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1、 I want to change my life!I dont want to let my parents down! I dont ever want to let my country down! Most importantly,I dont want to let myself down! 我不能忍受我的破烂英语!我要改变我的处境! 我要改变我的生活!我不要让我的父母失望! 我不要我的祖国失望! 最重要的是,我不要让我自已失望!2 I want to speak perfect English! I want to understand all kinds of accents!

2、I want to write beautiful articles. I want to read thousands of books! I want to translate freely between Chinese and English. I want to be the master of the worlds two most important languages: Chinese and English. 我要说一口标准的英语! 我要听懂各种口音! 我要写出漂亮的文章! 我要读成千上万的书! 我要在中英文之间自由转换! 我要成为世界上两门最重要语言-中文和英文的大师!1

3、please dont care how poorly or how well you speak,only care about catching the chances to speak! Enjoy losing face.Just forget about your face.The more you speak,the better your English will become.The more mistakes you make,the more progress you will make. You must enjoy speaking poor English,becau

4、se speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. Dont give up.Just try your best. Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen,your muscles will strengthen.You can make it. 管它说好说坏,只要有机会“说”就可以!热爱丢脸,干脆忘记面子的存在。你说得越多,你的英语就越好!你必须享受说破烂英语的快乐,因为说是通向成功的唯一的法宝。别放弃!竭尽全力! 嘴动一次,记忆就深刻一次

5、,肌肉就发达一点!你一定可以成功A:Mary,this is stones brother Jim. 玛丽,这是世通的兄弟吉姆。B:Im very glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你!C:Its pleasure to meet you ./The pleasure is mine. 认识你是我的荣幸!How do you like China so far?你喜欢中国吗? Whats your impression of China?你对中国印象如何? What do you think of China?你认为中国怎么样?C:Its really different form

6、 what I expected. 这和我想象的很不一样!B:Dont worry,Youll get used to it in no time. 别担心,你很快就会适应的!1.I hope youre enjoying your stay here! 我希望你在这里过得愉快.2.You have my word.我向你保证.3.To get ahead youll have to work long hours and take short vacations. 想要出人头地,就要多流汗少享受!4.Would you care for a cup of coffee? 要不要来杯咖啡?5.

7、It was not as good as I had expected. 那不如我想象的好!6.Jody didnt make enough money on her job,so she took a part-time job on weekends in order to supplement her income. 朱迪的工作挣钱不多,所以她在周末兼职以补贴她的收入.7.Do you own any stock? 你拥有股票吗?8.Ive invested a lot of money in stocks. 我对股票投资很多!9.How are your stocks doing?

8、那些股票表现如何?10.One companys stock is really doing well.Actually,its going throught the roof. 其中有一家公司的股票表现非常好,这家股票的价格飞涨.1.Im tired of all this rain! I wish wed see the sun for a change. 我真是烦透了这种雨天!真希望能见到太阳,换换口味.2.I dont care if he is my son,I cant support him forever.Hes got to learn to stand on his own

9、 feet. 不能因为他是我儿子,我就得养活他一辈子.他也必须学会自立才行.3.Reading is to the mind what exerciseis to the body. 读书之于头脑犹如运动之于身体.4.Air is to us what water is to fish. 空气之于人犹如水之于鱼.1.You wont get anywhere unless you try. 除非你不断努力,否则你将一事无成.2.She often suffers from headaches. 她常受头痛之苦.3.I prefer coffee to tea. 我更喜欢咖啡.4.I prefe

10、r to stay home rather than go out. 我宁愿留在家里不出去.5.Im really sorry,but i forgot to bring my wallet.I remember seeing it on my desk this morning,but I didont remember to bring it with me. 实地对不起,我忘了带钱包.我记得早上看到放在桌子上,但忘记带了.注释:forget/ remember to do sth! 忘记/记得去做某事 forget/ remember doing sth! 忘记/记得做过某事6.We s

11、topped to eat our lunch in the park.We stopped eating our lunch when it started to rain. We waited in the restroom until it stopped rainning. 我们停下来在公园吃饭.下起雨时我们停下来吃饭,我们在休息室一直等到了雨停.注释:stop to do sth!停下来去做某事 stop doing sth!停下做某事! 第八章程 口语突破听力W: Are you reading the newspaper,Sandy? 山迪,你在看报纸吗?M: No,Im doi

12、ng my homework now.Ill watch the football match on TV later on. 没有,我在做家庭作业,呆会儿我要看足球赛.Q: Whats the boy doing now? 那个男孩现在在做什么?A: Hes doing his homework. 他在做家庭作业. Toms mother told me that he was in the hospital. 汤姆的母亲告诉我他在医院住院. He left the hospital yesterday and hell go to class tomorrow. 他昨天出院了,明天将来上课

13、. Where is Tom now? 汤姆现在在哪? At home. 在家. Good morning.Im here to see Mr.Addison. 早上好!我是来看阿第逊先生的。 Mr.Addison went to washington last Monday for a conference and he will be back on Thursday night.If you like,you say com again on Friday moring. 阿第逊先生上周一到华盛顿开会去了,他将于周四晚上回来。如果你愿意,你可以 在周五上午来拜访他。 Where will

14、 Mr.Addison return? 阿第逊先生什么时候回来? On Thursday night. 周四晚上。 第九章:口语突破考试1. In the past twenty years there have been great changes in our hometown. 在过去二十年里,我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化!2. Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Stone. 史通,这个星期六我想请你吃顿饭。 Im very sorry ,but I have other plans.Maybe next time. 不好意思,我

