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1、chinadaily的经济热词1. 传销 pyramid scheme2. 信用评级下调 credit downgrade3. 实得工资 take-home income4. 虚拟超市 virtual supermarket5. 高档车 premium car6. 欺骗消费者 play foul with buyers7. 大众旅游 mass tourism8. 灰市 gray market9. 预付费卡 prepaid cards10. 恩格尔系数 Engle coefficient11. 次级债务 subordinate debt12. 饥饿营销 hunger marketing13. 恶

2、意营销 smear campaign 14. 亚洲“单一货币”single currency15. 滞销蔬菜 unsalable vegetables16. 黄金投资者 gold bugmembership fee17. (会员费)windfall(意外横财)18. Credit rating(信用评级)19. debtor(债务人)20. NASDAQ(纳斯达克)、DOW(道琼斯综合指数)21. Standard and Poors Composite Index(标准普尔综合指数)22. nose-dive(暴跌)信用评级 integrity rating信用扩张 23. credit e

3、xpansionhi-tech marketing strategy(高科技营销策略)24. 网络虚拟财产 online virtual25. assetsreal economy(实体经济)26. fictitious economy(虚拟经济)27. real bargain(便宜货)28. virtual money虚拟钱币29. ceiling price表示“最高价”30. a farm production ceiling意思是“农业生产的最高产量” 31. default(违约)32. cut deficit/deficit reduction(削减赤字)33. spending

4、 cuts(削减开支)34. debt crisis(债务危机)35. package agreement cap on liability(一揽子协议赔偿金上限) 36. divorce calculator离婚计算器” 37. online gadget(网络小工具)38. civil partnerships(民事伴侣关系39. late-life divorce(熟年离婚)40. prenuptial agreement(婚前协议)41. division of property(财产分割)42. custody and visitation of children(子女监护与探视)4

5、3. spousal support(配偶赡养费)44. child support(子女抚养费)45. divorce settlement(离婚协议书) 46. insurance premium(人寿保险费) 47. cargo premium(货物保险费)48. at a premium是非常珍贵的49. mass market cars大众市场的车型了50. license-plate lottery(车牌摇号)51. car rental(汽车租赁)52. green car(新能源汽车)53. 零排放车辆 zero-emission vehicle54. 跨界车 crossove

6、r vehicle55. 非公路用车 off-highway vehicle56. by fair means or foul(不择手段,千方百计)57. price cheating就是“价格欺诈58. pricing inconsistency(价格不一致)59. misleading price tags(误导性的价签) 60. curb inflation(抑制通货膨胀)61. academic cheating(学术造假)62. 价格违法行为 price violation63. 价格垄断 price-fixing 64. fake resume(虚假简历)65. relaxed i

7、nner controls(内部管理松散)66. academic rank(职称)67. hidden rule(潜规则)68. package tour/group tour/organized tour(跟团旅游)69. individual tourist/ free walker(自由行游客)70. 文化旅游业 cultural tourism71. “自驾游”(self-driving travel/tour)72. self-organized expedition就是“自助游” 73. 分时度假 timeshare 74. ecotourism生态旅游75. rural tou

8、rism “乡村旅游” 76. eco-farming(生态农业)77. parallel import水货78. 小众市场 niche market79. take-home income即“实得工资80. gross income(全额工资)81. financial crisis(经济危机)82. shrink(缩水)83. price hikes(物价上涨)84. housing spending(家庭支出)85. living standard(生活标准)86. economic stagnation(经济疲软87. vicious cycle(恶性循环)88. inflationa

9、ry pressure(通胀压力)89. financial crisis(经济危机)90. 绩效工资 merit pay91. 工资协商制度 negotiation system on wages92. state-owned monopolies(国有垄断企业)93. cap and trade(限额交易、总量管制和交易94. Pegged Exchange Rate(盯住汇率制)95. 公积金上限 threshold of housing fund96. prepaid deposit(预付定金)97. money laundering(洗钱)98. tax evasion(偷税漏税)

10、bribery(行贿受贿)99. issuers of prepaid cards(购物卡发行方)100. anonymous cards(不记名购物卡101. card scalpers(卡贩子、购物卡黄牛)102. 灰色收入 off-the-books income103. 地下钱庄 illegal bank104. financial fraud(金融诈骗)105. Minimum living allowances(最低生活保障)106. “subsistence allowance”也指“最低生活保障”107. low-income groups(低收入群体)108. basic s

11、ubsistence costs(基本生活费用支出)109. expenditure-income ratio(消费支出比例)110. gap in work wages(工资收入差距)111. income divide/ income disparity 收入差距112. consumer price index(CPI,消费物价指数)113. cut back on meals and clothes(节衣缩食)114. housing loan repayments(房贷)115. housing space per capita(人均居住面积)116. 收入分配 income dis

12、tribution 117. wage arrears(拖欠工资)118. two-fold increase in pay指的就是工资“翻番” 119. 纳税等级 tax brackets120. 晒工资 wages online exposure 121. funded debt(长期债券、固定债务)122. 还未偿还债务outstanding debt123. 未到期的债务unmatured debt124. loan defaulter 拖欠贷款者125. Mortgage抵押贷款126. lending quota就是指“贷款额度”127. credit expansion(信贷扩张

13、)128. deposit-reserve ratio(存款准备金率)129. export quota(出口配额)130. 购买力平价 purchasing power parity131. 通胀恐慌 inflation fear 132. suppress rising commodity prices就是“抑制物价上涨”的意思133. tame/arrest rising prices134. boosting food supplies and other necessities增加食品和其它必需品的供应135. increasing subsidies for low-income

14、families提高对低收入家庭的补贴136. taking more targeted policies to maintain market order出台更多有针对性的政策维护市场秩序)现金补贴 cash subsidy137. 信贷紧缩 credit squeeze138. 有抵押债务 secured debt139. 外债余额 outstanding external debt140. 暂停偿债 debt standstill 141. nonperforming loans不良贷款142. overdue loans(逾期贷款)143. mortgage loans(按揭贷款)14

15、4. added value(附加值)145. commercial exploitation(商业炒作)146. 商业间谍活动 industrial espionage 147. floating exchange rates(浮动汇率制)148. emerging economies(新兴经济体)149. industrialized nations (工业化国家)150. exchange rate fluctuations(汇率波动)151. bilateral trade(双边贸易总额)152. reserve currency(储备货币)153. foreign exchange reserve(外汇储备)154. Subprime Crisis(次贷危机)155. dollar assets(美元资产)156. monetary policy(货币政策)157. 稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy158. 货币操纵国 currency manipulator 159. dollar trap就是指“美元陷阱

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