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1、 He wants to a doctor when he g_ up.4. W_ comes after Tuesday.5. There is a lot of i_ in todays newspaper.6. This is a game c_ “trick or treat”.7. Dont f_ to bring your homework here tomorrow.8. We celebrate many f_ in China.9. We are going to have a s_ party on New Years Day.10. Im reading an i_ st

2、ory book now.B) 用所给词的适当形式填空:11. He is good at _ (run). He is a good runner.12. This is her bottle, _ (you) is over there.13. Sandy is very _ (happy) when she hears the bad news.14. I dont know those _(swim) names.15. We have assembly _ (two) a month.16. Tommy is very _ (please) to see so many wonder

3、ful things.17. One of the football _ (play) is his brother.18. Our country did very well in the 2004 Olympic Games.(奥运会)All the Chinese people are very _. (excite)19. We should wash our _ (tooth) every day.20. Kitty wants to know _ (much) about Halloween.三选择正确的答案:(15)( ) 1. My daughter has long hair

4、 _.A. in a bunch B. in bunches C. with a bunch D. with bunches( ) 2. When were you born? - I was born _ 21st October. A. in the evening B. on the morning of C. at the night of D. at night( ) 3. She likes drawing _ a pen.A. with B. in C. of D. on( ) 4. I wear football boots when _.A. I play football

5、B. I play footballs C. I are play football D. do I play football( ) 5. He is a good student. He _ his lessons.A. all likes B. is like all the C. is all likes D. likes all( ) 6.These students are _ football players.They all play football _.A. good, good B. good, well C. well, good D. well, well( ) 7.

6、 -Whats the girl doing? - She is _ her glasses, but she cant _ them. A. looking for, finding B. finding, find C. finding, look for D. looking for, find( ). 8. Liping played quite well _ his first match _ his new team. A. in, for B. on, to C. for, to D. for, in( ) 9. The students spend twenty yuan _

7、this book. A. to B. to buy C. on D. on buying( ) 10. Its time_ me _ go to have classes. A. for, to B. to, to C. for, for D. of, to( ) 11.The Green family _ breakfast at 6:00. A. has B. to have C. have D. are having( ) 12. He always _ things _ us. A. borrows, to B. lends, from C. borrows, from D. buy

8、s, to( ) 13. How often do you go to the Reading Club? A. Once a week B. Once C. The whole day D. Two hours( ) 14. Its a fine day _ a walk. I like _. A. for, to walking B. for, walking C. to, walking D. for, walk ( ) 15. Mother often_ every afternoon. A. walk me B. walks with I C. walks I D. walks wi

9、th me四用所给动词的正确形式填空: She doesnt want _ (be) late, so she gets up early every morning. -Where is your father? -He _ (eat) breakfast at the table. Thank you for _ (organize) our class trip. He always spends an hour _ (practise) speaking English. Im looking forward to _ (visit) Beijing Zoo. Shed like _

10、(have) a big dinner at Christmas. My parents ask me _ (play) football in the street. Sandy doesnt have much time_ (chat) with her friends. Tom with his sister often _ (watch) TV on Sundays. Look! The little girl is busy _ (get)apples from the tree.五在空格中填入适当的词完成句子。1安迪游泳游得很好。他经常教我怎样游。 Andy swims _. He

11、 often teaches me _ _ swim.2. 我们的校长通常在会议厅对所有的学生讲话。 Our principal usually _ _ _ _school in the Assembly Hall. 这耳是我同学的三份简历。_ _ three _ _ my classmates. 他年龄够大了,可以去上学了。He is _ _ to go to school. Kitty 每天去上舞蹈课。Kitty _ _ _ lessons every day. 在中国,六月一日是儿童节。June 1st is _ _ in China. 我经常做完作业后看电视。I often watch

12、 TV after I _ _ my homework.六完形填空:Fox is an eight-year-old boy. He is a good boy. He does _ 1_ in all his lessons. He _ 2_ school and he is always active (积极的)in class. Every time the teacher asks a question, Fox always _ 3_ his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is _4_ , but the teacher always smil

