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1、 The employee communication process needs to be capable of accurately directing its messages at a variety of employee groups and departments within the workforce . this is why middle managers and line managers are so key to communication. They are the people who know about the full rage of concerns

2、among the workforce. The problem in the past was that this crucial area was often the responsibility of a separate, relatively isolated unit. Concordia puts responsibility for communication firmly on line managers. All their research points to the same conclusion: people prefer to get their informat

3、ion face-to-face from their line managers. That is the key relationship and where arguments and hearts and minds are lost.The general rule in company communication is to tell employees as much as you can as soon as you can. If you cant provide details, then at least put the news in context and commi

4、t yourself to providing greater detail when it becomes available another rule of company communication is that there must be a fit between what the company is telling its employees and what it is telling its shareholders.15 In the last eight years, Concordia has15A made over 80.000 employees reduncd

5、antB completed a period of downsizingC reduced its workforce of 80.000 by 35%D given 35% of departing employees voluntary redundancy16 From Concordias point of view, the role of communication is toA win employee support before going ahead with the changesB change the companys core activities.C empha

6、sise the positive aspects of the changesD explain the need for the changes17 what does research show about most employees response to change?A they expect it to have a bad effect on the companyB they feel completely powerlessC they become less loyalD they fell they have been treated unfairly18 Conco

7、rdias communication process mainly relies onA printed communicationB departmental headsC personal communicationD a separate, specialized unit19 According to the writer, what is the guiding principle about giving information within an organization?A Never make promises about future developmentsB Give

8、 people an overall view at the earliest possible stageC always include plenty of hard informationD Hold back until all the details can be provided20 which of the following would be the most suitable title for the article?A employee attitudes to company communicationB making company communication mor

9、e effectiveC Researching company commmucationD Making employees feel less powerlessWhen it (20) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not the decision is made within the first five minutes of a meeting.?Yet employers like to (21) themselves that they are being exceptionally thor

10、ough in their selection processes. In todays competitive market place, the (22) of staff in many organizations is fundamental to the companys success and, as a result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.One method in particular that has (24) in popularity is te

11、sting , either psychometric testing, which attempts to define psychological characteristics , or abilityaptitude testing (25) an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidates suitability for a role. It (26) companies to add value by identifying key elements of a position and then testi

12、ng candidates to ascertain their ability against those identified elements.The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one (27) of the recruitment process may have some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of the potential future performance of any individua

13、l. The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and strong definition of the elements of each position to be (29) as the whole recruitment process is based on few real certainties, the instinctive decisions that many employers make, based on a CT and the first five minutes of a m

14、eeting, are probably no less valid than any other tool employed in the (30) of recruitment.21.A suggestB convinceC adviseD believe22.A worthB creditC qualityD distinction23.A secureB reliesC attainD achieve24.A liftedB enlargedC expandedD risen25.A providesB offersC contributesD gives26.A lets B ena

15、blesC agreesD admits27. A portion B memberC share D component28. A extentB sizeC amountD measure29.A occupiedB met C filledD appointed30 A businessB topicC pointD affairThe scientific approach to recruitment,招人的科学方法。这篇完型比较简单。完型填空也有两种题型,两种解题思路。一种是从意思上理解然后做出选择,一种是根据单词的用法。前者比较容易,后者很考验语言功底。21题,理解上下文的意思。

16、前面说招人时的决定一般是在五分钟以内做出的。但是雇主们试图使自己详细相信他们在挑选过程中是经过了深思熟虑的。Convince oneself,使确信。其他的词没有这个用法。22题,员工的质量对公司的成功是至关重要的。选quality。23题,招人者试图利用一切方法来抓住这个领域最好的(人才),secure the best,抓住最好的。realise是实现,attain是获得,后面不能接人,achieve是实现一个目标。24题,rise in popularity,固定搭配,popularity是知名度的意思,这个词组应该可以翻译成声名鹊起。25题,provides with,提供。给组织提供

17、另外一种方法。offer的用法是offer sb sth,contribute在这里意思不对。26题,是公司能够增加价值,enable27题,这题的意思很明显,测试(testing)作为招聘过程的一个组成部分,要区分选项的几个单词,尤其是portion和component,看英英解释。Component:one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etcPortion:a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from

18、the other parts这里强调testing是一个组成部分,没有说明特殊的地方,选component。28题,对每个人未来的可能表现没有一个真正的衡量。选measure。29题,fill a position,填补空位,fill在这里的意思是to perform a particular job, activity, or purpose in an organization, or to find someone or something to do this。不能选occupy,因为occupy更强调人的一种主动,而这里只是客观说某个需要填补的职位。30题,in the busin

19、ess of,也是一种固定的说法,在什么的过程中。很多场合都可以使用。可以多看几个例句:Were in the business of stimulating the economy(By Obama)Energetics is a specialist management consultancy in the business of climate change商务英语高级BEC完形填空精选习题uestions 21 -35. Read this text about an Italian car company. Choose the best word to fi71 each gap

20、. For each question(21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet. One answer has been given as an example.Gianni Agnelli ,Chairman of Fiat , Italys largest private industrial corporation ,is known in Italy as the lawyer ,because he trained in law at Turin University. _example_he has n

21、ever practiced , his training may soon be useful. On April 17th Mr. Agnelli admitted to a group of Italian industrialists in Venice _21_ Fiat had been _22 _ in some corruptions in Italy. On April 21st, Fiats lawyers and Cesare Romiti , its managing director , met Milan magistrates to _ 23 _ the firm

22、s involvement in bribery to win business from state-owned companies.Fiat is not the _24_ Italian company caught up in Italys increasing Political corruption scandal. According to the latest figure ,some 200 businessmen and politicians were sitting in prison _25 _ a result of judicial inquiries into

23、kickbacks paid to politicians by firms. Hundreds more are still_26_influence of Fiat, _27_sales are equal to 4/00 of Italys home product ,the scandal at the company has _28_the industrial establishment.Though neither Mr. Agnelli_29_Mr. Romiti has been _30_ of wrongdoing, several other senior Fiat managers have allegedly been involved in paying kickbacks to win state-owned contracts _31_ arrested include Francesco Mattiol , Fiats finance director , and Antonio Moscon , the _32_ head of its Toro insurance branch_ 33_men have been _.34_

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