使检测仪器智能化,从而扩展了功能,提高了精度和可靠性,目前研制的测量系统大多带有微处理器。第五,发展网络化传感器及检测系统。随着微电子技术的发

10、展,现在已经可以将十分复杂的信号处理和控制电路集成到单块的芯片中去。传感器的输出不再是模拟量,而是符合某种协议格式(如可即插即用)的数字信号。从而可以通过企业内部网络,也可以通过网络实现多个系统之间的数据交换和共享,从而构成网络化的检测系统。还可以远在千里之外,随时随地浏览现场工况,实现远程调试、远程故障诊断。远程数据采集和实时操作。5. 总结随着信息技术和计算计技术的发展,大量的技术成果被应用到自动检测技术当中,促进了自动检测技术的快速发展。目前,自动检测技术已经应用到社会生产的各个领域,因此其功能极为强大;自动检 测技术所需人员很少,因此可靠性较高;自动检测技术测得的被检测对象的参数信息基

11、本不会受到来自人的随机干扰,因此精确度较高;运用自动检测技术的测量过程主要是自动完成的,只要测量之间设置好时间、程序等指数,就可以很好地完成测量工作,因此实时性很强。自动检测系统从被检测对象出发,经传感器等检测元件将被检测对象转化为信号,通过复杂的变换过程进行信号处理,最终将信号输出。近年来计算计技术和物理科学的不断更新为自动检测技术的发展创造了可能。自动检测技术能够采用更加先进的检测方法,应用范围也更加广泛。自动检测技术在高新领域的广泛运用,形成了具有现代特点的智能检测技术。随着自动检测技术在高新领域的不断增长,网络化、集成化、智能化将成为自动检测技术的发展方向。Development of

12、 automatic detection technologyAutomatic testing system is widely used in the design, production, use and maintenance of all kinds of products, which plays an important role in improving product performance and productivity, reducing production cost and whole production cycle cost. This paper first

13、introduces the concept of automatic detection system, secondly, through the various components of automatic detection system, detailed the working principle of the system, introduced the concept of automatic detection system, structure and the key technology used in the construction. Based on this,

14、it further discusses the application and popularization of automatic detection technology in various fields.1.The concept and composition of automatic detection systemAutomatic detection is a kind of technology which can reduce the need of manual testing, and it is a kind of comprehensive technique

15、which relies on instruments and meters, involving physics and electronics. Compared with the traditional detection technology, this technology can reduce the intentional or unintentional interference to the detection result, lighten the work pressure of the people, thus ensuring the reliability of t

16、he object, so the automatic detection technology has become an indispensable part of the social development. Automatic detection technology has two main responsibilities, on the one hand, through the automatic detection technology can directly get the value of the object and its change trend and so

17、on, on the other hand, the detection of detected objects directly measured by the information to take into account the scope of the relevant decision making. Detection and testing is one of the most basic activities in the manufacturing process. Through the inspection and inspection activities to pr

18、ovide product and manufacturing process quality information, in accordance with this information on the product manufacturing process to amend, so that waste defects and reverse repair rate to the minimum, to ensure product quality formation process stability and output product consistency. Traditio

19、nal testing and testing are primarily dependent on people and are done mainly by hand.The traditional inspection and testing is done after the manufacturing process, and once the waste defective is detected, the loss has occurred. Based on manual detection of information, often contain human error i

20、mpact, according to such information to control the manufacturing process, not only after the process can be implemented, but also introduce errors. Automatic detection is based on a variety of advanced sensing technology, and is easy to combine with computer systems, with the appropriate software s

21、upport, automatically complete data acquisition, processing, feature extraction and recognition, as well as a variety of analysis and calculation. and to achieve the system performance testing and fault diagnosis purposes.1.1 The concept of testing and testingDetection is defined as the test, measur

22、ement and other quality inspection activities to determine whether products, parts, components, parts or raw materials meet the quality standards and technical requirements of the design, and detect 3 objectives:1.the actual determination of the quality of products I and the value of the measure. 2.

23、according to the deviation of the measured value, the quality level of the product is judged and the waste defective is determined. 3.determines whether the measurement method is correct and the simplification of the measurement activity will affect the control of the specified characteristics.Inspe

24、ction, also known as the test, he is a product function and performance assessment of a quality control method. Inspection refers to the quality control activities for measuring, testing and evaluating the function, performance and life of the product under the working conditions of the actual worki

25、ng environment or the design. The tests are divided into two main categories: destructive test and nondestructive testing test. Inspection and evaluation of products is the basis for design improvement and modification, especially for safety certification.1.2 The concept of automatic detection syste

26、mAutomatic detection refers to the performance detection and fault diagnosis of system and equipment on the basis of computer control. He is a general term for performance testing, continuous monitoring, fault detection, and fault location. The modern automatic detection technology is the product of

27、 the common development of computer technology, microelectronics technology, measurement technology and sensing technology. Automatic detection technology can be used in all systems and equipments which need performance testing and fault diagnosis. Automatic detection system is the general name of a

28、 kind of system which can automatically complete the measurement, data processing and display (output) test results. He is in the standard measurement and control system bus and instrument bus based on the combination of a computer, microprocessor as a controller through the test software to achieve

29、 performance data collection, transformation, processing, display and other operating procedures, with high speed, multi-function, multi-parameter and so on2. The principle of automatic testing system2.1 The composition of automatic detection systemThe basic composition of the current automatic dete

30、ction system is shown in thefigure,include controller, excitation signal source, measuring instrument, switching system, adapter, human-machine interface,detection program.2.2 The working principle of automatic testing systemController, the core of automatic detection system, composed of computers.

31、It is under the action of the detection program, to control each step of the testing cycle, complete the management detection cycle, control the data flow, receive the detection results, carry out data processing, check whether the reading is within the error range, carry out fault diagnosis, send the test results to the display and other functions. Excitation signal source,It is mainly used in the active testing system, wh

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