15、有些活动了,下次吧!3. Hes watching TV? Hes supposed to be cleaning his room. 居然他在看电视?他理应在清扫房间。4. You were late again this morning.I think you had better start being on time. Otherwise,youre out of here,youre fired. 你今天早上有迟到了,你最好准时点。否则你就给我滚出去,你被开除了!5. He started speaking.=He started to speak. 他开始说话。6. Youd be

16、tter not wake me up when you come in. 当你进来的时候最好别吵醒我。 第十章:一年的零碎时间足以攻克英文1. Dont take it seriously. 不要当真。2. It doesnt make any difference. 那没有关系,无所谓。3. Thats the best news Ive heard for a long time. 这是我很久以来听到的最好的消息。4. Great mind think alike. 英雄所见略同。不谋而合。5. The way you look at it seems to be so differen

17、t from the way l look at it. 你的看法和我的似乎很不一样! 第二部 威力无穷的结合 The shortest answer is doing! 最简单的回答就是:干! 第一章 突破英语标准示范1. My friend reads and writes several languages. 我的朋友能用几种语言看书和写东西。2. I hope youre enjoying your stay here. 我希望你在这里过的愉快!3. Ive heard so much about you! 久仰大名!4. It is never too late to learn.

18、什么时候学习都不晚。5. I have been looking forward to meeting you! 我一直希望能认识你。6. Can you give me some advice on how to study English? 你能告诉我如何学英语吗? 第二章 突破小学、中学、大学英语 第一节:突破小学英语 I need your help for a minute? 我可以打搅你几分钟吗? Sure,What do you want me to do ? 当然,有什么需要帮忙的? Can I help you with that? 有什么要我帮忙的地方吗? Thanks,b

19、ut I can do it myself . 谢谢,我可以处理。 Do you want to go shopping with me? 你今晚有空吗? No, I have too much homework. Im really sorry! 不,我有很多事要做。我非常抱歉。1. Mom,you look nice today. 妈妈。你今天看起来好漂亮。2. I hate homework. 我讨厌作业。3. Im so hungry. 我饿死了。4. A: You played the piano so poorly. 你的钢琴弹得太差了。 B: Im trying my best.

20、 我在尽力而为。5. Do you like watching TV? 你喜欢看电视吗?6. A: What sports do you play? 你喜欢什么体育活动? I play football. 我喜欢踢足球。7. A: Do you like your teacher? 你喜欢你的老师吗? Yes, I love my teacher,she si so nice. 是的,我很爱我的老师,她很好。8. Lets go to the movies. 让我们去看电影吧!9. I am tired,I want to go home. 我累了,我想回家。10. A: How old ar

21、e you? 你多大了? Im seven and a half years old. 我七岁半了。 第二节:突破初中英语 A: Hello.You look tired today. 嗨,你今天看起来很疲惫。 Yes,I went to bed too late last night. 是的,我昨晚睡得太晚了。 I was doing my homework and forgot the time. 我做作业忘了时间。 I was listening to the radio and forgot the time. 我听收音机忘了时间。 I was reading a novel and

22、forgot the time. 我看小说忘了时间。 I was watching TV and forgot the time. 我看电视忘了时间。 I was helping my parents and forgot the time. 我做家务忘了时间。 I was writing a letter and forgot the time. 我写信忘了时间。 I was studying English and forgot the time. 我学英语忘了时间。 Youd better go to bed earlier tonight,if you can. 今晚可要早点睡觉。 Y

23、es,youre right. 是,你说的对。 第三节:突破高中英语1. He is considering going to Europe. 他正考虑去欧洲。2. It seemed much larger to me than I had expected. 这个东西比我原先期待的大得多。3. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 让您久等了,真不好意思。4. We seem to have seen each other somewhere before. 我们好象以前在哪里见过面。5. When you read the book,youd better

24、 make a mark where you have any questions. 当你读这本书的时候,你最好在有疑问的地方做个记号。6. This is the village where my mother was born. 这就是我母亲出生的村庄。7. What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?8. Whats the matter? 怎么了?9. Ive got a pain/cough/headache. 我有点痛/咳嗽/头痛。10. I dont feel well. 我不舒服。11. Theres something wrong with my back

25、. 我的背有点问题。12. This place hurts. 这里痛。13. Let me examine you. 让我给你检查一下。14. Does it hurt here? 这里痛吗?15. Its nothing serious. 没什么严重的。16. Youd better have a good rest. 你最好休息一下。17. Take this medicine three times a day. 一天三次服这种药。18. And I advise you not to eat fruit that isnt washed well. 我建议你不要吃没有洗过的水果。19

26、. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。20. Youll be well soon. 你很快会好的。 第四节:突破大学英语1. I disagreed with him although in a way he was correct. 虽然他在某种意义上是对的,但我还是不同意他。2. I cannot afford to buy that house;it is out of the question. 我买不起那栋房子,实在是办不到/不可能。3. John wanted to ask kim to marry him,

27、but he got cold feet. 约翰想向金求婚,但他却不敢去做。4. Now listen to me ,darling.I understand your feelings about Johns looks and his personality;but he has a good job and you are almost thirty.You cant turn down his proposal. 亲爱的,听我说。我理解你对约翰的长相和性格有看法,但他的工作不错,你也 快三十了,你不能拒绝他的求婚。5. Larry made a killing (=a sudden,g

28、reat profit or success)in real estate. 拉利做房地产生意赚了一大笔钱。 How to improve Your Study Habits 如何改进你的学习习惯 You can receive better grades if you want to.Even students of 如果你愿意,你可以获得更好的成绩。即使是智力一般的学生也可以 average intelligence can be top students without additional work. 成为顶尖高手,而且不用额外付出。 Heres how: 下面就是秘方: 1.Plan your

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