13、es(微笑) and says, “Good, Fox. But _ 5_ a better answer to my question?”Yesterday afternoon, the teacher asked the boys and girls a question. “Swallows(燕子)fly to the south before winter _6_,” he said, “but why dont cats and dogs do _7_?Fox lifted his hand _ 8_ usual.“Yes, Fox?” said the teacher_ 9_.Fo

14、x stood up and said, “_ 10_ they have no wings(翅膀).”( ) 1. A. good B. hard C. well D. bad( ) 2. A. loves B. likes a C. goes to a D. enjoys the ( ) 3. A. gets up B. puts on C. gets on D. puts up( ) 4. A. right B. wrong C. easy D. hard( ) 5. A. has B. is there C. are there D. have( ) 6. A. will come B

15、. is coming C. comes D. is going to come( ) 7. A. different B. these C. the same D. with( ) 8. A. as B. at C. for D. in( ) 9. A. happy B. glad C. happily D. angrily( ) 10. A. Why B. Because C. That D. Where七阅读理解:(A) Jim lives and works in a factory near London. He works hard from Monday to Friday. O

16、n Saturday and Sunday he doesnt go to work. Sometimes he goes to see his friends. This Saturday he is going to London with his friend, Mike. They are going to see their friends there. They are going to take the 2:40 train on Friday afternoon. When they get to London, Jims friend, Jack, is going to t

17、ake them home in his car. They are going to stay with Jack for the night. On Saturday morning they are going to get up early. After breakfast Jack is going to take them to Oxford University. Mikes friend, Mr. White, is a teacher there. He is going to show them around the university.( ) 1. Jim works

18、_.A. from morning till night B. from Sunday to SaturdayC. from Monday to Friday D. from Monday to Saturday( ) 2. Jim is going to see his friends in London with his good friend_.A. Mike B. Jack C. Mikes teacher D. Tom( ) 3. Jim and Mike are going to London_.A. on foot B. by train C. by plane D. by bi

19、ke( ) 4. _ Jack is going to take them to Oxford University.A. On Sunday B. On Saturday C. On Monday D. On Friday( ) 5. How many people are mentioned (提及) in this passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Four.(B) Most children like to watch TV. Its very interesting. By watching TV they can see a lot, l

20、earn a lot and know many things about their country and about the word. Of course they can also learn on the radio. But they can learn better and more easily(更简单) on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. TV helps to open childrens eyes. TV helps to open their minds(智力), too. Man

21、y children watch TV on Saturday and Sunday. They always have a lot of homework to do. But some children watch TV every night. They usually go to bed late. They dont have a good rest. How about you, my young friends?( ) 6. _ is very interesting.A. Listening to the radio B. Watching TVC. Reading Engli

22、sh D. Playing the games( ) 7. Many children can see a lot and know many things _.A. by listening to music B. by singing English songsC. by listening to the tape D. by watching TV( ) 8. TV can help children open their_.A. minds B. eyes C. speaking D. both A and B( )9. Most children watch TV _.A. on w

23、eekends B. on Sunday eveningC. every night D. on Saturdays( )10. _ are busy with their lessons.A. Some children B. Most childrenC. All the children D. None of the children八书面表达:(5) 给你的朋友发一个E-mail, 介绍你的学校生活。要点:姓名,学校名称.早上六点起床,每周上五天学,一天上八节课,每天4:00-5:00 做课外活动,爱好听音乐和踢足球,每周二和周四下午去打网球。我爱我的一. 选出画线部分发音不同的选项:5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10二. 词汇10%A).1._2._3._4._5._ 6._7. _8. _9._10. _B).11._12._13._14._15._16._17. _18. _19._20. _三选择填空: 15% 1 2 3 4 10 111213141510%1._2._3._4._5._ 6._7. _8. _9._10. _五. 完成句子: _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ 5. _ _ _ 6. _ _ 7. _ _ 六. 完型填空: (5%)七. 阅读理解: (10%)八.写作: _ _ _

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