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1、t talk too much, but she is firm and indomitable, faithful, and always side blowing bubbles and grabbed the best time to spit. Joined the super corps, she is in great form, use the maglev disc as wheels, shield and a projectile weapon, show a hitherto unknown ability.神行御姐这个名字起得一点儿不错,因为她知道怎样才能风驰电掣。虽然

2、话不太多,但是她却坚韧不拔,忠诚如一,而且总能一边吹泡泡一边抓住最佳时机吐槽。加入后,她更是状态大好,使用磁悬浮盘当做轮子、盾牌和投射武器,展现出前所未有的能力。Honey lemon chemical little witch is obsessed with elements, and sweet, plus the heart passion, optimistic attitude, more make her invincible. When the warm genius joined the , her alchemical knowledge has become the po

3、werful weapon, can produce magical mixture, help team members to escape trouble.化学小女巫哈妮柠檬对元素十分着迷,而且人如其名甜美可人,加上心中热情如火,乐观进取的态度,更使她所向披靡。当这个热情洋溢的天才加入之后,她的炼金术知识也成为了有力的武器,能制造出神奇混合物,帮团队成员逃离各种麻烦。Mustard filled concentrate on accuracy. He is super smart, also with some nervousness, but in small macros needed

4、 him most of the time, the love neat big without demur joined the . Plasma sword a be struck dumb for his martial arts skills the icing on the cake, sharp two words is far from enough to describe this guy.芥末无疆一心关注准确性。他超级聪明,还稍带些神经质,但是在小宏最需要他的时候,这个热爱整洁的大块头二话不说加入了。令人瞠目结舌的等离子剑为他的武术技巧锦上添花,犀利二字远不足以形容这家伙。电

5、影超能陆战队近期在国内上映,片中主人公“大白”以其暖萌的形象和个性赢得了全球观众的心,下面的双语阅读就和大家一起分享下暖男大白的10大萌点,一起去看看吧!The movie Big Hero 6 has delighted audiences of all ages and the biggest reason for its success is the films highly-squeezable hero, Baymax. The soft-spoken robot begins the story as a personal healthcare assistant and ends

6、 it fully weaponized, morphing into a rocket-fueled superhero thanks to his newest buddy, Hiro Hamada. These are the top 10 coolest things about him:令男女老少都喜笑颜开的超能陆战队可谓大获成功,而影片中超大号充气机器人“大白”正是其最大卖点。言语温柔的大白最开始只是个私人医疗伴侣,不过在好朋友小宏的改造下,大白 “全副武装”,成为了“一飞冲天”的超级英雄。下面就一起来看看大白最酷的十件事吧!10. He Comes With His Own Do

7、cking Station 自带“压缩包”Baymax can be stored compactly and out of the way as he deflates into his own personal docking station about the size of a toolbox. Hes a practically-built piece of artificial intelligence.在放气之后,大白可以被压缩进一个工具箱大小的“压缩包”中,方便携带。而实际上,他却是一个智能机器人。9. He Can Diagnose Any Health Problem 诊断

8、一切疾病Baymax was designed by Hiros older brother, Tadashi, to “heal the sick and injured” as a personal healthcare assistant robot. So his diagnosis capabilities are seemingly endless. Hes equipped with a happy face diagnostic scale, defibrillators in his hands, and an admirable bedside manner. Hell t

9、ell you, There, there, it will be alright if you are his patient and he wont leave you alone until youre well again.大白出自影片主人公的哥哥泰迪之手,是一个私人医疗辅助机器人,能够“治愈疾病和伤痛”。他拥有无比强大的诊断能力。他的“胸口”装有表情诊断等级、双手可做除颤器,还有可敬的医护态度。如果你是他的病人,他会对你说“乖,一切都会好哒”,而且一直陪伴你左右,直到你痊愈。8. He Loves Animals 热爱动物Baymax is a protector of all li

10、fe forms and that includes Mochi, Aunt Cass Calico housecat. He likes cuddling up with the little furball and ensuring his safety.大白守护着一切生命,就连卡斯阿姨家的花猫Mochi也“不放过”。他喜欢抱着这只小猫,给它安全感。7. His Soothing Robot Voice and Face 治愈系的语气和面庞Not only does Baymax heal the sick, he does it with a relaxing voice that pa

