1、12090等加等减速4080等减等加速70二 凸轮推杆运动规律1.运动规律(等加速等减速运动) 推程 2.运动规律(等加速等减速运动) 回程 三推杆位移、速度、加速度线图及凸轮线图采用VB编程,其源程序及图像如下:1.位移:Private Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = True 开启计时器End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Static i As SingleDim s As Single, q As Single i作为静态变量,控制流程;s代表位移;q代表角度 Picture1.CurrentX = 0 Pictur
2、e1.CurrentY = 0 i = i + 0.1 If i = 45 And i = 90 Then s = 120 - 240 * (90 - q) 2) / (90 2) Picture1.PSet Step(q, -s), vbGreen= 90 And i = 150 Then s = 120 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -s), vbBlack= 150 And i = 190 Then s = 120 - 240 * (q - 150) 2 / 6400 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -s), vbBlue= 190 And i = 230 Th
3、en s = 240 * (230 - q) 2 / 6400= 230 And i = 360 Then s = 0 Else End If2.速度Private Sub Command2_Click()Timer2.Enabled = True Private Sub Timer2_Timer()Dim v As Single, q As Single, w As Single i为静态变量,控制流程;q代表角度;w代表角速度,此处被赋予50Picture1.CurrentX = 0w = 50 v = 480 * w * q / 8100 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -v
4、), vbRed v = 480 * w * (90 - q) / 8100 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -v), vbBlack v = 0 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -v), vbGreen v = -480 * w * (q - 150) / 6400 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -v), vbBlue v = -480 * w * (230 - q) / 6400Else3.加速度Private Sub Command3_Click()Timer3.Enabled = True Private Sub Timer3_Timer()Dim
5、 a As Single, w As Single, q As Single a代表加速度;w代表角速度i = i + 0.1 a = 480 * w 2 / 8100 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -a), vbRed a = -480 * w 2 / 8100 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -a), vbBlack a = 0 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -a), vbGreen a = -480 * w 2 / 6400 Picture1.PSet Step(q, -a), vbBlue a = 480 * w 2 / 64004.ds/dq-
6、dsPrivate Sub Command4_Click()Timer4.Enabled = True 开启计时器;建立坐标系Picture1.Scale (-400, -400)-(400, 400)Private Sub Timer4_Timer()Dim x As Single, s As Single, q As Single, scaley As Single, t As Single x代表位移;s代表纵坐标ds/dq;Picture1.CurrentY = 0scaley = 1t = 3.14 / 180 q = i * t x = 194.734 * q s = 240 *
7、(2 * q / 3.14) 2 Picture1.PSet Step(x, -s), vbRed x = 194.734 * (3.14 / 2 - q) s = 120 - 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) 2 x = 0 s = 120 * scaley x = -246.46 * (q - 5 * 3.14 / 6) s = 120 - 123.23 * (q - 5 * 3.14 / 6) 2 x = -246.46 * (23 * 3.14 / 18 - q) s = 123.23 * (23 * 3.14 / 18 - q) 2四确定凸轮基圆半径和偏距1. 求切点转
8、角在图中,右侧曲线为升程阶段的类速度-位移图,作直线Dtdt与其相切,且位移轴正方向呈夹角1=300,则切点处的斜率与直线Dtdt的斜率相等,因为kDtdt=tan600,右侧曲线斜率可以表示为:q;q=tan600继而求出切点坐标(337.272,292.084)。同理可求出另一切点(-89.766,16.347)2.确定直线方程y-292.084=1.732*(x-337.272)y-16.347=-0.364*(x+89.766)3.绘图确定基圆半径和偏距程序如下:Private Sub Command5_Click() 画出ds/dq-s图的切线Timer5.Enabled = Tru
9、e Picture1.Scale (-400, -400)-(400, 400) Picture1.Line (-50, 378.671)-(200, -54.329), vbRed Picture1.Line (-200, -65.683)-(40, -481.363), vbBlue Picture1.Line (-200, -209.127)-(200, -63.527), vbBlack Picture1.Line (-200, -56.472)-(200, 89.128), vbGreenPrivate Sub Timer5_Timer() scaley是图形比例系数;t为角度,弧度
10、转化系数Dim x As Single, s As Single, q As Single, scaley As Single, t As Single在轴心公共许用区内取轴心位置,能够满足压力角要求,现取直线红线 与直线绿线的交点为轴心位置,通过解方程组:x=131.557 y=-64.214 r0=146.392 偏距e=131.557 s0=64.013五绘制凸轮理论廓线和实际廓线1.绘制凸轮理论轮廓Private Sub Command6_Click() Picture1.Scale (-500, -500)-(500, 500) Timer6.Enabled = True Priva
