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1、英语必考语法练习情态动词1. His mother told me that he _ read quite well at the age of five. (A) should (B) would (C) could (D) might 2. We didnt finish the work in time. You us since you were there. (A) might help (B) should help (C) could have helped (D)must have helped 3. Mary has got a full mark in the test.

2、 She very hard all these days. (A) will work (B) may work (C) must have worked (D)could have worked 4. Most students sixty credits by the time they graduate.(A)may have taken (B) could have taken(C)must be taken (D) will have taken5. The villages told us that a new bridge across the river in a year.

3、(A) would be built (B) have built(C) could have built (D) will be build6.She is not welcome. She enter my house again. (A) shall not (B) can not (C) does not (D) has not7. you need my help, just call me. (A) If should (B) Would (C) Should (D) Will8.You are late for work again, Miss Jane. You here ha

4、lf an hour earlier.(A)must be (B) could have been (C) may have been (D) should have been9. John has got a good mark in the drivers test. He very hard all these days.(A) may work (B) will work (C) must have worked (D) would have worked10. Mother told me that I be present at the meeting. (A) would (B)

5、 could (C) should (D) might11. Id rather not visit them now, they dinner. (A) can be eating (B) might be eating (C) might eat (D) must eat12. Since he cant win the race , he as well quit.(A)will (B) should (C)must (D) may13. John the manager this afternoon, but he forgot.(A)might telephone (B) must

6、have telephoned(C) should have telephoned (D) could telephone14. If the doctor had been available, the child .(A)couldnt die (B) wouldnt have died(C) wouldnt die (D) couldnt have died15. He to the movies, had he known that Jane would be there. (A) would have gone (B) will have gone(C) may have gone

7、(D) must have gone Key:15 CCCDA 610 ACDCC 1115 BDCBA主谓一致1. Each man and woman _ the same rights.A. has B. have C. had D. is having2.Not only I but also Tom and Mary _ fond of music.A. am B. is C. are D. be3.Three hours_ enough for us to finish the task.A. are B. has C. is D. were4.More than one work

8、er _ dismissed.A. have been B. are C. has been D. has5.Many a student _ the importance of learning a foreign language.A. have realized B. has realize C. have been realized D. has been realized6.The gas works _ near the city.A. is B. are C. were D. be7.The family _ watching television now. A. will be

9、 B. is C. are D. be8.Cattle _ on the hillside.A. grazes B. is grazing C. was grazing D. were grazing9.Physics_ an important subject in middle schools.A. is B. are C. was D. has been10.Mary is one of the girls who _ always on time.A. is B. am C. are D. was11.Tom is the only one of the stall members w

10、ho _ to be promoted.A. is going B. are going C. has been going D. have been going12.The poet and writer _ A. are coming B. have come C. are to come D. has come13.The manager, as well as his advisers, _ to attend the world fair.A. are agreed B. were agreed C. have agreed D. has agreed14.A number of s

11、tudents _ late for school owing to the storm yesterday.A. were B. was C. is D. are15.The number of articles published on smoking _ amazing.A. is B. are C. were D. have been16.The young _ the vital forces in our society.A. is B. has been C. are D. have been17.Getting to other planets or to the moon _

12、 many problems.A. involve B. involves C. involving D. to involve 18.Here _ a pen and a few envelopes for you. A. are B. do C. does D. is 19. Dr. Richard, together with his wife and three children,_ to arrive in Beijing this afternoon.A. will be B. are C. is D. will have been20. Neither the clerks no

13、r the manager _ anything about the accident now.A. know B. knows C. have known D. have been known答案:15 ACCCB 610 ACDAC 1115 ADDAA 1620CBDCB 时态、语态练习PracticeSection A:1. Though he _ well prepared before the job interview, he failed to answer some important questions. A. will be B. would be C. has been

14、 D. had been2. The car _ by the side of the rode and the driver tried to repair it. A. breaks down B. was breaking down C, has broken down D. broke down3. This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should _ last week. A. fix B. be fixed C. have fixed D. have been fixed4. By the time you get to shanghai tomorrow, I _ for Chongqing. A. am leaving B. will leave C. shall have left D. had le

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