11、tients of all ages would find comforting. Voiced by Scott Adsit, Baymax will follow instructions, but hes not immune to the occasional robot misunderstanding. Hes also simply designed so hes incredibly easy to love, like Hello Kitty.大白不仅能治病,还拥有令所有病人都听着舒服的治愈系嗓音。大白由斯科特?埃德希特配音。他能听从指令,不过偶尔也会产生机器人普遍都有的误解

12、。他拥有极简的外形设计,像Hello Kitty一样讨喜。6. Baymax Gets Drunk When His Battery is Low 电量不足时就会“醉”One of the funniest scenes in Big Hero 6 is when Hiro has to sneak Baymax back into Aunt Cass house. The robots battery is low and Hiro gets a taste of Baymax the drunkard as the big guy deflates and has trouble walk

13、ing and talking.超能陆战队中最有趣的场景之一莫过于小宏和大白偷偷溜回卡斯阿姨家中,电量不足变瘪的大白就像喝醉了一样,走路摇摇摆摆、说话也断断续续。5. He Can Repair Himself 自我修复只需透明胶带As a robot, Baymax feels no pain, obviously, so he carries some of the same qualities as his other movie robot ancestors. Like The Terminator, Baymax can fix himself if need be. All he

14、 needs is some Scotch Tape.身为机器人的大白自然感觉不到疼痛,他和其他电影中的机器人“前辈”一样拥有各种奇异的功能,比如像“终结者”那样自我修复。而大白修复时只需要透明胶带就够了。4. Hes Not Fast 行动缓慢The most hilarious thing about Baymax may be his dainty little footsteps. Equipped with a fat body and tiny legs, the inflatable hero readily admits, I am not fast. But that doe

15、snt stop him from heading out into the world.大白最搞笑的地方莫过于他“小巧”的步伐。胖胖的身体搭配一双小短腿,就连这只充气机器人自己也得承认 “行动缓慢”。不过,这步伐丝毫不妨碍他席卷全球的速度。3. Hes Highly Huggable 看着就想抱抱Baymaxs non-threatening huggable design makes you want to squeeze the ever-living life out of him. Hes the Pillsbury Dough Boy, the Michelin Man, and

16、a giant teddy bear all rolled into one. Fred even compares him to a warm marshmallow.大白的“无威胁可拥抱”设计,让人忍不住就想紧紧拥抱他庞大的身体和那颗萌萌的心。他就像是“面团宝宝”(美国贝氏堡食品公司的经典广告形象),米其林先生以及大号泰迪熊的综合体。影片中,弗雷德甚至将他比作一团“暖暖的棉花糖”。2. He Makes a Pretty Sweet Superhero 软萌的超级英雄After he gets upgrades compliments of Hiro, Baymax becomes a r

17、ocket-fueled fighting machine who can soar above the city of San Fransokyo and take out any enemy. Hiro gives Baymax a carbon fiber suit of armor to protect his soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like power fist for him that can be launched at evil targets.小宏为大白添加了一系列“升级”组件,让大白变成了一个会飞的战斗机器人,他能在

18、旧京山上空飞翔、战无不胜。为了保护大白柔软的腹部,小宏为他制作了碳纤维铠甲,还为他创造了像钢铁侠一样的火箭拳套,能有效地攻击坏人。1. Baymax is Tadashi 哥哥泰迪的化身Hiro realizes halfway through Big Hero 6 that his brother, Tadashi, never intended Baymax to be used as a weapon of vengeance. Tadashi wanted to help a lot of people and Baymax was how he would do it. The ro

19、bot carries Tadashis selfless personality and calming demeanor and through him, Hiro can still keep a little piece of his brother always.影片中,小宏一度想要把大白改造成复仇的武器,而这与哥哥泰迪创造大白的初衷相去甚远。泰迪希望能帮助很多人,而大白正是他的化身。在大白身上,我们可以看到泰迪无私、冷静的身影。而他也是小宏对哥哥的一丝念想。Well, its time to say goodbye, thank you for listening, do not know if you are not like this movie? I am Milk , See you next time!

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