11、te Sub Timer6_Timer() e为偏距;s为基圆半径平方减去偏距平方再开方所得;q为角度;x为横坐标;y为纵坐标Dim e As Single, q As Single, s As Single, x As Single, y As Singlee = 131.557 s = 64.213Picture1.CurrentX = 12.764 Picture1.CurrentY = -95.125 i = i + 0.001= 3.14 / 4 Then x = (s + 240 * (2 * q / 3.14) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) y = (s +
12、240 * (2 * q / 3.14) 2) * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q) Picture1.PSet Step(x, -y), vbRed= 3.14 / 4 And i = 3.14 / 2 Then x = (s + 120 - 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) y = (s + 120 - 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) 2) * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q)= 3.14 / 2 And i = 5 * 3.14 / 6 Then x = (s + 120) * Cos(q) -
13、e * Sin(q) y = (s + 120) * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q)= 5 * 3.14 / 6 And i = 19 * 3.14 / 18 Then x = (s + 120 - 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) y = (s + 120 - 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) 2) * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q)= 19 / 18 * 3.14 And i = 23 / 18 * 3.14 Then x = (s + 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.
14、14 - q) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) y = (s + 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.14 - q) 2) * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q)= 23 / 18 * 3.14 And i = 2 * 3.14 Then x = s * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) y = s * Sin(q) + e * Cos(q) End Sub2.确定滚子半径并绘制曲率半径图Private Sub Command7_Click() 开启计时器,建立坐标系Timer7.Enabled = TruePicture1.Scale (-10, -500
15、)-(10, 10)Private Sub Timer7_Timer() x代表dx/dq;y代表dy/dq;p代表曲率;s为基圆半径平方减去偏距平方再开方所得Dim s As Single, q As Single, x As Single, y As Single, p As Singles = 64.213 e = 131.557 Picture1.CurrentY = -Sqr(e 2 + s 2) i = i + 0.01 x = (480 * 4 * q / 3.14 2) * Cos(q) + (s + 240 * (2 * q / 3.14) 2) * (-Sin(q) - e
16、 * Cos(q) y = (480 * 4 * q / 3.14 2) * Sin(q) - e * Sin(q) + (s + 240 * (2 * q / 3.14) 2) * Cos(q) p = Sqr(x 2 + y 2) Picture1.PSet Step(q, -p), vbRed x = (2 * 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) * Cos(q) + (s + 120 - 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) 2) * (-Sin(q) - e * Cos(q) y = (2 * 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) * Sin(q) +
17、 (s + 120 - 97.367 * (3.14 / 2 - q) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q)= 5 / 6 * 3.14 Then x = (s + 120) * (-Sin(q) - e * Cos(q) y = (s + 120) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q)= 5 / 6 * 3.14 And i = 19 / 18 * 3.14 Then x = (-2 * 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) * Cos(q) + (s + 120 - 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) 2) * (-Sin(q) -
18、e * Cos(q) y = (-2 * 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) * Sin(q) + (s + 120 - 123.23 * (q - 5 / 6 * 3.14) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) x = (-2 * 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.14 - q) * Cos(q) + (s + 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.14 - q) 2) * (-Sin(q) - e * Cos(q) y = (-2 * 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.14 - q) * Sin(q) + (s + 123.23 * (23 / 18 * 3.14 - q) 2) * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q) x = s * (-Sin(q) - e * Cos(q) y = s * Cos(q) - e * Sin(q)其中曲率最小值为126.026mm 可以得到滚子半径为63.013mm3.绘制实际轮廓线Private Sub Command8_Click()Picture1.Scale
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